Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1210: Luo Yang's Invitation

"My God! What the hell is going on!"

"Formation! That was the formation just now!"

"I admit that I am not dazzled, but when did Yufeng arrange the formation, and this formation is too powerful, it defeated Zhanxiong in an instant!"


Everyone was shocked, even though the result was not as passionate as expected, but Ling Tianyu defeated Zhanxiong with a formation by surprise, which was completely shocking.

After all, array masters are rarer and more noble than pharmacists.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Ling Tianyu was still very wet.

"Old Zuo, did you see clearly? What formation is that?" Luo Tiantong asked in surprise.

"No, the old man can't figure it out yet." Zuo Yiqiu shook his head again and again, and the heat in his eyes became more intense.As the formation master, Zuo Yiqiu was so excited when he saw Ling Tianyu set up a formation that even he couldn't see through.

"Even you don't know? What a monster!" Luo Yang was shocked, staring at Ling Tianyu with a proud expression on the fighting platform as if he was looking at a peerless treasure. No matter what, he had to let Ling Tianyu join the temple.

"He's really a terrifying guy. His growth has become more and more incomprehensible in the past few years." Situ Yunhong was secretly shocked, and at the same time felt gratified for Ling Tianyu's achievements today.

Chu Lan narrowed her eyes half-closed, and smiled in amazement: "Hehe, it seems that the young master has gained a lot of opportunities over the years. It's just so strange, where does this kind of formation method seem to be seen?"

"Sister Xiaowu! Look quickly! Brother Yufeng won! He really won!" The little witch Nana cheered excitedly.

"Well, I won..." Xiao Wu nodded, and she finally let go of her heart. In fact, when Ling Tianyu was fighting with Zhanxiong, she was never worried, but she just didn't show it on purpose.

"Master Array! You perverted guy! How did he cultivate!" Lin Susu gritted his teeth, and really doubted in his heart whether this Ling Tianyu was an old monster who used the technique of retaining face to disguise himself.

After all, array masters are different from warriors and require long-term research.Although Lin Susu didn't know about formations, she also knew that Ling Tianyu's ability to set up formations was very sophisticated.

Ling Tianyu stared disdainfully at all directions and looked at him with arrogance.

Whoosh! ~

A figure, like a flowing light, flew from the auditorium and jumped into the martial arts arena.

That person is Zhan Tiange.


Zhan Tiange sat up unconscious Zhan Xiong with one hand, and Xian Nian swept him in.He was shocked to find that Zhanxiong's tendons were all broken, and his dantian was also in chaos.

It means that even if Zhanxiong can be cured, he is almost a useless person.No matter how strong the Zhan family background is, it can't change the fact that Zhan Xiong is insulated from martial arts.

Thinking of this, Zhan Tiange's eyes were red and he was extremely angry.

"Feather Wind!"

Zhan Tiange glared at Ling Tianyu, those cold eyes, like a falcon, seemed to tear people apart.A terrifying immortal power pressed fiercely towards Ling Tianyu.


Ling Tianyu frowned, and stepped on the ground fiercely, inlaid on the ground like a lead stone.Resisting Xianwei, he stood still, and looked at Zhan Tiange coldly, without any fear.

"You despicable bastard! You actually used illegal methods! Axiong was abolished!" Zhan Tiange raged violently, yelling viciously: "Today! If you don't smash your body into thousands of pieces! It's not enough to relieve hatred!"

"Despicable?" Ling Tianyu smiled, looked coldly at Zhan Tiange who was about to go crazy, and deliberately raised his tone and said: "The dagger in your brother Zhanxiong's hand has a powerful restraint, and it is enough under the cultivation base of Dou Zhuan Imprison him, and those who approach him will surely die! Tell me, who is despicable? Who violated the rules?!"

boom! ~

The audience was in an uproar, and finally understood.

No wonder Ling Tianyu didn't dare to get close to Zhanxiong, and could only win with formations. It turned out that there was something wrong with the dagger in Zhanxiong's hand.And according to what Ling Tianyu said, the restriction set on the dagger is very powerful, and even those who are at the Douzhuan state can be imprisoned, which is already a serious violation.

Zhan Tiange blushed, and held the dagger in Zhan Xiong's hand, knowing that the restriction on the dagger had been broken, and it was no different from usual, so he said loudly: "Yufeng! You despicable villain! Want to kill A Xiong Let me put it bluntly, why bother to slander Axiong so much! You say there is something wrong with this dagger, so do you dare to let the four directors test whether there is any restriction on this dagger?"


Ling Tianyu cursed secretly, looking at Zhan Tiange's handsome appearance, his thick skin is really thicker than the ground, it is simply extremely shameless.Suddenly, he had an idea, and raised his voice and shouted: "You said that there is no restraint on this dagger, so I can treat it like a dog, and even my small formation can't deal with it, it's just garbage among garbage! I look at this restricted dog! It doesn’t understand any restrictions at all! It’s a shame to show it to people!”

Zhan Tiange was so angry that he was almost irrational. When he heard Ling Tianyu insulting the person who set up the ban, let alone his own father, he couldn't control his anger and said: "Bastard! Our Zhan family's banning technique is unparalleled in the world. ! This ban was imposed by my father, yet you insult my father like this! See if I don’t tear you to pieces!”

"Well, I understand! If you say that, then you are now admitting that this dagger has a restriction set by your father? Then tell me, is it still against the rules?" Ling Tian Yuliang sarcastically said.


Zhan Tiange's head suddenly froze as if it had been clicked.

Everyone also came to their senses, admiring Ling Tianyu's wit and contempt for Zhan Tiange's shamelessness.

Of course, what is even more shocking is that Ling Tianyu's words definitely challenged the dignity of the Zhan family.To beat around the bush and insult the head of the Fan Zhan family, this kind of courage is unprecedented.

Seeing Zhan Tiange's face flushed with anger, Ling Tianyu said indifferently: "My formation has the ability to break the ban. If Zhanxiong hadn't used illegal forbidden weapons to kill me cruelly, how could it have caught me? Dao! This is stealing chickens and losing money! Your brothers will end up like this, not because of me, but you Zhanjia!"

After a pause, Ling Tianyu said in a warning tone: "Also, although I'm not a big shot, and I don't have any so-called strength and background, it doesn't mean that I can be easily bullied. ! If you offend me! I dare to catch him, the emperor!"

Undoubtedly speaking, this is a kind of provocation against the battlers!

Although Zhan Tiange was furious and wished to tear Ling Tianyu apart, but rationally told him, at least not now, so he suppressed his anger and gritted his teeth: "Very good! Yufeng! I will remember this account!"


Zhan Tiange supported Zhan Xiong with one hand, and angrily left the fighting platform.

"This guy is different from that idiot Bai Shaolong. He is indeed a dangerous existence. If there is a chance, he must be killed!" Ling Tianyu watched Zhan Tiange who was gradually leaving, with murderous intent in his eyes.For nothing else, I have humiliated the Zhan family so much, and it has seriously provoked the authority of the Zhan family.

But Zhan Tiange can bear it, so this kind of talent is very dangerous.

at the same time!

Situ Yunhong and Chu Lan, who knew Ling Tianyu well, also had serious expressions on their faces. They naturally understood that Ling Tianyu had offended the Zhan family this time, and they might not even be safe in this holy courtyard in the future.

Luo Yang squinted his eyes. The opportunity was rare, and he had to strike while the iron was hot, so he got up and said loudly: "Yufeng! I am Luo Yang, the head of Shengdian Town! This fight is better than yours. Your performance is outstanding, and Luo admires it very much! As a result, Luo, in his capacity as the head of the town hall, made an exception to let you be promoted to a member of the temple! Return to the Xuanyang hall! Would you like it?"

His Majesty!Xuanyang Palace!

Everyone was shocked and envious.

There are four main halls in the holy hall, with Xuanyang Hall as the main one.

Under the name of this palace, there are not many people, but they are all talented and capable. Anyone who becomes a palace priest of His Highness Xuanyang's status will rise all the way, and they will be able to receive training from all aspects of the temple's resources.

Many people can't wait for this opportunity in their lifetime, as long as they are not fools, they will immediately agree.

The Holy Academy and the Holy Temple are almost integrated, and many of the talents cultivated by the Holy Academy are sent to the Holy Temple or the Holy Heaven Dynasty.Therefore, it is reasonable for Luo Yang to openly recruit Ling Tianyu to be promoted to a member of the Temple.

After all, Deng Feng was also favored by Luo Yang when he showed his abilities in the martial arts competition. He was never promoted to be a palace official under the Xuanyang Palace, and his value skyrocketed.

Therefore, Luo Tiantong wanted to accept Ling Tianyu as a closed disciple even though his heart was itchy.But if Luo Yang spoke in public, Luo Tiantong would not dare to say anything.


Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, but he was not surprised. The strength he showed was impressive, and it was expected that Luo Yang would take a fancy to him.But Ling Tianyu has not yet thought of joining the temple, and the water in the temple is not shallow. Ling Tianyu still has a lot of things to do in the future, and joining the temple now is undoubtedly restricting himself.

After careful consideration for a few times, Ling Tianyu cupped his hands and said, "Your junior, Yufeng, is honored to be able to be qualified to enter the Holy Palace to become a temple priest thanks to the appreciation of the head of the Lord Luo. Trial. For this reason, this junior wants to stay in the Holy Court, devote himself to cultivation, and when things are accomplished, he will definitely consider the Holy Palace!"

In the words, speak without humility.

He didn't refuse, and didn't immediately agree.

Everyone was astonished. Becoming a palace scholar was a dream that others could not even dream of, but Ling Tianyu refused.Is this Ling Tianyu crazy?Still stupid?

"My boy, I really like it more and more." Luo Tiantong smiled secretly.

When Luo Yang heard this, his brows were furrowed. He was swearing, but he never expected Ling Tianyu to answer him like that.For someone else, this is an opportunity that they would never have dreamed of.

Moreover, Ling Tianyu completely offended the Zhan family this time, and the temple is undoubtedly the best protection.

Unwilling to reconcile, Luo Yang said again: "Yufeng, you know, the temple recruits no more than a hundred people every year. And my Xuanyang Temple recruits no more than ten people every year. Therefore, there are many talents in the temple. With your ability, if you enter the Holy Palace, you will become even more outstanding, and you will become a member of His Royal Highness Xuanyang Palace, and the Holy Palace will definitely cultivate you with all its strength! The most important thing is that the Holy Temple is a place for people. Created by His Majesty, once you have achieved success in cultivation, you can enter the court as an official, or even become a general of the dynasty! Or you can be named a marquis, give a territory, and unify the lord of the city. It can be said that the future is boundless! You have to think about it carefully clear!"

"The younger generation knows that such opportunities are rare, but the younger generation is still young after all. Although the ability is small, it is lacking in many aspects, and it needs to be honed in many environments! The most important thing is that the younger generation has It is my dream to become a student of the Holy Academy, and now I really like the atmosphere of the Holy Academy, and I have met many good friends, and I am reluctant to let go, so I haven't thought about leaving the Holy Academy too early." Ling Tianyu replied, without any affectation.

"Hehe, yes, I heard that you have only been in the Holy Court for less than a month, so it is reasonable to have this nostalgia." Luo Yang smiled, and a golden token engraved with a sun pattern appeared in his hand, and he raised his hand It was delivered to Ling Tianyu's hands from the air, and said: "This is the Xuanyang order! Those who hold this order can travel freely in the palace and temple! The gate of the temple is always open for you!"

"Thank you, Chief Hall Master Luo!" Ling Tianyu held the Xuanyang Order tightly.

Zuo Yiqiu was quick-witted, and hurriedly said: "Okay, the old man is here to announce! This fight is definitely over! The final winner is the representative of the Eastern Academy! Yufeng!~"


The audience immediately erupted into strong cheers.

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