Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2781, absorb evil blood

Hongmeng space!

Ling Tianyu, who just had to get away, had no other distractions, and was trying his best to get rid of the evil blood in his body.


As the demon spirit said, although Ling Tianyu was lucky enough to escape, the blood had already eroded his whole body, which was more terrifying than the deadly venom.I thought it would be easier to deal with a little bit if I got rid of the blood venerable's evil control.

Unexpectedly, after the evil blood lost the control of the blood master, it formed a fatal lethal force.It was like intense concentrated sulfuric acid, corroding Ling Tianyu's flesh and bones.Originally, with Ling Tianyu's ability, as long as he let out the evil blood and regenerated the blood, he would naturally be able to crack it.But this evil blood has long been integrated into Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood, as if poisoned, it is impossible to force it out.


The evil blood is gradually corroding Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood around him seem to be melted, and the corruption is constantly appearing. Even the strong star veins have become brittle and soft like ropes, and the bones are loose and appearing. Soften, if you can't get rid of the evil blood as soon as possible, it is estimated that Ling Tianyu's body will become tofu.

In addition, under the erosion of the evil blood, the negative evil energy in the evil source is also eroding and affecting Ling Tianyu's heart and soul all the time, interfering with Ling Tianyu's spiritual will.What's more terrible is that the whole body is suffering from pain like a raging fire all the time, it is really miserable.

of course!

Unexpectedly, the power of the evil blood mainly comes from the evil source, and the only way Ling Tianyu can think of is the ancient holy spirit.

at the moment!

In the ancient holy spirit, strands of pure and clean power, guided by Ling Tianyu, penetrated through the veins and veins of the whole body, permeating every inch of flesh and blood cells.

Fortunately, this evil blood has always been out of the control of the blood venerable, and cannot possess the most complete power of the evil source.Compared with the power of the ancient holy spirit, it is much easier to deal with, and the effect is also extremely significant.

It's a pity that Xiaosheng was seriously injured, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to forcefully use the Sun Fire, otherwise with the help of the Sun Fire, it would be an instant success.

There is no other way, now he can only rely on the primordial space, while recovering his cultivation base, and at the same time cooperate with the ancient holy spirit to attack and purify the evil blood in his body with all his strength.

Originally, Ling Tianyu intended to cleanse the evil blood from his body, but with the process of purification, Ling Tianyu discovered that the evil blood contained some powerful evil power.After all, it has been refined by the blood venerable. Isn't this evil blood simple? He suddenly thought, what if he could control the evil blood, or absorb it for use, and let it flow naturally to become his own blood?What will be the result?

Regarding cultivation, Ling Tianyu has always been a lunatic, every whim, in the end it did bring him extraordinary benefits.So it was at this sudden idea that while purifying the bad blood, Ling Tianyu began to try to absorb the bad blood again.

But the evil blood itself has a soul-influenced attack, so now Ling Tianyu has to keep his mind steady, even if the sea of ​​souls is rioting, he has to force his mind to be clear.

And in the primordial space, the holy dragon god and the little bear were also forcibly called in.Although I don't know what happened, but I also know that Ling Tianyu has been seriously injured, so he is eager to retreat.

"Hmph! Holy Dragon God! This is all a good thing you did! If my master didn't fight to the death for you, do you think you ancient clans still have a way to survive?" Little Bear was so angry that he reprimanded him unceremoniously. Said: "I thought that the holy dragon god was so wise in the rumors, but I didn't expect it to be so indistinguishable from black and white!"

"Yes, yes, your Excellency has taught you the lesson. It's all Long, who made a wrong decision, and almost caused a disaster." Shenglongshen said, if it wasn't for Ling Tianyu's desperate help today, I'm afraid it's not only the Vulcan clan, but other clans Domain also suffers.

"It's okay if you didn't admit your mistake now, we will never end with you when my master gets over safely!" Little Bear said angrily.

"Understood, we will naturally give an explanation for this matter, and we will also give your master a most sincere apology." The Holy Dragon God was ashamed, not as majestic as the Dragon Lord in the past.

"Is an apology useful? You'd better pray that our lord is safe and sound! Otherwise, we will definitely not let you go!" Xiaohu couldn't help but sternly said.

"Yes??? Calm down, everyone. Your master is auspicious and will be safe and sound." Shenglong Shen was embarrassed and guilty, but more puzzled.


The ancestral artifact is absolutely infallible, and the Holy Dragon God is completely unpredictable.

And now!

Ling Tianyu's whole body was bathed in the strange and bright light. His old and wrinkled face gradually changed color, the wrinkles began to fade slowly, and the turbulent vitality gradually emerged.

Not bad!

Ling Tianyu was not whimsical, under the powerful purification of the ancient holy spirit, the blood, which was originally fatal, gradually began to be absorbed for use.Of course, it is also due to Ling Tianyu's extraordinary physique, coupled with the creation of the infinite primordial energy of the primordial space, it is undoubtedly like a tiger with wings added.

Absorbing evil blood and creating new blood, the two streams of blood, under the creation of the ancient holy spirit and primordial energy, circulated and exchanged, and merged into one.The muscles and veins that were originally weakened, after absorbing the blood, strengthened their physique, and even added a certain strange attribute in vain.

"what is this?"

With the occurrence of the mutation, Ling Tianyu was also very surprised.From a microscopic point of view, the cells of the whole body have undergone extraordinary and surprising mutations, that is, the cells divide and reorganize very quickly, and the healing and healing properties are also stronger than imagined.

Could it be???

Ling Tianyu secretly rejoiced, judging from the rapid changes in his body, it was very similar to the supernatural powers of the Blood Lord.In other words, Ling Tianyu almost already possessed the immortality of unlimited rebirth.

"I see!"

Ling Tianyu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that blood races were born with such talents, and the mutation of this cell was indeed astonishing.Because these cells retain the attributes of their own physique, as long as they are not absolutely destroyed, the cells will quickly divide and reorganize according to their own attributes, recover and heal. Apart from losing some vitality, their own combat body will not be affected at all after rebirth physique.

It's a pity that Ling Tianyu's physique is still too strong, and it's not an innate physique like the blood race.To put it bluntly, Ling Tianyu's physique is very strong, so if the battle body loses too much, it will not be able to bring Ling Tianyu a perfect rebirth, but if the battle body suffers certain injuries, Ling Tianyu can definitely recover quickly.

This is enough for Ling Tianyu. After all, in the six realms, if Ling Tianyu's battle body can be completely destroyed, it is impossible, right?


Ling Tianyu continued to borrow the assistance of the ancient holy spirit, slowly absorbing the bad blood, and at the same time creating new blood.And the gradually recovered realm force, along with the powerful and pure Primordial Qi, penetrates the whole body and circulates throughout the sky.

in this way!

The evil blood takes root on the ground, absorbs it for use, new blood emerges, vigorous and full of vitality, filling the whole body, and countless inner cells become extremely active like boiling water.


Unexpectedly, not only did the evil blood not corrode Ling Tianyu's battle body, but instead created Ling Tianyu.This is a powerful battle body, but with super repairing and healing power, for Ling Tianyu, he almost has the guarantee of immortality.

What is even more gratifying is that after successfully absorbing the evil blood, Ling Tianyu has already developed the ability to resist the negative evil energy caused by the evil source.Although he still couldn't resist the most complete source of evil in the hands of the Blood Venerable, Ling Tianyu wouldn't fall for it so easily now, as long as his cultivation level was higher, he would be able to defeat the Blood Venerable a little bit.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu seemed even more excited, constantly making good for himself, and at the same time recovering his vitality.After all, the evil blood has been refined by the blood master, and it also contains powerful power, so after absorbing the evil blood, in addition to the extraordinary changes in its own constitution, the recovery of vitality is also very impressive.

in this way!

The flesh and blood revived, and under the vigorous vitality, the dry and wrinkled skin regained its moisture, and the wrinkles gradually faded away, becoming radiant and clean, even women would be jealous.And that old face, rejuvenated like a child, regained that handsome and extraordinary face, lingering with mysterious and strange brilliance, dazzling.


Little Bear was ecstatic and praised: "Haha! My master is still so handsome!"

"Really??" Xiaohu was also tickled by Ling Tianyu's charming temperament, special charm, and strong masculinity, which made her face blush.


When the Holy Dragon God saw Ling Tianyu's true appearance, he was dumbfounded.


It is basically the same person as the demon spirit I saw before, and there is definitely an extraordinary relationship between the two. It is no wonder that their ancestors reacted like this.

But this time, the Holy Dragon God was no longer impulsive, but just suspicious.After all, although the appearance of the demon spirits he had come into contact with was completely similar to Ling Tianyu's, their temperament was clearly different.

But when Ling Tianyu was leaving the customs, his mind was clear and he had no time for others.It's just that the loss is too heavy, that is, the evil blood has brought a super mutation to one's own constitution, but the lost vitality cannot be recovered in a short time.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu only recovered five levels of cultivation.


Breathing out, Ling Tianyu slowly opened a pair of clear, star-like eyes.When they saw the little bears, they were full of smiles, and it was a perfect pass.

"Master, what's going on? I saw you were serious just now." Little Bear asked hastily.

"Hey~ Blood Lord is really not easy to deal with, it's not that I've been poisoned by that guy's blood." Ling Tianyu shook his head and sighed, and said with a smile: "Hehe, but it's good now, not only the poison has been cured, but the physique has also been cured. There have also been extraordinary changes.”

"It's good that it's okay, we were worried about it just now." Little Xiong heaved a sigh of relief, Ling Tianyu's life and death also determined their future fate.

"En!" Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, and asked, "How is the battle going on on your side?"

"Except for Xiaosheng, who was a little tricky, it can be regarded as a complete victory. By the way, there is another tricky old guy who slipped away." Xiaoxiong said, just thinking about Xiaosheng, Xiaoxiong was really depressed.

"It's okay, it's not like I didn't gain anything, but it can be regarded as a severe injury to the blood clan." Ling Tianyu smiled, being able to kill three blood clan elders is already a good record.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu turned his gaze to the Holy Dragon God. Although Wushou acted recklessly and impulsively, it was understandable because of his relationship with the demon spirit.

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