Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1427, Heavy Chapter Bai Luogu

The Mosha Group is established!

In the future, it will be a powerful dark force of the Lin family. For this reason, the magic pills have been assigned, and the members of the magic brake group will start the next stage of cultivation, which is the transformation from human to demon.

Of course, it is not easy to become a demon, the most important thing is the baptism of bloodthirsty killing.

Then, you have to choose a suitable target.

In Xuanling Lake!

Ling Tianyu was alone, sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the lake.

"It's been another ten days." Ling Tianyu opened his eyes with a cold light inside.

"Hey, the master is going to save that little Poison Ni? But I think it won't be able to get out of the test yet, why not wait another month." Little Bear laughed.

"No, I'm not going to save little bastard, but to do something, which I've always wanted to do, and now is the time." Ling Tianyu smiled coldly.

"what's up?"


"Eh? Who did you kill?"

"The little man's house!"

"What do you mean?"

Little Xiong was so dizzy, it seems that Ling Tianyu has no other enemies for the time being, right?

"Hehe, speaking of it, this happened when I first arrived in Dongzhou. At that time, I was trapped in a mine that was treated inhumanely. After I escaped later, I vowed to take revenge. It was also to complete the work for the old man. Mr.'s promise." Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and what he said was the Bai family.

"I still don't quite understand." Little Bear was full of confusion.

"You don't need to understand, this is my own private matter." Ling Tianyu said: "Help me open my eyes, I want to go and find out first. And the cultivation of the incarnation of Shenyuan has made some progress, I also think about it Familiar with the ability of Shenyuan incarnation!"

"Well, no problem!"

"Let's go then!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Tianyu condensed the mutated Ghost Shadow Martial Soul, which is the incarnation of Shenyuan.And Xiaoxiong's celestial eyesight immediately merged with Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation.

Then, he walked away.

The incarnation of Shenyuan couldn't stop Ling Tianyu at all, not even the Unbounded Black Tortoise Formation.So Ling Tianyu didn't need to activate the Unbounded Black Tortoise Formation at all, and just traveled across the air.

This is where the avatar of Shenyuan is so powerful and weird.


Bai Luogu!

In the Baijia mine, the miners imprisoned in Li Nei are also the same. They are still like robots, working day and night for free, and they are whipped by the supervisors of the Baijia from time to time.

This life is even worse than a prison, life is worse than death, and the cruelest thing is that they don't even have the chance to die.So they have already accepted their fate and become numb.


Ling Tianyu's Shenyuan incarnation has sneaked in here, and came to the Baijia mine again, which is the place where he was trapped when he first arrived in Dongzhou.When I think about it now, I am very moved. If it is not because of my good luck, I am afraid that my whole life will end here.

Thinking of this, Ling Tianyu hated what the Bai family did even more.

More importantly, the Bai family has always followed the lead of the Holy League, colluding with the Yaozu, and the power of the Bai family is still behind Xuantian City.Hidden arrows are hard to guard against, and the Bai family has to be eliminated.

"Master, there is a problem with these miners!" Little Bear suddenly said via voice transmission.

"What's the problem?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"They are all very strong, they all have cultivations in the Martial Immortal Realm, and there are many masters in the Douzhuan Realm. It's just that they have been imprisoned, and their cultivation has been suppressed, so they have become ordinary people." Little Xiong said.

"I know this thing. It's a spirit lock chain. I was also imprisoned by that ghost thing at the beginning. But what I don't understand is, according to what you said, their cultivation base was so much higher than mine at that time. How could I Get rid of it, but they can't?" Ling Tianyu was full of doubts.

"If I'm right, the thing that imprisoned you didn't have the imprint of the demon clan like it did." The little bear said solemnly, "So they are all controlled by the demon clan. As an outsider, it is purely a cover, as for your life and death, the Yaozu will not care, so the master can escape."

"Monster clan?"

Ling Tianyu's expression froze, and he sneered: "Hehe, I think I almost understand."

"What is the master thinking of? After all, I think the identities of these people are very unusual. If I feel right, they have the hostility of soldiers hidden in them!" Little Bear said.


Ling Tianyu's eyes sparkled, and he thought to himself: "That's right, these people should be the Beidou Army under the command of the Beidou King of the Megatron Dynasty! I didn't expect that they are still alive!"

"Is the master going to save them?" Little Bear couldn't help asking.

"Save? Why not?" Ling Tianyu's eyes were fixed, and he said, "It's just that I don't understand what the purpose of the monster race is? Is it to be able to control them? Why are they hidden here? If it is in the Wouldn't it be better for the demon world to not be discovered by anyone?"

"Then master, you are wrong. The demon world is not a place where human beings can live. As for these people, after all, in the eyes of the outside world, they are just ordinary miners. There are all kinds of people like this. In addition, the Bai family has not received much attention, and the aura of the mine here is extremely ordinary, which is really not worth paying attention to, so it is perfect to hide here." Xiaoxiong said.

"Well, I really have too many doubts in my heart, but no matter what, I will save these people." Ling Tianyu's eyes were bright.

"Master, wait first. The forbidden objects on these people have the imprints placed by the powerful demon clan powers. If the master directly breaks the forbidden objects, then the powerful monster clan will be attracted immediately." Little Bear reminded solemnly.

"Then what should we do?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Using their essence and blood to forge their breath of life, the imprint will continue to be preserved." Little Bear said.

"You can?"

"I won't, but you can, master."

"That's good, let's get rid of the supervisor here first."

"Is the master really in such a hurry? If the supervisor here dies, there will naturally be disturbances in the Bai family."

"Just right!" Ling Tian Yusen smiled fiercely: "Hehe, this is the purpose of my coming here, because I want to get rid of this cancerous tumor in the Bai family, so before that, I have to find out what is going on in the Bai family. A strong man sits in command? If possible, I want to kill him first!"

"The master has already planned it, so let's start. These little rookies are nothing, and it's easy for you." Xiaoxiong said with a smile.


Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, and his invisible spiritual thoughts swept away in an instant. There are more than 100 supervisors here.In the past, the cultivation bases of these supervisors were not so strong. It may be because they escaped at the beginning. They should have changed a group of people.

It's a pity that the Martial Immortal Realm is not enough for Ling Tianyu's finger.


Locked on the target, Ling Tianyu sneaked in stealth.

In a certain spacious cavern, the interior is decorated like a hall, and it is a place for the overseers of the Bai family to entertain, but only senior overseers can enjoy it.

Sitting at the wine table were three bare-armed middle-aged men with rough looks, as if they were born with a kind of evil spirit.And they all have cultivation in the Martial Immortal Realm, and their status in the Bai family is pretty good.

at this time!

The three of them were holding wine jugs, eating and drinking, feeling uncomfortable.

"These days are really unlucky. After all, we also have the cultivation base of the Martial Immortal Realm, but why were we assigned to such a stupid place!" Sitting in the main seat, the strongest man with the strongest cultivation base spat on the ground .

"Isn't it! The Patriarch is too unfair. There are so many people in the clan who don't call us, but they have to call us. It's so fucking depressing to live in this stinking place every day, and have to face those garbage. Yes!" The man on the left was also full of resentment.

"The wall has ears, you two have to be careful when you speak." Those on the right with thin faces and sharp mouths and monkey cheeks can be seen as shrewd and cautious characters, and said in a soft voice: "However, if you two have complaints, I also I have a deep understanding, but I heard that these imprisoned miners are extraordinary, and the old Patriarch has also specially ordered that there must be no mistakes, otherwise we will not have enough lives!"

"That said, I'm curious. Who are these rubbish? Why is the old Patriarch so concerned?" said the strong man at the head, taking a sip of his wine.

The shrewd man shook his head, and was about to say something, when suddenly a cold laughter resounded: "Hehe, what a pity, so you don't know anything."


The three of them were stunned, and immediately sobered up from the alcohol.

"The one who helped you out!" The voice was extremely cold, and the eerie aura that permeated the room made the entire cavern like an ice cave, desolate and frightening.


As the leading man finished speaking, a cold light suddenly flashed across his mouth, his pupils protruding.

Pooh! ~

Blood spattered, a bloody head with eyes wide open fell heavily on the wine table, while the body was completely frozen there like a stone statue.

Strong enemy!

The faces of the two men on both sides changed drastically. Even the strongest man was killed silently, so they didn't think they could deal with this terrifying and unknown enemy.

The first reaction, the two of them immediately fled towards the outside of the cave.

But after walking a few steps, a strong and invisible suction force rushed towards him.Their pale faces were frightened, and they were forcibly sucked in the same direction.

When they reacted, their necks were tightly locked by an iron claw.

Frightened, they stared and saw a man with long silver hair and a mask covering his face.It can be felt that this person is very young, but his cultivation and body skills are very frightening, and he was able to restrain the three Martial Immortal Realm powerhouses silently and extremely easily.


The faces of the two were full of fear, their faces flushed red, and they were extremely uncomfortable.He wanted to beg for mercy, but his throat was stuck tightly, and he couldn't hold back any words. He just stared at the mysterious masked man in front of him full of despair and fear.

Of course, this person is Ling Tianyu.

This time!

Ling Tianyu smiled coldly: "Hehe, you guys don't even have any value, so let's just give you a good time. But what I can tell you is that I was once bullied by you bastards here too!"


The eyes of the two were protruding, with expressions of disbelief.

"Looking at your appearance, you seem to have guessed who I am, right? From this point of view, the news about that guy Bai Xuange is still very thoughtful." Ling Tianyu smiled coldly.

It can't be explained that Ling Tianyu is in charge of the Bone Nether Flame.

In the despair and pain, the two of them didn't even have a chance to scream, and they were instantly reduced to ashes.

"Crack!" "Crack!"~

Ling Tianyu clapped his hands, and said coldly: "It seems that the Bai family already knows that I am a demon, so we have to get rid of it! Hehe, but this incarnation of Shenyuan is really powerful, and it has nothing to do with me. The difference. No, to be precise, it is even stronger."

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