Code Name: Flame

Chapter 64 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 64 Escape from the Dead
The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, the water flow is getting faster and faster, the huge hull sinks, and the aroused water flow cannot be resisted by manpower.No matter how desperate Chen and Jia were, the lifeboat remained motionless, and even tended to be dragged over.

Song Keqin and others looked anxiously and wanted to come over to help, but were stopped by Chen Jia.

"Strength together, listen to my password, 1, 2, 1, 2..." In Chen Jia's password, the two of them exerted their strength together.Perhaps due to concerted efforts, the lifeboat began to slowly break away from the vortex, getting farther and farther away from the ship.

Just as everyone was cheering, a gunshot rang out, and Chen Jia was sprayed with blood all over his face, and then he saw the team members beside him fall into the sea.

Everyone looked up and saw the high bow of the ship. There was actually a Japanese soldier crawling on it, and the bullets were shot from the rifle in his hand.

Song Keqin grabbed the submachine gun and shot at the devil, the bullets poured out, but missed the devil, the distance was a bit far.The devil fired at him immediately, and Chen Jia's mind rang alarm bells. He threw himself to the bottom of the boat, and the bullet passed by with a wave of heat.

Chen Jia lay on the bottom of the boat and didn't dare to move. He didn't expect this devil to be so tenacious. He was on top of the fast-sinking bow cabin, but he still wanted to shoot at them, and the gun was so accurate. What the hell is this guy?So calm?
The bullets continued to fly, and two of them hit the boat while rubbing his calf, and he even felt a burning pain in his calf.The boat was punctured, and the small hole began to gurgle water. Fortunately, the bullets of the [-]th cover had a strong penetrating power, and only pierced a hole instead of cracking a seam.

The effective range of the two Thompson submachine guns on Song Keqin's boat was only 200 meters, but they were more than 300 meters away from the devils, just outside the range, but within the effective range of the rifles.But the effective range does not mean that there is no lethality outside the range, so the submachine gun is still firing, and the sound of rattling can be heard endlessly.

Finally, when the devil fired the sixth bullet, he seemed to be hit by a submachine gun, and he didn't fight back for a long time.

Chen Jia let out a sigh, and just wanted to turn around, trying to plug the hole in the hull with something.Suddenly, he felt numbness in his scalp, screaming in his heart that he was not good, and his body immediately tilted to the side. A burning pain came from his shoulder blades. As the bullet penetrated into his body, he was crushed to the bottom of the boat by an impact force. Get bored in the water.

Grass mud horse, this devil actually tricked him into getting up.

At this moment, he no longer dared to get up, and quickly turned over and lay flat, exposing his mouth and nose to the surface of the water.Seawater is salty, and the wound was immersed in seawater, and the severe pain stimulated the brain nerves to ache along with it, and I couldn't help but hum.

Hearing the sound of the submachine gun start to ring again, Chen Jia's head was stirred like a knife, and the pain almost made him lose consciousness.Unable to bear it, he cried out loudly.The yelling made Song Keqin and the others breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, Mr. Li was still alive.

A team member swam over quickly, put the rope on the small post at the bow, and paddled vigorously there, slowly driving the boat to the distance together.

Until the effective range of the rifle was exceeded, the swimming team member turned over and climbed up.The sea water in the boat has turned into bloody water.

He helped Chen Jia up, and pulled off his clothes. There were bloody holes on his shoulder blades. Fortunately, they were penetrating wounds. He tore off a few strips of cloth and hurriedly bandaged them.At this time, Chen Jia reluctantly asked, "How is the Hongwan?"

The team member looked back and said happily, "There are too many mothers, sinking, and drowning every Zhongsang." Everyone hated the Japanese soldier to the extreme. The mission failed because of them, and now one death and one injury are also thanks to them. give.

Chen Jia sat up reluctantly, looking far away, the Hongmaru had disappeared.

"Block the hole in the bottom of the ship. Then patrol around and shoot anyone who finds them dead. There must be no one left alive. When the freighter behind comes, if it is the Chaoyang, send them a signal, and they will respond to us."

The team member agreed, and then temporarily blocked the hole with a cloth, and then loudly transmitted Chen Jia's order to Song Keqin's boat.

At this time, another team member swam over and boarded the boat. Seeing his companion splashing water with his hands, he followed suit.

Song Keqin's boat slowly came up, seeing that Chen Jia didn't seem to be in serious trouble, he was also relieved.

The two boats were cruising near the sunken ship, and they finally found two Japanese soldiers swimming in the water.

The two people's faces were full of despair, looking at the people on the rescue cabin, they were still cursing.Not knowing which of the two of them was the one who fired the shot, Song Keqin swept over with a shuttle, and immediately the blood stained a large area of ​​sea water, and the two bodies sank slowly.

Chen Jia was a little frustrated, he was too careless, he should make a surprise attack late at night, not at dusk.The main reason for taking the risk was that he didn't dare not show his face for a long time. After the Japanese tracked down, maybe he would reveal a huge flaw.Fortunately, the ship sank, so I boarded the Chaoyang, returned overnight, and arrived at Shanghai Port at dawn.He didn't have that much time to rob the Benimaru, at least his doubts were eliminated.

This kind of thing can't be done again, it can't be committed.If you work too much, you will be watched one day, and you will have a lot of opportunities to make money. Although it is not as lucrative as robbery, it is safe.

The Chaoyang arrived soon and rescued these people aboard. Chen Jia ordered to shoot through the lifeboat, watching the ship sink before giving up.Brother Liu told him that before the Hongmaru sank, it sent a distress signal to the nearby waters, and a Japanese ship nearby was coming to rescue.

It was already dark at this time, and when Brother Liu saw that the six people on board were all masked and armed, he was also frightened. Fortunately, the leader spoke kindly, and he tried his best to express his loyalty. What danger?

The Chaoyang quickly turned around and headed for Shanghai at full power under the cover of night.

More than half an hour after they left, the rescue Japanese ship also arrived, but there was nothing in the vast sea.

There were some daily wound medicines on board, which made it easier for the two wounded to treat their wounds. They washed the wounds with high alcohol, applied a sticky ointment, and tied them up with gauze.After all the procedures were completed, Chen Jia and the other wounded were already dying of pain.Fortunately, one injured the shoulder blade and the other injured the leg, neither of which was fatal.

Brother Liu brought food from the kitchen, and several people devoured it, including the two wounded, who also ate with gusto.When eating, their head coverings are still well worn.Brother Liu didn't dare to look at their faces, just joking, the more he knew, the sooner he would die, not to mention that the masked leader even said some threatening words.

In the cockpit, a person couldn't help but ask, "Brother, how much is the road?"

Brother Liu rolled his eyes at him, "If you want to die, just ask, I don't have the guts. Then you have to remember, this incident should be treated as if it never happened. Why don't you just talk fast, and wait for the whole family to be killed by someone?" Exterminate the mouth."

Several people were silent, including the curious baby.Murders by the Qing gang happen almost every day, so the growth of a head is for eating, not for talking nonsense. The people of Shanghai understand this lesson very well, and the saying is called carrying it clearly.

After a night of sailing, at dawn, the Chaoyang ship stopped at the port.After sending the six people ashore in a small boat, Brother Liu immediately set sail and ran to the pier where they were originally moored.He once again sounded the alarm to everyone, please keep your mouth shut, you can eat a few more meals, don't court death.

Chen Jia and the others returned to the warehouse. Fortunately, they were well prepared. The warehouse stored wound medicine and a change of clothes.I gave myself and the wounded a shot of penicillin, and changed the medicine again.He changed his clothes and burned everything he changed.

"You will set off to this address soon, and you are not allowed to contact anyone without my order. I will go to your superiors to coordinate with them, and you can rest at ease. Don't blame me for speaking harshly. If you contact the outside world without authorization, You are responsible for the resulting consequences. I will come to you in a few days, and I have more important tasks for you."

Song Keqin was noncommittal, and he admired Chen Jia in his heart, but only the leader of Teke mobilized them, and it was impossible for this Mr. Li, even if Mr. Li was a senior member of the organization.

Chen Jia gave them a sum of money, let them rest in the safe house, order takeout from restaurants when they eat, and don't go out anyway.

After the confession was over and he left the warehouse, he drove to the safe house, took a shower in the safe house, and fell into a deep sleep.He lost a lot of blood, and his mental state is extremely weak at this moment, and he can't go to the hospital to replenish blood, so he can only rely on his body to resist.

Song Keqin and his team arrived at the safe house, found a public phone booth nearby, and reported the process to the leader of Teke.The leaders of Teco knew that they would assign it to someone in the future, so they asked them to follow the instructions of that Mr. Li, and the contact with each other would be cut off in the future, and they only had to obey Mr. Li's orders.

In the evening, Xie Keqiang also knew the whole process, and he was very disturbed.This matter was picked by him, but Chen Jia almost died at sea, and one member of the red team died, so how could he not feel guilty.Too greedy, 100 million US dollars blinded his mind, which led to this failure.

As Chen Jia said, success once does not mean success every time. If it is not a fluke, it will kill people.

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(End of this chapter)

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