Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2557, 1 sword breaking technique

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The ferocious tide of magic energy swept across the sky and covered the earth, and it continued endlessly.

As for Ling Tianyu and the others, they had no choice but to restrain their strength and carry out power suppression.And the Quartet has long been shrouded in demon tides, and the mighty army of chaotic demon spirits surrounded them with Zhang Wu.As long as the power line of defense is broken, they will rush over immediately.

Huoyan Zhenjun was aggrieved, and said angrily: "Even if the power can be suppressed, it is not a long-term solution! We must find a way to crack it as soon as possible, otherwise we will not even go up to the ninth floor, and we will have to be consumed alive. Here! I think it's better to call my elder brother over here, with my elder brother's ability, he will definitely be able to break this damn thing!"

"I'm afraid it would be difficult for the Beast Emperor to come in person, and now the distant water cannot save the near fire, we have to rely on ourselves!" Lei Zun said with a serious expression.

"Rely on yourself? This ghost thing is so powerful, it gathers the power of the three of us, and it has to be sucked by it, how to break it?" True Monarch Huoyan was full of irritability, he didn't even see the enemy's face, but he was trapped to death.

"If the old man is not mistaken, this thing must be a pagoda spirit." Lei Zun said.

"Ta Ling?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"That's right! Only the tower spirit has such power!" Lei Zun said in a deep voice.

"Old man Lei, didn't you say that this pagoda spirit is so powerful that only the world master can control it, but why now?" True Monarch Huoyan said sullenly.

"It should be demonized." Ling Tianyu said in a deep voice, the lower half of the book of witch gods controls the ability to gather evil, and it is not surprising that it can demonize the pagoda spirit.

"Can such a powerful pagoda spirit be demonized?" True Monarch Huoyan was astonished.

"Dropping through stone, the opponent may be in control of evil witchcraft. As long as there is enough time to accumulate, it is not surprising that the spirit of the tower will be evil. What's more, the tower has existed for a long time, and the spiritual power must have been consumed." Ling Tianyu's face was full. Said solemnly.

"Damn it, if we had come here earlier, how could those devils have succeeded!" True Monarch Huoyan said angrily.

"This old man made a mistake and neglected such an important place." Lei Zun shook his head and sighed bitterly, and asked, "Leader, what method can you come up with? With our cultivation base, it won't take long!"

"I..." Ling Tianyu was also helpless.

"Tianyu! This old man has a method, maybe you can give it a try!" The Poison King suddenly said via voice transmission.

"Teacher?" Ling Tianyu was startled.

"Just now when you dealt with that evil thing for the second time and sucked away the energy of the Taoist soldier, the old man noticed something unusual." The poison king replied.

"You don't want to be a fool, we are almost trapped to death." Ling Tianyu was burning with anxiety.

"Don't worry!" The Poison King said indifferently: "From the perception of this old man, although this evil thing is strong, it can't move freely. It seems that the opponent has not yet completely controlled it. Therefore, it is necessary to use the power of magic to constantly Absorb external force, and then demonize it. When it reaches a certain level, the opponent will be able to completely control the evil thing, and then you will really die."

"Crap! What time is it, you still want to hurt me!" Ling Tianyu was extremely depressed.

"It's really stupid!" The Poison King reprimanded: "Even this evil thing has to rely on magic energy to absorb your external force. If you directly cut off the connection between the evil thing and the magic energy, this evil thing will naturally be easy to deal with!"

"I have thought about this problem a long time ago, but this evil thing is now transformed by the tower spirit. Even if the source of magic energy is cut off, it is also very powerful. What's more, if you come into direct contact with it, it will have no magic energy. It can also absorb our strength." Ling Tianyu said.

"If that's the case, then fight it with your physical strength, and it won't be able to absorb your strength." The Poison King said again.

"You've overestimated me too much. Let alone physical combat power, I can't hurt it even if I try my best." Ling Tianyu said weakly. After two fights, he has already seen the evil thing deeply. powerful.

"You should understand the principle that things must be reversed at extremes!" The poison king said seriously: "No matter how powerful the external force is absorbed by this evil thing, it still needs magic energy to assist digestion. Powerful external force. If you can’t circulate and absorb magic energy for a long time, the weakness of this evil thing will naturally be exposed.”


Ling Tianyu suddenly realized that from the fight with the evil thing, when the evil thing absorbs external force, the magic energy will also operate accordingly.If after the magic energy is cut off, a large amount of external force is poured into the evil thing, then it will not be able to circulate with the magic energy, and the evil thing will inevitably suffer mutual backlash.

"Before the opponent can fully control the evil thing, you can try this method!" The Poison King said solemnly: "Otherwise, if you continue to stalemate, the situation will only get worse, even if the Beast Emperor comes in person, it will be difficult to reverse the situation!"

"I understand!" Ling Tianyu nodded secretly, and said to Lei Zun and the others: "Both of you, I have a trick to try, but I need your full cooperation!"

"If you have any plan, just tell us, we won't be able to hold out for a long time!" Huoyan Zhenjun yelled.

"It's not complicated!" Ling Tianyu told the poisonous king exactly what he thought.

Finish listening!

Huoyan Zhenjun smiled happily and said: "Haha! Not bad! I think this trick is right!"

"There is no other way now, we can definitely give it a try!" Lei Zun nodded.

"Then it's up to me to deal with these bastards!" True Monarch Huoyan said angrily, but he couldn't vent his pent-up anger.

"It turns out that the two of you are the same, it shouldn't be too late, let's start right away!" Ling Tianyu said in a deep voice, restraining his breath, pouring all his strength into his body, and holding the God of Fighting Sword tightly.

"Look at me!"

Huoyan Zhenjun let out a deep sound, his whole body was covered with raging flames, and accompanied by powerful power, he rushed straight out like a fierce tiger.


The blood ball sensed the breath of True Lord Flame, and controlled the vast and unparalleled tide of mana energy around him, and even the army of chaotic demon spirits with the potential of thousands of horses rushed towards True Lord Flame fiercely.

Huoyan Zhenjun was full of anger, his pupils were cold and stern, and he no longer suppressed it. The holy energy of the Emperor Fire in his body gave birth to a boundless and ferocious force, which rose from the sky and blazed in all directions.

Boom! ~

The frenzied tide of demons appeared to be greedy and thirsty. Following the flame energy released by the Flame Lord, they rushed up one after another, trying to devour the Flame Lord.


Huoyanzhenjun is like a mountain in the sky, with vast flames burning all over his body, and there is no restraint.Shocked with rage, waves of extremely hot holy power suppressed them, and the entire demon tide became chaotic, and groups of chaotic demon spirits screamed in pain.

"Clan Chief Lei!" Ling Tianyu said.


Lei Zun's gaze became sharper, the thunder body shone with thunder light, and the powerful thunder holy power rolled and gathered in the thunder light holy sword, gradually accumulating a powerful thunder power.

"The flames of the earth!~"

Huoyan Zhenjun screamed violently, his body suddenly grew dozens of times, and he was like a giant mountain, filled with vast and angry flames, squeezing the space aura forcefully, and landed with a majestic bang.

Boom! ~

The giant shadow fell, like a celestial girl scattering flowers, billowing with furious flames, carrying an incomparably powerful holy power, like a stormy wave, oscillating towards the four directions in an arc.

boom!boom! ~

Under the overwhelming raging flames, the waves of demons rolled in all directions, and they couldn't resist it at all.A series of mournful howls sounded, and groups of chaotic demon spirits were instantly shattered, and the raging demon tide was forcibly dispersed.It was as if a wall of copper and iron was formed in all directions, the magic tide was completely blocked, and the blood cells were isolated alone.


The blood cell seemed to feel something was wrong, stretched out countless bloody tentacles, and fired like a hail of bullets.


Lei Zun let out a deep drink, completely unafraid.

Bang! ~

As the thunder flew through the sky, Lei Zun stepped on the thunder and soared into the sky, holding the holy sword of thunder and light, swiping left and right, sweeping away many obstacles, and the blood-colored tentacles were crushed by the thunder sword one by one, very domineering.


As Lei Zun approached forcefully, he was startled and gave birth to a vast and boundless power. The sea of ​​thunder melted into his body, and the sword sounded like thunder, shaking in all directions and rippling through the void.

Clap! ~

Countless thunderbolts, each carrying powerful and unparalleled energy, are densely intertwined like hemp vines, and in a blink of an eye, it seems that a mountain of thunderbolts has condensed.

"Lei Shanyue! Holy Thunder Po!~"

Lei Zun roared angrily, and with all his strength, the Holy Lightning Sword slashed down.

And then!

A domineering thunder light group like a mountain, carrying extremely violent thunder energy, blasted away in the air with the momentum of thunder, and blasted towards the blood cell.

Boom! ~

There was a loud noise, the space violently swayed, and the thunder light flooded, bursting into a network of space cracks, full of power and domineering.If it is placed in the outside world, it will no longer matter if it shatters the airspace of a hundred miles.


Even if the source of mana energy was cut off, the greedy blood cells could not resist the temptation and swallowed the powerful thunder energy in one fell swoop.The whole blood cell immediately swelled up rapidly, entwined with dense thunder.


The evil power contained in the blood cells gathered and became stronger, and the evil power erupted became stronger and stronger, echoing the evil tide in all directions.

boom!boom! ~

The demon tide surged crazily, roaring and impacting the suppression of the fire power of True Monarch Flame.

"Quick! We're about to fall!" Flaming Lord shouted.

Hear it!

Without any hesitation, Lei Zun spread layers of lightning nets in all directions, suppressing the demon tide's riot together.Surrounded by water in all directions, it is hard to break through the rolling impact of the demonic tide.

The energy accumulated inside the blood cell is getting stronger and stronger, but it cannot circulate back with the magic energy for digestion.What's more tragic is that this blood cell seems to have difficulty moving freely.

in this way!

The blood cells can't be released, can't be circulated and absorbed, so they suffer backlash, the original balance collapses, and various domineering forces inside collide with each other.From the inside to the outside, chaos ravaged the blood cells, and they began to squirm violently, swelled continuously, and had a tendency to explode.


It's full of flaws!

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed, but this blood cell not only sucks external force, it is also a man-eating devil.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu held the Dou Shenjian angrily, restrained his strength firmly, and with his strong physical combat power, shot out like an arrow off the string, rushing towards the swelling blood cells at an extreme speed.

The blood ball also felt the threat from Ling Tianyu, and forcibly shot out countless bloody tentacles.

Swish!Swish! ~

Ling Tianyu's ghostly figure wandered around, moving like a swimming dragon, bypassing the attacks of many bloody tentacles.When approaching, his figure suddenly blurred, and he got close to the blood cell in one fell swoop.

"Break it for me!~"

Ling Tianyu yelled angrily, and poured out all his strength, like a thunderbolt, the sharp edge of the sword fiercely stabbed towards the center of the blood cell.

call out! ~~

With a stab of a sword, the blood cell, which was supposed to be strong, suddenly became fragile.Like white paper, it was pierced through by the God of War Sword in Ling Tianyu's hand.But Ling Tianyu's strength has been suppressed, and it is difficult to suck the blood cells.


The long sword went straight down, like lightning and flint, followed by ripples of thunder, and the whole ball of blood was violently torn open a gap.


Ling Tianyu and the others looked happy and excited.

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