Chapter 60
It was not the first time Soya entered the room of Emperor Tachibana, but the scene in front of him was unprecedented.

Broken cups, overturned bonsai, low table turned upside down... The room is as messy as it has just been ransacked;
Socks and underwear were scattered everywhere, and the bedding on the bed also slid to the floor, connecting to the owner's back.

"Is it disillusioned?"

Ju Tianzi hugged his legs and curled up beside the bed, his face was buried in his knees, only one eye was exposed, and his voice was cold after he stopped crying.

"As you can see, this is what the teacher really looks like."


Soya didn't say anything, just stood there for a while, and started to tidy up from the nearest place.

Straighten the low table, put the bonsai in place, pick up the quilt, put the scattered things back on the desk, and clean up the glass shards of the water glass... It's just that the pile of underwear exuding a mature atmosphere is a bit troublesome for him.

No matter how deep the fantasy is, it can't compare with what you see in front of you.Both the style and the color are rich enough to open his eyes.


Taking a deep breath, clearing away the rippling thoughts in his heart, Sogu casually folded a few times and put the underwear together.

As soon as he stood up, the purple bra on top of the pile fell to the ground.

Holding a pile of underwear, it was not convenient for him to bend down, so he had to squat down again.

Before he got up, there was a sudden noise from behind.

Then, he was embraced by the people behind him.


The arms loosened unconsciously, and all the clothes fell, falling on the legs, feet and the ground.

After tidying up for a long time, it was still scattered all over the place.


Hugging his shoulders, Ju Tianzi buried his head deeply, the cold moisture in his eyes was all printed on the back of his neck, and the touch was distinct.

"Help me...Fang Ming."

Sogu's body was stiff, his half-squatting legs uncontrollably fell to the ground, and there was a muffled sound.


"I can't take it any longer..."

Ju Tianzi hugged him even tighter, and wept again.

"It's so painful...every day, every day...what should I do..."

Soya was at a loss, all he could do was maintain this posture.

And she didn't need his response, she just cried and vented her accumulated emotions.

The strange illness on her body was much more serious and weird than he expected:

Although the duration is not long, only a few minutes, it will occur at dusk every day, and it will never be absent;
The attack was excruciatingly painful, like heart-piercing lungs, but it had no other impact on her body, and she could only get normal results when she went to the hospital for an examination.

And this situation has been haunting her for many years...

It wasn't until the warmth on the back of his neck suddenly left that Soya came back to his senses.

"Feel sorry."

Ju Tianzi wiped the back of his neck with his cold palm, and his voice became much hoarse, "Fang Ming's uniform has already been messed up by me."

"'s okay."

Sogu wanted to turn around, only to realize that his legs were stiff, sore and numb.

He turned his head, Tianzi Ju rubbed the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and smiled at him again.

"Too bad, I won't be able to put on airs as a teacher in front of Fangming anymore... Can I forget what happened just now?"


Sogu moved his lips, but couldn't speak.

She had always been talking to herself while crying, but now it was his turn to speak, but she just felt that it was inappropriate to say anything;

Looking forward and backward, timid, in front of the woman he likes, he has become the most dismissive of himself.

He was silent, and Tianzi Ju didn't take it seriously, and patted his head.

"All in all, thank you...Fang Ming."

"No, I didn't do anything."

She shook her head, dropped her hand, and stroked his cheek.

"Fangming, what happened today, don't tell others."

"I see."

"Thank you."

She smiled again, and got up to tidy up the clothes on the floor.Zong Gu also supported the bed and stood up, secretly beating his numb legs.

Packing up his underwear, Tangerine turned sideways to him.

A few strands of hair stuck to her face, her eyes were still a little red, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth;
When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, she seemed to have turned back into the elegant life teacher Tianzi Ju who was indifferent to everything.

"—Fang Ming."

He stared, and she suddenly looked over.


His eyes first turned away, and then met her again.


"What color does Fang Ming like?"

"Color?...Probably red."


Ju Tianzi held the purple bra that he had just picked up, "But Fang Ming seemed to be staring at this for a long time just now."


His face instantly turned into his favorite color.



Tangerine suddenly laughed.

"Fang Ming is surprisingly innocent."


Soya glanced aside, happy that she had returned to her usual state, but also a little helpless.


Ju Tianzi continued to fold his underwear, and put the bra that was used to tease him just now on top.

"Because Fangming is always able to handle many girls with ease. I thought you were used to this kind of thing."

He raised his voice, "How is it possible!"


She looked over in surprise, and stopped moving her hands, "Fang Ming..."

"Feel sorry."

Soya lowered his head and looked aside, "Only this matter, I don't want the teacher to misunderstand."


The Orange Emperor paused, "I am the one who should apologize."

"No, the teacher doesn't need to apologize."

Zongya took a deep breath, and poured out his heart while the rising momentum was not weakened.

"Because the person I like is Teacher Tachibana, and I don't want the teacher to think what happened between me and other girls... If it was someone else, I wouldn't explain it."


Tianzi Ju opened his mouth and was stunned for a while.

"To actually confess his love at such a time...Fang Ming is too cunning."

"I'm sorry, I just feel that the time has come to express my heart... sorry."

He sat down on the ground again, just sitting, looking at her seriously.

"However, the teacher does not need to reply to me."

"He actually said he liked me...Fang Ming is really bold."

Tianzi Ju muttered, then smiled suddenly, "Since you said that you don't need to reply, then I won't reply."


Soya was shaken immediately.

"If the teacher plans to reply to me now, even if he refuses, I will listen carefully to the end."

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Does Fang Ming think that the only possibility is to refuse?"


"I didn't agree either."


Scratching his heart, Zongya immediately regretted the second half of the sentence he just made up for.


Ju Tianzi sat on the floor, straightened his body, then covered his face with his hands, took a deep breath, and after putting down his hands, there was only seriousness on his face.

"I'm happy. Really happy. Thank you, Fang Ming."

"Because of this curse on my body, I have long given up the idea of ​​establishing bonds with others. I don't expect anything. Hiding in the orphanage is also because everyone will leave sooner or later..."

"Fang Ming likes me, I'm really happy."

She paused.

"But let's call it a day."

"—Sorry, I can't do it."

Zong Gu moved forward, facing Ju Tianzi, and took her hand again.

"I like Teacher Tachibana, and I want to be with Teacher Tachibana forever."

Staring into her eyes, the 15-year-old boy's gaze was firm.

"Didn't the teacher say that my future will be very bright? I plan to go to a medical university, become a doctor, and spend my whole life trying to cure my teacher's illness."

The corners of her mouth were curved, but she also frowned, half smiling and crying.

"'s not that simple."

"As long as it can cure the teacher's illness, no matter what, I am willing to do it."

Ju Tianzi blinked, tears streaming down again.


"I promise."

"Well, I believe Fangming..." She smiled, "Don't let me down when the time comes."

He nodded heavily, the two looked at each other, Tianzi Ju raised his hand suddenly, and held his face.

Leaning forward slightly, she leaned towards him.


Getting closer and closer.

Is it...

Staring at her thin lips, Sogu forgot to breathe for a moment, but her smell kept drilling into his nose.

Next, what he wants to feel is her warmth and softness...

When they were only a few feet away from each other, she stopped.

"As you can see, I'm still a little confused now...Fang Ming's confession just now, I will seriously consider it, and then I will give you an answer. Is it okay?"


Not knowing whether to be disappointed or happy, Soya pursed his lips and took a long time to respond.

"I understand."

"That's good."

Letting go of his face, she sat back and suddenly laughed again.

"Did Fang Ming expect something just now?"


She looked straight, and he couldn't look away, "Really?"


Soya remained silent.

Smiling again, Tianzi Ju raised his hand and touched his lips with his fingertips, showing a rare shyness and shyness.

"Now...not yet."

Adam's apple slides.

"……I see."

The touch on her lips disappeared quickly, and she stood up under his staring gaze, and put the folded clothes back into the closet.

Facing the fading sunset, the sun sinks outside the window.

Outside the mountains, the sun sinks.

The mist in the forest drifts away, the phantom disappears, and things are but people are not.

Closing his eyes, Soya let out a long breath.

"...a lot of lies."

In the dark courtyard of the shrine, the three priestesses supported each other to get up, and the monthly festival was over.

 It is estimated that it will take about 100 million words before the foreshadowing here can be connected.

(End of this chapter)

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