Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 575 Zhao Yun, defeated!

Zhao Yun led [-] Youzhou soldiers on their way, and after another hour of walking, the scout came back on his horse and hurriedly reported: "General, Lu Bu led the Falcon Battalion to kill us, and it is less than three miles away from us."

Zhao Yun was not surprised by the news sent back by the scout.

The two sides were walking towards each other. The soldiers under Lu Bu's command were all cavalry, and they were faster. They must meet each other.

When this moment came, Zhao Yun's previous worries were all forgotten.

When there is no battle, Zhao Yun has all kinds of worries and complicated emotions in his heart, and he can't calm down at all.But when it came to the moment of the battle, Zhao Yun's heart was unprecedentedly calm, he forgot about the outcome, and there was only one battle left.The news of Lu Bu's arrival did not cause any ripples.

Zhao Yun calmly arranged, adjusted the formation, and arranged spearmen at the front, back, left, and right of the army.

The army stopped temporarily, relying on terrain layout.

Everything proceeded in an orderly manner.

As time passed, there were rumbling horseshoes on the official road ahead.

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and thought, "It's finally here!"

The sound of horseshoes was like thunder, covering the sky and the sun.Under the sun, the dust was flying, with a frightening aura.Three thousand cavalry trampled on the ground, and Zhao Yun felt the ground shaking.

Zhao Yun was riding a white dragon colt, holding a gentian silver spear, with a calm expression.Seeing the Falcon Battalion under Lu Bu approaching, a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Here comes, finally here!

Come on, I have no fear in this battle!

Zhao Yun raised his head, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and there was a touch of madness.Gongsun Zan sent him to be the vanguard, and Zhao Yun had already guessed the meaning of it.

As Gongsun Zan's subordinate, Zhao Yun accepted the order and came with his troops.

Even if it fails, it must be defeated vigorously.

Lu Bu led the cavalry from the Falcon Battalion on their way, and when they got close to the Youzhou soldiers, he raised the corner of his mouth, waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and ordered, "Scatter, scatter the attack!"

The neat army spread out in all directions.

Like a pebble still in the water, the ripples continue to spread around.

The cavalry of the Falcon Battalion did not attack from the front, but went around from both sides.

Zhao Yun gasped, and gave the order: "Defend the entire front!" The order was issued, and the soldiers in all directions of the army, whether on the periphery or inside, raised their spears.

Among them, the spears of the soldiers on the periphery are slightly tilted outward, at about 45 degrees.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and waited quietly for the opponent to attack.

At first, Zhao Yun asked the soldiers to fight with spears.It was because the Falcon Battalion rushed up directly, and the soldiers counterattacked with their spears. As long as the rhythm of the Falcon Battalion was disrupted and the cavalry of the Falcon Battalion stopped, then the cavalry who rushed up later would collide with the previous cavalry.

The cavalry army will be in chaos in an instant.

However, all the cavalry dispersed, and Zhao Yun's plan fell through.

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth curled up, and he ordered: "Attack!"

The transmission of orders is not in the form of command flags.At this time, the cavalry had all dispersed and fought independently, and it was difficult to use the command flag to command.The method used is to issue orders with horns.The sobbing horn sounded under the sky and echoed in the sky.

The cavalry around the thousands of Youzhou troops drew bows and shot arrows.

"Shoot! Swoosh! Shoo!!"

Intensive bows and arrows shot out continuously.

There are bows and arrows in all directions, like a rain of arrows, covering the sky and the sun.Above the Youzhou Army, shadows of arrows covered the sky, blocking the sun in the sky.The dark shadow of the arrow made people extremely depressed.

Long Danliang raised his silver spear, and Zhao Yun roared: "Raise the spear, resist!"

The soldiers of the Youzhou Army raised their spears and kept stirring them.

Ding!Ding!Ding! !

Bows and arrows collided with spears, making continuous sounds.

Bows and arrows were knocked out and fell to the ground.However, the defense composed of spears is not a city wall after all, it cannot stop all the bows and arrows, the dense bows and arrows are shot, and the screams echo in the air.

Soldiers of the Youzhou Army kept falling to the ground.

Cao Xing holds an iron tire bow, and there are arrow pots hanging on the left and right sides of the horse's belly.He approached with a cavalry, excited eyes, shouted: "Shoot, shoot me!"

As soon as the words fell, Cao Xing lay on his back on the horse's back, drew a bow and shot an arrow.

The bow and arrow shot out, advancing straight.


The arrow tip pierced through the armor and penetrated into the lower abdomen of a Youzhou Army soldier.In an instant, blood flowed, and the Youzhou Army soldier holding a spear fell directly to the ground, rolling over and over again.

The cavalry of the Falcon Battalion began to imitate Cao Xing.

In other directions, Song Xian, Wei Xu and others also used flat shooting to attack.

More and more Youzhou troops fell in a pool of blood.

The stable army formation gradually became agitated, and the soldiers were no longer calm.At this time, the cavalry of the Falcon Battalion kept approaching and divided the Youzhou Army.

Wei Xu was located in front of the right side of the Youzhou army's army formation. While he let his cavalry attack in a large area, he also let some cavalry attack an area, so that there was no Youzhou soldier in a certain area.

There is a gap in the coherent Youzhou Army.

The same goes for Cao Xing, Song Xian, Gao Shun and others in all other directions.

Everyone, proceed according to plan.

The [-] Youzhou Army did not display their combat effectiveness on the battlefield. They were completely suppressed and gradually divided.

The gentian silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand kept stirring, knocking down bows and arrows one by one.Seeing the unfavorable situation, Zhao Yun sighed softly in his heart.The [-] infantry could hardly pose a threat to the cavalry of the Falcon Battalion.

However, you must fight!

Zhao Yun pointed his gun forward and shouted, "Kill!"

Following Zhao Yun's order, the army began to charge, rushing from the direction of Lu Bu who was attacking from the front.Lu Bu had been directing the attack of the Falcon Battalion army, and when he saw Zhao Yun leading the troops to attack, the corners of his mouth rose.

Lu Bu was just about to rush up, but was stopped by Simpi.

Simpi looked serious, and said: "General Lu, now is not the time to be brave. Zhao Yun's strength has already been verified, and he is no match for the general. What is the purpose of the general rushing up at this time? Want to defeat Zhao Yun head-on? He is not your opponent, meaningless!"

After a pause, Simpi said again: "The infantry under Zhao Yun's command is desperate to fight. If they fight head-on, it will not be conducive to the cavalry to exert their strongest strength. At that time, the Falcon Battalion will fall into the quagmire instead. If Zhao Yun wants to advance, we will retreat to avoid his edge , Keep shooting with bows and arrows. We can launch the final attack when they are completely in chaos."

Lu Bu nodded and said, "Just follow Mr.'s suggestion!"

Although Lu Bu wanted to confront Zhao Yun, now was not the time.Zhao Yun's army has not completely collapsed, and it is not suitable for a direct confrontation.Simpi ordered to retreat, Zhao Yun met the Falcon Battalion, and retreated quickly.

When retreating, the bow and arrow are still attacking.

Thousands of bows and arrows kept falling on the Youzhou army.

Zhao Yun didn't expect the other party to be so cunning, and he hated him greatly.All of his soldiers are infantry, although they are poorly equipped infantry, even though they don't have shields to resist, they still have to charge.

If you don't charge, you will die!

"Rush, rush up!"

Zhao Yun roared and kept rushing forward.

The army charged, and after the army dispersed, bows and arrows came, causing more casualties.Zhao Yun had prestige in the army, he took the lead, and the soldiers rushed forward despite the rain of arrows.

The fallen people are densely packed!

However, there are countless people who charged.

Under the dense rain of arrows, a rather shocking landscape was formed.The rain of arrows kept falling, but Zhao Yun led a group of Youzhou soldiers to sprint against the rain of arrows.

Not afraid of death!Not afraid of death!

The flesh and blood can be shaken, but the spirit is made of steel and indestructible.

When Lu Bu saw Zhao Yun leading his troops to charge, he couldn't help praising him: "This Zhao Yun is really good. At this time, he can still encourage the soldiers under his command to charge, which is a bit capable."

Simpi chuckled twice, and said, "Even if Zhao Yun is capable, he is not among Gongsun Zan. He is just a lonely person. Gongsun Zan didn't send troops to back Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun is duckweed on the water."

Lu Bu sighed: "It's a pity!"

Simpi laughed and said, "Not everyone can meet someone like the lord!"

Lu Bu nodded, quite agreeing.

The cavalry of the Falcon Battalion retreated while attacking.

With the passage of time, Song Xian, Wei Xu, Cao Xing, Gao Shun and others have split up Zhao Yun's army, forming several battlefields on the battlefield, fighting in various places.

There were too many dead and wounded Youzhou troops.

Simpi has been paying attention to the changes in the battlefield situation. Seeing that the opponent's momentum has dropped and the offensive has dropped sharply, he said: "General Lu, the opportunity has come. Now, we can launch a general attack and take down Zhao Yun."

"Just waiting for your words."

Lu Bu smiled, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, Fang Tian swung his halberd and shouted, "Beat the drums!"

In an instant, the war drums beat and resounded throughout the world.

Lu Bu rode his horse and galloped, leading the cavalry, straight to Zhao Yun's position.

Simpi looked at the excited Lu Bu and smiled slightly.After working with Lu Bu for such a long time, he has already figured out Lu Bu's character.Lu Bu was extremely belligerent, and he would definitely be upset if he didn't fight.Therefore, Simpi did not keep attacking the Youzhou Army led by Zhao Yun in a dogfight, which gave Lu Bu a chance to fight.

It not only guaranteed victory, but also took into account Lu Bu's emotions.

Lu Bu kept beheading the soldiers of the Youzhou army, and went straight to Zhao Yun.Seeing Lu Bu approaching, Zhao Yun cheered up and shouted, "Pikemen are ready, throw their spears and shoot Lu Bu!"

The order was given, and the sprinting spearmen threw their spears instantly.

A spear shot out, menacing.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand danced, knocking down the spears that had been shot.With an angry expression on his face, he roared: "Zhao Yun, this is the future, do you still want to be a turtle? Dare to fight?" .

Although Zhao Yun didn't hear it from a long distance away, he understood the meaning.

Zhao Yun regretted not being able to kill Lu Bu in one fell swoop.He took a deep breath, his eyes became fierce, and suddenly he slapped the horse's back, and the white dragon horse on his crotch rushed out instantly.

"Lu Bu, Zhao Yun is here!"

Zhao Yun rode his horse and sprinted towards a cavalryman from the Falcon Battalion who was the first to kill.

The gentian silver gun trembled, and for a moment, the tip of the gun shone with a cold light.With a scream, there was already a blood hole in the neck of the falcon battalion cavalryman.

Zhao Yun didn't stop, continued to sprint, and went straight to Lu Bu.

At the current stage, it was impossible to win, so Zhao Yun decided to go all out.

Lu Bu grinned, feeling excited.He rode his horse and galloped wildly, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and killed Zhao Yun.The two walked towards each other, and in the blink of an eye, they had already met.

Fang Tian's painting halberd hangs in the air, and it is suddenly chopped down.

The gentian silver spear trembled, stabbing at Fang Tian's painted halberd instantly.

"Ding! Ding!..."

The two weapons collided continuously, and sparks flew everywhere.

The two fighting people staggered in an instant.In a confrontation, there is no obvious difference between the two.Lu Bu and Zhao Yun turned their horses' heads at the same time, each raised their weapons, and charged at each other again.

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