Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 574 Zhao Yun and Lu Bu Fighting for the Front

As a person who followed Wang Lei to Wuji County from the very beginning, Guo Jia has a deep affection for Wuji County.After hearing Wang Lei's words, Guo Jia said solemnly: "My lord is right. The Zhongshan Kingdom has been in Gongsun Zan's hands for a certain period of time. Now, it's time to take back the Zhongshan Kingdom."

Lu Bu's eyes lit up, and he clasped his fists and said, "My lord, this battle can be left to the last general. The three thousand cavalry of the Falcon Battalion are best at long-distance raids and cover-ups. As the vanguard, the Falcon Battalion is the most suitable."

Dian Wei curled his lips, if it wasn't for the Tiger Camp's slow action, he would have called for a fight.

Cheap Lu Bu!

Dian Wei turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind.

Guo Jia said: "General Lu, Gongsun Zan is extremely cunning, and many people have suffered from him. This time, we were able to successfully destroy Tian Kai and regain Wuji County because we understood Gongsun Zan's tricks and followed suit. This caused Tian Kai to fall into a siege. Furthermore, Gan Ning had to quietly capture Wuji County in order to win in one fell swoop. Gongsun Zan is prepared, and I am afraid it will not be easy to defeat."

In words, Gongsun Zan was elevated.

Lu Bu snorted, and said disdainfully, "Doesn't the military advisor trust me? In my eyes, Gongsun Zan is nothing more than a piece of trash. It's easy to take Gongsun Zan's head."

Guo Jia laughed, and said: "General Lu's reputation is well known in the world. Everyone knows that Lu Bu is a horse and a red rabbit. However, Gongsun Zan is not easy."

After a pause, Guo Jia continued: "Gongsun Zan's [-] white-horse followers are invincible across the grasslands. Especially the leading general, Zhao Yun, has excellent marksmanship. General Lu had seen it before at the Martial Arts Conference in Ye County. Zhao Yun's marksmanship. More importantly, Zhao Yun has both civil and military skills, which is not easy."

Lu Bu frowned and narrowed his eyes, but anger rose in his heart.

I really went out today and bumped into evil spirits, why does Guo Jia always target him?Lu Bu took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said slowly: "Please rest assured, the military commander, Lu Bu leads the army and will never fail."

Guo Jia said again: "If you lose, what should you do?"

Lu Bu raised his head and said loudly, "Let the military division handle it!"

"it is good!"

Guo Jia applauded, looked at Wang Lei, and said, "My lord, General Lu has issued a military order, and I agree with General Lu to go to war."

Lu Bu flicked his sleeve, quite dissatisfied.

Seeing Lu Bu's expression, Wang Lei looked at Guo Jia again, but seeing Guo Jia winking, he smiled inwardly.Wang Lei understood what Guo Jia meant.In fact, Guo Jia agreed with Lv Bu to fight, but worried that Lv Bu underestimated the enemy, so he acted aggressively and asked Lv Bu to meet the enemy carefully.Just as Wang Lei was about to give an order, suddenly, the voice of a soldier came from outside the hall.


The soldier quickly ran in, knelt down on one knee, and reported: "My lord, there is news from the front that General Zhao Yun under Gongsun Zan's command has led a [-]-strong army as a vanguard, and has set out from Beiping County to Wuji County."


Lu Bu's face instantly became stern.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Lu Bu cupped his fists and said, "My lord, please give me an order!"

Wang Lei waved his hand and let the soldiers who reported the news exit the hall.Turning his eyes, he shouted: "Lv Bu, Simpi listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Chen is here!"

Lu Bu and Simpi stood up one after another and saluted respectfully.

Among the two, Lu Bu was the commander of the Falcon Camp, and Simpi was the person who assisted Lv Bu. One was in charge and the other was in command of the Falcon Camp.After the two got the order, they were quite excited, knowing that they were about to go to battle.

Wang Lei ordered: "Zhao Yun led the army to kill, and the two of you will command the Yingying Battalion to meet Zhao Yun."


Lu Bu clasped his fists in response, turned and left.

Xin Pi glanced at Guo Jia, smiled, and left the hall after Lu Bu.

The hall returned to calm, Wang Lei looked at Tai Shici again, and said in a deep voice: "Tai Shici listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

Tai Shici stood up and saluted respectfully.

Wang Lei ordered: "You dispatch [-] troops and lead them northward to Beiping County."

"As ordered!"

Tai Shici nodded, and immediately agreed.Those who followed Tai Shici were Gan Ning, Wen Chou and others. They were generals who had been transferred to Tai Shici's command before, and they were still serving under Tai Shici's command in this battle.


Lunu County was once the seat of the government of Zhongshan State.

When Wang Lei was the prime minister of Zhongshan Kingdom, he moved the government of Zhongshan Kingdom from Lunu County to Wuji County.Even so, it did not affect the prosperity of Lunu County.

The county magistrate of Lunu County is named Lu Zhou, who is from a local rich family.

Lu Zhou was honest and fair, and won the support of the people, and his prestige was very high.When Wang Lei controlled the Zhongshan Kingdom, and when Gongsun Zan controlled the Zhongshan Kingdom, it was Lu Zhou who served as the county magistrate of Lunu County.

County government office, hall.

Lu Zhou's expression was solemn, looking very embarrassed.

The staff sat on the left side of the hall and sighed, "My lord, Gongsun Zan sent Zhao Yun to lead a vanguard army of [-] people. They have passed Wangdu County and are heading for Lunu County. Wang Zhoumu sent Lu Bu to lead a battalion of [-] falcons to head towards Lunu County. The county kills. I sent people to inquire. Lu Bu was Dong Zhuo's adopted son in the past. He killed countless people. Dong Zhuo died at the hands of Lu Bu, and later he surrendered to Wang Zhoumu. The [-] elites he led are not easy."

Lu Zhou frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I also understand Lu Bu's situation. The problem now is that after we surrender to Wangzhou Mu, what should we do if Zhao Yun's army arrives in Lunu County first? It's not like you don't know the county seat The situation is that Tian Kai has conscripted several times, and the strength of the county is very weak, so it is very difficult to defend the county."

The staff said: "What about the big families in the city? Let them help defend the city."

Lu Zhou said angrily: "It's almost impossible! People from these big families are extremely cunning. They don't care who goes to Lunu County at all, as long as their safety can be guaranteed."

The aide said: "Since that's the case, let's procrastinate."

Lu Zhou said, "What's your plan sir?"

The aide said calmly: "If there is no way to resist, then don't resist. Wait a little longer and see which side, Lu Bu or Zhao Yun, arrives first. Then we will make a decision."

Lu Zhou thought for a while, but he could only take a break for a while.

Delaying time is an opportunity!

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Just follow Mr.'s suggestion, don't make a statement for now, and wait and see."


A yamen servant quickly ran in, saluted respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty, the scouts sent out sent back news. Zhao Yun from the north and Lu Bu from the south entered Lunu County at the same time."


The county magistrate waved his hand and told the yamen servant to step down.

The staff's eyes shone brightly, and said: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. I think we can order to surrender to Wang Zhoumu. Zhao Yun's [-] soldiers are infantry, and Lu Bu's [-] falcon battalion are cavalry. One north and one south to rush to the county, and arrive first. In the county seat, it must be Lu Bu. We are officials under Wang Zhoumu's command, and we will be accepted by Wang Zhoumu."

Lu Zhou was able to govern a place, and he had some talents in governance. When it came to strategic vision, he was far behind. He said worriedly: "We made our statement so early, what if Zhao Yun wins? At that time, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

The staff said: "Since Wang Zhoumu rose to power, he has never lost. I think he can win."

Lu Zhou took a deep breath, looked at the firm staff, and finally nodded and said: "Mr. is so sure, then I will take a gamble. According to Mr.'s words, I ordered to submit to Wang Zhoumu. At the same time, I called on the people of Lunu County to resist Zhao Yun's actions." Army, welcome Lu Bu's army."


After the staff got the order, they immediately went to make arrangements.

It has to be said that the staff acted swiftly and resolutely, and within two hours, the news spread in the county.At the same time, batch after batch of messengers were sent to inform the villages and large and small cities in Lunu County of the news of surrender.

After the people heard the news, they quickly reacted.

Lu Zhou has a high prestige in Lunu County and is loved by the people. Therefore, the people listen to Lu Zhou.Lu Zhou ordered together that the people in the north of Lunu County began to resist Zhao Yun's army.

Cinque Terre is located in the north of Lunu County.

After Zhao Yun led his army into Cinque Terre, on the way, they encountered several waves of traps.

These traps are not complicated, but quite hidden.

Some traps are to dig a big hole directly on the official road, insert sharpened wooden stakes in the hole, and then spread leaves and other shelters; Directly destroy the stone bridge on the road, etc...

Various means slowed down the speed of the army.

After Zhao Yun verified the situation, he got the news that Lu Zhou had returned to Wang Lei.

At the same time, news of the people's resistance was also learned.

With this feeling, Zhao Yun couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.Those who gain the way will help more, but those who lose the way will not help much.Can a war be won without the support of the people?Zhao Yun had doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He led the soldiers under his command and marched forward steadily.


Lu Bu led the Falcon Battalion and arrived at the county seat first.He accepted Lu Zhou's surrender, but did not enter the city, nor did he supply food in Lunu County, and continued northward.With Tai Shici's army coming from behind, Lu Bu was not worried about his rear.

The Falcon Battalion moved forward quickly, and within a day and a half, the scouts under Lu Bu's command had heard about Zhao Yun.The scout stood in front of Lu Bu on horseback and reported, "General, Zhao Yun's six thousand soldiers are located in the northwest of us, less than thirty miles away from us."

"Explore again!"

As soon as Lu Bu waved his hand, the scout turned and left.

Immediately, Lu Bu looked at Simpi and asked, "George, how should we fight this battle?"

Simpi smiled and said: "General Lu was born in Bingzhou, so he must know the way cavalry fight on the grassland. The eagle battalion is all light cavalry. The strength lies not in the frontal charge, but in the siege from all directions. This battle , as long as the cavalry of the Falcon Battalion bite Zhao Yun's army tightly and shoot them continuously, this battle will surely be won."

"Good advice!" Lu Bu raised the corner of his mouth, with a faint smile in his eyes, and ordered: "Send the order, speed up, and approach Zhao Yun!"

Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd and pointed forward across the sky, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.


Zhao Yun led the army forward, and he also sent countless scouts to inquire about the news.When Lu Bu's falcon battalion approached, Zhao Yun became vigilant. He himself was a follower of the white horse and was familiar with the characteristics of cavalry.

The cavalry is fierce and must be well defended.

Once you can't hold it, you will definitely lose, so Zhao Yun kept giving orders.After completing the preparations, Zhao Yuncai led the army forward while waiting to confront Lu Bu.

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