Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2674, magic contract

at the moment!

The ancient spirit not only has a complete body, but also has cultivated the essence of various magical powers of the ancient demon gods. In addition, it is an ancient demon spirit and possesses the most powerful dark power in the six realms.If it continues to grow, it will only be a matter of time before it surpasses the holy realm.

And although Ling Tianyu's cultivation had reached the peak, he was equal to Gu Ling, but Ling Tianyu didn't have any advantage.Moreover, he can no longer continue to use the power of the boiling holy blood, and he does not have such good luck that he can continue to get the opportunity to realize beyond the border.

"Damn it! If you can rely on the power of the ancient seal, you can deal with this devil!" Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly. He could fight to the end, but the ancient spirit has infinite magic power, so there is no chance of winning.


Just as he was thinking, a weak voice responded slightly.

"En? Little Plum Blossom!" Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and entered through the induction of the primordial space. Under the fortune of the primordial space, although Feng Mo did not recover his vitality, he was still awake.

"Tianyu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I'm useless and can't help you??" Feng Mo said guiltily. As the only key to controlling the ancient seal, she was plotted against and suffered a crushing defeat.

"It's okay, I know you've tried your best, but this ominous spirit is too insidious, you and I can't guard against it." Ling Tianyu said softly, "You should take a good rest and leave it to me to deal with it."

"Tian Yu and so on, I know that without the help of the ancient seal, it is difficult to defeat the evil spirit, I want to help you again. This is not only for you, but also for me and the demon world." Feng Mo said.

"But you are like this now, even if you have pills to replenish your energy, it will be difficult for you to control the ancient seal." Ling Tianyu was full of helplessness.

"I can give you the ancient seal." Feng Mo said surprisingly.

"What!?" Ling Tianyu was startled.


Feng Mo said dejectedly: "My cultivation level is very small, and I will only let down the power of the ancient seal. If you can drive away the ancient seal, you will be able to activate the extraordinary power of the ancient seal, and then you will be able to resist the evil spirit."

"Could it be that you want to kill the world spirit??" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"Even if the world spirit is handed over to you, I won't object. It's just that inheriting the world spirit will take a certain amount of time. I'm afraid it will be too late, but there is a way for you to control the ancient seal." Feng Mo said.

"What method?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking, judging from the current situation, defeating the enemy with the ancient seal is the best way.

"In our Demon Realm, you can sign a slave contract. As long as you let me become your demon slave, I can teach you the spell and control the ancient seal." Fengmo explained.

"Demon slave!? Can this contract be terminated?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"The demon contract is permanent. If you violate the contract, you will be punished by the heavens, reincarnated without life, and eternal purgatory." Feng Mo replied.

"This??? How is this possible! You are the new Lord of the Devil Realm now, if your father finds out, he will definitely kill me!" Ling Tianyu exclaimed in shock, absolutely unacceptable.

"It's about the survival of the Demon Realm. Isn't fame important? What's more, even if you become your demon slave, I don't think you will use or hurt me." Feng Mo said.


Ling Tianyu pondered for a while, and said: "When my cultivation base surpasses the rules, I will definitely help you break the magic contract, and now I can only wrong you first."

"I'm not wronged, I'm willing." Feng Mo replied.


Ling Tianyu was full of guilt for relying on the help of a witch in the end, so he said to Xiaoji: "Xiaoji! Can you help me restrain this evil spirit? I need some time now!"


Xiaoji nodded secretly, for it, Ling Tianyu was its only family member, and it would never allow Ling Tianyu to be harmed.

"En! You have the protection of the ancient holy spirit, but you can't defeat the evil spirit. It's not easy for this guy to destroy you. Do your best!" Ling Tianyu said through voice transmission.

Seeing the silence of the atmosphere, the ancient spirit smiled triumphantly and said, "Hehe, boy, have you all figured it out? Of course, after all, you are no match for the current deity! The deity looks at this demon world. The pulse is withering, if you can respect me as the master and give me the spirit of the world, this deity can make the demon world prosper forever, and even surpass the six worlds!"

"It's such a bold tone! Even a mere evil spirit dares to pretend to be the master. I think you are whimsical, and you don't know yourself!" Ling Tianyu snorted coldly, using the holy power of the evil spirit to affect the world.

Seal of Heaven!

The energy of the vast holy soldiers, fused with the holy energy of the demons, instantly condensed the Seal of Heaven.

boom! ~

Sealing the heavens and the forbidden land, suppressing the four directions, like the sky pressing down on the earth, with a mighty tower like a mountain, the giant seal of the sky, carrying powerful sealing power, blasting the aura of heaven and earth, pressing towards the top of Guling Gai.

"Small tricks!~"

Gu Ling snorted in disdain, but he also knew that Feng Tianyin was powerful, and with its proficient physical skills, there was no need to touch his head against a wall.

"Magic ghost step!~"

The ghostly figure of the ancient spirit flickered, and his steps were like illusions, blurred and difficult to distinguish.Especially after possessing the clone body of Ling Tian Yuwu, Gu Ling was lucky enough to cast magic powers.

Swish!Swish! ~

As if shifting shape and changing positions, the ancient spirit directly avoided Feng Tianyin's suppression, without a single ripple, and arrived in an instant, until Ling Tianyu got close, and a strange shock came from his palm.

Flowing Cloud Demon Palm!

Flowing clouds and flowing water, extending the magic energy, chattering endlessly, twisting layers of space ripples, a strong wave of magic energy surrounds the four directions, the space area where Ling Tianyu is located, the space is like a vortex, squeezed inward, creating a huge suction.

And that stretching palm strength drives the powerful magic energy, which surges in. Every time it gets closer, the magic energy increases sharply, rising steadily, aggressive, sealing the four directions, and the palm move is indeed amazing.

Ling Tianyu had been on guard for a long time, and the broken sword in his hand flew out suddenly, extremely tyrannical and sharp, tearing through the continuous magic energy.

"Overestimating one's strength!" The ancient spirit was disdainful, the strength of the palm vibrated, and the magic power increased again, which strongly increased the strength of the four-dimensional space, which was heavy and twisted, bursting out billions of times of pressure, and forcibly suppressing the strength of the remnant sword.


Ling Tianyu sneered coldly, and the flying sword that was being oppressed seemed to melt, and it deformed strangely, changing between virtual and real, avoiding the power of the palm force, flashing through the air, and ruthlessly circling around Gu Ling's continuous palm force .

Seal the universe circle of spirits!

The remnant sword turned into a golden circle of light in an instant, falling from the sky like a thunderbolt of lightning. It precisely inserted the ancient spirit from the head and locked it firmly.

Although the Fengling Qiankun circle is not as powerful as Feng Tianyin's earth-shattering confinement power, if he successfully traps the opponent, the confinement power will be even stronger.

The ancient spirit was making a move, but was restrained for a while, and the attack was broken.

But Ling Tianyu didn't stop there, he swung the magic knife, he had been accumulating for a long time, poured enough demonic holy energy, and let the thunder dragon wrap around the blade, making it even more domineering.

"Ba Leiqie!~"

Ling Tianyu yelled violently, and the light of the Thunder Saber seemed to cut open the space, tearing through the billowing magic energy, and slashed fiercely at the ancient spirit.

The ancient spirit was full of anger, and he drank heavily: "Thousands of arms reach the sky!~"

Boom boom boom! ~

A series of powerful magic arms, like octopus tentacles, burst out of the ancient spirit's body, filled with powerful magic energy.Thousands of arms are entwined, instantly forming a sharp shield, blocking the magic knife.

"Myriad Armed Demon God!"

Demon Venerable Xiaoyao was horrified. These magical abilities all came from the ancient demon gods. As the lord of the demon world, he has ruled the world of demons for thousands of years. Demon Lord Xiaoyao can understand a thing or two even if he hasn't cultivated it.

Boom! ~

The continuous explosion, the ten-thousand-armed palm that Gu Ling shot out with his own magic power was indeed powerful. Ling Tianyu had already tried his best, and the strongest strike only caused slight ripples.


The ancient spirit yelled angrily, and his whole body swelled with energy, and the spirit-sealing Qiankun circle that was bound to him was forcibly shattered by it.But when the ancient spirit broke through, Ling Tianyu had already come to him.

"Extremely frozen and blocked!~"

Ling Tianyu gave a cold shout, the extremely freezing speed activated the law of time, ignoring the barriers of time and space, transformed the ice soul magic energy to the extreme, and slashed like thunder.

"Liuhe Demon Palm!~"

The ancient spirit was not afraid to give way, and his arms were like a ring of snakes, forming a siege on Ling Tianyu's offensive from all tricky corners.


The picture freezes, the space freezes, Ling Tianyu's self-confident and inexhaustible deadly move is caught by the heavy demon palms blasted by the ancient spirit. , it is difficult to advance one point.

"Your strength is indeed very strong. It's not easy for me to defeat you, but you want to hurt me, it's a dream!" Gu Ling said coldly, the vast magic energy burst out, rushing in all directions like a river.

Ling Tianyu stared, and shouted: "Xiaoji!~"

boom! ~

The holy light was shining, and the righteous energy was surging in. Xiaoji once again controlled the ancient creatures, and shot them out of Ling Tianyu's body like bullets, attacking the ancient spirit fiercely and angrily.

The ancient spirit was fighting in full swing, and even ignored the ancient spirit for a while. Even if Xiao Ji failed to control all the power of the ancient holy spirit, the awe-inspiring holy power of the ancient spirit itself had a great restraint effect on the ancient spirit.


The ancient spirit didn't dare to be careless, and shouted angrily, mobilizing the vast magic energy in the collective, pulling the magic sources from all directions in the world, like a surging sea, coming to meet the rolling holy light bombardment.

Boom! ~

Darkness and light collided violently again, like a volcano erupting, thunderbolts, floods surging, and violent momentum, flashing dazzling light all over the sky, blasting the entire demon world.

"Little Plum Blossom!~" Ling Tianyu called out.

The phoenix demon has already prepared, and with a loyal attitude, he recited the spell of the magic deed: "In my name, with blood as a sacrifice, with my soul as a guide, with my life as an oath, recognize him as my master, and be a slave forever, never Betrayal, if you violate your words, you will die in Shura Purgatory!"

Curse stop!

A mysterious and incomprehensible sense of contract immediately poured into Ling Tianyu's mind, as if he was making an all-out request.


Fengmo is the master of the demon world, and she has to become Ling Tianyu's demon slave forever, and a large part of the power of faith and cultivation she has obtained will be dedicated to Ling Tianyu, and in the future, Ling Tianyu will control life and death at will. It is equivalent to allowing Ling Tianyu to indirectly control the entire demon world.

Although Ling Tianyu couldn't bear it, Xiaoji's power to control the ancient holy spirit was limited, so he had to rely on the power of the ancient seal to suppress the ancient spirit.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu was forced to accept Feng Mo's request for a magic contract.

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