Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1211, Sealed Gate

The martial arts competition held every four years has finally come to an end.

The scene is boiling and jubilant.

This time!

Zuo Yiqiu didn't seem to have a good complexion, so he started announcing the championship rewards, stood up and said loudly: "Now, I will announce the champion rewards! The champion Yufeng! He will receive 30 credits, as well as an elixir and a holy The three-year universal pass of the Academy! The second name, Zhanxiong will receive 20 credits and a fairy artifact from the Holy Academy! Please go to the Hall of the Brave to receive the reward within three days!"

This reward really makes people drool with envy.

If the elixir is taken by a warrior of the ninth level of holy martial arts, he can be promoted to a martial immortal.

Therefore, in terms of elixir and celestial weapon, the value of elixir is higher.

What's more valuable is the three-year universal pass.It means that many of the teleportation arrays of the Holy Court can be passed with a certificate, and the many proving grounds, which are the treasure house of the Holy Court's exercises, can be browsed in.

While cheering, Zuo Yiqiu said again: "At that time, I hope that all the students will work hard to practice in the future and strive for good results in the next martial arts competition!"

After finishing speaking, it means that the martial arts is about to end.

Luo Yang couldn't close it, and he didn't want to stay any longer, so he left if he wanted to.

This time!

Ling Tianyu clasped his hands and said, "Principal Zuo, excuse me for taking the liberty of the students, but I have a question in my mind, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

"Problem?" Zuo Yiqiu frowned slightly, and said with displeasure: "Could it be, are you dissatisfied with the reward given to you by the Holy Court?"

"No, no, of course not!" Ling Tianyu panicked, and then said with a straight face: "The students have heard that the final winner of the martial arts competition can still have the qualification to challenge the Prophet Realm once. And this reward?"

Prophet Realm!

This may be unfamiliar to many people.But also for many, it was scary.

After all, since before the establishment of the Holy Academy, the first dean discovered this Prophet Realm left over from heaven and earth by chance, then inadvertently broke into it, and successfully exited from the Prophet Realm.Since then, the cultivation base of the first dean has soared all the way, becoming a strong man in the divine realm, and the secret of the prophetic realm has also been leaked out.

After that, the first dean founded the Holy Academy, which also encouraged practitioners to venture into the realm of prophets.But you must pass the test, such as completing any task, participating in the trial ground or winning the championship in the martial arts competition, you can have the qualification to challenge the Prophet Realm once.Since then, it has attracted countless strong and talented people.But none of them succeeded, either they were killed in Huangquan, or they were reduced to disabled people, and even the lightest ones would suffer heavy injuries.

Therefore, since there were too many people buried in the Prophet Realm, and the reputation was too fierce, later this Prophet Realm became a place of death, and it was also turned into a forbidden place of the Holy Court, and no one dared to set foot there.As time passed, the qualification rewards of the Prophet Realm were almost forgotten.

But it doesn't mean that the Prophet's Realm doesn't exist anymore. Some people still talk about the Prophet's Realm in the holy courtyard or the outside world, but they all talk about it, so many people still know about it, but no one dares to enter it.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tianyu would mention this Prophet Realm at this time.

The audience suddenly fell silent.

There was shock, there was confusion.

"Could this Yufeng want to go in?" Luo Yang, who was about to leave, stopped abruptly, sat back in his original position, and stared at Ling Tianyu sharply.


It's rare for Luo Yang to take a fancy to a promising talent. How could Luo Yang let Ling Tianyu risk his way into the Prophet Realm.

"Eh? Sister Xiaowu, what is this Prophet Realm? Why haven't I heard of it?" The little witch Nana was full of doubts.

However, Xiao Wu, who seemed to have vaguely guessed Ling Tianyu's intentions, was overly emotional.Back when Xiao Wu missed Ling Tianyu, she had thought of challenging the Prophet Realm, but it was a pity that Xiao Wu lost to Deng Feng at that time, and thus missed the opportunity, but how could she not know the danger of the Prophet Realm, muttering Said: "No! No! Tianyu! You can't go in! You will die!"

At this time, Chu Lan's voice came over: "Xiao Wu, don't worry, Patriarch Lin has discussed this matter with the old man in advance. With the ability of the young master, if there is any problem, it will be no problem to get out in time .”

"Grandpa..." Xiao Wu was full of heartache, looking directly at Ling Tianyu, hoping that Ling Tianyu was just asking casually.

"Which pot does this kid not open and lift? Do you want to die!" Luo Tiantong was also furious, but Ling Tianyu didn't say he was going, he just asked, but Luo Tiantong couldn't help but want to get mad.

Situ Yunhong shook his head helplessly, and sighed secretly: "Hey~ I already knew that this kid is highly skilled and bold. It seems that this kid intends to challenge the realm of prophets. Do I have to dissuade him?"

Zuo Yiqiu, who was originally displeased, seemed to be secretly delighted when Ling Tianyu asked about the Prophet Realm, and said solemnly: "Yes, there are indeed champions who are better at martial arts." Has the qualification to challenge the Prophet's Realm! But since the Prophet's Realm has harmed countless people, the first dean has strictly prohibited the students from rushing into the Prophet's Realm, but the first generation dean did not say that this reward will be abolished, but if they want to challenge the Prophet's Realm, they will be cancelled. The original rewards! For example, if you want to challenge the Prophet Realm, except for the universal pass, other rewards will be deducted immediately. If you fail, the credit value will also be reset to zero!"

The meaning is very simple, as long as you are a normal person, you will never give up the reward, and then challenge this Prophet Realm where the chance of death is almost 100%.If there is such a person, then his head must be caught by the door.

"Then there is still this reward?" Ling Tianyu asked excitedly. As for these rewards, Ling Tianyu is dispensable, but in this Prophet Realm, there is only one chance. How can Ling Tianyu, who loves challenges, miss it? .

"Yes!" Zuo Yiqiu replied.

"That's good, the students are willing to give it a try!" Ling Tianyu said.

boom! ~

The audience was noisy and shocked.

Is this Ling Tianyu really courageous?Still stupid?

"Tianyu..." Xiao Wu's face turned pale, but she understood Ling Tianyu's character, as long as it was Ling Tianyu's decision, it was a nail in the iron plate and could not be pulled out.


Luo Tiantong slapped the table, smashing the table, and shouted at Ling Tianyu regardless of his status: "Yufeng! Are you too idle! Can you enter this Prophet Realm!"

Ling Tianyu was dripping with cold sweat. Luo Tiantong must have been too excited. He hurriedly said: "Master Dean, please calm down. The students know that this is a bold move, but the students will never act recklessly. If it doesn't work, the students will give up immediately!"

"Fuck you! By the time you want to give up, you've already hung up!" Luo Tiantong said angrily. First, he didn't want to lose such a talent as Ling Tianyu. Second, Luo Tiantong already thought that his granddaughter had already fallen in love with Ling Tianyu. How could Luo Tiantong, the future grandson-in-law, let Ling Tianyu take risks.

Even Luo Yang couldn't help it anymore, looked directly at Ling Tianyu and said seriously: "Yufeng! Although I admire your courage and courage, this prophetic realm is too dangerous! If you are unlucky, you may die. Sang Huangquan! If you want to know something from the Prophet Realm, I think with the resources and capabilities of our temple, you will be able to get what you want! After all, what you should have is a bright future, why take this risk !"

"Thank you to all the deans and Chief Luo for your concern. The students know that they are beyond their limits. But since the students have gone through countless trials of life and death since their cultivation, they have already seen through life and death! This prophetic realm is certainly extremely dangerous, but for the students It may be very suitable! Maybe, this will be the biggest test and opportunity in the student's life!" Ling Tianyu said in a strong voice, cupping his hands: "I hope the four deans can help the students and go to the Prophet Realm to have a look after all!"

Hear it!

Luo Tiantong and the others began to fall into deep thought, and the people around them all stared at the high platform.Although they thought Ling Tianyu's actions were too foolish, they really admired Ling Tianyu's courage and determination.

At least, they dare not, no one dares.

"Wuuuu, so this Prophet Realm is so dangerous! Sister Xiao Wu! Hurry up and persuade Brother Yufeng!" The little witch Nana, who came to her senses, was so anxious that her eyes were red from crying.

"I'm still willing to believe him..." Xiao Wu sighed weakly, but she didn't know how much courage she had when she said these words.

at this time!

Ling Tianyu stood still, waiting for the replies from the four principals.

for a long time!

Zuo Yiqiu looked at Ling Tianyu and said: "Yufeng! After discussion with our four principals! Finally, we agreed! You can go to the Prophet Realm! But you only have one chance. If you feel unwell on the way, you must return immediately! "

"Thank you Dean!" Ling Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief.

"En!" Zuo Yiqiu nodded heavily.


The four deans stood up together.

Then, with a strange mark on his hand, four strange beams of light shot into the fighting platform.


The Wudoutai shook with a bang, and an ancient mysterious aura shot up into the sky.Bursts of vast and mysterious aura covered the entire fighting platform, sweeping towards the entire Tianwu Field like rolling waves.

What a strong breath!

Everyone was terrified, and the impact of breath alone made everyone in the audience tremble.


A secluded black light door rose from the ground, standing in front of Ling Tianyu.

"Yufeng! This is the sealed door, the hidden array set up by the first dean to protect the Prophet's Realm! When this door is opened, it will allow you to enter the Prophet's Realm! If you fail to return within an hour , the sealed gate will disappear! And you may die in Huangquan, or you may be imprisoned in the prophet's realm forever!" Luo Tiantong said solemnly: "So, it's too late for you to regret it now, no one will laugh at you here you!"

"Thank you, Dean Luo, for your reminder. The students have made up their minds, so they have the right to be ignorant students!" Ling Tianyu replied. For some reason, when the Sealed Gate appeared, the inexplicable excitement became more intense, and his eyes were hot. Incomparable.

"Hmph! Do it yourself! I hope you will do what you can!" Luo Tiantong snorted.

"Yes!" Ling Tianyu replied.


The four old hands pinched the Indian knot and shouted in unison: "Open!~"

language fall!

A strong white light instantly enveloped Ling Tianyu.

next moment!

Ling Tianyu then merged into the white light and completely disappeared in the sealed gate.

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