Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2558, alone


The blood cells were torn apart, and a bright white light flashed out.

Obviously, it is the Holy Gate.


Lei Zun and the others looked overjoyed, and they finally teamed up to break the blood cell.

However, just when Ling Tianyu was about to further crush the blood cells, a vision happened.


In the wide-open holy door, a strong suction force suddenly appeared, and instantly circled towards Ling Tianyu.As if being firmly attracted by a magnet, it was impossible to get out.


Ling Tianyu's expression was terrified, it came so suddenly that he couldn't guard against it.The whole person was forced to lean forward as if he had stepped on the air, and with the sword on his body, he fell into the wide gap of white light.


Lei Zun and Huoyan Zhenjun's expressions changed drastically, they flashed across the sky, and rushed over.


Ling Tianyu shouted with difficulty, desperately wanting to support a little bit, so that Lei Zun and the others could also break into the holy gate.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and Ling Tianyu managed to hold on for a while.A claw seemed to stretch out from the white light, grabbing Ling Tianyu fiercely, and pulling Ling Tianyu violently.


Ling Tianyu screamed, and his whole body was completely sucked in by the white light, and disappeared.

Lei Zun and Huoyan Zhenjun came one after another, and they were about to break into the holy gate together.Suddenly a wave of evil power surged in. The broken blood cells turned out to be a broken mirror and re-sealed the Holy Gate.

next moment!

The blood balls rioted in anger, like an erupting volcano, a vast and terrifying evil energy, containing extremely violent extinction energy, rushed towards Lei Zun and the others who were approaching.


Huoyan Zhenjun roared, angry and unwilling, he burst out with heavy punches, his face in the void was shattered, and the tyrannical flame punching power faced the surging evil energy and struck him.


This punch did not produce any exaggerated prestige. It was a fierce and domineering fist. The moment it came into contact with the evil energy, the energy was instantly absorbed, and then eroded, trying to further devour the Flame Lord.


Before, even if he had to be swallowed at the end, he could at least resist to some extent, but now the growth of blood cells is astonishing, and he directly absorbs the attack power of True Lord Flame directly.

"Eh!?" True Monarch Huoyan's face was horrified, full of horror.Facing the incomparable evil energy that came berserkly, he lost his senses for a moment, stunned and at a loss.

However, Lei Zun reacted exceptionally, realized something was wrong, and quickly raised the Holy Lightning Sword, slashing down like a lightning bolt, cutting off the evil energy's erosion of Flame True Monarch in time.


Lei Zun let out a startled cry, and swiped with a backhand. With only his strength, he burst out powerful power, squeezed the space aura, pushed out an invisible force, and pressed heavily on the chest of the Flaming Lord.

Peng! ~

True Monarch Huoyan was shaken all over, and was forcibly pushed back under the huge pressure.After waking up with a start, she was terribly frightened, and hurriedly stepped back full of trembling.

There was no hope of breaking the goal, Lei Zun quickly retreated.

Boom! ~

The turbulent tide of magic, taking the opportunity to break through the restriction, rushed in frantically, merged into the blood cells, and formed a circular operation.Absorb all the energy absorbed.


The blood cells vibrated violently, setting off a gust of wind and roaring, the magic power increased tenfold, and a mighty tide of magic surged out in the cycle.The densely packed chaotic demon spirits, with a ferocious look, have been baptized and refined in the surge of the demon tide, and strengthened again.

boom!boom! ~

Rolling waves of demons, the ferocious army of chaotic demon dragons, rolled the square space.Like a mountain torrent, surging in all directions, surrounded Lei Zun and the others, making it airtight, with no way out.

"It's over, we really have to die here!" True Monarch Huoyan's face was ashen, and the blood ball was the tower spirit of the Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda.

"The situation is not so bad, at least the lord has successfully broken through the barrier, with the lord's ability, he will definitely be able to break through the magic!" Lei Zun said seriously: "You and I must stick to this, and we must not let the evil things take any advantage!"

"With the power of the lord alone, how can we resist?" True Monarch Huoyan looked worried.

"The leader is a wise man. This matter is very important. We can't compete with the opponent with our strength alone. Presumably the leader has already told the beast emperor to come to help!" Lei Zun said.

"Then we can only stick to it now?" True Monarch Huoyan suddenly felt powerless.

"One point is one point, there is no other way." Lei Zun sighed.


Lei Zun and the two restrained all their strength, and once again released invisible power, oppressing all directions.Although this move can block the erosion of mana energy, it consumes a lot of energy and is not a long-term solution.


Ling Tianyu plunged into the vortex like a flat boat, lost his head, bumped around, and couldn't control his figure at all.In desperation, I had no choice but to keep my mind, store up my strength, let nature take its course, and go with the flow.

in this way!

Turning around a hundred times, Ling Tianyu seemed to be trapped in an unknown realm. When Teng Ran appeared, he was standing on nothingness, standing in the endless darkness, unable to find any direction.


What surprised Ling Tianyu was that compared to the eighth layer, the evil energy gathered here was more intense, and even permeated into every tiny particle in the air, and the entrance of breathing was that cold and evil energy.


Ling Tianyu immediately sealed off the eight extraordinary meridians and dantian acupoints all over his body, in order to cut off the erosion of evil energy.Standing alone in the eerie darkness, his sharp eyes scanned all directions vigilantly.


Ahead of the darkness in the distance, a cloud of demonic vortexes is condensing in the air.It is slowly circulating, and every cycle of the sky, the magic energy accumulated in the magic cloud vortex will be strengthened by one point.

So strong!

Ling Tianyu was able to devour the power of the magic cloud before, but the vortex of the magic cloud accumulated in front of him made Ling Tianyu feel humble and powerless.After a long time, he could feel the terrifying and invisible oppressive feeling. There seemed to be countless magic pupils around him, flickering sharply, staring at Ling Tianyu, the unexpected guest.

Ling Tianyu remained motionless, dripping with cold sweat, under the lingering evil energy, Ling Tianyu felt that the ground was covered with deep mines, as long as he took a small step, it would bring him eternal doom.

In this space, the evil spirit gathered is extremely powerful, and it continues to increase, making it turbid and haunted by evil spirits.It seems that the magic element vortex is the center, and it flows in one after another, gradually transforming into magic energy.

The magic energy released right now is extremely powerful, and it must be the demon master who is cultivating here.In addition, the tower spirits of the Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda may be demonized, and the consequences will be extremely serious.


Ling Tianyu regretted it at the beginning, if he had noticed earlier, he wouldn't have raised a tiger.What is even more tragic is that the space here is completely isolated, completely cutting off the connection with the outside world.

That also means that Ling Tianyu's main body and avatar will not be able to exchange positions.

However, thinking that Lei Zun and Huo Zhenjun were still trapped in the eighth space, the situation was not good, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to waste any time.Unexpectedly, the opponent may already know his existence, Ling Tianyu relaxed his heart, and walked towards the position of the magic cloud vortex.


When Ling Tianyu left, there was a strong evil spirit in all directions, and with a scream like a ghost crying, it eroded and attacked Ling Tianyu endlessly.

Ling Tianyu blocked his whole body, his whole body was tightly blocked, even his breathing was sealed.With his strong physique, the evil spirit cannot invade Ling Tianyu.

But Ling Tianyu couldn't absorb the evil spirit in this space. After all, there were many impurities in it, and it might even be cursed. Ling Tianyu never dared to touch it.


As the magic cloud vortex approached, the magic energy pervading all around became more powerful and terrifying.It's like being stuck in a quagmire, with your feet like lead, making it difficult to move.In addition, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to use his strength indiscriminately, which undoubtedly made things worse. Every step he took felt like he was being tormented. After all, his cultivation base was still poor.

Only this!

It will take a certain amount of time for the Beast Emperor's reinforcements, and it is not yet certain that he will be able to break through here. Ling Tianyu can only rely on himself for the time being.Even if it is lost, even if it is a dead end, you have to fight hard.


Only a thousand meters away from the magic cloud vortex, Ling Tianyu could no longer withstand the impact of the magic energy, his complexion was pale, beads of sweat kept dripping down, he couldn't breathe, and felt oppressed.

"I can't do it! I really can't get any closer..." Ling Tianyu thought to himself, exhausted, and the magic power was too powerful.With Ling Tianyu's current cultivation base, let alone destroying the operation of the magic cloud vortex, it is difficult to get close to it.

At this moment, a gloomy and cruel laughter resounded: "Jie Jie, although I calculated that you would find this place, I just didn't expect that you would have the ability to break into the top of the tower!"


The void was rippling, and a ghostly figure, surrounded by a strong evil spirit, changed from illusory to solid, and gradually emerged from the dark void.

Yes, it is the Stone King!

the difference is!

The Stone King in front of him suddenly seemed to be a different person, his complexion was as pale as paper, without blood, but his pupils were filled with scarlet, as sharp as hooks, far more ferocious than ghosts and ghosts.Wearing a blood robe all over his body, he had an evil staff that gathered evil spirits in his hands, and he involuntarily released cold evil spirits with his gestures, the momentum was compelling and breathtaking.

Originally, Stone King had already reached the late stage of the Dao Realm, but now he is full of evil spirits, and his cultivation base has undergone extraordinary transformation, which can be called a half-step holy realm cultivation base.

Not to mention the advantage of the geographical location, even with King Stone's cultivation base, it would not be easy for Ling Tianyu to deal with it.

But Ling Tianyu was not afraid at all, and looked coldly at King Shi and said fiercely: "King Stone! Even if you want to take revenge on me, you don't have to betray your clansmen, collude with fierce demons, and use such despicable means to deal with me!"

"Could it be that you have no regrets about my son's death?" Shi Wang said coldly, looking down at Ling Tianyu as if condescending. Between the sounds, the void vibrated, and the evil threat was overwhelming.

"Regret? Even if I do it all over again, I will never regret it!" Ling Tianyu said coldly, "It's you, King Stone, don't become a sinner through the ages because of your personal grievances with me!"

"Haha! What a sinner through the ages!" Shi Wanglang laughed and said angrily, "It's not your turn to make decisions in this world, but you have come here. New and old grievances will be settled together today!"

"You want to make me pay for my life, then I admit it, but have you ever thought about the eldest princess? If she knows that you have colluded with the fierce demon and surrendered to the depravity, what will she think of you?" Ling Tianyu said in a deep voice: "You have already lost a son, do you still want to lose another daughter? Even all your clansmen? Don't you care about these consequences at all?"

"Daughter? Clan? The shame you gave me back then, they have already abandoned me, why should I care?" Stone King said fiercely.

"Uh..." Ling Tianyu was stunned, staring closely at the Stone King in front of him, suddenly awakened, and said in horror: "You...you are not the Stone King! You are Shi Luotian!!!"

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