Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2134, Doutian Powerhouse

At the beginning of chaos, natural disasters and earth changes.

In this great escape of monsters and beasts, under the catastrophe of annihilation, a person unexpectedly appeared.

In fact, Ling Tianyu knew very well in his heart that although all of this was just an illusion, it was definitely something that happened in the real world, and it was only reproduced again with some kind of magical power.

Therefore, all these things happened in the past, some of them existed in the most ancient era in the barbaric world.

It's just that Ling Tianyu couldn't understand at all, what kind of existence does the wild world belong to among the worlds?It turned out to be an abandoned realm, so why are there thousands of creatures spawned?Why did the heavenly punishment catastrophe occur?Why punish all creatures in the wild world?What heinous crime did they commit?

There are too many incomprehensible things in it, but Ling Tianyu has a strange feeling that this wild world is definitely not an abandoned existence, and there must be inextricable connections with other worlds.

Right now!

Ling Tianyu stared closely at the mysterious mighty shadow in the white light, whether it was a god or not, but this person's ability to pass through the sky and ignore the power of the sky is enough to prove that this person's cultivation base has reached the ability to resist the sky.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful Ling Tianyu's divine sense becomes, he still can't see the true face of that majestic shadow clearly, only slightly seeing the burly body like a mountain, and a pair of sharp and terrifying eyes.

I don't know if it's because that prestige shadow sensed Ling Tianyu's existence, and his terrifying eyes suddenly glanced coldly towards Ling Tianyu.Like an invisible sharp sword, it pierced Ling Tianyu's soul fiercely.


Ling Tianyu's face was stunned, and under the glance of his eyes, he felt powerless, his fighting spirit was sealed, and his heart and soul were shaken.The invisible oppression became more and more intense, and Ling Tianyu suddenly felt extremely humble and insignificant.

This feeling is like a poor little sheep facing a very hungry tiger.If that mighty shadowy man really intended to kill Ling Tianyu, perhaps just a look in the illusion could kill Ling Tianyu instantly.

But isn't this an illusion?

No matter how real it was, it was impossible to have such a terrifying deterrent effect on him, but Ling Tianyu felt in horror that the prestige in the white light had indeed sensed his own existence.


He even witnessed the real bodies of the four beasts in the Beast Yuan Killing Formation with his own eyes, and what happened here is definitely a very ancient memory in the wild world. It is shocking to be able to preserve this supernatural power in the most real way in the illusion.But it was just a reappeared illusion, and Ling Tianyu's existence was actually seen through by the illusion in the illusion.

Such an astonishing ability completely overturned Ling Tianyu's cognition. There is no doubt that the prestige in the white light has a cultivation level far beyond the scope of imagination.Even a powerhouse at the level of Wu Chi, the leader of the animal world, is probably a very humble existence in the face of this mighty shadow powerhouse.

Fortunately, that prestige didn't pay too much attention to Ling Tianyu, and after casually intimidating him, he looked away.As if standing on the opposite side of heaven and earth, looking at the sky alone.

Tianwei was provoked, and countless thunderbolts concentrated on that prestige shadow with the most angry attitude.


Ling Tianyu was so shocked that he couldn't take his eyes off him. He really wanted to know, how would that mighty shadowy man resist in the face of this terrifying Tianwei?


The shocking scene that Ling Tianyu will never forget happened, that powerful shadowy man didn't shake his body at all, and just stood proudly in the sky like a king.And the countless thunderbolts, before they were completely close, shattered by themselves one after another.


Ling Tianyu's heart was like a raging wave, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. The powerful shadowy man didn't even move, and just destroyed this terrifying sky thunder so strangely and invisible.

Roar!Roar! ~

All the monsters in the sky shouted and cheered excitedly when they saw that the mighty shadow was extremely powerful.

But the angry Tianwei didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, he became more and more angry and violent. The accumulated Tianwei continued to soar, and the terrifying power surged, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

Although it is only the most real illusion, Ling Tianyu can deeply feel the horror of this heavenly power. Even though Ling Tianyu has overcome fear and is fearless, under the crushing of this terrifying heavenly power, Ling Tianyu Tian Yu was also so frightened that he was powerless, as uncomfortable as death.

But Ling Tianyu was not reconciled, and desperately wanted to see all the truth clearly, he gritted his teeth to resist the impact of Tianwei, and fixed his eyes on the powerful shadowy man.

Apparently, under the pressure of this terrifying heavenly power, that mighty shadow powerhouse also seemed to feel deeply dignified.


A scene that shocked Ling Tianyu once again happened!

I saw that the mighty shadow strong man's whole figure began to become faintly visible, and bursts of strange breath quickly permeated the world.The whole person seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, appearing mysterious and ethereal.

At this moment, he seemed incomparably quiet. Even in the face of the impending catastrophe, that mighty shadowy man was still indifferent, standing silently.


What surprised Ling Tianyu was that when he looked at the mighty figure, everything about Zhou Fang, including Yu Tiandi, seemed to have disappeared.It seems that there is only that powerful shadow in the world, and nothing can accommodate him.


The breath disappeared, and all the sounds also stopped, and the whole figure of the powerful shadow became mysterious and blurred.In the end, that powerful shadowy man mysteriously disappeared, but what was incomprehensible was that Ling Tianyu could always feel the presence of that powerful shadowy man.

Do not!

To be precise, it should be everywhere.


An unbelievable scene happened, the frenzied thunder, the falling sky rock, the rioting earth, the surging flames, everything stopped strangely, and all the pictures froze in an instant.

In the whole world except Ling Tianyu, all the monsters below were frozen like statues, even the source of life stopped flowing, and the tiniest things in the world also stopped.

next moment!

As if in a sudden eruption of an invisible power that surpassed the world, the frantic thunderbolts were shattered one after another, and the tumbling thunderclouds gradually dissipated.Countless meteorites floating in the sky in a fixed frame turned into dust in an instant.The raging flames in the cracks in the ground retreated back to the ground, the broken ground reunited, and the mountains and rivers revived.

What is even more unbelievable is that even all creatures in the earth regenerate and grow rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, all things are revived and full of vitality.Those monsters that died tragically, all their limbs and bodies were healed, and then they were resurrected alive.

Everything, like the back button, everything in the world has returned to the original picture.

Supernatural powers?law?

Ling Tianyu was dumbfounded, this was definitely not an illusion, but that the mighty shadow forcibly reversed the universe and reversed time and space with some kind of terrifying magical power.


What is a strong man?

This is the real powerhouse!

Everything that happened in this scene made Ling Tianyu unforgettable.This kind of extraordinary power, the power to reverse the rules of heaven and earth, is a realm that Ling Tianyu can't reach in his entire life.


That powerful shadowy man gradually condensed between the heaven and the earth. I don't know if it was because of an illusion. Ling Tianyu faintly felt a strange change in the breath of that powerful shadowy man, and he could also slightly feel that power. The uneasiness and pain of the prestige shadow powerhouse, the whole mood seems to have become a little unstable.

And all the monsters in the lower sky were reborn, but their memories were still fresh.Bei was moved to look at the mighty shadow powerhouse, and they all prostrated themselves in worship, deeply grateful.


I saw the mighty shadowy man raised his hand slightly, and the wind, dragon, god, dragon, supreme and four beasts flashed in front of the powerful shadowy man in an instant, and then the powerful shadowy man seemed to murmur to the four beasts indistinctly. After saying some words, some kind of strange power was released from the body, and they were poured into the bodies of the four beasts one after another.


The mighty shadow powerhouse screamed in pain, terrifying power surged from his body, and the four beasts were forced to fly out in fear and worry.

next moment!

The pupils of that mighty shadow powerhouse suddenly turned red, bloodthirsty coldness, and terrifying fierce aura, once again swept across the world violently in a crazy posture.

Under the impact of the terrifying evil spirit, all the beasts fell to the ground one after another, crying out in fear.Only the eyes of the four beasts were red, and they stood stiffly on the ground, looking at the mighty shadowy man in great pain.


Billowing black mist suddenly surged from the powerful shadowy man, and there seemed to be countless hideous ghosts hidden in the mist, covering the powerful shadowy man crazily.

Boom! ~

The world shook, and under Ling Tianyu's incomparably astonished gaze, the whole body of that mighty shadow powerhouse unexpectedly shattered and turned into countless strange dark mist.Like a group of ferocious demons that were released, they swarmed towards the other side of the sky excitedly.


Ling Tianyu was terribly shocked, from the time when Heaven's Punishment ruthlessly wreaked havoc on all creatures, to the appearance of this mysterious powerhouse who single-handedly reversed the drastic changes in the world.But in the end, for some unknown reason, that mysterious strong man fell away.

And before the mysterious strong man fell in pain, it was obvious that a huge and terrifying dark matter was released from the broken body of the mysterious strong man, and he didn't know where he went.

But Ling Tianyu knew very well that this strange and terrifying dark matter was definitely not destroyed, and it might even be hiding in a corner of the wild world and dormant.If one day, that dark substance reappears in the world, I am afraid that the catastrophe that has occurred in the wild world will come again.

Just in Ling Tianyu's thoughts, his heart and soul were suddenly shaken, and his consciousness dimmed, as if he was sucked in by an invisible force.

a long time!

When Ling Tianyu gradually came to his senses, he was surprised to find that he had returned to the original scene where he had just fallen into the phantom of the beast element killing formation.

Everything is like a dream, like reality, and like illusion...

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