Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 642 Not too young and not too big

Chapter 642 Not too young and not too big

Jiang Kai snorted, and put his chubby little hand in Su Yun's palm.One palm was soft and warm, and the other palm was soft, but not warm.

Very icy.

"Auntie, your hands are cold." Jiang Kai said in a childish voice.

Even little Jiang Kai, who was almost two years old, knew that his hands were cold when he disliked Su Yun.

Su Yun bent down a little funny and scratched Jiang Kai's bridge of nose, "Auntie's hands are cold, can Xiaokai keep Auntie warm?"

"Hmm..." Jiang Kai thought about it a little nerve-wrackingly, he frowned, looked at Su Yun, and frowned again.It looked like he was really thinking about something very important.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing.

Lin Sanchun, who was watching them under the eaves, also had a gentle and faint smile on his face.

"Does Xiaokai not like aunt? You have to think about it for so long to ask you a question, aunt is so sad!" Su Yun's tone was a bit exaggerated, and a sad look appeared on her fair face.

Jiang Kai wrinkled his nose and nodded.

"Auntie, don't cry, Xiaokai is willing to help Auntie warm her hands."

As he spoke, he stuffed both hands to Su Yun.

Su Yun: ...

She couldn't wrap the little fat man's two hands with one hand, which was a failure.

Jiang Kai looked at her with big innocent eyes, "Auntie, don't you need to warm your hands?"

Su Yun was joking, how could she really hold Jiang Kai's hand all the time?She has a cold body, and her hands are extremely cold in winter.It doesn't matter if you lead Jiang Kai into the house for a while, if you put both hands on the back of his hands, it will definitely freeze the child.

So she smiled and said, "Auntie already feels very warm, thank you, Xiaokai."

Jiang Kai was a little confused, so why didn't the aunt put her hand up, but said that she felt warm?Lin Sanchun on the side quickly smiled and said, "Xiao Kai and Auntie, please hurry up, okay? The snow is about to fall heavily."

Jiang Kai is only two years old, so his attention must be easily diverted.No, when his mother Lin Sanchun said this, he immediately remembered that they were still in the snow.

"Auntie, go away, Auntie, go away, it's frozen into ice."

Su Yun couldn't help laughing at that anxious tone, and let Jiang Kai lead her into the main room.

The triplets, who had woken up and were playing on the floor under the mat and quilt, saw their mother being grabbed by a chubby older brother, and quit on the spot.

With the oldest Xiao Ze at the head, he uttered an ah ah sound that no one could understand, followed by the second child Xiao Yansi, but she would point to Jiang Kai and Su Yun's hands and cry while crying. shed tears.

The youngest Fang Chen'an didn't cry and make a scene, he just looked at his mother with his eyes open, those black grape-like eyes were filled with grievances.

Su Yun:? ? ?
What are the three children in her family doing?She's only this old, and she won't be a year old until the first day of the day after tomorrow. Does this mean she's fighting for favor?Before she could speak, Zhang Ma and Lin Sanchun laughed.

Zhang Ma said: "Xiao Su, the three brothers and sisters don't want you to catch my brother. Although they are young, they are all smart." In Zhang Ma's eyes, it means that all the children are not helped by her. The three children brought up are good.

Of course, being smart is definitely their smartest.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing, and took Xiao Jiang Kai by the hand, asking him to make his younger siblings happy.

"Would you like to play with your younger siblings?"

Jiang Kai frowned, and finally nodded.

The crying in the room stopped quickly, and after a while, the giggles of children sounded. Seeing the children laughing heartily, Su Yun also laughed along with her.

Zhang Ma also nodded and said: "What a good child, someone would steal them away from their parents, this person is really a heinous crime."

Su Yun hummed lightly.

After she died in her previous life, she saw this time in the white mist and counted 20 years later. Stealing children and abducting children and women have been repeatedly prohibited.

Su Yun hates such things very much, but there is nothing she can do about them.Her abilities are limited, and she almost failed to protect her own child... Thinking of this, she felt very powerless.

"Mother Zhang..." Su Yun looked at the person warming up on the other side of the brazier, and said sincerely, "Thank you for what happened today, without you..." She didn't dare to think about it.

Mama Zhang waved her hand, and seeing that Su Yun's eyes were moist, she reached out to hold Su Yun's hand and said, "When the old man asked me to take care of the child, that child is my life's mission. To protect them from being taken away by the bad guys." , that is my responsibility, Xiao Su, you don't have to be so polite."

"I know, thank you..."

Su Yun's nose was sour, and the more she talked, the more she couldn't help thinking wildly.

Ruo Zhang's mother is not good at skills, Ruo Zhang's mother just happened to go out today...

"Sister Yun..." Lin Sanchun on the side also comforted Su Yun: "Don't think about it, the children are doing well, and they will always be well in the future."

Su Yun nodded, looked at the four children playing at the side, and said solemnly: "Yes, they will all be fine."

The snow outside was getting bigger and bigger. Xiao Lin who went to find the village chief came back half a day later. When he came back, his body was wet by the snow.The tall figure walked to the door and knocked on it. Knife, who was helping in the kitchen, heard the sound and ran out to open the door.

Xiao Lin came into the house, followed by Zhao Hongwei with a dignified expression behind him.

"Xiaodao, take the village chief to grandpa's house, and I'll boil a pot of hot water." In this winter, I walked outside in the wind and snow for a while, and I needed a cup of hot water to keep out the cold.

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, he was about to go to the kitchen, when Su Yun came out with a bowl of ginger tea.Xiao Lin hastily stepped forward to take the ginger tea, "Be careful it's hot."

"It's okay, I just warmed my hands." She smiled and asked Xiao Lin to pass the ginger tea to the village head first, and then go to the kitchen to serve it.

"You don't need to make another trip, I can just go in and drink by myself." Xiao Lin handed the ginger tea in his hand to Zhao Hongwei, asked Xiaodao to take him to the old man's room, and then he took Su Yun's hand and entered Room.

He was already very angry, even after walking outside for a long time, the temperature on his hands was still warm.Holding Su Yun's little cold hand, she wrapped it completely inside.

"Thank you, daughter-in-law, I still have to prepare dinner in such a cold day."

And there are still many people eating.

Xiao Lin was very distressed.

Su Yun understood what he said, and gave him an annoyed look: "What's so hard about cooking? When washing vegetables, I use hot water, and there is a knife to help me. I am very relaxed. "

Originally, Lin Sanchun also said that he would come to help, but Su Yun felt that so many people were not needed.In addition, Lin Sanchun is pregnant now, so she is too embarrassed to keep Lin Sanchun busy.

Xiao Lin nodded, and said in a very serious tone: "He is a big man, it's fine to ask him to do more."

Alright, is this not treating other people's knives as guests at all?

Su Yun glanced at him amusedly, let him drink ginger tea and drove him out of the kitchen.

"Go and do your own thing, you can eat in a while."

"By the way, let the village head stay for dinner too. Let's have hot pot tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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