Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2780, Two Spirits Join Forces

at the moment!

Under the absolute prohibition, there is no one who can resonate deep in Ling Tianyu's subconscious, except the demon spirit.

Although he knew that the demon spirit was uneasy and well-intentioned, and he could take advantage of the opportunity, but in this desperate situation, in order to survive, and to counter the blood lord's conspiracy and ambition, Ling Tianyu had no way out.

Can't help!

Almost without any hesitation, Ling Tianban followed the induction brought about by that subtle connection, and opened up his deep subconscious mind.

"Boy! You can accept this deity without reservation. It seems that you are really driven to a dead end!" The voice of the demon immediately sounded in the depths of Ling Tianyu's subconscious. No matter how strong the ability is, it cannot be explored deeply.

"Huh! This is not thanks to you!" Ling Tianyu snorted coldly, but the situation is urgent now, and there is really no time to waste it, so he said straight to the point: "The devil! I owe this account first, I know You and I both have a common enemy! You won’t let me lose my life! But I know you won’t save me easily, tell me about your conditions?”

"That's refreshing! I like it!" The demon smiled triumphantly, and said, "That's right! Now that you have deeply experienced the strength of the blood venerable, you and I are far from his opponent! If you fall into his hands, then the next This deity is also doomed! But you and I have deep grievances and grievances, and this deity cannot help you unconditionally. If you want to survive, you must make a blood oath to promise three conditions to this deity!"

"Three conditions? Hehe, you really know how to take advantage of the fire! Then don't talk nonsense! Tell me your conditions quickly!" Ling Tianyu suppressed his anger, who told him to ask for others.

"The deity is not hypocritical!" The demon immediately said: "First, no matter what means, you must help the deity completely cut off contact with you. The deity does not want such a disgusting thing like you to pester the deity all the time! Second, wait After you escape, this deity needs to extract your lifelong magic energy to strengthen your cultivation; thirdly, and most importantly, you must help this deity obtain the bones of the witch deity, and help this deity to achieve greatness!"

"Except for the first point, the other two points are hard to follow! If you really created you, then what is the difference between you and the blood demon?" Ling Tianyu said angrily, this demon is too calculating.

"This deity is different from those blood demons. Their existence is to exterminate creatures. What this deity wants is to have a complete body and soul, as well as supreme strength! Even if I have achieved this deity, this deity will not destroy the creatures of the six realms! The devil replied: "As for the grievances between you and me, after the blood demons are wiped out, you and I will rely on our strengths! If you can't accept these three conditions, then you can wait to fend for yourself!"

Ling Tianyu was very angry. Although the conditions mentioned by the demon spirit were extremely harsh and he took advantage of the fire to rob, but compared with the current threat of the blood venerable, these three conditions of the demon spirit were not impossible to deal with.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu quickly said: "Success! As long as you can help me escape, I can promise you!"

"It should be like this!" The demon smiled sarcastically.

Ling Tianyu was extremely annoyed by being tricked by the demon one after another, but now, in order to survive, Ling Tianyu had to accept the three conditions of the demon, and made a blood oath on the spot.


Ling Tianyu asked coldly: "I have made the blood oath as you said, how will you help me deal with the blood venerable?"

"Naturally, it was unexpected. Don't forget that this deity's physique is created by your avatar, and the amount is hard to predict even for a blood deity!" The demon said solemnly: "In terms of cultivation, the blood deity is indeed much higher than you and me, but if you don't With the help of the evil source, it will not be easy to deal with you and me! As long as you gather the power of the ancient holy spirit and the ancient demon spirit possessed by this deity, you will definitely be able to beat me! Of course, it depends on whether this can be done. There is a tacit understanding between you and me!"

"But my body is almost out of control now, what can you do to help me?" Ling Tianyu asked again.

"It's simple, as long as you stop the blood venerable's spellcasting, you can temporarily stabilize the poisonous blood that has invaded your body! As for whether you can completely eradicate it after you escape, it depends on your ability!" The demon replied.


Ling Tianyu agreed and reached an agreement with the demon spirit.


The evil blood transformed by the devouring blood sword is pouring into Ling Tianyu's body in an endless stream.But Ling Tianyu's body was completely numb, and he couldn't control himself.

But at least, as long as Ling Tianyu is not completely refined into a blood slave, his body still belongs to him now.Ling Tianyu endured the pain, clinging to his mind, and gradually deepened his connection with the demon spirit.

That's right!

The demon spirit is always created by Ling Tianyu's avatar, and there will naturally be an intimate relationship like blood between the real deity and the avatar.The demon spirit can completely use Ling Tianyu's deity, like a clone returning to its place, and it can naturally be loaded into Ling Tianyu's deity's body, and then it will be able to catch him by surprise, and will definitely give the blood deity a fierce counterattack.

And the Blood Lord was on the verge of becoming the most powerful and perfect Blood Slave, and he smiled triumphantly and said: "Evil! You have worked so hard, planned everything, and ruined the master's plan everywhere! It's a pity, Everything will be destroyed in your hands in the end! Although I used to hate you so much, but now I want to thank you very much!"

Ling Tianyu glared at Xue Zun with red eyes, unable to speak, but Ling Tianyu's eyes could kill people.

"Hehe! Don't look at me like that. You will end up like this, not because of me, but because of your arrogance!" The source of evil energy and the vast evil energy seemed to turn into infinite negative resentment, viciously and mercilessly impacting Ling Tianyu's inner heart.


The Blood Master sneered coldly, and the ferocious blood claws locked on Ling Tianyu's chest with the momentum of splitting the air, and came straight towards Ling Tianyu with extreme viciousness.

Too late!Soon!

Just when the murderous claws were only a hair's breadth away, Yu Ling Tianyu's bloodshot eyes suddenly burst out with a murderous intent.


Xue Zun's face was startled, although he didn't think Ling Tianyu would have any bargaining chips to turn around in this situation.But at this extremely short moment, Xue Zun unexpectedly felt an ominous premonition from Ling Tianyu's refracted eyes.

"Blood dog! It's time to pay the debt!"

With a loud shout, it exploded into the Blood Venerable's mind like a thunderbolt.


Ling Tianyu's whole body was shaken violently, and there was an extremely terrifying super strong magic energy, without warning, like a bomb that exploded in an instant.An extremely tyrannical, domineering, and ferocious magic rainbow blasted out like a thunderbolt, and with all its might, it blasted towards the face of the blood venerable like a wind and an electric engine.

that moment!

Sensing a surge of super-powerful magical energy, the blood venerable was so shocked that his two eyeballs almost popped out, and his whole expression was full of disbelief.And this breath of magic energy is no stranger to him.


The Blood Venerable couldn't figure it out, it was hard to believe how the demon spirit broke in?What is even more unacceptable is that this demon spirit obviously seems to have become a part of Ling Tianyu's body.

Boom! ~

A punch hit, the tyrannical mana burst out a fierce punch, and hit the blood venerable's face hard.

In any case, the demon spirit has reached the cultivation level of the Holy Venerable, and the sudden sneak attack, which the Blood Venerable is unable to defend against, will inevitably be injured.


The blood venerable screamed, and the entire face was sunken quickly, blood splashed into the air, his inner breath was swaying, and he suffered a huge backlash on his body, turning over and flying upside down.The entire refining process was suddenly interrupted.


Ling Tianyu took the opportunity to get rid of the restriction, although he couldn't immediately clear the blood in his body, and the control of his body was not easy to adapt to, so he could only temporarily restrain himself.Relying on the world soul and will, the power to drive the ancient holy spirit was once again stimulated.

boom! ~

A burst of Daoyao Shengguang, carrying a mighty righteousness that is completely opposite to the aura of the demon spirit, is full of powerful and pure holy power.In an instant, it turned into a white awning startled rainbow, chasing and killing the blood venerable extremely angrily.

And the demon spirit didn't just stop there, just like Ling Tianyu, he had no reservations and accumulated enough energy in his body.It turned into a tyrannical and domineering dark rainbow, black and white light streaks intertwined like lightning, like two angry long dragons, locked on the blood venerable and rushed towards it.

The ancient holy spirit!Ancient Demon Spirit!

The two forces originated from the ancient times, one good and one evil, just like the light and darkness Ling Tianyu knew.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The two black and white rainbows, with the momentum of thunder, shattered the stars of the universe, rushed domineeringly, intertwined and danced.

The Blood Venerable was terrified. He was the most confident Evil Source's power, but under the joint oppression brought by the Primordial Holy Spirit and the Primordial Demon Spirit, Evil Source felt fearful.

"Lingxu Realm Gate!"

The blood venerable shouted angrily, knowing the power of the two ancient spirits, he used his most proud supernatural powers to transfer the power of the two ancient spirits into the void.It's just that the blood venerable didn't expect that the star field still existed, so how could it easily divert the opponent's attack.

Boom boom boom! ~

There was a continuous vibration, and the vast energy of the two camps exploded violently like an erupting volcano.A wave of terrifying and destructive energy ripples, in a shattering manner, the entire star field could not bear it, groups of stars were shattered, and the void of the universe was shattered layer by layer.


Ling Tianyu and the demon spirit are not of the same mind. The ancient twin spirits cannot be perfectly integrated into one body. They are only combined in energy, but their power is far less than imagined.

It's just that the Blood Venerable was severely injured by the sneak attack first, and this wave of strong collisions also suffered heavy injuries.In the violent and chaotic universe, the blood venerable staggered and flew.

As for Ling Tianyu, who was originally a crippled body, he naturally felt uncomfortable. After this wave swept down, his physical body was almost about to collapse.And the demon probably underestimated the strength of the blood venerable, and was extremely shocked.


The demon spirit shouted, it is very witty, although the combination of the two ancient spirits is powerful, but now Ling Tianyu is in a bad condition, the demon spirit can fight, but Ling Tianyu can no longer support it.

Boom! ~

The entire star field exploded, and even caused a sensation in the outside world. The entire God Realm violently shook Hongmeng, and bursts of destructive torrent aura waved for thousands of miles.

That moment!

Ling Tianyu didn't dare to love to fight at all, and immediately fled, dodging to the outside world.

But the Holy Dragon God and Little Bear were still in panic, unable to react in time, Ling Tianyu suddenly appeared out of thin air, and brought everyone present into the primordial space in one fell swoop, and Ling Tianyu's figure and breath also completely evaporated in the world.

at the same time!

In the midst of the chaos, the Blood Venerable had disheveled hair and appeared in a state of embarrassment. After confirming that Ling Tianyu's aura could no longer be tracked, the cooked duck flew away, furious, and roared to the sky: "No!~You despicable Insidious bastard! Get out! Get out for me!~”


Now the Blood Lord is just singing a one-man show alone, and the success falls short.

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