Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1426, Demon Brake Group

As soon as the order sounded, the figures galloped.

All the people who heard the order seemed to have a feeling in their hearts that if they didn't hurry over as quickly as possible, their heads would fall to the ground in the next moment.

In an instant, hundreds of warriors, headed by Butcher and others, stood neatly in front of Ling Tianyu and the others.


They were all covered in scarves and their clothes were in tatters. Although they were extremely embarrassed, each of them involuntarily carried a kind of evil spirit and hostility.Each of them straightened their waists, standing straight like a long sword.

Obviously, these are well-trained fighters.

"Not bad!" Ling Tianyu secretly praised.

Before that, Ling Tianyu had already covered his face with a mask in order not to be recognized.When standing with Lin Chong and the others, it obviously gave people an extremely mysterious feeling.

Only the butcher and the others recognized Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu glanced slightly, and there were about 900 people, all of whom had reached the Saint Martial Realm.And they were all selected from the mana level, and being able to reach this level in a short period of time is inseparable from their hard work.

This time!

Lin Chong's face was serious, he glanced at the crowd, and said solemnly: "Everyone, I have summoned you this time to announce some important matters. And you will form an army on your own, which will be reused by my Lin family! "

Legion! ! !

Everyone stood upright with excited expressions. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

After a pause, Lin Chong continued: "The new army of yours will have the major general next to me as the major general of the entire army, I am sure you are no stranger to him, he is Lin Kui, the major general of the East Camp of our Lin Family Army! "

Lin Kui!

Everyone was excited, even adored.

Who is Lin Kui?

Lin Kui's reputation in the dynasty is simply like thunder among the young generation.If Lin Kui served as the major general of their army, everyone would be convinced.

"Hehe, it seems that you all have no objections." Lin Chong smiled lightly, and said again: "Then from now on, Major General Lin Kui will be the commander of your team, and I will be the warlord of this army, and I will only be responsible for supervising the army from now on." You guys! Well, now, Major General Lin Kui will announce the regiment number of your army and why this army was established!"

Can't help!

Lin Kui stepped forward, and his aura changed instantly. His eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he looked down on the world. He roared loudly, "Everyone! First of all, I am honored to be the commander of your army. But there is one thing I need to tell you, in the future, I, including you, will not make public appearances in the Lin Mansion! Even in the eyes of the outside world, we do not exist! And I am no longer alive in the outside world, here I hope you all can keep it a secret!"

what! ?

The audience was in an uproar. Originally, they thought they would finally be able to go out to show their strengths and go to battle to kill the enemy, but they didn't expect the result to be like this?Then they have been cultivating lifelessly these days, isn't all this effort in vain?

They will have this kind of reaction, Lin Kui and the others have already expected it.But they kept quiet for the time being, because they knew that there would be protests.


The butcher was the first to stand up, clasped his fists and said, "Major General! Please allow your subordinates to be unrestrained!"

"Say!" Lin Kuirang said.


With dissatisfaction on the butcher's face, he said: "Major General, I have been waiting for my brother to practice hard here for many days, so that we can go to battle and kill the enemy, and one day be able to stand out. But the words of the major general actually prevent us from showing up in public. What is our legion? Is it... Is it possible that we will be a group of shrinking turtles?"

This sentence really represents the voice of everyone.

Ling Tianyu was calm and composed, but he was curious in his heart, how would his elder brother respond?


Lin Kui smiled, and then his face became stern, and he said in a deep voice: "The frontier guarded by Xuantian City has been regarded as peaceful in recent years. So I want to ask you, do you really want to guard this frontier day and night? City? Don’t you think such days are too boring?”

Hear it!

Everyone seemed extremely surprised. Didn't Lin Kui's words slap the entire Lin family army in the face?

However, if you think about it carefully, such a day is indeed a bit boring.

Lin Chong narrowed his eyes, his expression became more stern, and he said coldly: "Only today, within the dynasty, there are wicked people in power, villains are like lackeys, bullying the weak, despising the king's law, killing innocent people, harming the people, colluding The foreign race intends to harm the dynasty! Don’t you want to eradicate the strong and help the weak, fight against the injustice? Don’t you want to continue to let those villain forces go unpunished, do whatever they want, and endanger the dynasty?”

With this sound, everyone was stunned as if struck by lightning, and then fell silent for a moment.

"Answer me! Are you willing to watch those villainous forces continue to run rampant in the dynasty? Disrupt the order of the dynasty?" Lin Chong said loudly.


The crowd roared, filled with righteous indignation.

"Okay!" Ling Tianyu admired him deeply. His elder brother is indeed the major general of Dongying, and his reputation is definitely not based on it.

This time!

Lin Chong said again: "Then do you want to take up the weapons in your hands and kill those villains and forces?"

"miss you!"

The crowd roared again, the mountains and seas were overwhelmed, everyone mustered up their energy, their blood was boiling, and their murderous aura was soaring.Lin Kui's words aroused the sense of justice in their hearts and their anger towards those evil forces.


Lin Kui bowed his head and sighed: "The duty of our Lin family army has always been to guard the peace of the frontier. As for the affairs of the dynasty, due to many factors, we are powerless to do so."

This sound seemed to have poured cold water on them, and the enthusiasm that was rarely raised was extinguished.

Only the butcher, thoughtful, then stared blankly, asked: "Major General, in your opinion, the role of our army is..."

"Not bad!"

Lin Kui said fiercely: "Our army is a top-secret army, specially dealing with those villain forces! Therefore, our army must be kept absolutely secret, so that we can really let go of our hands and feet, and we can kill them quickly. Those villain forces! When everything is peaceful in the dynasty, the world will never forget our legion! That's when you really come to the fore! So I ask you again, are you willing to follow me! Follow me to uphold justice and kill Kill the evil forces!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then stomped collectively.

"I am willing to follow the major general!"

Everyone screamed at the top of their voices, as if they were about to burst their throats, the blood from all over their bodies rushed to their foreheads, and the momentum shook the sky.Even the eyes of Lin Chong and Ling Tianyu were extremely hot and extremely excited.

"Okay! Very good!" Lin Kui nodded again and again, also affected, as if he had returned to the majestic moment when Megatron East Camp became the major general of the first battalion, and said again: "So, our team is called the Mosha Group!"

"The Devil's Squad!?"

Everyone was astonished and thought they had heard it wrong.

"I'm confused, right?" Lin Kui said, "But I can tell you very bluntly that our Mosha group will all become demon cultivators in the future, that is, all of us will become demon men!"


Everyone was dumbfounded, thinking that Lin Kui was crazy.

What is the Lin family?

The incarnation of loyalty and justice actually said that he wanted to cultivate the forces of magic, isn't this a big joke?

"You don't have to be so surprised! Only by becoming a demon can we become stronger! Only by becoming a demon can we truly let go of our hands and feet!" Lin Kui's face darkened, and he smiled evilly: "Haha, the most important thing Yes, I will be like you!"


Lin Kui's whole body shook, and a strong and terrifying dark air was released ferociously.

"Demon energy!?"

Everyone was shocked, and they could clearly feel the strength of Lin Kui when he was a demon, which moved their hearts.

Then, Lin Kuilang said: "I want to ask you! Do you want to be as powerful as me!"

"miss you!"

Everyone roared, their hearts have already been turned upside down.

The butcher was puzzled, and he cupped his hands and said, "Major General! Let us become demons, we are willing! But we are legitimate human beings after all, how can we become demons?"

"Hehe, I can do it, why can't you?" Lin Kui smiled meaningfully.


The butcher was stuck, this question was indeed too funny, isn't this Lin Kui a living human being?

Immediately, Lin Kui said again: "You don't have to worry, as long as you are willing to choose to become a demon cultivator who supports justice, this friend next to me will provide some magic pills for you to use for free! At that time, not only can you Become a demon cultivator, and you will also get high-grade pills to make you stronger!"

Elixir! ! !

Everyone was very excited. They had personally tried the miraculous effects of this pill since they took the Holy Dragon Pill.He had already guessed in his heart that there must be a master alchemist in Lin's mansion.

Can't help!

Everyone cast respectful glances at Ling Tianyu, this mysterious person.

Then, Lin Kui said again: "From now on, this friend will also be the military advisor of our Mosha regiment, and he has the same command power as me! Military orders are like a mountain! I hope you can behave in the future and strictly obey orders!"


Everyone roared, like thunder, with air penetrating Changhong.

Then, Ling Tianyu opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice to everyone: "You should be very curious about my identity, right? But you don't need to remember my name now, and you don't need to know who I am! Because, in the future, I will Your name will go deep into your bones!"

After a pause, Ling Tianyu said again: "For this reason, I have a few points to explain to you, I hope you can keep them firmly in your heart! It may even be imprinted in your blood!"

For some reason, when I heard Ling Tianyu's words, I felt hairy all over my body.It seems that this mysterious man is not only a pharmacist, but also a strong man.

Ling Tianyu's face was serious, and he said loudly: "The Mosha group must be kept absolutely secret! Anyone who leaks the secret will be killed!"

"The Mosha group must be absolutely loyal! Betrayers will be killed"

"The Mosha group must not do evil things! Those who disobey the order will be killed!"

This sentence is murderous, and everyone feels as if there is a knife on their necks, which is cool, so they will never question Ling Tianyu's methods.

Even Lin Kui and the others felt horrified when they heard Ling Tianyu's words.It seems that the murderous and hostile aura in Ling Tianyu's body is no worse than those of soldiers who have fought in the battlefield for many years.

For this reason, the Mosha Group was formally established.

A total of 980 people, no one quit!

The first release of this book is from Novel.com, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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