Chapter 182 Miss Lin Is Sick

Little Jiabao was not very interested in the arrival of Miss Lin.

The arrival of Miss Lin is nothing more than adding a little newness to their village.

When she got home, the family was also talking about it.

She sat at the dinner table and listened to their conversation.

Mrs. Su said: "Father, I heard that a young lady from a rich family came to my little sister's school. Have you heard about this?"

Brother Su said: "It's really strange. The former young master Lin and the present rich lady are all children of rich families. Why do they all come to our village?"

Su's fourth daughter-in-law said: "It's not like Mr. Lin, who was sent to our village when he was sick, right? And she didn't live here, did she?"

Liu Yin said: "It's a bit strange. If Miss Lin is really sick, she should be sent to our home. Why did she send it to the school? I really don't understand what their rich lady is thinking."

Listening to what they said, Little Jiabao's head grew a little big.

Why do these sister-in-laws like to meddle in other people's affairs so much.

Besides, Miss Lin is a rich lady, there is nothing wrong with that, but they have never seen her before.

Just take care of your own family affairs, why worry about other people's affairs?
But her parents didn't seem to say a word, and they didn't seem to be interested in it.

Looking at the sisters-in-law, she became more and more interested in talking, so she had no choice but to answer: "That's his father. He heard that I can cure diseases, so he sent his daughter to the old master to study with me as a classmate. Being together can cure her illness, they don’t live in our village, they come to class during the day and go home at night.”

Second Sister-in-Law Su caught the key word.

"They? Ms. Lin didn't come here alone. Is there anyone else to accompany her?"

"Yes, there is also her maid. You all know after thinking about it. It is impossible for a rich lady to not have a maid. Therefore, two people came to the old master together."

Old man Su finally spoke.

"Then if you say that, they are here for you. They must have heard that you are blessed to think that their daughter will be better when she is with you, is that so?"

"That's right, they came after me. The old master said the same thing, but we don't know what kind of disease Miss Lin has. The old master just told us to be careful and take good care of Miss Lin. After all, she is Miss Qianjin from a rich family, if something goes wrong in our village, we can't afford it."

The old lady Su panicked when she heard the words "can't bear it".

It makes sense, if something goes wrong with this kind of husband's lady in their village, the whole village will suffer, not to mention their daughter who comes here to see a doctor.

"Little girl, you have to be more careful in the future. Don't mess with that rich lady. If she gets upset, it will be bad. You have to remember, you are the little lucky star of our entire village, so you can't have a little bit of trouble." Unexpected."

Although she, a little lucky star, can't be surprised.

But he is also the jewel in the palm of a big family, let alone accidents.

These two people who can't have accidents have to live together, which really brings pressure to the people around them.

"Little sister, are you still going to school tomorrow?" Mrs. Su asked.

"I'm still going, why not? He is just my classmate, and I have nothing to do. I'm sorry about him, why don't you go?"

Mrs. Su explained with some concern: "What I mean is that although you are a lucky star in our village, it doesn't mean that there will be no accidents. What if you and Miss Lin have an accident together?"

When old man Su heard this, his complexion immediately turned bad. Although this was just a guess, what would he do if an accident really happened?
An accident happened to their rich lady, but it was a big deal. As for the accident of this little lucky star, I don't know how many people will pay attention at that time.

If something happens to Miss Lin at that time, Miss Lin's parents will definitely blame the whole village on him.

Then the whole village will suffer.

This is how to do?
If the little girl is not allowed to go to school, the master will definitely have objections.

Miss Lin came here for the little girl, and it would definitely not work to prevent the little girl from seeing Miss Lin. If she wanted to see her, she had to live carefully in the school together.

If they get along well, it's okay to say, if Miss Lin is upset a little bit, I don't know what will happen to their little girl.

They really didn't dare to imagine it anymore.

Old man Su was also terrified.

Although the words of the daughters-in-law are harsh, they are not unreasonable, but they are also afraid of the old master's opinion, so what should they do?

Mrs. Su said: "Or let's say that our little girl is also sick and can't go to school. Let the little girl hide at home. We don't want to cause this trouble. Or let's just leave it like this. What do you think?"

Liu Yin said: "It's not good, mother-in-law, if you do this, we will all be killed. If someone who doesn't know how to be diligent runs to the village chief, the village chief thinks that the little sister is really sick. Come to our house to have a look, and the whole family will be scolded later, the village head is very nervous about our little sister, he is the head of a village, and he has to think about the lives of the whole village The little sister escaped because of this incident, and our whole village will offend Miss Lin's parents, and it will really cause unnecessary trouble."

Hearing his youngest daughter-in-law's analysis, old man Su also felt that what she said made sense.

He asked, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"I think their big family actually sent their only daughter Miss Lin here, so let it be natural and let our little sister get along with her. Don't they all say that the little sister is blessed? Although she is not a doctor, she is also Can it cure diseases? It seems that Master Lin just wants his precious girl to get better soon."

"But will our little sister be in danger in this way? What if Miss Lin has something wrong, what should I do to vent my anger on our little sister? After all, this is their first day together, and no one knows if Miss Lin is serious or not. Miss temper."

Liu Yin said: "Probably not. I think before Ms. Lin came, his parents should have explained that she should get along with her classmates in the school. They should have told her, our little sister, so don't worry. , there shouldn't be any danger? So let the little sister go to school, and can't just hide like the mother-in-law said, when will so many people hide?"

The matter has come to this point, so this is the only way to do it, and if there is anything in the future, you can only take one step at a time.

The next day, when little Jiabao went to the school, she saw that Miss Lin brought a lot of things to the students in the school.

She couldn't help being a little curious, what exactly is Miss Lin going to do?
Someone just passed by her, and he asked him.

"Daniu, what are you holding in your hand? Did Miss Lin give you the high point?"

Daniu took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times before swallowing it and replied: "Yes, Miss Lin is so generous, she gave us a lot, and there are other things to eat."

Xiao Jiabao felt strange, why didn't other people have it?
Could it be that Miss Lin wants to treat them differently?

Just as she was thinking so, Miss Lin and the servant girl came.

Lin Xiang said, "Do you like anything? Our lady said she would give you a gift."

Little Jiabao was a little confused, she didn't give herself food, she wanted to give herself other gifts.

"Why is that? I don't know your lady well. We're just classmates. I just got along with you for a day yesterday and you want to give me a gift. Isn't that inappropriate?"

The maid Lin Xiang said: "There is nothing wrong with it. Our master said that you are a lucky star. Our lady stays with you. If you take classes in this school, you may recover faster. So in order to express our respect Thank you, I should give you a gift, so don't shirk it."

Little Jiabao thought so in her heart.

"This is not what discrimination is. If she accepts Miss Lin's gift, what will other people think of her? Everyone else is eating, but what she received is an expensive gift. This is not an obvious statement." I, Miss Lin, are treated differently, are they all students of the same academy?"

She once again rejected Lin Xiang's kindness.

"I'm sorry, your lady's gift may be very expensive, so I can't accept it. Besides, my parents told me that I can't take things that aren't mine. Although this is your lady's kindness, I can't accept it. "

Lin Xiang felt that this classmate was a little ignorant, and their young lady was very generous.

Just when she was about to say something ugly, the old master came over.

When the old master saw that these students were all eating, his expression changed drastically.

He asked with a calm face: "This is a school, how can you eat when you are going to class? Who gave you these things?"

The old master was a little confused, he clearly remembered that there were not so many delicious pastries in this village.

So there is only one possibility, which is brought by Miss Lin.

Ms. Lin is the daughter of a rich family. Is it easy to eat these things?

But he really shouldn't have brought these pastries to this school to distribute to other students.

It's so inappropriate.

But this is Miss Qianjin and she is sick.

I can't get angry or criticize, and I can't bear it if something goes wrong.

But if he criticizes other students but not criticize Miss Lin, other students will feel it is unfair.

This is how to do ah?

There are school rules in the school, and the rules cannot be broken because of one person.

But this student's situation is special, he really can't be careless.

But just when the old master was about to tell everyone that he couldn't eat in school, Miss Lin fainted, which startled the servant girl, Lin Xiang.

"Miss, what's the matter with you? What can I do?"

Everyone panicked.

Little Jiabao felt that what sister-in-law and the others expected had happened.

At this time, some students' comments rang in Xiao Jiabao's ears: "Didn't everyone say that the little lucky star in our village can cure people's illness? Why did this lady faint again?"

At this time, Daniel said: "Little Lucky Star is not a representative of the little gods. How could this rich lady recover from her illness so quickly? Besides, we don't even know what her illness is."

But the old master hurriedly interrupted them and said, "Daniu, you should go to the village chief's house quickly and ask the village chief to find an ox cart to take Miss Lin to the medical center in the market. Life is in danger."

But the maid Lin Xiang said: "Don't be so anxious, Miss's illness is an old one, we have a housekeeper waiting for us outside the village with a horse-drawn carriage, as long as you find someone to carry the lady out of the window, or someone runs to inform the housekeeper, let us It's enough for him to carry Miss."

But the old master said: "You little girl, this is your young lady. He fainted, and you still say that it is an old problem. Don't worry. If life is in danger, none of us can afford this responsibility."

Daniel didn't dare to delay the matter at all, so he ran out of the school and ran all the way to the village chief's house.

It just so happened that today the village head had something to do at his house, and the village head didn't go to work in the fields, otherwise he would have made this trip in vain.

"The village head is not well. Miss Lin in the school has fainted. The old master asked you to find someone to carry him to the entrance of the village. He said that their carriage is already waiting at the entrance of the village."

The village head became anxious when he heard this, and quickly put down the work in hand, looked for his neighbor, a young man, and the three of them ran back to the school.

Seeing Miss Lin who had fainted, the village chief hurriedly let the young man carry him on his back, and Miss Lin ran all the way to the entrance of the village.

when.Seeing the young man carrying Miss Lin on his back, the butler slapped the maid next to him involuntarily.

He said angrily: "Didn't you tell me to take good care of the young lady? Why did you make the young lady faint again? How can I tell the master when you go back like this, what are you doing for food? You can't even take care of a young lady."

The maid originally wanted to explain, but the village head interrupted at this moment, "Don't get angry, big brother, hurry up and see your lady send him back, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it when you go back."

The butler had no choice but to take the young lady from the young man and put her in the carriage.

Lin Xiang followed behind and also got into the carriage.

In this way, the butler left with their master and servant.

The village chief breathed a sigh of relief as he watched their carriage go away.

He muttered something.

"I hope God will bless Miss Lin from any danger, and she can come to their school in this village safely tomorrow, otherwise the whole village will be in trouble."

The village chief took the young man to the gate of the school and explained the situation to the old master.

The old master said: "This time it was an accident, so I didn't expect such a sudden situation to happen. In the future, everyone should pay more attention. After all, this Ling girl is Miss Qianjin, and none of us can afford it. If we accidentally take care of him, Maybe the whole village will suffer, these people in the village are innocent in the first place, we must be very careful not to implicate them."

(End of this chapter)

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