Chapter 643 Private Investment
After Su Yun finished speaking, she thought of something and asked, "Do you want Yu Er to come over?"

"He'll come over later, don't use his feet to eat."

When multiple people came to eat, his wife had to prepare a little more food. In this snowy day, Xiao Lin couldn't bear to let his daughter-in-law be so tired.

Su Yun glanced at him helplessly, and simply stopped talking to him.

Only then did Xiao Lin turn around and go to the old men's room.

There was also a brazier in the room, and the two old men sat by the brazier to enjoy the fire. On the side of the window where no one was near, a slit was opened to let the wind and fresh air blow in from there.

The cold wind will not blow directly to people, but it can make the indoor air fresher and blow off carbon dioxide.

Zhao Hongwei stood not far from the two old men, Xiao Dao stood at the door, Xiao Lin opened the door and came in, glanced at the table and then at Zhao Hongwei.

"Village Chief, where's the map?"

Zhao Hongwei was actually a little restrained, so he didn't dare to open the map when he came in the first time. When Xiao Lin asked, he hurriedly spread the map from his arms on the table.

"Two chiefs, please take a look. This is the map of Niujiaowan Reservoir. Below this is Zhaojia Village, Hongqi Town..."

Zhao Hongwei's map was drawn after the reservoir was built.It has been kept by successive village chiefs.

Although it has been more than 20 years and almost 30 years, the accuracy of the map is still very high because there has been no change in the vicinity in the past few decades.

When Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen heard about the map, they immediately stood up.Even Chen Jinzhou, who was resting in the next room, came out of the room.

Seeing that Chen Jinzhou's face was still a little pale, Xiao Lin couldn't help asking: "How do you feel? If you still feel uncomfortable, go to lie down first."

Chen Jinzhou shook his head, "My brother is fine, just tired."

In fact, there are still some nausea, but he can control it, so he didn't say anything.

Xiao Lin frowned and looked at Chen Jinzhou for a while, then reached out and patted his shoulder, "In any case, the body is the most important thing, if you can't hold on, go back and lie down."

"I see bro."

Chen Jinzhou answered here, while Mr. Chen pointed at the location of the Niujiaowan Reservoir and said to the other old man, "Leader, if there is really a problem with the Niujiaowan Reservoir, then the villagers here will have nowhere to run!"

When they went to the town today, they discovered that the place where Zhaojia Village is located is a plain, and the distance is surrounded by hills.The road to the town has hills on one side and a rolling river on the other.

If the reservoir was really destroyed by someone and so much water washed down, Zhaojia Village, which is directly below, would definitely not be able to escape.Houses built in remote places and close to the mountains, such as Xiao's house, may still have time to escape.

But the group of residents directly below the Niujiaowan Reservoir cannot escape no matter what.

And what's more, if they really choose this place to do it, they will definitely choose to do it in the dead of night, when everyone is asleep.Then the chances of escaping will be even smaller...

This time, things are very tricky.

The faces of the people in the room became very solemn.

Old Mr. Chen was even closer to Mr. Fang, his wrinkled face was full of solemn expressions, he stared at the map with the corners of his lips pursed, without saying a word.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Hongwei did not dare to say anything.

He looked at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin said softly: "Grandpa, you don't have to worry too much. I just discussed with the village chief, and I will send someone to guard the reservoir tonight." Since I don't know if those people will do anything to the reservoir, when will they do it? The reservoir was attacked, so Xiao Lin felt that it was best to send people to strengthen the defense of the reservoir.

Although there are usually two people in charge of guarding the reservoir, but today's matter is of great importance, even if there is no conclusive evidence, it cannot be ignored carelessly.

If something really happened, it would be something to regret for the rest of my life.

No, it should be said that no matter how much you regret it, there is no way to undo it.

When the two old men heard what Xiao Lin said, they nodded slightly. The old man Chen glanced at the snowy sky outside the window and felt the bone-chilling wind. In this weather, going to the reservoir at night is a very hard work things.

"How about this, Anzi, you can arrange it. We will give some subsidies and rewards to anyone who goes on patrol, guards the reservoir, or finds traces of bad guys. This reward..." He paused, looked at Chen Jinzhou: "Azhou How is your body? How much money do you have with you?"

Mr. Chen decided to reward himself.

When they came, he asked Chen Jinzhou to bring 2000 yuan with him.

Chen Jinzhou turned around and went to the box in the house to take out all the money and handed it to Mr. Chen.Mr. Chen nodded, and gave the money to Xiao Lin without counting.

"Go and arrange it, and divide the money."

Although the people in this village went to check the safety of the reservoir, and it was their duty and responsibility to protect the elderly, women and children, but after all, tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, and today the weather is very bad and it is snowing.

The country's economy has only gotten better in the past two years. For example, some families in the countryside may still have difficulties.If they were asked to stay up all night guarding the reservoir in this snowy day wearing unlined clothes, Mr. Chen would also feel unbearable.

Even though the conditions were much more difficult when they fought in the past, they never cried out that they were tired.But when people are getting older, seeing the juniors working too hard, the old man will feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Chen took out 2000 yuan at once, which shocked Zhao Hongwei a lot.You must know that their village is considered a wealthy village in the entire Hongqi Town, but a year, a family with four or five strong laborers can save two to three hundred yuan with all their efforts, and that is a very wealthy family.

The old man took out 2000 yuan at once, which is more than the income of many families for several years.

"Old Chief, need...our village...the village will find a subsidize..." Zhao Hongwei was a little lacking in confidence when he said this. After all, the village didn't have much money. The previous quarry accident, They have subsidized more than 1000 yuan.

Now there are only a few hundred yuan in the account of the village.

That's why these words are so lacking in confidence.

"It doesn't matter, just take it, and treat it as our support for your grassroots work." Mr. Chen insisted on giving money, so Zhao Hongwei would definitely not be able to refuse.

Mr. Fang doesn't have that much cash, but he has a granddaughter and grandson-in-law.After Zhao Hongwei accepted the 2000 yuan, Mr. Fang also asked Xiao Lin to take out [-] yuan.

Xiao Lin must have nodded and agreed without saying a word.

"Okay grandpa, I'll ask Xiaoyun later."

"Hmm..." This answer satisfied the old man.Old Man Fang asked Xiao Lin to take the money. If he could really take out 1000 yuan from his pocket without blinking, he would definitely be scolded by the old man. (The money will be handed over to his granddaughter.)
But when he said he would go back and find Su Yuna, Mr. Fang would naturally be satisfied.This means that their small family is still headed by his granddaughter.There is nothing more satisfying than that.

After talking about the money, the topic continued to how to investigate the enemies lurking near the village.

That Zhang Huaishan, did he move first or not?
 update completed

(End of this chapter)

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