Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 54 Live Show

Chapter 54 Live Show
The three of Soya were the first group to complete the three-course meal.After eating and drinking enough, and tidying up the kitchen utensils and tableware, it is already past the time for get out of class.

"After tidying up, remember to lock the door when you leave the home economics classroom." Teacher Usami left the classroom after leaving this sentence.

Soya took off his hood, "Let's go back to the classroom too."

"I'm a little stuck..."

Yoshikawa Hongko supported his shoulder, "It turns out that the curry I made can be so delicious... I accidentally ate too much."

"So, let's go back to the classroom and rest early."


Walking out of the home economics classroom filled with fragrance, the three of them left the special building and walked through the atrium full of cherry blossoms under the sun.When going upstairs, they met Akane Kirino who came down.


"Um... eh?"

The girl was in a hurry and didn't notice them.

"How is it?" She quickly remembered their home economics class today, "Today's cooking."

"its not bad, right."

Soya motioned behind him, "Yoshikawa is full."


Yoshikawa supported his back, looked up and smiled at her.


Kirino Akane also smiled, but an unspeakable sense of loneliness surged out uncontrollably in her heart.

She also wants to cook with them in class and enjoy it together...


Yoshikawa noticed the slight change in her expression.

Akane Kirino quickly recovered, shook her head, and pointed downstairs again.

"I'm going to go to the consultant, see you later~"


Watching her disappear around the corner of the stairs, Yoshikawa turned his gaze back and found Soya looking at him.

"If you care, it's fine to go with her."


She curled her lips, "I would like to, but I'm really full."

Sogu laughed, took two steps up, and then stopped suddenly.

Yoshikawa was also forced to stop, and then saw him turn around.

"Noma Minami."


She was startled, "Associate teacher?"

"Well. If you invite her to serve as a club consultant, you shouldn't be rejected."


"I know her."

"I also know..."

"I mean somewhere else."

Soya turned around to go downstairs, then looked at Yoshikawa again, "Can you go back to the classroom by yourself?"

She supported Chao Wuling's shoulders, and the latter shook.

"no problem."

"……be careful."

Going down to the second floor, Soya saw Kirino Akane near the end of the corridor.


She stopped and turned around in surprise.

"... Soya?"

When she approached, Soya said: "I know where to find a consultant teacher, come with me."

"Eh, really?"

"Yeah. It's the assistant teacher of Class A."

"The assistant teacher... Hasn't that person never come to school?"

"Come today."

The two went down to the ground floor and walked around to the entrance and exit on the other side.Soya remembered that when Minami Noma introduced herself in the morning, she said that her staff room was here.

"Hey, that teacher is a physical education teacher."

"Well, and Kirino's physical education teacher will be replaced by her in the future."

The two stopped at the door of the staff room, and Soya knocked on the door.

"excuse me."

Opening the sliding door, Minami Noma was eating a bento, looking this way.

Kirino Akane also "discovered" her existence.

"Soya, that teacher..."


The two walked over, and Noma Minami used his foot to pull away the obstructing chair beside him, and did not speak after swallowing the food in his mouth.

She stared at Akane Kirino for a while before moving to Soya.

"Noma-sensei." He said.


"I want to start a new club, and I'm currently looking for a consultant teacher, and I want to invite Noma-sensei to take up this position."


Minami Noma looked at him for a while, and took a mouthful of rice.

"I reject."


With a bang, the door of the staff room suddenly opened.

"Oh, Mr. Noma, have you caught the disobedient student?"

Taishi Tsuchiya, a physical education teacher, walked in and walked straight to his office, without noticing that Soya was his student.

Soya watched him while Akane Kirino and Minami Noma stared at the area above his head.

The wandering spirit that was about to dissipate sat cross-legged on his shoulders, with his legs wrapped around his neck, his expression still numb.

"That's...Miss Wuding?"

"So it still has a name?"

Minami Noma glanced at her, "You know her?"

"Almost..." Akane Kirino looked at Soya, "Sogu and I brought Miss Wuding here."

"Don't play such pranks."

Noma Minami turned to complain to Soya, "On the first day of work, I saw a spirit body riding around my colleague's neck, which greatly affected my enthusiasm for work."


Soya briefly explained how he found the spirit in the sports warehouse and brought her here.As for how she got entangled with the physical education teacher, he didn't know.

He lowered his voice, "Did Mr. Tsuchiya say something?"

"It's cold, what else can I say."

Minami Noma ate the leftover bento in two bites, wiped her mouth, "Ordinary people are like this."

"Why didn't Mr. Noma separate them?"

"I've just returned to school, and there's a lot of work waiting for me, but I'm very busy, so I don't have time for such nosy things."

She said, and looked at them again, "As for the community consultant you mentioned, I don't have time."

"It's just a name." Soya said, with a sincere and straightforward attitude, "I don't really want Mr. Noma to come and disturb me often."


Minami Noma glanced at him, "Soya is the head of the club?"

"I am the person in charge." Akane Kirino said.

"That's right. What are the club's activities?"

"Collect and investigate supernatural events, and then solve them!"

Her voice was a little louder, and Tsuchiya sitting on the other side of the staff room heard it, and turned her head to look over here.

"Oh, what's that, society? Sounds interesting."

"Yes! Teacher, have you heard anything strange?"

"Strange thing..."

Tsuchiya turned the chair and turned his body to this side, "I seem to have encountered a strange thing myself."

He looked up at the ceiling, "Recently, I always feel chilly from the neck up, as if the air conditioner is turned on. But the air conditioner in the staff room is always off, and other teachers don't feel this it strange?"

Akane Kirino took a deep breath, and looked at Soya again.

"what happened?"

She didn't answer, but reached out and touched the amulet on his chest, and then mustered up the courage to go over.


Minami Noma kicked his foot.



"Then she must like you."

Soya took out the amulet and gave her a look, "This is hers."


She held her chin and dragged out her voice, but Soya ignored it.

On the other side, Kirino Akane walked up to Tsuchiya solemnly, and suddenly clapped her hands.

"The evil spirits are gone!"


Tsuchiya was caught off guard and froze for a moment.

Akane Kirino took the opportunity to grab the leg of "Miss Wuding" around his neck, pulled her away, and gently sent her away, pushing her to another corner of the staff room.

"Teacher, do you still feel chilly now?"

Tsuchiya was startled, touched his neck, looked at the ceiling, got up and turned around twice.

"Strange... that feeling disappeared."

Kirino Akane smiled, "Because the evil spirits have been dispelled by me."

"Oh, that's amazing!"

"...All in all, our club activities are almost like this."

On the other side of the staff room, Soya looked at Noma Minami who was silent.

"Is Noma-sensei interested in making a name?"

(End of this chapter)

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