Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 641 The target is the Niujiaowan Reservoir?

Chapter 641 The target is the Niujiaowan Reservoir?

When Su Yun mentioned this, Xiao Lin immediately thought of the reservoir above their village.Everyone near the reservoir knows that it is called Niujiaowan Reservoir.

Not only know, but also very familiar.

Niujiao Bay, as the name suggests, is that the terrain there is similar to that of an oxhorn, but the oxhorn is upside down, that is, the place next to Zhaojia Village is the narrow side. almost.

This is the origin of Niujiaowan.

The Niujiaowan reservoir was first built in the 50s. It was Su Yun's grandfather, Mr. Su's generation and seniors, who carried baskets and loads on their shoulders, and built the reservoir with mud and stones.

Before the reservoir was built, Zhaojia Village would be flooded whenever it was rainy season, and the fields below were soaked in water, resulting in poor crop yields all year round.

The old village head at that time saw it, this is not good, this is such a big village, hundreds of households, hundreds of thousands of people, can't hope for less rain every year, can't it?
How do you say this?There are always more solutions than difficulties.

Although it seems that their village wants to trim the reservoir to block the water upstream, it is indeed impossible.But the old village head also believed that with so many people working together, even a mountain could be leveled, not to mention just pruning a reservoir.

After making up his mind, the old village head at that time reported the project, and the leaders of Hongqi Town also had a headache because of this matter. When they heard that the people of Zhaojia Village wanted to build a reservoir in Niujiaowan to stop the uncontrolled water upstream, then The mayor slapped him on the leg.

This idea coincides with him, one word, just do it right.

With the strong support from the mayor of the town, the preparations for the reservoir went extremely smoothly. They first invited experts from the city to design how to build the reservoir, and then allocated a part of the government's subsidy. The residents, the villagers in Zhaojia Village, are all rich and powerful.

He rushed into the construction of the Niujiaowan Reservoir.

Of course, the construction process was very difficult. It took three and a half years to build the reservoir that had been excavated for 50 years.There is no shortage of huge boulders on the tens of meters high dam, and those stones were lifted up by the villagers bit by bit...

Having said so much, I just want to tell everyone that for Zhaojia Village, the Niujiaowan Reservoir is not only related to their survival, but also related to the painstaking efforts of their parents and elders.

If it is true as Su Yun said, those people still want to cause a bigger accident after destroying the quarry and causing a big accident, there is no doubt that the Niujiaowan Reservoir must be the first choice.

After thinking about this point, Xiao Lin's face became serious.

"I'm going to find the village chief."

"it is good."

Although I don't know whether this guess is correct or not, but it concerns the lives of the whole village, young and old, so carelessness is not allowed.After Xiao Lin finished talking to Su Yun and the others, she turned around and left the house in a hurry, and went to the village again to discuss with the village chief Zhao Hongwei.

Seeing Xiao Lin going out, the old lady asked Su Yun who was sent to the gate of the courtyard to lock the gate.

"Xiao Yun, this door must be tightly fastened, and no one will open it except An Zi's return." Chen Jinzhou was fascinated by the medicine just now, and now Mrs. Xiao still has lingering fears thinking about it.

"It's a good thing that your Mama Zhang is amazing, otherwise it would be me and the children..." The old lady clutched her chest with waves of fear.

Su Yun walked up to the old lady, stretched out her hand to help the old lady walk into the house, and comforted her as she walked, "No one knew that there would be such a crazy person in this village. Brother Lin and I didn't expect it, but it was something that I thought of." We shouldn't be going out today."

"That's not going to work. Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year. There are so many people in the family who can't live without food."

If it's just these few from their own family, then it doesn't matter if they can eat anything.The old lady Xiao came from a hard life, and she lived with a bowl of white water vegetables and brown rice cakes during the Chinese New Year.

Now that life is better, she will not say that she must eat big fish and meat to live.

Even if there are other people in the family, it is hard for them to let them eat boiled wild vegetables too.

Su Yun smiled and nodded, "Grandma, what you said is that I bought a lot of things today, you go and see how we can eat them tomorrow?"

"It's up to you to decide what to cook. Everything you cook is delicious, and I love it." The old lady smiled, showing her trust in Su Yun.

Su Yun also smiled back, and the two talked about other topics, which made Mrs. Xiao feel a little more relaxed.

After letting Mrs. Xiao into the house, Su Yun was about to go to the kitchen to pack the things she bought today. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw Xiaodao was sorting the dishes she bought today.

Seeing Su Yun coming in, he greeted with a smile.


"Well, thank you for your hard work." Su Yun walked over and saw that the knife was almost packed, so she didn't try to snatch it from the knife. Instead, she lit the earthen stove that had been left with tinder and put a pot on the noodle rack. Add water to cook ginger soup.

The weather in the past two days has become more and more cold, and there is a feeling of wanting to freeze.Su Yun often wondered if she would wake up at night, and the next morning would be covered in snow everywhere.

When I was in the capital, it began to snow in late autumn and continued to fall in the spring of the next year. During the few months, Su Yun has seen countless snows and snows.She shouldn't think that snow is such a rare thing.

But it is strange to say that Su Yun just feels that if the village in her hometown can also have a snowfall, it must be much more beautiful than the capital city... As soon as the thought fell in her mind, Jiang Kai's exclamation came from outside the yard .

"It''s snowing..."

Su Yun raised her head and looked out suspiciously, and saw the occasional snowflakes falling from the sky through the open door.

"Is it really snowing?"

She put down the firewood in her hand and stood up and walked to the door. A snowflake fell on the back of her hand, which was icy cold and very clear to the touch.

"It's really snowing."

"I didn't expect it to snow on the day before the Chinese New Year." Xiaodao also came out, seeing his son Jiang Kai running around in the yard, he couldn't help but say: "This brat, long It’s the second time I’ve seen snow at such a size.”

Su Yun turned her head and squinted at Xiao Dao, her tone was full of disgust, "How did you talk? How old is Xiao Kai?"

A child who is more than one year old and almost two years old, from Xiao Dao's mouth, he seems to be a person in his dozens of years old.How weird does this sound.

Xiaodao chuckled, glanced at his son, turned around and continued to work.

"Sister, go to the main room to warm up the fire. I've finished cleaning up here. I'll cook the ginger soup."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

It was freezing cold, and Su Yun didn't want to do too much work to freeze.Since Xiaodao is so diligent, it doesn't matter if she is a bit lazy.

Su Yun thought in her heart, walked to the yard with a smile on her face, and called Jiang Kai who was running in the wind and snow into the house.

"Xiao Kai and aunt go to the house to eat sweets, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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