Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1428: Here Comes the Nightmare Chapter

clang!clang! ~

Pieces of crisp and loud knocking sounds echoed continuously in the mine.

Those bitter miners were working hard with their spirit hoe and had to dig hard.They are still covered in filth, and their bodies are densely covered with scars, both new and old, which is shocking to see.

This kind of day and night life has already made them numb.Even after being whipped, they even forgot the feeling of pain, they could only scream instinctively, and then continued to wave the spirit pick as if nothing had happened.

When Ling Tianyu came here, there were nearly 500 miners at that time, but now there are only more than [-] left, but most of them are real miners who died.

After all, those who can persevere until now are all powerful in themselves.At that time, Ling Tianyu's cultivation base was imprisoned, and he couldn't see through these miners at all.But now it is different, Ling Tianyu can clearly feel the potential powerful essence of these miners.

After Ling Tianyu escaped at that time, he swore in his heart that one day, he would come back and destroy this place, and even slaughter these inhuman beasts.

"hurry up!"

"Didn't you eat! Give me more effort!"

"Trash! What a bunch of trash! After digging for so long, there is not even a low-grade spirit stone!"


Inside the mine, scolding, whipping and screams could be heard everywhere.If these miners were really the once famous Beidou warriors, the situation of being bullied by dogs would not only be physical and mental torture for them, but also severely trample on their dignity.

Does the Bai family really care about these spirit stones?

Do not!

The Bai family is not rare at all, it's just destroying them, completely defeating their will.

They are very clear about this, but they can only suppress their anger in their hearts, and suppress it fiercely.The only way to make a final resistance is to numb yourself.


There was a brawny man with a rough appearance, a beard all over his face, a simple rough linen coat, and a long black whip in his left hand.And the long whip seemed to have been used for a certain period of time, so that the whip was covered with calluses, and there were even fresh blood stains.

Fierce and arrogant.

Not bad!

This strong man is Luo An, and he is also the first lackey of the Bai family that Ling Tianyu was trapped in the Bai family mine that day.However, it was thanks to Luo An's blessing and greed that Ling Tianyu was able to escape.

At this moment, with his two fierce eyes, he glanced around, as if he was looking for someone to find fault with.

In an instant, his eyes fell on a feeble miner, and without further ado, he slammed a whip towards the man's forehead.


With a crisp sound, the man screamed and rolled to the ground.

Then, the man struggled to support his body, his eyes were full of anger, and his fists were clenched into flesh and blood, wishing to tear Roan to pieces.It's a pity that he has no power to resist now.

"Trash! What are you staring at! Believe it or not, I took out your dog eyes!" Roan scolded angrily, and just after scolding, he gave the miner a whip, which was even more vicious.


The man screamed again, probably the torture of the past few days had already become very weak.When the whip came down, he fell to the ground, dying.

Not only did Roan not have any sympathy, but he was even more angry, and shouted: "You are fucking dead, right! Then I will do what you want! Give you trash to the whole meat paste!"


Luo An swung the long whip again, concentrating on strength, wanting to teach the miner a lesson.


An invisible terrifying pressure came fiercely.


Luo An twitched all over his body, his bones were almost broken, he was in such pain that he couldn't move, but his whole face was already red and white, and there were beads of sweat dripping down.

To be precise, not only Roan, but all the supervisors in the mine are the same as Roan.His complexion looked painful and weak, his whole body was trembling and weak, and everyone was frozen.

"Who..." Roan asked tremblingly towards the void.

There is no need to doubt that the people who can easily control them silently are at least those who are strong in the Douzhuan realm.

"Master Luo An, do you still remember me?" A cold and playful laugh sounded, and a gloomy figure was standing in front of Luo An.

Luo An's face was startled, and he seemed to feel that the voice was slightly familiar, so he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the person in front of him.But Ling Tianyu was covering his mask, so he couldn't see clearly.

same time!

When all the supervisors heard this voice, they felt hairy all over, as if they smelled the breath of death.They who were originally arrogant suddenly became like persimmons, full of panic and despair.

And those miners also stopped working one after another, looking forward with dull expressions.The originally empty eyes suddenly seemed to flash with a little hope.

Involuntarily, Luo An asked with a look of fear on his face: "Forgive me for my ignorance... Dare... Dare to ask what your name is?"

"Hehe, Master Luo An is really forgetful, do you still remember 2165?" Ling Tianyu laughed teasingly, the eyes under the mask were shining with a cold light all the time.


Luo An frowned tightly, feeling more and more familiar, but couldn't remember the specifics.

"Sigh~ It's rare for an old friend to forget so quickly. Anyway, if Lord Luo An sees you, he should remember." Ling Tianyu shook his head and sighed lightly, then gently lifted the mask on his face.

When the mask slowly faded away, Luo An's pupils shrank sharply, as if he saw the most terrifying monster in the world.Although it was a handsome and extraordinary face, Luo An couldn't be more familiar with it.


Isn't this the only demon that escaped from the Baijia mine that day?

It is said that this demon not only killed Bai Tian, ​​but even Bai Xuange died at the hands of this man.This shocked the entire Bai family. For many days, they were also searching for Ling Tianyu's whereabouts.

But he has been searching for traces to no avail, only knowing that Ling Tianyu broke into the land of demonic barriers, and it is believed that Ling Tianyu died in the land of demonic barriers.

did not expect!

This person who has been identified as a devil by the Bai family has come back alive!

Looking at Luo An, whose face was pale with fright, Ling Tianyu slightly closed the mask, and smiled evilly: "Hey, it seems that Lord Luo An's memory should be back!"

Luo An's whole body was cold, and a hot liquid gushed out from between his crotch immediately, and he tremblingly said: "Master...you are back... you are back... ·The little one has been waiting for you for a long time..."

"Wait for me? Why?" Ling Tianyu felt surprised.

"Yes..." Roan boasted with snot and tears: "When... the first time I saw you, I felt that you must be the dragon among men in the future, so I always treated you like a dragon. You have taken good care of me, my lord, I think you know it well...so...when my lord wants to escape from this ghost place, I deliberately let you go, in order to hope that your lord can get back when you are soaring into the sky. Returning will give the little one a chance to follow you to the death..."

Hearing this, Ling Tianyu was completely dumbfounded.I've seen such shamelessness, but I've never seen someone as shameless as Luo An who would be trampled underfoot.

"Hehe, it seems that I misunderstood you." Ling Tian Yuliang smiled amusedly.

"Misunderstanding! Absolutely a misunderstanding! My lord is so clear!" Luo An said bitterly, but with a dignified look, he said: "In the future, as long as the lord asks the little one to do anything, even let me die, I will have no regrets!"

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance to serve now, and you can die!" Ling Tianyu was very interested.

Luo An's face turned ashen, and he cried like a girl: "But little...you don't want to die yet, if you really die, who will serve you in the future?"

"Fucking fart!"

Ling Tianyu slammed hard, and kicked Luo An's chest heavily.


The sternum broke, and Roan screamed, vomited blood, and flew upside down to the ground.

along with!

Ling Tianyu dodged away, stepped heavily on Luo An's dantian, despised the pained and terrified Luo An, and said coldly: "Ordinary people say that evil will be rewarded with evil, and now your retribution has come!"

Knowing that there was no hope of survival, Luo An immediately changed his face, glaring at Ling Tianyu and scolding: "You bastard! This is the Bai family mine! The three adults are still here to take care of you! How dare you be presumptuous!"

"The Bai family? Tomorrow the Bai family will cease to exist! As for the three adults you mentioned, what a pity, they have already reunited on Huangquan Road!" Ling Tianyu replied ruthlessly.


Luo An's face was ashen, and he knew that this time he was doomed. Although he was angry, he couldn't change anything, so he gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to kill, kill it! Give me a good time!"

"You want to have fun? Is there such a cheap thing?" Ling Tianyu glanced coldly, and said with disgust on his face: "Besides, if I kill you bastards, I'm afraid I will dirty my hands!"


Ling Tianyu glanced at the miners around him, his face was confused, even fearful, because they didn't know who Ling Tianyu was.And at this moment, they felt as if they were waiting for the verdict.

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu sighed regretfully: "Ah ~ A hundred years ago, the Beidou King was alive, and his Beidou War Army was famous for its victorious warriors. It was famous and feared by monsters. It was known as the iron wall of the dynasty. I don't know if you remember it. ?”

Beidou King!Beidou Army!

These few words, like a sharp knife, stabbed fiercely at their heart, and their whole body trembled violently.Their eyes were moist for a while, how could they not remember?

"The Beidou Army!?"

Luo An raised his eyes, he is not a fool, he naturally understood what Ling Tianyu meant.

Could it be that these miners were the Beidou warriors of the Megatron Dynasty a hundred years ago?

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