Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 295 After Tomorrow

Chapter 295 After Tomorrow
Fushimi's reminder was just a false alarm.

Although they didn't know the reason why Soya didn't return for a long time, the people in the room tacitly covered him.

When the inspecting teacher found that there were few people in the room, he said he was on patrol—except for Makoto Shibazaki, the other teachers did not know who the boys in Class A were helping to patrol;

But when General Kinoshita went on patrol, he simply turned a blind eye, and it was more convenient to cover.

Fushimi: Where did Soya go?
Soya: Looking at the stars in the atrium.

Fushimi: Alone?

Soya: I'm afraid you will be sad if I say it.

Fushimi: Good night.

As for Akane Kirino, probably because the disguise was very effective, her absence has never been discovered.

When her roommate asked where she was, Soya reminded her not to tell the truth;

She has a deep understanding of the ability of these temporary roommates to keep secrets, so she only said that she was still struggling to find food in the back kitchen of the cafeteria.

"Chunhui asked me to bring some food home, what should I do?"

Soya stuffed the strong buckwheat noodles into his mouth, and after swallowing, he said, "Rice, vegetable leaves or raw pork, ask her what she wants to eat."

Akane Kirino giggled, then put down her phone, and enjoyed the night's delicious food with peace of mind.

In addition to namono and soba noodles, there are several types of tempura to choose from.

Although he felt that he would not be able to sleep after eating too much, seeing the middle-aged man next to him drinking beer while putting tempura into his mouth, Soya ordered a vegetable tempura and shared it with Akane Kirino .

In the middle of the night, the hot air that had been exposed to the scorching sun for a day finally floated up into the sky, and the ground became cool again, even a little too much.

Akane Kirino was wrapped in Soya's long-sleeved uniform, and her pajama shorts, which were too short to cover her knees, stuck to his legs. She didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and she would stick it up after he moved away. .

"It's a little cold." She said quietly.


Unlike the pair of middle-aged people who were drinking and chatting next to them, they only came here to fill their stomachs. They came later than them, but left earlier.

"Let me pay."

In order to thank him for his company, Akane Kirino said that she came to treat her, and Soya did not refuse.


But there was nothing to pack at the stall, the two could only secretly regret to Hongzi and Chao Wuling.Although at this time, they are probably already in deep sleep.

The delicious food at midnight melted away all the annoyance Kirino Akane thought she had made for nothing, and when she left, she said goodbye warmly to the stall owner and his wife.


"see you next time."


There won't be a next time—seeing her hesitant expression, Soya guessed that she probably wanted to say that.

"Are you going this way?"


The way you came here is the shortest way, so naturally you should go back the way you came.However, unlike when they came here, the already full stomach of the two walked smoothly, without any urgency.

"If I go back hungry, I don't know if I can sleep tonight."



Akane Kirino raised her head and looked at the clear night sky, the moon was bright and clear, and many stars could still be seen, as if each one was blinking and smiling at her.

"It's strange, I don't seem to be afraid anymore." She looked around the path surrounded by woods when she walked in, and she wanted to see the deepest part with every glance, "I am also slowly becoming a 'person like Soya'. "

"How can it be so fast, is supper a catalyst?"

Soya smiled, not exposing the fact that the hand she was holding tightly to him would suddenly tighten from time to time.

Like this time.

And she didn't just hold his wrist tightly, but stopped.


Sogu looked at her, and then followed her gaze to the depths of the dark woods, but there was nothing.

In other words, there is nothing in his perspective.

Taking off the amulet and stuffing it into her hand, Soya saw the "something" in the woods.

An ordinary spirit body, standing more than ten meters away and looking at them, would be startled when it suddenly saw it, but Akane Kirino's reaction was relatively calm.

Looking at each other for a while, the spirit body still didn't move, although its expression was not as dazed and numb as You Ling's, it was not much different.

"Is that a wandering spirit?"

Akane Kirino lowered the amulet, only holding on to the rope and his arm, "Why is there no response?"

"Slightly stronger than You Ling, but his consciousness has almost dissipated." Sogu thought of an example, "If You Ling is an old man over 90 years old, in his current state, he is almost 80 years old."

"so poor."

Akane Kirino said something for no reason, but he could understand it.

"Life is better than death."

She nodded, then fell silent.

The two continued to walk forward.

The transition from optimism to melancholy is more difficult to ignore than a reticent person becoming talkative. Both before and after, they are the focus of other people's eyes and thoughts, especially when that person is around.

"Say something, otherwise I feel like I'm walking alone at night, and I'm quite scared."


Kirino Akane smiled briefly, then took a deep breath.

"Look down."

Soya lowered her head, and she hung the amulet back around his neck and tucked it into the T-shirt.

"bend over."

"...You go by yourself."

"I'm tired."

Zongya always felt that it was not a good thing to pamper her all the time, but then he thought that at this moment, he could make a slight exception.

"Just this time."

"Hmm..." She replied vaguely.

He bent down, Kirino Akane climbed up and hugged his neck tightly.

There is no cloth barrier, directly supporting her thigh, the palm is sunk deep in the soft and slippery, Sogu cast aside distracting thoughts as much as possible, but she clings to his back unreservedly, pressing the gourd to float the ladle, Qi Nian is like a pond in the rain, with ripples and blooms everywhere.

She hugged him tightly behind his back.

It's more like stretching than anything else.

After a while, she relaxed again and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I always feel that Soya has a reassuring feeling..."

He stepped forward, "Did Tong Ye feel uneasy about what happened just now?"

"Uneasy, maybe."

Akane Kirino raised her head and looked at the darkness ahead with him, "I was just thinking about what I would look like when I was eight or ninety years old."

"I can't even imagine what you will be like tomorrow."

"It's too exaggerated." She laughed, and quickly restrained herself, "I can't even imagine it."


"Tomorrow and beyond."

Soya lifted her up and continued to listen.

"If I lost the freedom to do whatever I want now, I would feel that life would be worse than death. But the loss seems to be inevitable. In the end, I will become a 80-[-]-year-old old woman with a dizzy head and can't do anything... ..."

Akane Kirino tilted her head, leaning against the only person who made her feel at ease at the moment, "I'm afraid of becoming like that."

"This is an objective law."


She raised her head slightly, and then leaned forward with some force, causing both of them to cry out in pain at the same time.

"It hurts...I don't want to hear this."

Soya continued to walk forward, "Of course, this world is not exactly what the known 'objective laws' suggest."

"For example, I never thought that ghosts really existed in this world before."


"Gods also exist."


Kirino Akane let go of one hand and rubbed his head, even though the brief pain had long since disappeared.

"Can the gods allow me to maintain the current life forever?"


"You really can't..."

She sighed, because she didn't expect much, nor was she depressed for too long, she just didn't want to talk.

"Hold tight, it's about to fall."

"Then let me fall... ah!"

As soon as Soya let go, Kirino Akane was startled, and immediately hugged his neck tightly, and her spirits also cheered up a lot.

"Is it interesting?"


"It's unexpected."


She puffed her lips and moved closer, "I understand what Soya means."

There was some surprise in Soya's tone, "I didn't expect you to understand so quickly."

"Soya means that no one knows what will happen next second, and the future will not be as boring as I imagined. Right?"

"You understand so quickly."

"Because my mother told me so before."

Zongya was startled, then laughed again, "Really."

Akane Kirino hugged him tightly, rubbing her face unconsciously, "I never thought I'd find Soya before."

"'Picked up' ah..."

"Isn't it?"


She laughed, and her warm laughter lingered behind his ears and around his neck.

"What I picked up is mine."


Even though he knew that he couldn't be silent at this time, Soya waited for more than half a minute before speaking: "It should be handed over to the police."

And she responded as usual, "The police don't want Soya—they'll send you back to the Northeast."

"That's where I'm from after all."

"No. Then I'll be bored to death."

Akane Kirino inadvertently revealed her deepest thoughts, even though she hadn't fully understood the meaning: "I will never be separated from Soya."

"Yeah." He maintained his superficial calm, "What time is it?"

"Let me see……"

She let go of one hand and took out the phone from his coat, "Wow, has it been so long?"

"It's past twelve o'clock?"

"That's not true, but it's only twenty minutes away."

"Fortunately, before I set off, I still thought about going back to school within an hour... the training center."

Akane Kirino clicked on the message and looked, "Everyone should be asleep, they haven't sent me a message for half a day."


Soya quickened his pace, although there was no special meaning, but he wanted to return to the training camp before midnight.

Lying behind his back, Akane Kirino quickly put away her phone.Staring at the darkness ahead for a while, she gradually relaxed and leaned on his shoulder.

Sogu suddenly shrugged, "Don't fall asleep."


She woke up suddenly, raised her head again, "No way."

"I can't turn over with your back on my back."

"I said I won't fall asleep."

Akane Kirino yawned, twisted on his back, adjusted her posture, and made herself more awake.

"How far is it?"

"It's almost there." Sogu looked at the corner ahead, the moonlight was shining on the ground, making the two perpendicular intersections more distinct.

She saw it too, but she felt more reluctant than relaxed.

Walking out of the path, she pointed to the opposite side of the training camp, "Where is that over there?"

"National Highway. Where we came from."

"Go and see?"

"Except for the national highway a few kilometers away, there is nothing."


Sogu walked with her on his back for a while, stopped in front of the woods, and put her down.

Passing through the woods, the two quickly returned to the place where they came out of the wall.

The feet couldn't find a place to land, and it was more difficult to climb over the wall from the outside. Soya used his hands as support to let Akane Kirino step on the wall.

Grabbing the iron fence smoothly, she climbed up, and then turned inside, and Sogu followed to climb over the wall.

There were two soft landing sounds, Akane Kirino suddenly ducked and hid beside a flower bed, followed by Soya.


He glanced left and right, but didn't see any figure.

Akane Kirino was vigilant, "Shh..."

Sogu held his breath, his eyes fell on the duty room at the door, it was far and dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

After squatting for more than half a minute, Akane Kirino slowly moved to the other side, then suddenly quickened her pace, moved behind another flower bed, and then motioned for him to go too.


After watching her for a few seconds, Zongya suddenly understood.

No one at all.

He stood up directly, reflecting the moonlight, and walked straight to the dormitory building.

"Hey... it's going to be exposed!"

He ignored it.

Seeing that he didn't cooperate, Akane Kirino quickly caught up and pushed him behind his back.



Even though they knew it was late at night and no one was patrolling, the two subconsciously slowed down when they walked to the bright entrance.

"I'll go in and have a look first." Soya said, Kirino Akane nodded, but when he walked in, he still followed him one step at a time, Soya looked back at her and smiled.

"Yeah, no one."

The lights are bright, and the corridors on both sides are empty, without a single figure.

"Hmm." Sogu looked at the time, it was already the second day.

"What would you like to drink?"

He raised his head, and Akane Kirino walked to the vending machine and looked back at him.

"No need... Whatever you want."

She pressed the same spot twice, then brought over two bottles of juice, and pointed to the sofa.

"Go back to your room after drinking."

"Too presumptuous."

Soya shook his head, took the juice, sat down on the sofa, and relaxed his body.

After only taking a sip, Akane Kirino went to the next shelf to get two magazines that she would not be interested in at all, and gave one to him, and she also flipped through it with great interest.

"Wow, so this star is such a person."

"I don't know any of them."

"I don't know either."


After sitting on the sofa for a while, Soya screwed on the cover and stood up.

"Go back to your room."

"Okay." Akane Kirino stretched her waist, and put the two magazines back to their original places, but the expression on her face revealed that she still had something to say.

The two parted ways at the stairs.

"Good night."

"Good night... wait a minute."

She stopped him and motioned him to come closer.

"There is no teacher now, doesn't Soya want to come and have a look?"

"Do not want to."

"you think."

She grabbed his wrist, "Send me up by the way."


Just going up and down a flight of stairs didn't take much effort, so Sogu didn't resist, and followed her up the stairs.

"I feel like I won't be able to get up tomorrow morning."

"Set an alarm."

"What time is better?"

"I have to get up at six o'clock, you can figure it out."

When we came to the second floor where the girls rested, the layout was not much different from the one below. There was a corridor with rooms on both sides, that's all.

"over there."

Akane Kirino pointed to her own room, and then pointed to a closer one, "This is the room of Hongzi and Ling."


Zongya just nodded, and then looked at her hand, indicating that she could let go.

Akane Kirino pulled him again, the meaning was obvious.


After reaching the door of the room, she let go and slowly opened the door.

"Good night." Soya said in a low voice, without taking a long look into the room.

Akane Kirino nodded, got into the room, and carefully closed the door, her eyes still shining brightly.

"Good night~"

With a click, the door was completely closed with a soft sound.

Zong Gu turned and left, before going downstairs, he looked back again.

Chao Wuling looked at him from inside the door.


She got out, the pajamas on the upper body were open, and the tips on both sides were faintly visible in the swing.

"You guys are out."

"Hmm... went to eat something nearby."

Soya pulled her pajamas together and buttoned them up from the bottom.

"Can't sleep?"


"It's the last night." He could only comfort in this way.

She looked at his hand, "Yeah."

"Is Hongzi asleep?"

"Fell asleep."

Keeping the two buttons on the collar, Soya put down his hands, "Go on to sleep, good night."

She took a step towards Wuling, hugged his waist, took a long breath on his chest, and then let go.

"Good night."

Seeing her return to the room, Soya turned and went downstairs.

After all this was over, exhaustion suddenly caught up, he yawned and went to the bathroom, and then returned to his room.

The temporary roommates had already fallen asleep, lying on the ground in disorder.With a little light, Soya carefully stepped on the narrow gap between his body to find his own quilt.

After lying down for a while, a wave suddenly hit him and submerged him together with the tide that followed.


Akane Kirino was wearing a swimsuit, stepping barefoot in the waves, laughing and running on the beach.Suddenly it was far and near, and finally stopped beside him, bent down and grabbed him with both hands to pick him up.

Sitting on the beach, the waves surged and receded, beating against his body.


She suddenly moved closer, touched his lips lightly, and then separated.Blinking her eyes, she only left an unpredictable smile.

"This is our secret, don't tell others."

Letting go of his hand, she spun on the beach again, laughing happily while running.

Soya touched his lips, and suddenly there was a sigh from behind.


He turned his head, but the figure behind him deliberately avoided him, got up and walked to the corner of his sight.

The waves were entangled, and his sharpness and agility were useless at this time, and he couldn't see the person's face anyway, and only felt that she looked like Jingzi and Hongzi.


Sogu woke up suddenly.

Opening his eyes, Fushimi looked down at him while buttoning his buttons: "Are the stars in the mountains beautiful? It's time to get up."


He looked to the side, it was bright outside the window, it was already time to get up the next morning.


Sogu propped up his body, and slowly wiped it on his face.

Had a strange dream.

(End of this chapter)

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