Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1213, Hongmeng

Endless ethereal, void of nothingness.

Ling Tianyu's will seems to travel through time and space.

Indestructible will, condensed into form.

I don't know for a long time, it seems like a moment, and it seems like billions of scenes.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound in his ears, and Ling Tianyu's consciousness became sober with shock.But he couldn't feel his own body at all, like a lonely ghost, floating in the long white light.

The white awns rolled like clouds rolling in the sky.There is an ancient and unknown power and mysterious atmosphere.

"Is this heaven? Could it be that I'm dead..." Ling Tianyu had a lot of doubts in his heart, but the feeling of emptiness was real, because he didn't feel any breath of life on his body at all.

Amidst the doubts, a white glow suddenly surged, like a fairy mist.Then there seemed to be an invisible giant sword that cut across the middle part of the white light, and the heavy white light slowly spread out to both sides.

At first glance, the receding white awns are like a mirror, drawing out a picture like poetry and painting.

Ling Tianyu was astonished and fixed his eyes on it.

The blurry picture gradually became clear.

It was a Feiliu waterfall, descending along a high cliff, surrounded by mist.The water flow, which is hundreds of meters wide, has the momentum of the Milky Way falling into the nine heavens, and it is majestic, flying down.

But in the part of the waterfall, a mountain rock protrudes discordantly, like a giant sword, cutting off the water of the waterfall, forming two huge water dragons, each scattered down to the two parts.

And that mountain rock is like a flat ground, a gloomy pine, rising from the rock, like a fairy pine in the clouds.

There, a slender and slim figure, white and barefoot, seemed to be still, standing on top of the pines.The dazzling purple clothes are like fairy clothes and neon clothes, and the purple hair like a weeping willow is fluttering in the wind.


Ling Tianyu's pupils widened, and a strong sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

I saw Qianqian, the woman in purple, raised her slender hand like a spirit snake, and five flame wheels of different colors were suspended outside her body.The high temperature emitted caused the water to evaporate into mist.

"Five Fire Profound Wheels!"

Ling Tianyu was stunned, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Goodbye, the woman in purple is counting with her bare feet, just like touching clear water with her feet, but there are no ripples.Soaring up into the sky, she turned around gracefully, with a fairy-like face that made the world eclipsed.

A pair of smoky apricot eyes, snow-like jade skin, and ethereal temperament, just like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.Frosty face, noble breath.Whether it's expression or temperament, there is a cold feeling that rejects people thousands of miles away.

It was also this stunning beauty that caused Ling Tianyu to lose control of his emotions and his eyes flushed.


It was Zishuang!

This is not an illusion, it seems to be a real feeling.


Ling Tianyu shouted, and couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart anymore, wishing he could hug Mei'er tightly in his arms.The body of will violently rushed towards the mirror.

Seeing it, it is approaching.


An irresistible force of rebound directly knocked back Ling Tianyu's body of will.The picture was shattered, perishing in the vast white light, and disappeared.

"Shuang'er! Shuang'er..."

Ling Tianyu cried out from the bottom of his heart, excruciatingly painful.


An unknown force exploded, and Ling Tianyu's will shattered in an instant.

In a trance~

Ling Tianyu's collapsed consciousness gradually regained consciousness again.

This time, Ling Tianyu seemed to be able to feel the existence of his own body, able to see and move.It's just that the power in the body has long since disappeared, and now it exists in the most ordinary way.

Slowly, he opened his eyes.

The faint green grass is imprinted in the eyes, the fragrance of flowers is fragrant, and the warm breeze is caressing and sultry.

"Eh..." Ling Tianyu groaned softly, feeling that he seemed to be alive, but his whole body was weak.But in the bottom of my heart, I was curious about the situation here, and I struggled to sit up.

Looking around, this is an endless grassland, covered with green carpet, filled with fairy mist, and full of vitality.It's just that the naked eye can't see the end, can't see the sky, only infinite mystery.

The cool breeze comes, which is pleasant to the mind.

Feeling it, Ling Tianyu felt refreshed, cleared away all distracting thoughts, let go of everything, and swam around the world like an eagle.It's like entering heaven, incomparably mysterious and comfortable.

"All things have love, and there is love in the world. You can be so persistent, even at the price of your life, just for a beloved woman. Hehe, you made me really feel what love is..." An old voice, empty It resounded like an ancient mantra, penetrating the soul and making people awe-inspiring.

"Eh?" Ling Tianyu was panicked, and asked in the void: "Dare to ask senior?"

"Senior? For me, there is no so-called title. However, you can call me Hongmeng." The ancient voice came again.


Ling Tianyu was taken aback.

Legend has it that the primordial world was first opened, the world was in chaos, and everything was not yet born.

It's a raw force, a creative force.

In astonishment, the ancient voice resounded majestically: "You don't have to be so surprised. Since the birth of Xuantian Realm, I have existed in a special form. I can see the birth of all things and the reincarnation of all things, and I can predict the future Everything evolves. Therefore, some outsiders call me an omniscient prophet, who can understand the past and present, and know the future."

"Xuantian Realm!" Ling Tianyu was shocked.

"That's right, since Hongmeng opened the sky, the universe has evolved into the heavens and myriad realms. And the world of mortal beings, where you are, is the Xuantian Realm, one of the seven main realms." Hongmeng replied.

Ling Tianyu's heart was in turmoil, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. He didn't expect that he would be able to touch the existence of Hongmeng.Suddenly remembering what I saw just now, I hurriedly asked: "Senior Hongmeng, forgive me for being presumptuous, but what I saw just now, can it be true?"

"Hehe, there are no rumors in the outside world. Anyone who enters the prophetic realm can know what he knows if he can pass the test. And you are so persistent because you have something deep in your heart. Therefore, as you wish, let me You know what you think when you see it." Hong Meng smiled lightly.

"That's..." Ling Tianyu was very excited, and said ecstatically: "Then what I saw just now is all real! Senior Hongmeng, please, junior, can you tell me where my beloved woman is?"

"I can only let you see what you want to know, but I can't tell you how to find it. But she is destined to be with you, and she is destined to be a partner. One day, you will meet again. If you want to find her, you can only go by yourself Find the answer." Hong Meng said.


Ling Tianyu clenched his fists secretly, with a firm expression on his face, he said immediately: "As long as she is still alive, even if I search all over the world, I will definitely find my beloved woman!"

"Hehe, since tens of thousands of years, including you, there are four people who have entered this realm. However, fate is impermanent. The three people before you have already fallen and reborn in reincarnation." Hongmeng smiled lightly, and in the words, There is a bit of regret.

"Eh!? Apart from me, there are three seniors entering this realm?" Ling Tianyu was astonished.

"Exactly." Hongmeng said again: "As for you, from what I perceive, you do not belong to the Xuantian Realm, but come from the Pangu Realm, one of the seven main realms. Therefore, I cannot see through your fate. I can't predict your future."

"Pangu Realm!"

Ling Tianyu's heart was shocked, he didn't expect Hongmeng to be able to see through his truest existence.

In the previous life, there was a legend that since Pangu opened the sky, everything in the world was created.Could it be that the world he lived in in his previous life was the Pan Gu Realm that Hong Meng talked about?

was thinking!

Suddenly there was a movement in the space, and there were many white lights, which receded instantly.

Before Ling Tianyu could react, the scene in front of him was immediately stained red with blood.

The sky was burning with fire, the sky was full of blood, there were continuous cries and screams.The vast land, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, groups of blood-colored strange monsters laugh ferociously, feed on humans and beasts, and swallow them cruelly.

The entire world, even Shura Hell.

Although Ling Tianyu has killed countless evil enemies, seeing the current scene, the people are trapped in water and fire, and countless lonely souls and wild ghosts are wandering in the sky and screaming.But the killing still didn't stop, the scene was bloody, bones were everywhere, blood flowed like a river, like a doomsday hell.

And that group of ferocious blood-colored monsters simply went against the law of heaven.Such a cruel, bloody, and disgusting scene shocked his heart and soul, and his face was dull.

It made him even more angry, wishing he could hold the weapon and slay the strange monsters angrily.

"Very angry, right?" Hong Meng's voice sounded deep.

This sound, like a torrent of bells, awakened Ling Tianyu to his senses.

"Yes! I'm very angry!" Ling Tianyu said bitterly.

"But what you see is the near future of Xuantian Realm where you are." Hong Meng said.


Ling Tianyu twitched all over, his complexion pale.Thinking of his relatives, lover, and friends, there are so many innocents, Ling Tianyu's eyes were red, his heart was like a knife, and he said cruelly: "No! I want to stop it! I must stop this catastrophe!"

"No, you can't stop it. This is the evolution of all things. And your destiny is precisely during the change of all things. New species will replace the Xuantian Realm and dominate the Xuantian Realm!" Hongmeng said: "And they, will Constantly strong, incomparably powerful, surpassing everything in this world!"

"Then I will surpass them!" Ling Tianyu said angrily, "I will never allow those ugly monsters to replace us! I will never allow them to hurt my relatives and friends!"

"But you don't have much time, you can't stop it." Hong Meng struck.

"I..." Ling Tianyu was stunned, clenched his fists tighter and tighter, his face became so resolute again, and said fiercely: "Although I am not a savior, I already have my home here, my friend , everything that belongs to me! I don’t care how fate arranges me! But I will never let fate control me! Me! Ling Tianyu! I must change the fate of Xuantian Realm!"

"Hehe, it may be fate's arrangement for you to enter the Xuantian Realm from the Pangu Realm. And your future fate is blurred, and I can't predict your future, but there is a ray of hope in the dark." Hongmeng smiled, and said again: "Lucky darling, remember, no matter how your fate changes, you must stick to what you insist on, protect what you protect, and never lose your heart. If you can do this, You will be omnipotent and invincible! Finally, I will bless you..."

"Thank you, Hongmeng..." Before Ling Tianyu finished speaking, a strong suction force came.Before Ling Tianyu could react, he waited for an instinctive cry before being pulled away to the unknown cave.

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