Chapter 59
As the day went down, the orange sunset covered the sky.

Leaving the old county middle school, Soya Yoshiaki just wanted to return to the children's welfare home in the suburbs as soon as possible, but the people behind him held him back.

——Although there is a distance between each other, she just walks slowly.

But he couldn't leave her and go back alone.


Soya called out, she raised her eyes and glanced at him, still maintaining the same pace.


He didn't know the specific reason, but he knew that she was not in a good mood during this time.

Although her expression was as calm as any time in the past eight years, he had seen the anxiety in her heart more than once.

It's just that if she didn't say it herself, he wouldn't want to know the reason.

Half a minute later, Chao Wuling finally approached, standing beside him even more petite.

Not only her face, but also her body shape and figure remained the same as when she first met seven or eight years ago.The middle school student he thought at that time did not enter the county behind him until last year.

"Let's go, you'll be in trouble if you miss the bus."

She nodded, but did not respond accordingly in action.

When she approached again, Sogu simply took her hand and dragged her to speed up her pace.


He glanced at Wuling, wanting to pull his hand out.Soya gripped tighter.

After walking for a while, the two stopped at the first intersection from the county center to the bus platform.

"Yo, Soya—"

There were several students of the same grade waiting at the red light together, and there were also people in the same class as them, but their words and deeds were not very friendly.

"Come to pick up your daughter from school today, too?"


"Hahahahahaha!" "I said you guys, it's too much - father and daughter are in the same class!" "You became father and daughter in the orphanage... no, I was so moved that I was about to cry. "Wow, Kotaro's mouth is getting more and more poisonous."

Zongya has long been used to this kind of situation, looked at the red light and ignored it, just felt unlucky.

He and Chao Wuling usually don't leave directly after school, but choose to stay in the library to read, just to avoid meeting such people.

Bad luck today, he thought.

This situation was even more serious when the two had just entered middle school.

Relying on the advantages of body size, Soya also taught a few students who behaved out of line.It's just that the incident got into trouble at the school, but in the end it was the staff of the orphanage that got into trouble;

Since then, he has been able to bear with it.

Fortunately, there are more things to be happy about in life.

"Cut, it's boring."

When the green light turned on, several people crossed the road without looking back.Soya and Asagiri were a few steps behind, and stopped when they reached the bus platform.

While waiting for the bus, Soya thought it would be better to chat with her.


He looked at the cloud, and she looked over.

"Has anything happened recently?"


"Really. It feels like you're not very happy recently."



I really don't want to tell him...

Zongya took a deep breath and let it out slowly facing the orange clouds in the sky.

"It's almost evening."

Zhao Wuling glanced at the sky, then lowered his eyes again.

"Why hasn't the bus come..."

He said to himself, "What is Mr. Orange doing now?"


She glanced aside, then stood up.

"Bell? ... Oh, here comes the bus."

The two got on the bus, stopped and stopped all the way, and finally returned to the children's welfare home on the outskirts of the city before sunset.

"I am back."

"Fang Ming, Ling, welcome back~"

"Brother Fangming!"

"Oh, it's Fang Ming."

After greeting the adults and children along the way, Soya went up to the second floor and returned to his room.


Chao Wuling who came in then closed the door.

Soya has lived in the same room with her since she came to this children's welfare home.

There were other children who lived with them before.Bunk beds, seven or eight children live in one room, regardless of gender;

It's just that he can't remember when it was only the two of them left.

Later, as we got older and needed to readjust the room, the two people of the opposite sex were still not separated.

No one came out to explain or explain, and he didn't ask, and the two have lived in the double room of the children's welfare home until now.

When I enter high school, it seems that I will switch to a single room.

After that, regardless of whether he was admitted to university or not, he had to leave the orphanage—unless he returned here as a staff member.

"Going back to work in the orphanage for children? Fangming's pursuit of the future is really simple..." He still remembered the evaluation of Tianzi Ju, the life teacher of the orphanage, "However, I don't think Fangming should be limited to this."

"Your future must be extremely bright."

Sogu was immersed in the memory, and soon noticed the sight of the other person looking towards Kirin, but he didn't realize that his face was full of smiles.


She didn't say anything, but turned to look out the window.

The sunset has dyed the sky and the wall red, and it is already dusk.


Sogu pursed his lips, most of his good mood disappeared in an instant.

Ju Tianzi looks young and healthy, but actually suffers from a hidden disease, which will occur every evening, causing extreme pain and becoming extremely weak;

At this time, she would hide in her room to rest without seeing anyone.


Sogu walked to the window, leaned out, looked at the orange-red sunset in the western sky, and then looked up upstairs.

The fourth floor is full of single rooms, and Tianzi's room is at the deepest part of the corridor, not far from them.

He raised his head, but he couldn't see anything until the last bit of sunset light on his face disappeared.


A sudden shrill scream made the unsuspecting Soya shudder instantly, and cold sweat gushed out all over his body.


It's just that when he regained his senses and listened carefully again, he couldn't hear anything again, as if the sound just now was just his illusion.


Just as Soya was about to ask Zhao Wuling who squeezed beside him at some point, a faint sob entered his ear.

He poked his head out again, turned left and right, and quickly determined that the source of the sound was the room upstairs.

"It's the teacher crying."

For a moment, all he had in his mind was the idea of ​​going to her.

But Chao Wuling saw through his plan and stopped him.


Soya lowered his head and looked at the girl hugging him by the waist in surprise, never thought that there was such power in her small body.

"Teacher doesn't want to see Ming now."

"……I know."

She broke out with all her strength, and she was very limited in front of him.

"But I want to see her."

Zong Gu easily broke through Chao Wuling's obstruction, knowing that she was futile, she didn't bother him too much, and looked at him by the window.

"I just... want to comfort the teacher."

Leaving aside a sentence of explanation, he turned and left the room and went straight upstairs.

At this time, there was no one else on the fourth floor, but he slowed down unconsciously;

The closer he got to that room, the more obvious the low crying sound came from inside, and the harder it was for him to take his steps.


The door of the room was only ajar, Zong Gu stopped outside the door, not deliberately concealing his existence.


"'s me."

The half-hidden door suddenly opened, and Tianzi Ju stood inside and looked at him, pursing his lips and weeping.

Without her usual elegance and carelessness, she looked even more pitiful than the young children who had just arrived at the Children's Welfare Institute.

She probably doesn't want others to see her appearance at this time...

Zong Gu thought to himself, took a step back, but Ju Tianzi stepped forward to hold him back.

"Don't go."

 Two consecutive memory kills
(End of this chapter)

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