Chapter 721
Chen Jinzhou and Lin Yu's acquaintance dates back to the beginning of the year.

At that time, Xiao Lin, who had been missing for more than three months, came back, and Chen Jinzhou wanted to let go of everything, follow the obsession in his heart, and go out to study for a while.

He waited for Xiao Lin to return to the company, explained all the things at hand, and then contacted his alma mater, asking them to help contact him about studying abroad.

Soon his alma mater notified him that he had an opportunity to go to Oxford University for an exchange, but because he was no longer a student of the school, the school could not reimburse him for the expenses.

Ask him to pay the full amount himself.

For Chen Jinzhou, there is no shortage of money.

What he lacks is the opportunity to study!

Therefore, after confirming that he could go to the audition with the team as long as he paid, Chen Jinzhou paid without saying a word, and set off with the school team.

There are several students who went out of the school, one of them is Lin Yu.

Lin Yu belongs to the standard Xiaojiabiyu girl, she is the youngest, and her face looks younger than her actual age, so the people in the traveling team took good care of her.

When Chen Jinzhou first met, he didn't take this little girl seriously at all.For him, the position of that person in his heart is still unshakable, so it is difficult for him to notice other girls.

The time when Chen Jinzhou really noticed Lin Yu was when they were studying abroad and they teamed up to overcome a difficult experiment.The experiment was very difficult. Although many people in the same group didn't say anything, they already showed expressions of giving up on their faces.

At this time, Lin Yu, who had been taken care of in the team, suddenly stood up.Not only encourage everyone not to give up, but also take on the hardest part spontaneously.

The little girl whose height was less than Chen Jinzhou's shoulders had an amazing light in her eyes.It was also the first time that Chen Jinzhou began to notice this little girl who didn't talk much, but never gave up lightly.

In the following days, because of Lin Yu's encouragement to the team from time to time, the team who originally wanted to change the project cheered up and finally successfully completed the research envy they were responsible for.

Everyone is very happy, and I am very grateful to Lin Yu. It is because she did not give up at the critical moment and encouraged them that such a good result can be achieved.While everyone was happy, they thought about going out together to celebrate.

Chen Jinzhou went with them.

When this group of young people are together, eating and drinking, they will definitely unknowingly talk about some issues of mate selection.In their team, except for a few people who are still single, everyone else has boyfriends and girlfriends.

And the few two single people are naturally Chen Jinzhou and Lin Yu.

During the dinner, someone joked and asked Lin Yu to work harder, not to miss such an outstanding alumni senior like Chen Jinzhou.Lin Yu drank some wine, didn't know if he was really drunk or what, but after the show ended, he ran to confess to Chen Jinzhou.

When Chen Jinzhou thinks about it now, he can still remember the little girl holding a rose with hazy eyes and asking him if he can chase him.The little girl's cheeks were flushed red from the alcohol, and the water in her round eyes glistened, pure and charming.

At that time, a thought came to Chen Jinzhou's mind, if he spends his whole life with such an innocent girl, it shouldn't be too boring, right?

He didn't know what to do, so he nodded his head in a strange way.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere at that time was so good, or maybe Lin Yu had a face that people couldn't refuse?Or, during the two or three months of contact, he had already quietly put her in his heart?
In short, he agreed to date Lin Yu.


"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Yu came out of the house at some point, looked at Chen Jinzhou standing in the yard, and asked with a smile on his lips.Chen Jinzhou came back to his senses from the memories, and hurriedly walked to her side.

"Why did you come out? It's so cold outside, be careful of catching a cold, go back to the house quickly."

"It's okay, I just saw that you and auntie haven't entered the house..." Lin Yu originally had a weird temperament, but since she had an accident with Chen Jinzhou last time and became pregnant with a child, her weird personality Just put it away.

It has become gentle and elegant, and it fits the image of a good mother and wife who is well-educated and reasonable.

Chen Jinzhou once told her that she doesn't need to change anything, as long as she keeps her original appearance, his family will love everything about her just like him.

But Lin Yu shook her head, she didn't do this to please Chen Jinzhou's family.She read in the book that a large part of the temper of the parents during pregnancy will affect the character of the child.And Lin Yu didn't want her future children to be as out of tune as she was, so she became gentle and gentle naturally.

"It's okay if I give birth to a son in the future. If I give birth to a daughter, it's okay. If I give birth to a daughter, it will hurt." Lin Yu herself is not a particularly good girl, but everyone is attracted by her. appearance is deceiving.

Since she was a child, she has often made her parents angry. Now that she is a mother, she just thinks that her daughter is a treasure, who cannot be beaten or beaten, so it is better to be well-behaved.

This is also one of the biggest reasons why she is trying to be gentle.

After hearing this, Chen Jinzhou smiled and squeezed her hand: "It's okay, my daughter should be more lively, it's best to be like her sister Sisi, the family is lively."

When it came to the triplets in his sister-in-law's family, Lin Yu immediately became interested, and his eyes lit up a lot: "Why is my sister-in-law so amazing? She can give birth to triplets at once, isn't that amazing?"

Speaking of Su Yun, Lin Yu's spirit obviously improved a lot.She hugged Chen Jinzhou's arm and asked Chen Jinzhou to tell her more about Su Yun's story.

"When I first entered school, I saw my sister-in-law in the alumni column. You said that when she first started her business, she was only at the level of a junior high school graduate. But she dared to start a business. Why do you think she is so discerning?"

"I can also self-study high school courses and get admitted to university, and then make Yunji Foods into the largest food company in the country. According to our counselor, many of our alumni work in Yunji Gege's construction company and trading company."

"Their husband and wife have solved the problem of job placement for most people in our school. How can they be so powerful? They are obviously not much older than us, but they are already very accomplished and successful people..."

Lin Yu admired Su Yun a lot when she was in school. Now that she knows that Su Yun is her future sister-in-law, she admires Su Yun even more when she knows that Su Yun is not only successful in her career, but also has a very harmonious and happy family life.

This senior Su Yun is simply the goal of these girls!

Chen Jinzhou looked down at Lin Yu excitedly praising Su Yun constantly, he curled his lips and smiled lightly: "Xiaoyu, you are also very good."

Lin Yu raised her head and blinked!

A gust of wind blew, and the snow on the treetops rustled down.Chen Jinzhou pulled Lin Yu into his arms, leaned over and pressed a kiss on her hair.

"Thank you Xiaoyu."

Thank you for coming to my side, so that I, who once thought that I was doomed to only watch other people's happiness, also feel the happiness that belongs to me!
The girl with a beautiful personality that he cherished in his heart gradually replaced Lin Yu's appearance.

The girl who used to be happy by the side of the person he likes, he also wants to guard the girl he likes and live happily ever after.

 In fact, when it was originally set, it was intended that Chen Jinzhou would not marry for the rest of his life.But thinking about it later, I felt that this matter was too cruel, so let him marry a wife and live a happy life!

(End of this chapter)

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