Jizhou Army, barracks.

Cai Jin, the county magistrate of Yuancheng County, came alone outside the camp of the Jizhou Army and looked from the outside to the inside.Seeing that the camp of the Jizhou Army is tightly arranged, with murderous intentions everywhere, I admire it very much.From the layout of the camp, Cai Jin is enough to judge the difference between Chunyu Qiong and Wang Lei, Chunyu Qiong and Wang Lei are not at the same level at all.

After stopping for a moment, Cai Jin lifted his robe and strode up.

Before Cai Jin arrived at the gate of the camp, the patrolling soldiers came out and shouted: "Stop, this is the place where the army is stationed, and idlers are not allowed to enter." His tone was stern, and the soldiers clenched their spears tightly.

Cai Jin hurriedly said: "This is Cai Jin, magistrate of Yuancheng County, please inform General Wang, Cai Jin is asking to see you."


The soldier gave an order, and turned his head to tell the rest of the soldiers to keep an eye on Cai Jin, and turned back to report.


Wang Lei is discussing the next plan with Guo Jia in the big account of the Chinese army.

In Wang Lei's eyes, Yuancheng County is already in his pocket. After taking Yuancheng County, Wang Lei's goal is Qinghe Kingdom.But it is not easy for Wang Lei to quell the rebellion in Qinghe Kingdom in the shortest time in such a large Qinghe Kingdom.It is obviously inappropriate to attack county by county, and certain strategies must be adopted.

Wang Lei and Guo Jia discussed many strategies, but they were all rejected one by one.

It's not that there are no strategies to pacify Qinghe Kingdom, but many strategies fail to achieve the expected goals.There are nearly ten large counties under the jurisdiction of Qinghe Kingdom. If Wang Lei attacks them one by one, it will be resolved in the Year of the Monkey.

For now, it is impossible for Wang Lei to adopt a strategy of attacking one by one.

Suddenly, Jia Xu, who hadn't spoken all this time, said, "Actually, I have an idea."

Guo Jia was overjoyed and said, "Mr. Wen He, hurry up!

Wang Lei felt that it was unreliable. After Jia Xu was arbitrarily captured by him, he had always had pimples, and it was almost impossible for Jia Xu to take the initiative to make suggestions.

Wang Lei gave up hope, and said: "Sir, if you have any good ideas, Lei is all ears."

Jia Xu smiled, and said in a leisurely manner: "First of all, we must determine a certain county in Qinghe Kingdom as the main target of the general's attack. Take Qingyuan County, Ping'en County, Yuancheng County and Guantao County as four As far as the counties are concerned, apart from the plan made by the general and Feng Xiao to divide the troops and attack, what other ideas do they have? My suggestion is to attack one of them with thunder and blood, and force the counties to surrender."

Guo Jia frowned, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he guessed Jia Xu's strategy.

Wang Lei seemed to understand but didn't fully understand, and asked again: "Mr. Wenhe, I don't fully understand, please explain in detail."

Jia Xu said lightly: "It's really a piece of wood... Anyway, I will elaborate. For example, choose Yuancheng County as the key city to attack. After the army conquers Yuancheng County, from the county magistrate down, all officials, big and small, will be killed. A living person, even the family of an official was wiped out; immediately, they turned to attack Guantao County, and after conquering, follow the method of dealing with the officials of Yuancheng County, all beheaded."

"General Wang led the soldiers into the Qinghe country. As long as he kills the officials of two counties in a row with thunder and iron, the officials of the other counties will definitely be terrified and surrender."

After a pause, Jia Xu continued: "The fact that the officials of the counties surrendered to Yuan Shao is enough to show that they are not loyal and hard-headed. As long as the methods are cruel and scare them, the problem will naturally be solved."

Wang Lei couldn't help swallowing, and said to himself, Jia Xu deserves to be a scheming person!

However, Wang Lei has to admit that this strategy does work.In such a turbulent and chaotic situation, the faster the knife cuts through the mess, the better the effect will be.


Suddenly, the voices of soldiers came from outside the camp.

"Come in!"

The curtain of the tent was rolled up, and soldiers strode in.The soldier knelt on one knee to salute, cupped his fists and said, "General, the county magistrate of Yuancheng County came to the camp alone to see the general!"

There was a smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, it seemed that Chunyuqiong's head was working.Chunyuqiong was killed, and the rest of the three counties fell one after another. Naturally, the county magistrate of Yuancheng County couldn't sit still.

Wang Lei said, "Let him in!"

"As ordered!"

The soldiers immediately withdrew from the tent and came to the gate of the camp soon.

However, the soldiers did not let Cai Jin enter directly, and carefully searched Cai Jin's whole body, including Cai Jin's hair, to confirm that there was no assassination weapon hidden on Cai Jin, and then brought Cai Jin to the central army tent go.

When they came to the gate of the big tent, the soldier waved his hand to signal Cai Jin to enter.

Cai Jin straightened her clothes, took a deep breath, and stepped in.

The moment he entered the tent, Cai Jin swept his eyes and took a rough look at the people in the tent.I saw Wang Lei sitting directly above the tent, and a scribe sitting on the left and right below.Seeing this, Cai Jin had an idea in his mind, he came to the center, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, Cai Jin, I pay my respects to General Wang."

Wang Lei sneered and said, "Magistrate Cai is a member of Yuan Shao. It's inappropriate to call himself 'officer'!"


Cai Jin's face changed drastically, and a heart immediately hung in midair.

On the way here, Cai Jin had already anticipated various situations that he would encounter.In Cai Jin's mind, some Wang Lei was furious and wanted to kill him after seeing him; some Wang Lei gave him a seat to accept his surrender with a smile on his face;

Cai Jin has made plans for various situations.

However, Wang Lei's lukewarm refusal of others made it difficult for Cai Jin to handle.

Cai Jin is a person with excellent coping ability, still with a faint smile on his face, he said neither humble nor overbearing: "General Mingjian, Cai Jin is forced to help! Yuan Shao's army is approaching the city, and Yuancheng County is just a small county. , with insufficient troops, it is almost impossible to resist Yuan Shao's attack."

Wang Lei looked cold, and immediately said: "If you can't stop it, can you choose to surrender?"

The cold tone made Cai Jin feel cold.

The General Yangwu in front of him is not easy to deal with. This is not a person who can be fooled.

Cai Jin's thoughts changed sharply, but his heart was very calm. He quickly thought of a way to deal with it and said, "General, Cai Jin is not a person who doesn't know how to be flexible. I am loyal to Master Zhou, but I don't have to stick to Yuancheng County. Once I stick to it, the result will definitely be the destruction of the city and the death of the people, but on the surface I submit to Yuan Shao, and when the general's army comes back, I return to submit, but it is the best result."

After a few words, Cai Jin packaged his fickleness and became loyal to Han Fu.

However, Wang Lei refused to let go, and continued: "Since you are loyal to the state herdsman, when the Jizhou army arrived in Yuancheng County, why did you unite with the soldiers from the other three counties to resist? Why?"

The person in front of him was quite cunning, Wang Lei had to beat him up.

Only by beating hard can Cai Jin be obedient and stop being capricious.

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