Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2675, Outbreak and Defeat

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Black and white are intertwined, the radiance is overwhelming, and the extremely violent energy waves are like a natural disaster, violently sweeping the world of the demon world.Everything is gloomy, flying stones are raging endlessly, dusty and chaotic.

Violent and ferocious dark energy, majestic and upright bright holy power, formed two shocking surges, set off torrents, and the impact of the core, which was difficult to approach for thousands of miles, was completely destroyed.

Although Xiaoji can't control the full power of the ancient holy spirit, he can restrain the ancient spirit, and the ancient spirit has been sealed for many years. If it is broken again, it will take a lot of wear and tear. Only then can the two form a tit-for-tat situation, but the ancient spirit has a slight upper hand.


Xiaoji felt extremely strenuous, and was only doing her best to protect Ling Tianyu, and she performed supernormally.With its own primordial power, and with the help of the ancient holy spirit, its power is infinite.

Moreover, under Xiaoji's hard work, his body seems to be continuously refined and tempered, and the power of the ancient holy spirit driven by him is also gradually increasing.


Ling Tianyu has successfully reached a magic contract with Fengmo, and is calling the ancient seal method in the inheritance.

However, Xiaoyao Demon Lord and Demon Star were completely powerless to fight against, and it was even difficult to get close to them. Under the impact and agitation of the two giant energies of darkness and light, they had to be forced to retreat again and again.

at last!

In response to the Fajue transmission, Ling Tianyu's eyes became cold again.

"Xiaoji! Hold on one more point!" Ling Tianyu said via voice transmission.


Ling Tianyu was like a startling dragon soaring into the sky, breaking through the torrent, like a thunder breaking through the sky, stepping through the sky, standing proudly in the universe.Like a high-ranking ruler, looking down on all directions, his power shakes the world.

"Senior Ice Emperor?" Demon Xing was stunned, not knowing what to do.

Xiaoyao Mozun's complexion was condensed, and he clearly felt that Ling Tianyu's aura had undergone a huge change, like a troll who transcended the world, with vast mana energy surging all over his body, and the darkness lifted the sky.


The ancient spirit faintly felt restless and irritable, so he frantically gathered the magic sources from all directions and transformed them into powerful and thick dark energy.It is like a ferocious wave, soaring to the sky, like a continuous wave.

Boom! ~

The black light exploded, and the light gradually dimmed. The roaring and surging dark energy in the sky became more powerful and ferocious, and gradually suppressed and overwhelmed the holy power of light.


At this moment, the world, which was originally violent and chaotic, suddenly forcibly poured in a wave of world-shaking power.Like the inviolable power of heaven, driving the destructive energy, it seems that the superpower that makes the sky tremble comes to the world, as if it can easily break open the whole world.

that moment!

The entire world seems to have become solidified, becoming extremely heavy, oppressive, and even suffocating. Even the black and white rays of light colliding fiercely and flashing across the sky are under tremendous pressure. to crash.

powerful!fear!Even invincible!

It was a kind of unrivaled power that completely shocked the soul and was enough to seal the fighting spirit.Under the shroud of this super powerful energy, all things seem to become humble and insignificant, giving people a sense of powerlessness like ants facing the raging sea.

"This is!?" The demon star was horrified, feeling the power of the rolling bombardment, while suppressing suffocation, he suddenly found out in horror that he could no longer transfer the magic energy, and his whole body was forced to restrain himself like a weight-bearing stone. Section down.

"Ancient seal! This is the power from the ancient seal!" Xiaoyao Mozun exclaimed in surprise.

"Ancient seal!?" Demon Xing was shocked.


Xiaoyao Demon Venerable nodded deeply. As a former world master, he has a sense of world spirits. Obviously, Ling Tianyu does not have it, so there is only one possibility, that is, Feng Mo may have signed a magic contract with Ling Tianyu, and he will be a slave forever .

It is undoubtedly a great shame for the master of the world to be a slave, but right now the survival of the demon world is at stake.Xiaoyao Mozun was furious, but he could only sigh bitterly. After all, only the power of the ancient seal can deal with the ancient spirit.

at the same time!

Sensing the ever-increasing Tianwei, Xiaoyao Mozun also looked shocked.Just as he expected, the ancient seal can indeed achieve extraordinary effects in Ling Tianyu's hands. Judging from the current power, it is estimated that at least seven layers of the ancient seal's power have been activated.

This time!

Ling Tianyu stood proudly in the sky, as if representing the supreme might of the sky, with his palms flying and making seals, he murmured words, as if they came from an ancient chant, gathering endless magical energy.


Ling Tianyu raised his palm to the sky, as if he was calling for an ancient shocking power, and his palm shook the sky, only to create huge ripples that shook the sky and the earth.

"Ancient Seal!?"

The ancient spirit was horrified, as an ancient seal that could suppress and seal it, how could it not be afraid?This ancient seal is not only refined from the vast source of magic, but also blesses the seals of many great ancient demon gods, with infinite power.

But the ancient spirit is chaotically attacking the body with the light and holy power of the ancient holy spirit controlled by Xiaoji, and the fight is inseparable. If the ancient spirit retreats, the victory will be lost.What's more, the two giant energies clash fiercely, and it is not easy for Gu Ling to get rid of it.

"Hmph! The power of the ancient seal can indeed seal the deity! But the power of the ancient seal can also destroy living beings, you madman still don't stop!" The ancient spirit snorted angrily, feeling the oppression brought by the ancient seal, the subconscious Already made it fearful.

Ling Tianyu turned a deaf ear and continued to summon Gu Yin. Although Gu Yin had extraordinary power, it was like a man-eating devil.When summoning the ancient seal, the power in Ling Tianyu's body seemed to be sucked, and it was drained rapidly.

It's no wonder that Feng Mo couldn't hold on, even Ling Tianyu's powerful strength was consumed extremely heavily, and the price was really not small.Fortunately, Ling Tianyu's holy power of good fortune is strong enough, so that he won't become a useless person after borrowing the power of the ancient seal like Fengmo.

"Fierce spirit! Your arrogance should stop here!" Ling Tianyu shouted like thunder, driving the world-shattering Tianwei, and stepped out of the sky like countless trolls.

boom! ~

The sky and the earth are in a daze, with a giant seal covering the sky, shining with the world-brightening magic light, the billowing magic energy is like flooding the sea, mighty, powerful, and extremely domineering, accompanied by overwhelming anger, suppressing the sky and the earth.


Ling Tianyu yelled violently, the magic seal flew, and the ancient seal of Sentian, with a peerless power that could crush everything in the world, all demons worshiped, the overlord came here, and everything was regarded as an ant.

that moment!

The demons of the heaven and earth were also shaken and terrified.Those who were in a bad mood were directly shaken away from their souls.After all, the power of the ancient seal was too strong, and it was inevitable that it would cause casualties.

Boom boom boom! ~

In the ancient world, the sky is like the sky pressing down on the earth, the black and white rays of light flashing all over the sky are scattered in all directions by the oppression of the giant energy, and the source of demons stirring between the sky and the earth is even more scattered.

"Take it!~"

Ling Tianyu yelled, and immediately called Xiaoji back just as the ancient seal came.

What is different from the ancient spirit is that Xiaoji and the ancient holy spirit are now only Ling Tianyu's magical treasures, which can be easily recalled at will, but the ancient spirit can't, and can only fight against the power of the ancient seal alone.

In an instant!

The vast holy power of light disappeared out of thin air.

Although Gu Ling was liberated, he couldn't relax in the face of Gu Yin's supreme power.As if isolated by heaven and earth, the billowing power erupting from the ancient seal had already sealed it firmly, and it was doomed.

"Don't even think about it!~"

The ancient spirit was furious, and the huge dark energy in his body soared wildly for a time, abruptly gathering the scattered magic sources again.


The ancient spirit held the sky with both palms, like swinging a thousand horses, and the endless dark energy instantly condensed into a series of materialized dragons.The sky is full of dragons singing Lei Che, and the dragons are soaring into the sky.

Peng!Peng! ~

Sentian ancient seal, the world-destroying bombardment, the magic dragons that came from the bombardment, when they collided, they couldn't resist the ancient seal's mighty power at all, and they shattered one after another, turning into magic currents.

And the furious ancient spirit then turned into a giant palm that held up to the sky, and angrily blocked it against the ancient seal that was pressing down.

Boom boom boom! ~

The Gu Yinwei fell with a heavy bang, the ten thousand miles of cracked stratum solidified and sank sharply, and the air flow between the sky and the earth had already been suppressed.Under the absolute suppression of Gu Yin, the source of magic continued to explode, and the ancient spirit struggled to support the bombardment and oppression of Gu Yin, the dark energy in the body was also turbulent, and was defeated layer by layer.

of course!

Ling Tianyu exerted the power of the seventh layer of the ancient seal supernormally, and his own wear and tear was extremely heavy, and this ancient spirit is really strong, and it can still support it to this point.You have to weaken most of the power of the ancient spirit, and then you can capture it in one fell swoop.

Boom! ~

The ancient seal bombarded continuously, accompanied by hundreds of millions of times of heavy pressure and waves, endlessly shaking the world of the demon world.After all, the ancient spirit was hard to beat. Under the domineering bombardment of the ancient seal, his figure fell steadily, and the dark energy in his body was also crushed and dispersed.


Ling Tianyu called out, he could not allow the ancient spirit to be destroyed, but wanted to take it away.What's more, manipulating the ancient seal consumes too much energy, Ling Tianyu must retain a certain amount of power to control the ancient spirit, and cannot continue to control the ancient seal.

"Mom!~" Xiaoji got ready.


Under the continuous bombardment of the ancient seal, it is obvious that the strength of the ancient spirit is not as good as before.

Just when he was about to withdraw the ancient seal, the ancient spirit yelled fiercely: "Boy! I am willing to play with you until now! I just want to take your body! Even at this point, I will recognize it! But you want To subdue this deity, in the next life!~"


The ancient spirit, which was under suppression, suddenly burst out with a super-strong and terrifying dark energy. It felt like self-detonation, and the power of the explosion was not even inferior to the ancient seal.


Ling Tianyu's expression changed drastically. If the ancient spirit really blew himself up, then the ancient holy spirit would be crippled.But in the face of such an explosive and huge dark energy, whether it is to continue the suppression of the ancient seal or to remove the ancient seal, the situation is extremely unfavorable.

But is Gu Ling really willing to die?

Boom! ~

The terrifying dark energy, rolling explosive torrent, collided violently with the power of the ancient seal.The two monstrous energies shook violently like a volcanic eruption, and the ripples that destroyed the sky and the earth frantically oscillated in all directions.

Originally, manipulating the ancient seal was extremely exhausting, but when the ancient seal suffered a huge impact, Ling Tianyu, as the sealer, would naturally suffer corresponding backlash.It immediately shocked his mind and blood.

next moment!

In this shocking torrent of explosions, a black streak of light shot out like lightning.


Gu Yin used half of his own energy to self-detonate and counterattack, but he was also afraid of Gu Yin's power. After breaking free, Gu Ling fled in a hurry.

And when Ling Tianyu took advantage of the trend to release the ancient seal, he sensed that the direction the ancient spirit was fleeing from was the location of the ancient seal. Could it be that the ancient spirit was fleeing to the God Realm?

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