Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2135, Time Law

World-ending catastrophe, destruction and rebirth, Ling Tianyu witnessed this world-ending catastrophe that happened in the ancient times of the wild world in this real illusion.I also witnessed with my own eyes that a peerless strong man can use the power of supernatural powers to reverse the world, reverse the flow of time and space, and destroy the catastrophe.


Ling Tianyu was standing alone in the initial illusion of the Beast Yuan Killing Formation, the surroundings were completely desolate, without any erosion of monsters and ghosts, everything was so mysteriously quiet.

The illusion was over, but Ling Tianyu's heart still could not calm down.This great psychic set up this formation by himself, deliberately recreating the catastrophe that happened in the wild world in the illusion, perhaps to warn the world that this catastrophe did not end here, and even in a certain corner of the wild world In it, a huge unknown crisis is lurking.

for a long time!


Ling Tianyu took a deep breath, looking at the endless desolation in all directions, he couldn't sense the breath of any living beings, and he couldn't find the exit of the phantom formation, which meant that the great magical powers that set up the formation did not let Ling Tianyu go.

But, what is the purpose of this great supernatural being?

Ling Tianyu couldn't figure it out, so he had to stay where he was, and his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings.After the sublimation of the mind and soul, the sensitivity to the surrounding things is more sensitive, and the observation of subtle substances is more thorough.If he were to face Langtu again, he would be able to easily see through Langtu's shadowless power.


Endless desolation, only the breeze of the past and flying dust, endless, endless, according to normal thinking, I am afraid that Ling Tianyu will not be able to get out of this illusion in his life.

But Ling Tianyu is very clear in his heart that the existence of these illusions is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, but what are they?After all, there is nothing here, and the eerie silence has become the only existence.

"No! There must be something wrong! I must be not careful enough!" Ling Tianyu shook his head secretly, slowly closed his eyes, the breeze blew past him, quietly feeling Zhou Tong, everything was so real.

wind! ?

Ling Tianyu was stunned, it turned out to be an illusion, so why is there wind?Why is it so real?In the entire empty and desolate space, except for Ling Tianyu, only the wind in this phantom is flowing.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu, uh, divine thoughts slightly penetrated into the breeze, peeling off layers, peeking at the most subtle substances.He was surprised to find that there were countless free particles floating in the air, which seemed to be moving in an incomprehensible and mysterious way.

Those particles appear very humble and insignificant, they should have been forced to go with the wind and be moved by the wind.But Ling Tianyu clearly sensed that those countless tiny free particles can break free from the shackles of the natural forces of heaven and earth, travel against the wind, and travel freely in all directions.


Ling Tianyu was astonished, feeling the supernatural and strange phenomena around him, and suddenly recalled in his mind how the mighty shadow master reversed the laws of heaven and earth with the laws of supernatural powers.

When this kind of thought arose in Ling Tianyu's mind, he couldn't restrain it anymore, as if possessed by a demon, he simulated and imagined the scenes in the phantom again and again in his mind.

Of course, no matter how Ling Tianyu imitates his imagination, if he cannot comprehend the supernatural powers and laws displayed by the mighty shadow powerhouse, it is absolutely impossible to simulate them realistically, so now Ling Tianyu can only simulate the approximate image at that time.

There is no way, the impression of that powerful figure in Ling Tianyu's heart is too deep, even if Ling Tianyu doesn't deliberately imagine it, it will still appear in his mind uncontrollably.

Gradually, Ling Tianyu escaped into emptiness and entered a state of ecstasy.

From the very first moment when he entered the phantom array, Ling Tianyu had been greatly feared and oppressed. If his mind was not as firm as a rock, he would have to live in the fear and oppression.

Then, the world catastrophe, the shocking picture, the world-shaking scene, if you don't have enough heart, you can't support it.When the illusion is over, there is still no way out, if the heart is not firm, if the heart is not calm, you must die of depression in endless loneliness and despair.

From the beginning to the end, the existence of this illusion is to test a person's will, or to remind something.But if they run in the opposite direction, they will be irritable and violent, and they will not even be able to sustain the first barrier of fear.


Everything depends on the heart!

At this moment, Ling Tianyu's heart became extremely quiet, and his spiritual thoughts extended. Every small scene nearby, and countless elements wandering in the air, became extremely clear under Ling Tianyu's perception, as if everything was under his control. in the grasp.


What made Ling Tianyu even more astonished was that these countless dissociated tiny substances were not only moving against the wind, but also formed some kind of powerful force to change the direction of the wind.Even two winds in different directions can pass through each other without hindrance when they meet together. All of this has completely violated the laws of nature.

So weird!

It's not that these tiny particles adapt to the power of nature, but they are changing the power of nature, changing the rules, and with tiny power, they can forcibly change the order of the entire law.

Why do such strange and natural phenomena occur?Although it is man-made, there is some kind of powerful and mysterious supernatural power hidden in it. Ling Tianyu tried his best to perceive and comprehend it, but every time it seemed to be a little bit worse.

"These illusions have tested my character several times, are they just to hone my mind?"

"I have overcome all fears now, and my xinxing has become strong enough, but why can't I feel anything? Could it be that I misunderstood it?"

"No! No! Why should I force myself again? Why should I force myself to comprehend? If my mind is really distracted, why should I force it? In the final analysis, it's just that my heart is impetuous, and my heart is not quiet enough! "


Ling Tianyu thought about it, let go of everything, there was no wave in the ancient well, his mind wandered too empty, and his heart melted into heaven and earth.

that moment!

Ling Tianyu's heart became extremely quiet, as if his soul had come out of his body, and he could clearly see his own body, ethereal and invisible, free and easy, roaming in the world without any worries, doing whatever he wanted.

Ling Tianyu used to feel this kind of feeling when he was retreating, but now it is even more mysterious, as if he has merged with all the tiny particles in the world, blended into their group, felt their fluctuations, their emotion.

Not bad!

They are indeed very small, but in the face of strong winds, they can walk against the wind as they like.This is the so-called heart, as long as a person's heart is strong enough, nothing can stop him.


Ling Tianyu's originally tenacious heart seemed to explode now, becoming stronger without any limitations.The heart is in harmony with the sky, the heart is in harmony with the earth, the heart accepts the heaven and the earth, encompasses everything, even surpasses the heaven and the earth, destroys the void, and has no restrictions.


With the self-confidence that came from nowhere, Ling Tianyu felt like the ruler of the world, seeing all creatures as ants, moving mountains and seas, turning clouds and rain with a single gesture.

Not bad!

Ling Tianyu finally had an epiphany. At this moment, he felt that he was like the sky, like the earth, and everything was under his control.Between the mind and the mind, you can reach the sky and enter the earth, and travel around.

Heaven and man are one!

According to the legend, a person's state of mind surpasses the supreme good like water, and he can merge with the heaven and the earth, use the power of the heaven and the earth, master the way of the heaven and the earth, and even live the same life as the heaven and the earth, immortal.

If someone saw it here, they would definitely be shocked, because at this moment, Ling Tianyu's whole body is in the form and intangibility.It is clearly close at hand, but it feels far away and difficult to touch.What's even more weird is that Ling Tianyu's breath seems to exist in the world, in every tiniest corner of the world, it's everywhere.

This feeling is similar to that of the Doutian powerhouse in the illusion, but Ling Tianyu only touched the threshold, but he couldn't comprehend the specific and more profound meaning.

But for the current Ling Tianyu, he was already very satisfied, and suddenly his heart and soul returned, and his mind flashed with light.The spiritual sense is extraordinary, the perception has become extremely sharp, the pupils are extremely sharp, scanning the past at will, the smallest element particles floating in the air, every move can hardly escape Ling Tianyu's perception.


Ling Tianyu's eyes were fixed, and he waved his hand, silently, not even causing any ripples.But what is strange is that in Ling Tianyu's surrounding area, the breeze stopped flowing, and the fine matter floating between the sky and the earth also stopped operating. The whole space seemed to freeze instantly, but Ling Tianyu's figure was still in the stillness. Do what you want.

Yes, the operation of various substances in heaven and earth, the existence of living and non-living things, the composition of all elements, the order of space and the order of time all coexist as one.If there is no existence and operation of various substances, and no definition of space, then there will be no movement of time.

In the same way, without the order of time, all substances cannot operate, space cannot be balanced, and living beings cannot exist.And Ling Tianyu stopped all the matter in the coverage, cut off all the operations in the space, and naturally destroyed the time order in the area.


Realize with the heart, see through the law, break the shackles, break through the limitations, let Ling Tianyu jump out of the space limit, just step into the wonderful ranks of the order of time and space, this is the law of time that transcends space.

At that time, Ling Tianyu almost touched the law of time with the most extreme power of the law of space, but the method at that time was relatively brute force.But it is different now, there is no need to use extreme methods, you can set time law restrictions in a certain area as you like.

Time stands still!

If Ling Tianyu could use it at will, even a peak beast king like Lang Tu would lose all his abilities in an instant if he fell into the law of time.

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