Chapter 296
Waking up early during summer vacation is not easy, especially if you went to bed late the night before.

In the morning, Akane Kirino slept soundly. It wasn't until one of her roommates hugged her and sat up and shook her violently for a while that she recovered her sinking consciousness from the bottomless abyss.


"What 'uah', it's already past six o'clock, get up quickly!"

The roommates left the room in a hurry, leaving Akane Kirino alone.She sat for a while, her consciousness and head drooped, and lower and lower, her body lost balance, and she fell to one side, which woke her up again.

How is the uniform on the ground?
Lying on the tatami, she looked at the uniform next to her head, and took a close sniff, only to remember that it was the coat that Soya lent her last night.


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of someone poking his head at the door, she looked over, and Hongzi smiled at her.

"Haven't you woke up yet?"

"Hmm..." Spitting out the hair in her mouth, Akane Kirino lay on the ground, straightened her arms and legs, and stretched her waist, "I'm still sleepy."

Responding to a greeting from a girl passing by the door, Hongzi walked into the room, sat down next to her, and stroked her back.

"If you get up late, you won't have time for breakfast."

"I know." With her head buried, Akane Kirino said in a muffled voice.

Seeing the uniform beside him, Hongzi picked it up casually, but then felt something was wrong.

"Is Akane's uniform size that big..."

Kirino Akane turned over and sat up, "This is Soya's."


"He lent it to me last night...he lent it to me yesterday."


Hongzi lowered his head and smelled it, and it really smelled like Soya.In addition, another smell is also very obvious, which comes from the girl in front of her.

When did you borrow it?

She was a little dazed and had no impression of this matter.

"I'm going to change." Akane Kirino took back the uniform from her hand, and pointed to the door, "Hongzi, close the door for me."

"Oh... well."

When Hongzi walked to the door, he remembered something, went back to his room to look, and as expected, Chao Wuling lay down again.


She was busy at both ends, and when the last three of them went downstairs together, it was already more than ten minutes later.

And in the boy's room closest to the stairs, Soya had just walked out with the door behind him.


Akane Kirino threw the clothes over as soon as they met. Although he was a little caught off guard, he raised his hand to catch it in time, then turned around and sent it back to the room.

"I thought I was up late enough. Didn't the alarm go off?"

"The alarm clock is totally useless!"

The four of them went to the cafeteria together, the time when it was the most crowded, and there were only ten minutes left before class.

After finishing breakfast, they came to the classroom, and their seats in the corner were unexpectedly reserved, as if they were specially vacated for them.

Not long after we were seated, teachers Makoto Shibazaki and Kotomi Takeuchi also appeared in the classroom.Although there are students in the two classes below, Shibazaki Makoto is also the math teacher of the two classes, explaining everything to the yawning colleague.

"...It's best to pack up our things at noon. After the exam, we return to school immediately, so as not to be too windy and windy after the typhoon lands, and we can't go home..."

The teacher babbled on the stage, and when he heard the afternoon exam, Soya was reminded of those classmates who came to ask him for urgent tutoring the day before yesterday.His promise was to cover it, and they hadn't moved for two days, so they must have passed the make-up exam the next day.

The fading drowsiness seemed to be making a comeback, he listened absent-mindedly, when Hongzi next to him suddenly threw a note.


Turning her head to look, she had no expression on her face, and then gestured to her side with her eyes, indicating that this was a note from Akane Kirino.

When I opened it, there was only one sentence on it.

[What happened last night has not been discovered yet. 】

After reading the note, he nodded to Akane Kirino, who was looking at him. Hongzi's gaze made his face ache, but it was not the time to respond.

Makoto Shibazaki emphasized that he should go back as soon as possible in the afternoon, and did not leave the classroom until the preparatory bell for the first class rang.

"stand up!"


"sit down!"

The first class is English, which is also one of the several subjects to be tested in the afternoon.The students below asked the English teacher to reveal the content of the exam. The teacher on the stage laughed, avoiding the important and taking the light of it. They only understood it in the afternoon.

In the brief confusion, Hongzi tilted his body and leaned towards Zongya, and walked through the aisle: "What do Zonggu think will be tested in the afternoon?"

He glanced at her, then shook his head, "It's the same for everything."

"What about the range?"

"Just the few pages I learned in the past two days."

"What did Soya do with Akane last night?"

The last question was in such a low voice that only each other could hear it.


Looking at the concerned eyes behind the lens, Soya for no reason remembered the face that he couldn't see clearly in the dream last night.

"Did not do anything."

Looking past her, Kirino Akane next to her was watching the teacher on the stage intently, apparently also very concerned about the afternoon exam.

"I'll tell you after class."

Hongzi looked at him for a while, then nodded.

The little chaos targeting the teacher did not last long. The class continued, but the students below were not completely calm. There could always be a little discussion in the corner near the window or the corridor.

"I hope the exam in the afternoon won't be too difficult." Akane Kirino yawned.

After the first class ended, Soya stood up and leaned against the window sill, Hongzi also stood up and approached calmly.He faced the inside of the classroom, and she faced the outside of the window.

"Go out and eat something."

"What?" She was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Songya and Akane? Last night?"



"A village near the training center... maybe two or three kilometers away."


Hongzi was silent for a moment, moved a little closer to him, stretched out his hand where no one else could see, poked and turned on his back.

"Don't take me."

"It happened suddenly..."


"If you don't believe me, ask her."



Fushimi's voice suddenly sounded, Hongzi was startled, and quickly withdrew his hand.

Turning around, Fushimi had already walked in front of Soya.

"It's really relaxing. I also want to have Soya's mentality of watching the stars in the middle of the night. There is an exam the next day."

"Looking at the stars?" Hongzi looked over.

Fushimi was startled for a moment, and then ruled out the guess of [Yoshikawa Hongko] from the bottom of his heart.

"No, that..."

Soya didn't explain too much, and said to Hongzi with his eyes that he would explain later, and then looked at Fushimi: "Don't talk nonsense."

Fushimi immediately laughed, "Soya will sit with me during the exam in the afternoon."


"No. The purpose of the exam is to check for omissions and make up for vacancies. Let Soya sit next to me to solve problems as soon as they are discovered."


After squinting at him for a while, Soya still nodded, "If there is no special arrangement during the exam."

"Don't worry, I specifically asked Ah Cheng about it."

Fushimi left with satisfaction. Before leaving, he looked at the remaining two conjectures after Hongzi was ruled out. As a result, Kirino Akane and Asagiri Ling lay on the table, both of whom looked sleep-deprived. further inferences.

"Looking at the stars?" Hongzi looked over again.

"You can't tell him directly, I actually went out to eat supper." Sogu looked at Akane Kirino who was lying on the table, facing him and Hongzi, "It's just an excuse."


Hongzi didn't have too many doubts about what he and Akane Kirino did last night, and cared more about being excluded.

"You didn't take me on purpose, did you?"

Soya thought for a while, "I definitely didn't have such an idea at the time."

"At that time?" Hongzi frowned.

He turned around and looked at the atrium below, then raised his hand, "Did you see that section of the wall?"

"Which part?"

"It's just... which paragraph is not important, do you think there is something you can turn over?" Zong Gu looked at her seriously.


Hongzi looked at him for a while, then fell silent for a while, then gave him a glare, and returned to his seat.

Akane Kirino was still sleeping on the table, half of her long hair was hanging down, and the other half was spread to her side, soft and black.

Since it wasn't intentional, why didn't she say a word about it the next day?
Hongzi couldn't help himself not to over-interpret this question.

"—don't overthink it."

When the preparation bell rang, Soya returned to his seat without looking at her, thinking about whether to use the time of this class to get some sleep.

Hongzi looked at him, didn't say anything, turned her head and shook Tongyeqian awake.

"Akane, it's time for class..."

Freezing between sobriety and drowsiness, the morning of the last day of the summer camp passed slowly.After lunch, Soya remembered Shibazaki Makoto's reminder and went back to his room to pack his things.

"Song Gu, sit with me in the afternoon, and I'll treat you to dinner when I get back." Another boy who lives with him said.

"You're late." Soya smiled at him, and Fushimi, who also went back to the room to pack his things, put his hands on the boy's shoulders proudly, and discussed with him in a low voice.

I didn't bring anything here, only a few sets of clothes, and I packed them up very quickly.Putting the coat lent to Akane Kirino to wear overnight into the travel bag, Soya's things were packed.

"By the way, where did Soya go last night?"

He turned around, and it was another boy who asked the question.Fushimi quietly shrugged beside him, indicating that he didn't say anything.

"I'm hungry. Go to the cafeteria and make something to eat."

"Hey...then you are pretty good. Haven't you been discovered?"

"You got up early, did you find anything wrong when you went to the cafeteria?"

"It seems not."

Soya turned around and stuffed the travel bag back into the closet.

"That's not it."

The lunch break is not too long, but today is especially cherished.Back in the classroom, many people were flipping through their notes on their seats, sweeping their eyes, chanting silently, and hugging the Buddha's feet that would be raised high in ten minutes.

"Have you packed your things?" Telling Fushimi that he would sit there after class, Soya first returned to his seat for the past three days, looking at Akane Kirino.

"The exam is coming!" She answered irrelevantly, glanced at him quickly, then lowered her head and continued to read.

"come on."

After a while, Hongzi also returned to the classroom.

"It's all packed up."

"Thank you~"

"How's your study going?"

"Let's be so-so."

Not long after, the class bell rang, and there was a tidy moan in the classroom, and Akane Kirino was one of them.Soya looked amused, got up and left the seat.

"Where are you going?" Akane Kirino looked over.



Hongzi glanced at him, then moved closer to her ear and whispered a few words.

Akane Kirino curled her lips, looked at Fushimi and the others who seemed to be welcoming heroes with a bit of disdain, and then said to Hongzi, "I don't need 'support'."

"Okay." Hongzi smiled.

When the teacher in charge of the first test came into the classroom with the test paper, the same lament sounded again.And Akane Kirino put away her books and notes, and did not participate this time.

"Where did Qian go last night?" Hongzi asked suddenly.


Kirino Akane was briefly surprised, more because of the timing of her choice than the content of the question.

Without hesitation, she leaned closer to Hongzi and whispered, "Sogu and I went out to eat. I wanted to go to the convenience store, but it turned out that it wasn't open 24 hours a day! Originally, I wanted to bring some snacks back to share with Hongzi and Ling... ..."

She had already started to pass the test papers back, and she also stopped, "I'll tell Hongzi the rest after the test."

Hongzi nodded, but thought in his heart that the rest was not important anymore.

"Is that section of the wall difficult to climb?"

Akane Kirino blinked, then bent into an arc, "I turned over easily."


"Thinking about it now, it's a good thing you didn't bring Hongzi with you. You definitely won't be able to get over it."

When she spoke frankly, Hongzi puffed up her lips, but there was a smile on the corner of her lips.

"It's too much."

After catching the last test paper, Zhao Wuling glanced at Soya's back from a distance, and yawned again.

On the podium, the invigilator looked at his watch and raised his head at a certain moment.

"Okay, the exam begins."

Soya picked up his pen and began to answer.This is just a phased test of what he has learned in the past three days, and it is not considered a formal exam. After a rough scan of the questions, he feels that this is more like a homework with gradually increasing difficulty. The first half tests memory, and the second half focuses on understand and apply.

No difficulty.

But this was just his idea, and Fushimi, who was sitting next to him, obviously disagreed.Seeing that Soya was about to turn the page while writing, Fushimi quietly bumped him with his arm.


Soya came back to his senses, so he didn't turn over. He rested his chin with one hand, and turned the pen with the other hand, waiting for Fushimi to check and fill in the gaps, and "solve the problem" on the spot.

Half a minute later, Fushimi set the pen and made an OK gesture, and Soya turned the page and continued to answer.

The content of the test paper is not too much, two pages front and back, more than a dozen questions.Soya finished it quickly, and after a while, Fushimi who was next to him also completed his own test paper with reference, and then passed the information to the roommate sitting on the other side.

The test time is also different from the formal test, only half an hour.After looking at Soya for a moment, Hongzi glanced at Akane Kirino who was next to her, and she had already finished everything.

"The exam is over."

When the time came, the invigilator clapped his hands, and then motioned to the students sitting in the last row to help put away the test papers.

"It's quite simple." Kirino Akane said.Seeing Hongzi nodding, she showed a relieved smile.

"Let me do it."

"it is good."

Akane Kirino stood up, overlapped the test papers of the two, and collected them together.

After handing over the test paper to the invigilator, she went around to where Soya was and asked him how he felt.

"It doesn't feel like it, it's pretty simple."

"Hmm, I think so too."

She drifted away, Fushimi looked back a few times, and said, "Why do I feel like I've been despised by Kirino."

Soya smiled, "You don't have all the 'references', do you?"

"Of course, I still understand this point." Fushimi signaled him to feel at ease, saying that the last two subjective questions were self-imposed and would not be discovered.

Each exam lasted 10 minutes, with only a 10-minute break in between. Soya relaxed for a while, and the second exam followed.

"Well, English... Please give me more advice for this exam."

"If you want to be serious, then I have to say something—let's complete this exam with your own hard work and sweat."

"No, please copy it for me!"

After the English test, geography followed by biology.

When it came to the math test that Shibazaki Makoto supervised personally, he handed out the test papers. He looked down for a while, and said, "Soya, why are you sitting there? Sit back."


Soya didn't say anything, looked at Fushimi, picked up his things and went back, and the latter immediately regretted that he had gone so far as to ask about the seat arrangement for the exam.

"Welcome back~" Akane Kirino waved to him.

"Smiling so happily, are you confident about the upcoming math test?" Soya sat down, caught the test papers from ahead, and gave one of the test papers to Zhao Wuling.

"……Absolutely not."

The smile on Akane Kirino's face faded slightly, and most of it disappeared again when she looked at the math test paper in her hand.


Perhaps in order to encourage students to study hard in the coming August, the math test scheduled for the last one is merciless, and the difficulty of the paper has risen sharply.

It took Zongya a lot of effort to answer all the questions. Looking at the time, there were only seven or eight minutes left.

When he put down the pen, Hongzi next to him deliberately raised his arm and stretched.He looked over, and she was also looking at him, with a slight smug look on her face.


It seemed that she completed the entire test paper much faster than him.

Soya shook his head, then slightly raised his hands, silently applauding her.

The corner of Hongzi's mouth curved.

"All right……"

After a while, Makoto Shibazaki got up with a smile and announced the end of the exam amidst wailing.Putting away all the test papers, he announced that they would gather in the atrium in 10 minutes and prepare to return to school.

Soya returned to the room, Fushimi sighed as soon as he saw him, and said he didn't blame him.

Carrying schoolbags and travel bags to gather in the atrium, the sky is dark, the wind is strong, and the dark clouds are rolling endlessly.

After boarding the bus, Soya pretended not to notice the expectant Hongzi in the back row, and sat down next to Asagiri.

pat, pat-

The twigs and gravel rolled up by the strong wind kept beating the bus.Hongzi stood up, lay down on his seat, stretched out his finger and gently poked his shoulder.

"The typhoon is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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