Chapter 42 42 Plan Success
Li Xiaoyao was moved back to the cave, and he didn't have much joy in winning, and he didn't have much hope for the future competition

"In the first match, the opponent was so tough. You had to use the fire dragon sword energy to win. There are only two fire dragon sword energy that have been nurtured for many years. Forget it, how many games you can win counts."

Li Xiaoyao took out the green bamboo and stared at it intently.I don't know how long it took, a crack appeared on the green bamboo, and then more and more cracks, and finally the whole thing shattered.

Li Xiaoyao stared blankly at the shattered green bamboo fragments in his hand, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" couldn't stop laughing wildly

Zhao Yan was disturbed and came to Li Xiaoyao's room anxiously
"Xiaoyao, what's wrong"

Li Xiaoyao hugged Zhao Yan

"Mother, I'm talking about everything after returning to Banyue Island"

Zhao Yan nodded and said nothing, Li Xiaoyao let go of her mother, and said happily

"Mom, I won the first game, but it was not easy. It seems a bit difficult to enter the top 100."

Zhao Yan fondled Li Xiaoyao's head
"It's okay, since there is no danger, you can rest assured to compete, we don't care if you win or lose"

Li Xiaoyao didn't know that after defeating Nan Fuyun in the first match, Nan Fuyun didn't hide anything, and told a few of his friends about his defeat, but all of them were amazed.

"Swallow, you have met your opponent. This person's attacks are extremely overbearing. He can't even resist two Tier 2 talismans. Be careful when you meet him." Nan Fuyun told his friend the details of the battle

"Well, I got it," Yan Wuya replied with some excitement.

Yan Wuya, the young master of the Yan family of the Jindan family, has a 9th level of Qi training, a well-known martial idiot, does not practice any skills, purely combat cultivation.

at the same time
Su Yueying is taking Liu Lizhu to fly quickly close to the surface of the sea
"Senior, when will we destroy the Tongxinlian?" Liu Lizhu looked excited, but also worried.

"Don't worry, I'm destroying the concentric lotus at dawn, and then I'm turning around and flying straight to Banyue Island. Even if the monks who have successfully established their foundations don't have flying magic weapons, they won't be able to catch up with me." The more Su Yueying looked at Liu Lizhu, the more she liked it. comfort her
day light

Su Yueying urged the green bamboo flying sword, the natal spiritual treasure in her body, to smash the concentric lotus into pieces, and destroyed everything on Liu Lizhu's body, including the storage bag and the magic weapon for refining, not even the underwear, leaving only the A psychic flying sword.Moreover, Feijian stayed after being checked repeatedly by Su Yueying to make sure that there was nothing wrong.Then the imperial envoy Feijian quickly went straight to the direction of Banyue Island, and a sword-shaped green glow surrounded the two of them.During the return to the island, I changed direction many times, switched the magic weapon, and flew into the sea for a period of time from time to time to ensure nothing goes wrong.

When the concentric lotus is destroyed
"Patriarch Liu, what's going on, did your daughter really die or did you do something?" Lin Family Foundation Establishment Completer asked Liu Yanpo angrily.

"No, no, how could Que'er die? She just won the first game easily." Liu Yanpo couldn't accept the news of Liu Lizhu's death.

The monks of the Lin family saw Liu Yanpo's fluctuating expression and spiritual consciousness, it didn't look like a fake, but they were also very upset.The head of the family attaches great importance to this woman, and even bluntly said that this woman is the key for his grandson to form a golden core.How can he return to the family like this, the future is also slim.

Liu Yanpo still couldn't accept it

"Third Uncle, you wait here. I don't believe that Que'er will die for no reason. I will return to the family immediately to check the soul card." Liu Yanpo and the monks of the Lin family returned to Yanding Island
The soul cards of their family were also shattered at the same time that the Tongxinlian was destroyed.Because it was also tampered with by Liu Lizhu.

Su Yueying and Liu Lizhu, who had returned to Banyue Island, came to the Green Bamboo Cave. Liu Lizhu was also shocked to see the third-order spiritual green bamboo and the condensed fruit tree.

Su Yueying smiled lightly

"My Li family isn't too bad, is it?"

Liu Lizhu's face flushed

"No matter what the senior said, even if it is bad, it will be Que'er's home in the future"

Su Yueying was extremely satisfied with this woman, she nodded and said with a smile

"Then when will you call me grandma?"

Liu Lizhu was very shy, and called out softly


Su Yueying was very happy, she pulled Liu Lizhu and talked a lot, and she also talked a lot about Li Xiaoyao's childhood.

Su Yueying would tell the clansmen that Liu Lizhu was a descendant entrusted to her by her friends, because Zhao Yan and Li Dongyan had seen Liu Lizhu, and would tell them the truth, and the others would not.

Liu Lizhu also wanted to change her name. Liu Lizhu named herself Zhu Ling'er, and her mother's surname was Zhu.

Liu Lizhu's practice place was first placed in Qingzhu Cave, and Li Xiaoyao was studying the location of the cave after returning.

With God's help recently, Li Xiaoyao not only won all 15 games in a row, but already has 30 points.Qinglongfei's swordsmanship has also improved rapidly, only missing the visualization of the last 4 star officials, because they have to visualize at the same time, the time does not allow, so there is no practice.

Today's opponent is very powerful. Li Xiaoyao has been dealing with him for a long time, but he can't get any benefits. He has no choice but to use Jiansan's gentle fire dragon sword energy to defeat his opponent and win the 16th match.

All opponents are random, the number of participants exceeds 500, the real top masters may not be able to meet, or the monks who are in the top ten may meet more powerful opponents in succession, and finally they do not even enter the top 100.

This seemingly unfair rule is in line with the cultivation of immortals, and luck is also an indispensable talent for a monk.

There is a suspended stone tablet above Baishafang City Square, which simply records the ranking score
"A total of 134 people with 32 points"

Yan Wuya and Nan Fuyun looked at the score of the stele, Nan Fuyun sighed and said

"It's really unlucky, there are so many people winning in a row, if I don't make it into the top 10, I will hate that guy to death"

Yan Wuya chuckled lightly

"It's okay, there will definitely be people who have won consecutively in the next competition. As long as you don't lose, you still have a chance."

The two were chatting when suddenly a voice interrupted them
"Yan Wuya, when I met you today, why did you strike so hard? It's really hateful." A girl stared at Yan Wuya viciously and said

Nan Fuyun couldn't stop laughing, while Yan Wuya looked helpless.

"Miss Xu, if you are stubborn, I can't deliberately lose to you."

The girl is the daughter of the Xu family of the Jindan family, Xu Ruhua, who has a 9th level of Qi training.The Yan family, the Nanfu family, and the Xu family are family friends. They participated in the pioneering battle together, and they all chose to develop on islands that are relatively close to each other, becoming allies of each other.And the geniuses of the three families have also known each other since they were young, and they are good friends with each other.

"Xiao Yunzi, stop laughing, didn't you also lose a game, and still laugh at me. Oh, looking at this stone tablet makes me upset"

Xu Ruhua looked depressedly at Nan Fuyun or the stone tablet floating in the air.

"Hey, who made Miss Ruhua angry, I really don't know what to do"

A discordant voice came to the ears of the three, accompanied by two sneers.There were 2 people who came, and they were Zhao Qianchao, the young master of the Zhao family of the Jindan family, and Jing Yutao, the young master of the Jing family.

"I'm sorry, you can help Ruhua get ahead, Yanzi is here, why don't you two fight?" Nan Fuyun laughed and teased

"You! Hmph, I'm waiting to meet you. You two are so beautiful." Zhao Qianchao turned around and left after speaking, very decisive.Companion Jing Yutao was baffled by this, and left with him.

"My father sent me a message just now. There are only two remaining families in the peak battle. One is the Yan family and the other is the Pang family. If the Yan family wins, for the sake of the family's long-term consideration, it is better not to provoke them." Zhao Qianchao said helplessly

"Indeed," Jing Yutao thought deeply
(End of this chapter)

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