Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1214, Powerful Shock

Everything seems to return to the original point.


Confused, Ling Tianyu struggled to open his eyes again.

So far, it is still in a haze, as if it had been a long dream.


A strand of white hair fell down.

"En?" Ling Tianyu's eyes were sharp, and he pinched the white hair between his fingers with one hand, his face changed in shock: "White hair!"


Ling Tianyu spread out his palm and looked away.

At first glance, Ling Tianyu almost collapsed.

The still old and withered hands are covered with dense age spots.But Ling Tianyu was still not reconciled, and grabbed his hair violently with one hand, but when he grabbed it, a large pile of white hair was easily torn off.

Presumably, if there is a mirror now, what Ling Tianyu must see is his old and ugly face.

"No! Impossible! I have successfully broken through the Prophet Realm! I met Senior Hongmeng! But why am I still like this? Could it be that everything that happened just now was just an illusion?" Ling Tianyu muttered to himself in horror.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of old age.If she went out with such an appearance, wouldn't it break Xiao Wu's heart?Moreover, if Xiao Wu saw it, would he still have the courage to live?

panic!despair!Even angry!

Ling Tianyu wanted to vent, but he didn't know how to vent!


Just when Ling Tianyu was at a loss, the white awns rolling around, as if they found a gap, flooded into Ling Tianyu's body like a raging wave, impacting Ling Tianyu's limbs and bones.

At that moment, it was as if his whole body exploded.


Ling Tianyu couldn't help howling in pain, his old body curled up.The white awns on the seats condensed into strands of mysterious supernatural power, which crazily poured into Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood.

The dead wood can still spring again, and the exuberant vitality nourishes Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood that is about to wither.The cells are regenerated and extremely active. From the inside to the outside, the originally broken bones are shining and moist, and the multicolored light bursts out, the brilliance is intertwined, and the glazed light is shining, as if the whole bone has become like a god iron, and the five elements are gods. The bone has actually been strengthened again.

All internal organs vibrated, wrapped in the force of vitality, reversed life and death, and regained new life.Bursts of mysterious and soft white light emanated from the remnant body, and it was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The waste blood is lost, and the newborn proliferates.

The warm divine blood, like an unparalleled heat wave, surged excitedly through the muscles and veins.Big cycle, countless small cycles, every piece of flesh and blood on Ling Tianyu's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

All kinds of power, with intensive growth, start from the dantian and circulate throughout the body, forming a large backflow and countless small backflows.Condensed into a series of mysterious cyclones, like the original rusty internal parts of the machine, were stained with lubricating oil, and then re-operated unimpeded, more efficient.

The withered skin fell off quickly, and the new skin grew out again, turning into white without any trace, shining like jade chrome.His handsome face made him more handsome, like a scholar.

Strands of withered white hair fell down.The same white strands of hair regrown.But this white square is not so old and gray, but has become more lustrous, like silk.

The whole body is full of vitality.Every place is full of new vitality.

Ling Tianyu was very excited, witnessing the miraculous transformation from old to young, from death to life.That kind of carefree feeling made me want to howl to the sky.


Ling Tianyu sat up cross-legged, maintaining a training posture.After undergoing a radical change, the various forces in the body also produced wonderful changes.

Concentrate on holding your breath, let go of everything, and escape into the emptiness.

In the body, there is a strong force, like a beast, excited and galloping.The bones squirmed and made a sound like drumming.A trace of unknown breath, although not used by Ling Tianyu, was hidden deep in Ling Tianyu's body and took root.

for a long time!

Ling Tianyu suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.


Holy Martial Ninth Level Realm!

Good luck puppet, get this good fortune, soar two realms directly, and advance to the sixth level of Martial Immortal.

In the midst of Ling Tianyu's excitement and ecstasy, in the unknown realm, an ancient laughter resounded: "Hehe, the person who merged the Primordial Qi this time is someone outside of fate. I hope you can integrate the Primordial Qi as soon as possible!"


outside world!

Tianwu Field is as quiet as a cemetery.

Pairs of eyes, fixedly staring at the sealed door whose light gradually dimmed.Up and down the audience, one could clearly hear the sound of rapid heartbeats, so that the entire Tianwu Field was always filled with a tense atmosphere.


An hour is almost over!

If within an hour, Ling Tianyu fails to come out from the sealed gate.

Then, it must be a pity that a genius will fall from now on.

After all, the sealed door leads to the Prophet's Realm, so it will inevitably be affected by the Prophet's Realm.Therefore, there is a limit to the time the Sealed Gate can exist. If the Sealed Gate disappears, it will take five years before it can be reopened even if it has the ability to communicate with the gods.

"Brother Yufeng..." The little witch Nana was already blushing from crying.

And Xiao Wu's face was already pale and colorless, teardrops, like sword marks, were about to cut through her delicate face, and her lips murmured: "No, Tian Yu, you can't leave me! I beg you ! You must come out alive! If not! I will go with you! For me! Please...you must come back..."

"Little Young Master..." Chu Lan's face twitched, and her pupils became gloomy following the sealed door.

Luo Yang watched, sighed regretfully and heartbrokenly: "Oh, young man, you are always so impulsive. It's really an unfair fate. It would be a pity if you just went to Huangquan like this..."

Those present, whether they liked Ling Tianyu or hated Ling Tianyu, were all suffocatingly waiting at this moment.

The four deans of Luo Tiantong sensed that the sealed gate was about to disappear, and their faces were ashen.But still unwilling, they spared no effort to maintain the sealed gate for more time.

"Old Luo! I can't hold it any longer!" Feng Qingxiao exclaimed in shock.

"I have to hold on to death!" Luo Tiantong shouted with red eyes.

"Yes! That kid's life is so hard! He can't die! He must come back alive!" Situ Yunhong gritted his teeth and said, unexpectedly, Situ Yunhong looked so distressed, secretly said: Ling Tianyu!As long as you can come back alive!The old man completely agrees with you being with my granddaughter!If you don't want my granddaughter to hand over to others!Just give me a good life and come back!


At this most tense moment, Zuo Yiqiu suddenly had an unknown sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah!~ This old man can't hold on any longer!" Zuo Yiqiu yelled deliberately looking tired, and Dou Yuan pulled back violently.


The expressions of Luo Tiantong and the three elders all changed.

puff! ~

The third elder vomited blood, and was immediately backlashed. He staggered back and sat down, with a pale face, he murmured: "It's over..."

boom! ~

The Wudoutai shook violently, lost the sealed door maintained by Dou Yuanli, and gradually changed from real to virtual.

Almost gone!

Everyone in the audience stood up uncontrollably, Ling Tianyu's daring challenge would fail in the end.

"Little young master!"

Chu Lan's complexion trembled violently, tears welled up in her old eyes, and her whole body seemed to suddenly become grayer and more haggard.Unexamined, as if dying.

"Brother Yufeng!" The little witch Nana's expression was dull, as if a sharp sword had stabbed fiercely into her chest at this moment.My heart hurts as if I suddenly lost something precious.

"Heaven...Tian Yu..." Xiao Wu's face was pale, unable to suppress the pain, unable to control her emotions, she cried hoarsely: "No!~You can't leave me!~"

Say it!

Xiao Wu no longer cared about everything, and flew down.

"Little dance!"

"Sister Xiao Wu!"

"Little Dance Instructor!"


Everyone was stunned, and before they could react in time, Xiao Wu, who suddenly went crazy, rushed down to the fighting platform.Tears swayed, and rushed straight to the sealed door.

This equal distance, coupled with no response, and when the sealed door is about to disappear, will generate a strong aura.No one can stop Xiao Wu unless it is someone who is in the supernatural realm.

Therefore, the current Xiao Wu is absolutely certain to die.

This time!

Under everyone's attention, the Sealed Gate suddenly exploded, and dazzling white lights, like falling suns, instantly illuminated the entire Tianwu Field, and the field of vision became completely blurred in an instant.

The bright light hurts the eyes, making it impossible to open them.

But everyone knows it's over...

for a long time!

The white light gradually dissipated, when everyone looked at the fighting platform again.


Space stops, time stands still, and pairs of pupils almost stare out of their sockets.Mouths opened, they were so shocked that they couldn't be closed.

See you!

On the fighting platform, a dazzling white light and shadow stood mysteriously and ethereally.

Shengzhi's woman's snow-like skin, a handsome face that can make countless men feel ashamed, a body as straight as a sword, and a mysterious light curtain all over her body.What is even more astonishing is that the mats of silk-like shiny white hair are flowing in the air, coupled with the clean white clothes, it looks like a simple and simple fairy in the legend, powerfully shocking everyone. human eyeball.

That's right!

This person is Ling Tianyu!

It's just that, without knowing it, her hair turned gray.

In this embrace, Ling Tianyu hugged the world-famous beauty with one arm, like a couple of gods and immortals.

The picture is poetic, so beautiful.

In addition to being shocked, he was met with the envy and envy of countless people.

When Luo Tiantong and the others saw this scene, they were shocked and stiffened, and their minds seemed to have stopped functioning. They stared blankly at the handsome young man on the fighting platform.


Luo Yang lost his tongue and pinched the table in front of him fiercely with both hands, probably because he was too shocked, the hard table was also scratched with deep holes by those palms.


Chu Lan was already speechless in shock and excitement, crying with joy.

"Yu... Brother Yufeng..." The little witch Nana's lips twitched, and she was surprised and excited, followed by deep envy.There is even a longing for selfishness, the one in Ling Tianyu's arms at this moment will be himself.

All over the place!

It was so silent as death, dumbfounded.

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