Chapter 43 Chapter 43
There are a total of 6 old Jindan families in Baisha Sea Area, and there are no new Jindan families. It is conceivable that it is not easy to form a Jindan. Heavenly Tribulation, the power of Heavenly Tribulation is not static, but it is impossible to know exactly what can affect the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

But there is one thing that will definitely increase the power of the catastrophe, and that is to slaughter mortals, so the battle between monks will basically not directly harm mortals, but there are also many ways to kill mortals in the opponent's family.But monsters don't care about it, it's normal to devour monks and mortals.

The Jindan family, the Pang family, is the most powerful family and the only family with 2 Jindan monks.

Which family can jointly manage Fang City with the Tianchen League, it represents a steady stream of immortal cultivation resources, and will also receive special support from the Tianchen League. It is only a matter of time before they dominate the Baisha sea area.

After Li Xiaoyao finished the competition, he also took a look at the stele. On the way back, he kept thinking about the number 134 excitedly.
"Luck is also a part of strength. If you can never encounter strong enemies and enter the top 100, then you are really lucky, haha"

And the next opponent in the 17th game made Li Xiaoyao go crazy.

Li Xiaoyao seized the initiative, three fire dragon sword qi, followed by four fire pythons, the previous opponents were beaten off guard, but today's opponent easily dodged Li Xiaoyao's strong first move.

The opponent actually knows how to use the escape technique, and it is the extremely fast wind escape.Escapism can only be practiced by foundation-builder monks, and it is very difficult to practice.The strength of spiritual power during the Qi training period is simply not enough to support the construction of the escape technique.

The opponent just turned into a breeze and easily dodged, facing Li Xiaoyao with countless wind blades.

Li Xiaoyao activated the first-order Flowing Fire Shield, and the wind blade hit it with ping-pong-pong pong, and his spiritual power quickly decreased. His spiritual consciousness locked on him many times to no avail, so he could only defend passively. The opponent's body was extremely fast and erratic.Although the power of the wind blade is weak in a single attack, it is fast and continuous.Li Xiaoyao's spiritual power was exhausted by his opponent, and his eyes went dark, and he returned to the cave.

"It's too strong, isn't it? Is my good luck over? It's really sad." Li Xiaoyao replayed the game many times, but there was no chance of winning, and he sighed depressingly.

And the other side

"Today's opponent is very strong in the first attack. If I hadn't cultivated Fengdun, I might have focused on it." The young man in green shirt calmly told an old man about today's battle.

"The young master is a spirit root of the wind attribute, and he can rank among the three sects of the Tianchen League. How can he fail here, haha" the old man said very proudly

This boy is called Pang Qingfeng, and he is the young master of the Pang family of the Jindan family. He has a 9-level Qi training level and a wind-attributed spirit root.

The abnormal spirit root is second only to the existence of the heavenly spirit root, and there was no bottleneck for Jindan before.But Tianlinggen had no bottleneck before Yuanying.As long as you follow the steps step by step, you will definitely be able to cultivate to the late stage of Jindan.

The strongest players in this competition are Pang Qingfeng and Yan Wuya, and it is extraordinary that Li Xiaoyao can get praise from one of them for their strong attack.

The competition was still going on, and Li Xiaoyao started the winning streak again by relying on the power of Qinglian Huogou and good luck.When the 29th match ended, Li Xiaoyao had 56 points, and the information on the points tablet was a bit more than before.

No.158 points 4th place

No.257 points 6th place

No.356 points 32th place

No.455 points 25th place

No.554 points 64th place

Only 2 monks still maintained a complete victory. The 6 monks were undefeated and ranked second.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the stele and was ecstatic in his heart. As long as he wins the last game, he will be able to enter the top 100 steadily. If he loses, it will only depend on luck.

Mansion of Wu Yingchen in Tianchenfang City

"Senior Sister, if you arrange the final competition like this, the top 10 will change a lot." A middle-aged female cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment said to the supervisor of the competition during the Qi training period, Jindan cultivator Zhang Lingyun
"Although luck is a part of strength, it is a part after all. It mainly depends on strength. These 20 players can directly determine the top 10 in the battle. The strength of the four winners and the draw is comparable to the strength of the only loss. Strong collision, haha, it’s interesting to think about it.” Zhang Lingyun said with a light smile

Li Xiaoyao faced the final battle with full confidence
Still the original routine, three fire dragon sword qi, four fire pythons take the lead, and the opponent's attack speed is also extremely fast, layer after layer of waves, only the fire dragon sword qi is like a dragon swimming in the sea, passing through the waves, but its power is also reduced a lot, It was easily blocked by the opponent's defensive magic weapon, but the four fire pythons were put out by the sea water after only a moment of stalemate.

Layers of waves were still rushing towards Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao flew to dodge with his sword, but fortunately the waves were slightly blocked by the fire dragon's sword energy and the fire python, and the speed was a little slower, so he dodged it.

Li Xiaoyao flew in circles with his sword, constantly releasing fire dragon sword energy around his opponent. The opponent took no trouble and kept blocking with weapons. The waves were powerful, but the speed was a bit slow, unable to keep up with Li Xiaoyao's flying sword.

The two consume each other, Li Xiaoyao wants to fight quickly, the opponent's spiritual power is obviously much stronger than his, and he may not be able to win if he continues to consume like this, so he wants to end the battle with Jian Si, who has been nourished for nearly 20 years. The temptation is still great.

Li Xiaoyao urged the green lotus fire gourd, and the four fire dragon sword qi flew out, not in the form of a fire python, but in the form of a fire dragon inside the gourd. Out of the green lotus fire gourd, a dragon's roar resounded throughout the arena.

It was Zhao Qianchao, the young master of the Jindan family, who was fighting Li Xiaoyao. Being surrounded by Li Xiaoyao's constant attacks had worn away his patience, and he wanted to use his unique skills to end the battle.

Just when Zhao Qianchao was about to use his ultimate move, he suddenly felt uneasy, feeling that the danger was approaching, and immediately surged his spiritual power, activating a special talisman.

A spiritual talisman appeared in front of Zhao Qianchao, on which there was only a water-blue spiritual bead. When Zhao Qianchao's spiritual power poured in frantically, the talisman slowly emerged from the talisman, which was the Tianhai pearl talisman.

The talisman is a special talisman refined by Jindan cultivators using their natal spirit treasures. By activating the talismans, low-level monks can temporarily obtain a little power from their natal spirit treasures.Refining talisman treasures is also very harmful to the natal spirit treasures of Jindan monks. Generally, they are only refined for important juniors or disciples, and they are rarely sold outside.

The fire dragon's sword energy hit the Haitian bead talisman, and immediately set off waves of spiritual power. The fire dragon roared, and pierced the Haitian bead with both horns, but it couldn't go further. It could only flash the last light and burst violently. Haitian The jewel and talisman was blown into the air by the bursting fire dragon, and hit the shield at the edge of the competition field, causing waves of ripples, and also blasted Zhao Qianchao out.

Li Xiaoyao didn't know what the other party was urging, but he knew that the opportunity was rare. The flying sword under his feet instantly dragged a red streamer and pierced Zhao Qianchao's chest.Li Xiaoyao's eyes darkened, and he returned to the cave.

"Win, haha, win, at least one store is in hand, haha"

Li Xiaoyao laughed crazily. Zhao Yan stayed in Li Xiaoyao's room all the time. Seeing him like this, she knew that she had won the last competition. She also looked at her son with a proud smile.

(End of this chapter)

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