Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 177 1 Paper Order

Cai Jin chose to surrender to Yuan Shao when he could not resist, and Han Fu when he could resist.It is not certain that Cai Jin will surrender to Yuan Shao next time.

Such a person has no bottom line in doing things.

Wang Lei's repeated beatings made Cai Jin feel intimidated.

Sure enough, Cai Jin showed a look of sincerity and trepidation, and quickly bowed and replied: "General, the reason why this officer resisted the soldiers from the three counties is, in the final analysis, one reason. I will come, and Chunyu Qiong gave another order, I had no choice but to obey, so the soldiers from the other three counties rushed to Yuancheng County."

After a short pause, Cai Jin said again: "After the army under the general's command arrived in Yuancheng County, the troops from the other three counties were stationed in the city. I was alone, and I dared not reveal my intention to join Master Zhou Mu, otherwise I would be killed immediately. was killed."

Wang Lei sneered and said, "At the end of the day, whichever side is strong, you should submit to that side."

Cai Jin smiled sheepishly, showing a helpless expression, and said: "My lord, please understand that I am just a small county magistrate. If I want an army, I don't have an army; if I want money, I don't have money; if I want generals, I don't have generals who are good at fighting... The power is meager, and there is no way to resist. People in the officialdom can't help themselves."

"What a villain!" Wang Lei shook his head and sighed softly.

Cai Jin's words were not false at all.

Standing in the position of county magistrate, many things are out of control.

Cai Jin showed a flattering smile on his face, and said, "So, does your lord accept my surrender?"

"Hmph, how can it be so easy!" Wang Lei's eyes became stern in an instant, and he said in a deep voice: "If it is so easy to accept your surrender, wouldn't you be able to submit to Yuan Shao next time? Death penalty is inevitable, but life penalty is inevitable. You have thirty army sticks, you have accepted it, and I will accept your surrender. If there is another surrender, Chunyu Qiong will be your precedent."

Cai Jin groaned bitterly in his heart, this time, it was really a big loss.

The advantage did not get half a point, but he had to suffer thirty army sticks.

Cai Jin had a helpless look on his face, but he didn't resist, and said respectfully: "Thank you for your mercy, in order to keep the villain's head. The next time Yuan Shao attacks, I will resist to the end and stand firmly on the side of the state shepherd." .”

"Come on, drag it down!"

The soldiers came in and took Cai Jin down.

Not long after, Cai Jin's heart-piercing screams came from outside the tent.

That voice was like a dead parent.

Guo Jia picked out his ears, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Cai Jin is slick and slick, he is an old oil in the officialdom. He met the lord, this time he was stunned, and he returned to Yuancheng The queen of the county must be obedient."

Jia Xu said disapprovingly: "When Yuan Shao was defeated, Cai Jin would naturally be obedient. If General Wang is defeated and Yuan Shao's army comes back, in my opinion, Cai Jin will definitely choose to surrender without hesitation."

Wang Lei said: "I didn't ask him to be loyal to Han Fu, but I only told him not to make small moves when we went out."

Jia Xu nodded and said, "That's true, it's impossible for Cai Jin to be loyal."

Continuous screams came from outside the camp. After the thirty army sticks were beaten, Cai Jin's buttocks had blossomed, and the bloody blood was all over the buttocks.However, most of them were flesh wounds, not bones.If the soldiers really want to stick the Thirty Army Sticks, after the Thirty Army Sticks go down, they can kill Cai Jin.

Wang Lei just wanted to punish Cai Jin, and it was impossible to strike too hard.

The soldiers understood, so they didn't hit hard.

Cai Jin limped back to the big tent with his painful buttocks. He grinned and bowed and said, "General, the generals of the other three counties are already in the city. I don't know when you will enter Yuancheng County to take over army."

Wang Lei thought for a while and replied: "I will immediately send someone to go with you to deal with related matters in the city. As for the coalition forces in Yuancheng County, return to their respective places immediately."

"Yes!" Cai Jin nodded.

Immediately, Wang Lei dispatched a school lieutenant and Cai Jin to Yuancheng County.

Wang Lei still had to go to Qinghe Country to kill, and it was impossible to stay for too long, so he didn't plan to enter Yuancheng County.It was enough for him to send a school lieutenant and Cai Jin there.After Cai Jin returned to Yuancheng County, the generals in Qingyuan County, Ping'en County and Guantao County saw Cai Jin's butt blooming, and they were all glad that they did not go.

This time, it really is a dragon pond and a tiger's lair.

The captain read out Wang Lei's order, disbanded the troops of the three counties, and began to deal with the affairs in the city again.Of course, this was something that happened after Cai Jin returned to Yuancheng County. I will not mention it later. At this moment, Wang Lei, Guo Jia and Jia Xu are still discussing the details of attacking Qinghe Kingdom.Wang Lei was very tempted by Jia Xu's previous suggestion, but he did not intend to adopt it.

Such methods are too bloody and vicious.

It cannot be adopted until the end.

While the three were discussing, Dian Wei's voice came from outside the tent: "Master, the envoy from Ye County has arrived at the gate of the camp!"

Wang Lei got up to meet him, followed by Guo Jia and Jia Xu.The three of them left the camp, and Dian Wei followed them.After arriving at the gate of the camp, Wang Lei frowned when he saw the person coming. The person who came was none other than Han Fu's aide Xin Pi.

Although Simpi is young, his ability is not bad.

Wang Lei walked up, cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Zuo Zhi (Xin Pi's character) came from a long way, thank you for your hard work!"

Simpi shook his head and said, "No hard work!"

Wang Lei waved his hand and said with a smile, "Sir, please come inside!"

Immediately, Wang Lei led Simpi back to the main tent of the Chinese army.After the host and guest were seated, Wang Lei asked straight to the point: "Mr. George came all the way to the barracks, what's the matter?"

Simpi looked serious, and said, "Master Zhou sent an order to lead the army back to Ye County immediately."


Wang Lei exclaimed, showing a surprised expression.

Rao Wang Lei's mentality has been relatively stable, but he couldn't help exclaiming when he heard the news about Simpi.

This news is amazing!

Wang Lei frowned and asked, "Sir, what happened in Ye County, why did you call me back? I just quelled the rebellion in Qingyuan County, Ping'en County, Guantao County and Yuancheng County. With the momentum of victory, the army will enter the Qinghe Kingdom. As long as the chaos in the Qinghe Kingdom is put down, the defeat of Yuan Shao will be just around the corner."

After a pause, Wang Lei said, "If we go back now, the four counties we just captured will easily change."

"No way, this is the order of the state pastor."

Simpi was surprised at the speed with which Wang Lei quelled the war, and said: "The reason why Zhou Mu is so eager is because Ye County was besieged by Yuan Shao's army. Not long ago, Yuan Shao broke through Julu County and marched south into Quliang County. Once Quliang The county has fallen, and the next step is Liangqi County, and after Liangqi County fails, it will be Ye County. The situation is unfavorable, so the state shepherd eagerly invites you to go back."

After Wang Lei finished listening, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This news came at an inopportune time.

Guo Jia's eyes were solemn, with a puzzled expression on his face, and he said: "Except for the troops in the hands of the lord, there are other troops in Ye County that can be dispatched. Not to mention the resident troops in Ye County, the counties in the surrounding counties of Ye County Ling has a certain amount of troops in his hands, and the state shepherd can definitely mobilize troops from all counties to resist, so why must he order the lord to return?"

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