Chapter 720 Perfect Reunion

"Does it need to be said? It must be good for me and the child, a man who won't disappear for months at every turn!"

"Really? What should I do to be good to my wife? Is this so?" While Xiao Lin was speaking, his hands and feet began to be dishonest. Su Yun was a little ticklish, and twisted her body to get off his lap.

For those who have not seen each other for several months, the missing of the body is as important as the missing of the soul.Especially in this environment where it's just you and me, as he was talking, he naturally rolled onto the bed.

I don't know who made the move first, and the clothes of the two fell to the floor.When Su Yun was in a daze, she suddenly remembered that the door of the bedroom seemed to be open.She reached out and patted Xiao Lin's shoulder.

The man hugged her and kissed her, and said in a hoarse voice: "I locked it."

Su Yun snorted, did this person have a premeditated relationship early on?

Fireworks and firecrackers were still ringing outside the window, burning fireworks flew into the air and exploded, beautiful fireworks fell from the window, colored light penetrated into the house through the glass, and the room was filled with warmth.

Another firework exploded outside the window, and Su Yun's mind seemed to explode at the same time.

The man leaned against her ear, bit her earlobe and threatened softly: "Do you want to remarry?"

Su Yun didn't know where this person got such a bad taste, would she dare to say change in this situation?Besides, she said that she would remarry only if he didn't come back. Now that he has come back, how can she remarry?

Then, with the light from the fireworks and firecrackers outside, she saw the man's deep face, with a smile on her lips, she clasped her hands around his neck...


The two of them didn't know how long they had been messing around. They went to the room after eating, and after chatting for a while, they began to exercise shamelessly.It was hard to stop, and it was the result of Su Yun's surrender with the white flag raised.

She thought that Xiao Lin had lost a lot of weight, and her physical strength should not be good enough, but the fact was that she was slapped hard!

Just because a man is thin doesn't mean he's physically weak!
Of course, when he is healthy and strong, his physical strength is better.

Su Yun's confusing behavior has already stated that it cannot be explained by science.

She reached out to touch the watch on the side and looked at it. It was already eleven o'clock.

"It's so late? Get up!"

Su Yun patted Xiao Lin on the shoulder, telling him to get out of here.She has to get up to watch the new year with the children, so she can't miss the time.

And it was agreed yesterday that Song Yinyin's family next door will also come over to watch the new year together. Now they are probably all downstairs, but she is fooling around with Xiao Lin upstairs... Wuwuwu, it's embarrassing to think about it.

She was almost ashamed to see people.

After Su Yun packed up and went downstairs with Xiao Lin, another half an hour passed.The downstairs living room was full of people, including the children of the family, Li Wei and his wife and their two children next door, as well as Zhang Ma, Chen Jinzhou and the others...

The adults are playing cards, and the children are also playing card games.

Su Yun brushed her hair uncomfortably and tucked it behind her ears, then walked towards Song Yinyin and Mama Zhang.

Xiao Lin went to say hello to Li Wei.

"Are you willing to come downstairs?"

Song Yinyin, a narrow-minded ghost, would never let go of any chance to tease her.Su Yun glanced at her, and said a little uncomfortable: "What's the matter? Can't you go up and change clothes?"

"Tsk... It's been a long time since you changed your clothes!"

Song Yinyin touched her with her elbow, and pointed to her neck with her eyes: "The hickey marks are all exposed."

Su Yun: ...

Subconsciously, he raised his hand to cover his neck.

This action made Song Yinyin laugh out loud, and Su Yun knew she had been fooled.

If Song Yinyin doesn't laugh at herself for a moment, she won't be able to survive.

Su Yun gouged out her eyes hard and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Song Yinyin couldn't stop giggling, but fortunately she didn't say anything, and she just accepted it when she knew it was good.

On the other side of the men, Li Wei pressed Xiao Lin's shoulder emotionally, asking him to tell the story of his escape from death again.One must know that in the past three months when Xiao Lin disappeared, Li Wei would be awakened by nightmares every night in the middle of the night.

There is no doubt that the nightmare has the same content.It was a repeated dream that Xiao Lin was shot and fell off the boat!Repeatedly, I haven't had a good night's sleep in three months.

Xiao Lin showed a shallow smile, and said in a flat tone: "When I fell, I accidentally bumped into someone else's fishing net, and the person who lowered the net over there just picked me up. I explained my identity, and I passed out."

When he woke up again, it was already ten days later.

There was still an endless sea in sight, and his rescuer told him that they were going fishing on the other side of the ocean, and there would be no way to send him back to China for a while.

It is not easy for a fishing boat to go out to sea, especially for an ocean-going fishing boat like theirs.It is also impossible for Xiao Lin to get someone to turn back and send him back. He can only discuss with the captain and let him disembark at the nearest port, and then he will find the ship back home.

The captain certainly agreed.

"Did something happen to you on the way?" Li Wei didn't go to sea, but he ran to transport.If everything goes well for Xiao Lin, it would be impossible to delay so long after finding the boat and returning.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"Well, on the seventh day after I woke up, the captain told me that after driving for half a day, I could see a port. There were passing ships there. He would ask a ship he knew to take me back."

The captain who rescued Xiao Lin was a kind person. He not only comforted Xiao Lin not to think about it, but also promised to help Xiao Lin find the boat.But people are not as good as heaven, and that night, their ship encountered a group of pirates.

"Pirates? Don't ordinary pirates rob fishing boats?"

"I don't know why they suddenly attacked the fishing boat. They probably had no other way out and wanted to kidnap some people for ransom." When Xiao Lin saw the dozen or so pirates, he immediately thought about how to protect the people on the boat. people.

Fortunately, the people on board were very courageous. After Xiao Lin told them that they could resist, they all nodded in agreement.

In the end, with the help of Xiao Lin and the cooperation of the whole crew, they defeated the pirates who came, but they also deviated from the route to the port...

The captain was very guilty and said that he would send Xiao Lin back to the port to find a ship.When Xiao Lin learned that there might be ships returning home at that port, he thought about it and rejected the captain's offer.

"I followed them to the ocean to fish for half a month, and then we returned together!"

The captain is a good man, and he sent him to the border of the ocean on purpose, found the boat here, and watched Xiao Lin get on the boat before turning back to their country...

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, the wall clock on the wall turned to twelve o'clock.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" With one sound after another, the bells heralding the New Year rang throughout the house.

Xiao Yansi let out a wow, rushed over and hugged Xiao Lin: "Father, have you been drifting on the sea for three months? Just like Lu Bingxun? But you didn't drift as long as he did, and he didn't meet like you. Here comes the pirates."

"But three months is a long time, Dad, Sisi has grown taller, and my brother has also gained weight."

Xiao Lin stretched out his hand to stroke Xiao Yansi's hair, and hummed lightly.

"It's my father's fault. I've been away for too long. Fortunately, I came back to celebrate the New Year with Sisi. Happy New Year, Sisi."

"Happy New Years Dad."

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Accompanied by the sound of New Year's greetings, the adults distributed red envelopes to the children, and the children happily ran around in the crowd, saying auspicious words they had thought about for a long time!

On the street outside, someone set off New Year's fireworks, and the colorful fireworks were as beautiful as their days.

The people standing in the living room came to the window to watch the fireworks outside. The children were lying in front of the window, watching the fireworks outside with smiles on their faces.

The atmosphere at this moment was so beautiful that Xiao Lin unconsciously walked to Su Yun's side and hugged her gently.

Li Wei on the side also took Song Yinyin's hand, and stood by the window watching the fireworks set off outside.

In a corner where the adults didn't see, Li Mingzhe also quietly handed over the red envelope he just received to Xiao Yansi.

"Yanyan, my father gave the money to my mother, Uncle Xiao also gave the money to Aunt Su, and I will give you the money too, okay?"

The little boy's tone was sincere, and his eyes were extremely sincere.

The little girl tilted her head and looked at him with some incomprehension: "Why are you giving me the money?"

"Because Yanyan grows up to be my bride."

The childish voice did not fade away, but he said something that adults could hear.

If the old mother Song Yinyin heard Li Mingzhe's words, she might shed tears of emotion.Her family's peerless straight son finally said something nice.

But it is a pity that no one else heard what they said now except the two of them.

And the little girl Xiao Yansi was still young at this time, and she didn't seriously think about what the word bride meant. She looked at the thick stack of red envelopes in Li Mingzhe's hands. brought it over.

"Then you can give me all your pocket money."

"it is good."

"Pull the hook!"

"Pull the hook!"

In this reunion New Year, the adults are reunited, and the children may make their promises!
Xiao Yansi, who is fascinated by money at this moment, would never have thought that many years later, she would want to come back to today and chop off the hand that received Li Mingzhe's red envelope...

With everyone in such a harmonious atmosphere, Chen Jinzhou stood not far away and looked at them with a smile on his face.It's good that his brother came back without incident, and my sister-in-law won't have to cry secretly anymore, that's good.

After the new year is over, he plans to go out for a walk to study, and then return to the company to work after a while.

While learning professional knowledge, you can also adjust your mentality.Maybe his mother was right in scolding him, he was really sick, and he was seriously ill.I hope that my travel after the next year can cure my 'disease'.

Another firework exploded outside the window, and a thick red envelope was handed to Chen Jinzhou.Chen Jinzhou raised his head, and Su Yun, who had a sweet smile on his face, was stunned for a moment.

"sister in law?"

"Take it, happy new year,"

"No, I'm already an adult..." Chen Jinzhou couldn't laugh or cry. If you only count by age and not by seniority, Su Yun is still a little younger than him.

How can anyone younger than me give me a red envelope?
Su Yun couldn't help but stuff the thick red envelope into Chen Jinzhou's hand.

"This is a little love from my brother. You can take it if you don't have much. Jinnian will try to find someone he likes and get married. Then we won't have to give you a red envelope."

Su Yun didn't know the specific reason why Chen Jinzhou decided to cancel the marriage after getting engaged.During that time, Xiao Lin happened to have an accident. She had to take care of her family and take care of Xiao Lin's company, so she didn't have all the time to be distracted to care about other things.

Thinking about it now, she is quite irresponsible as a sister-in-law.

Chen Jinzhou could tell that the red envelope was meant to let him say goodbye to being single, so he dared not accept it.

I am afraid that if I get the red envelope, I will be embarrassed if I am still single.

"Little uncle, I will give you my red envelope too,"

"I'll give mine to Uncle too."

"Little uncle should find us a little aunt as soon as possible, and quickly give us a younger brother and sister to play with!" Xiao Yansi looked at Chen Jinzhou with a smile and said.

Chen Jinzhou looked at the family in front of him who cared about him, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

He took the red envelope in Su Yun's hand, smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Then I will try my best to find a partner, otherwise I won't be able to enter the house during the Chinese New Year next year."

His words drew laughter from the whole room, Su Yun and Xiao Lin glanced at each other, and both saw a deep smile in each other's eyes.

In the new year, I hope that Chen Jinzhou can really find a soulmate as he said, so that the whole family will be neat and harmonious!
Perhaps their expectations played a role. On the last day of the Year of the Dragon, Chen Jinzhou really appeared in front of them with a young girl with a young face, and solemnly told them that she was his marriage partner.

The whole family is happy for him.

Fang Huiwen even begged her grandpa to sue her grandma, hoping that the marriage will be successful this time, and she will not be happy again.

Seeing Fang Huiwen's appearance of being unable to fall asleep because of the mixed emotions of worry and excitement, Chen Jinzhou felt a little guilty and distressed.When there was no one around, he walked into the yard, and Fang Huiwen apologized solemnly.

"Mom, it was my ignorance that made you worry before, but it won't happen this time. Xiaoyu and I really want to get married."

Fang Huiwen, whose relationship with her son has always been tepid, never expected that Chen Jinzhou would take the initiative to apologize to her. She looked at her son who was about to turn [-], and for a moment, tears blurred her eyes.


"I'm fine, I'm just so happy, I'm so happy." Fang Huiwen turned her face to the side, and wiped the tears from her cheek with her hand.She also felt embarrassed to cry out suddenly, but she just couldn't help it.

So happy, this is tears of joy, tears of joy.

Chen Jinzhou smiled, and decided to tell his mother something that would make him happier.

"Mom, Xiaoyu is pregnant, and you are going to be a grandmother."


Fang Huiwen was startled, raised her head and forgot to shed tears, and looked at Chen Jinzhou in disbelief, fearing that what she heard now was hallucination.

"What did you say? Say it again."

 Two in one, the next chapter will be Chen Jinzhou's episode, and then there will be a few episodes of the children, and this story will be completely over!
(End of this chapter)

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