Chapter 181 Miss Lin is here

Time flies, and another month and a half has passed in a blink of an eye.

One day, a new classmate came to the school.

It was a female classmate, one year older than Xiao Jiabao. This little girl was dressed like a daughter of a wealthy family.

They were a little puzzled, why would a young lady from a wealthy family come to a rural place like them to study?

Shouldn't young ladies like them be at home and let their father invite a dozen masters to teach at home?
Why bother to come to such a country place?

Only the old master knows the reason for this.

In order to let the students understand, the old master told them the reason.

This is a young lady from a rich family, and also the only young lady in that family, but this young lady has been weak and sick since she was a child. Someone said that if this young lady is put next to a lucky person, maybe this young lady’s illness can be cured and die. heal.

In fact, the rich man had already invited many doctors and took the lady to many places, but none of them worked.

After several inquiries, the rich man found out that there was a blessed child in this rural area, so he ignored his wife's objection and sent his only daughter to this rural area.

The girl's name is Lin Zitong, but this daughter is used to living a life of rich clothes and fine food, and if she wants to go to the countryside for a while, she refuses to live or die.

She explained: "Everyone has their own destiny, why should they go against the sky? How long I can live has been decided as early as the day I was born. I am not in good health and often get sick so I should stay at home." Ah, be careful, why do you send me to the countryside? Can I really live that kind of life in the countryside? What if I still get sick when the time comes? "

This sentence reminded the rich man.

So he didn't let his only daughter go alone, but asked a maid to accompany her.

So all of a sudden, there are two more female students in this school, adding the original one, there are three in total.

The old master still deliberately explained: "The young lady who came from a rich family is the same as the little Jiabao you met before. You have to treat her well and not bully her, you understand?"

For this new Miss Lin and her maid.

Everyone was full of curiosity.

Also, the old master specifically mentioned the name of the servant girl so that the students would not forget.

"The girl who accompanied Miss Lin is called Lin Xiang. You have to concentrate in class in the future, and don't keep staring at the three little girls, you know?"

After saying this, there was a burst of laughter in the school.

Everyone was amused by the old master's words.

But they are also very curious, where does this Ling girl and her maid come to live?

Does the village chief know about this?When outsiders enter their village, the village head should be asked.

It's a little strange why the village chief didn't say anything about it.

The old master explained to them: "They are actually here to find Little Lucky Star, but they only come during the day and send them home at night. They won't stay in our village. You can rest assured about this, so the village chief didn't ask about it. thing."

"I arranged this matter. After all, she is a daughter of a thousand golds. How could she live in a rural place like ours? She has to get used to it. After all, a daughter of a thousand golds can't bear any harm. What if some people in our village hurt others with ill intentions?"

Little Garbo.She didn't have any interest in this new classmate, Ms. Lin. She felt that they should all come here for her own happiness, as long as she could cure her intractable disease.

People will take the maid and leave.

As for where people will live, it is really their business.

She won't take the initiative to ask, and she can't control this matter.

After this class was over, Miss Lin took the initiative to come over and talk to Little Jiabao.

"Hello classmate, I heard the master said just now that everyone calls you little lucky star. Could it be that you are really blessed?"

Obviously, Miss Lin didn't believe this question.

Little Garbo.I felt that it was the first time that someone took the initiative to talk to me and I couldn’t be rude or smug, so I had to restrain my temper and said, “I can’t do anything if people say that. As for whether they are lucky or not, it’s up to them, how do I know?” ?”

"Then do you know how to see a doctor? My father said that you are a little lucky star, and you can see a doctor, so he sent me to this school in the countryside. I originally attended classes at home, but my father didn't know where to come from." I heard that there is a little lucky star in this country in this school, so I made inquiries and sent me here."

To be honest, little Jiabao was not interested in her story at all, but she could only listen if people insisted on telling her.

After all, before coming to school every day, my parents told me that I must have a good relationship with my classmates in the school, live in harmony, and not be so self-willed as before, running out without saying anything.

For the sake of her safety, they sent her to the school.

That's good, another one came after not long in school, and came here to say that luck can cure diseases.

Another little girl came and lived with her in the school again.

There was no other way, she could only get along with Miss Lin like this.

However, he was also curious as to whether there was any relationship between Miss Lin and Young Master Lin. It was a coincidence that both of them were surnamed Lin.

But if people don't take the initiative to say it, he won't take the initiative to ask.

She doesn't know how to rush. It's impossible for you to ask such a strange question when someone comes here for the first time.

People who don't know think there is something wrong with this little lucky star.

If she wants to ask, she has to wait for someone to speak out on her own initiative before she can ask that one or two questions.

After Miss Lin finished speaking, it was her maid's turn to speak.

This maid looks like she is easy to get along with.

"Hello classmate, I am my lady's maid. This time I am accompanying her to this school. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time. I also heard from our master that you are a lucky person. I hope you can Cure our young lady's illness as soon as possible."

Little Jiabao felt so ridiculous when he heard this.

She doesn't even know what kind of illness their young lady is, how to treat it, and besides, she is not a doctor, how can she cure it?
She had no choice but to explain: "Since you all say that I am blessed, then I am blessed, but being blessed and being cured are two different things. Let me tell you in advance that I am not a doctor, and I will not treat your lady. If Miss Jia wants to see a doctor, she can go to the doctor, if you believe that I can cure Miss Jia, then you can just believe it, because I am not sure myself."

Such an explanation should be understandable.

After hearing this explanation, Lin Xiang shut up and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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