Code Name: Flame

Chapter 65 Healing

Chapter 65 Healing
I absolutely dare not go back home, if Yamada and others see that I am injured, I will be in trouble.After the Benimaru was attacked, it used the public channel to ask for help from the surrounding ships. This news must not be hidden, and it will eventually be reported by the newspapers.If someone finds out that Chen Jia is injured, it would be a bad thing for someone with a heart to think about it.

A lot of things you think are done in secret are nonsense, as long as you are connected, the subsequent detection of flaws will be far higher than your imagination.So Chen Jia tried to hide himself as much as possible, called Yamada, lied that he had something to do, and did not go back until a few days later.

The strong Chinese herbal ointment has a powerful function of stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth, but the taste cannot be covered by anything, so these days I order meals by phone, let the restaurant deliver them, and take away the dishes after eating. This way you don't have to meet the restaurant guy.

Three days later, the wound had begun to close, and new granulation began to grow, which made the wound very itchy, but he dared not scratch it with his hands.At this time, the wound healing is extremely tender, and the wound must not be broken again. The consequences of breaking the wound are very serious. Many people only get inflammation after the wound is broken, and eventually lose their lives.

Fortunately, he was soaked in seawater. The salt in the seawater has the function of disinfection. In addition, the wound was washed with high-grade liquor on the ship, and he was injected with penicillin in the warehouse, so he was lucky. The wound was not inflamed and healed quickly. extremely fast.

To be on the safe side, he took an injection of penicillin every day for three days. He didn't feel relieved until the wound closed and a thin film formed on the surface of the wound.

Xie Keqiang spent the past few days in the clinic like a year, and Chen Jia didn't show up for three consecutive days. He even suspected that Chen Jia's injury might worsen and his life might be in danger.In short, there are messy thoughts in my head, which is the so-called chaos when caring.

Until the fourth day, when Chen Jia appeared in front of him safe and sound, he felt his eyes sore, and tears almost blurred his eyes.

"Why? Are you moved or excited? Don't cry, I can't stand men crying."

Xie Keqiang knew that Chen Jia was embarrassing him on purpose, so he didn't care, and pointed to his shoulder: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Chen Jia gave him a white look, "Don't talk nonsense. I can still stand in front of you if there is something wrong with the wound? I came to you today to discuss something with you. Last time I agreed to let them do things for me. Now I want more people. You set a price, I want as many people as there are.”

Xie Keqiang was amused, this guy, a little money is amazing?It’s not good to poach someone’s corner, but poach the red team?You must know that the head of the red team is a powerful character, how could you let you poach people for money?

"Mr. Li, what do you want them to do?"

"You also know that I trained a special force in Changshu, but unfortunately I can't command them now. I need manpower now, Song Keqin and their foundation are very good, so I want to form another force to help me. You think clearly Then answer, next time, can there be another 100 million US dollars, or even more money depends on them.”

Xie Keqiang was keenly aware of the meaning of Chen Jia's words, and asked solemnly, "Can you still give me 100 million US dollars?"

"With them, I am sure. How many people do they have? I will pay 1 yuan per person, and I will take care of the lives of their families. You have a lot of people, and it is not difficult to train another team."

"Ten thousand?" Xie Keqiang was moved.

The command of the red team is not in his hands, and he must ask his superiors for instructions to use the red team.The reason why he was moved was also due to Song Keqin's report back.Chen Jia's training methods are extremely clever, and perhaps the red team will play a greater role in Chen Jia's hands.

The most important thing is that after Xie Keqiang got in touch with him, he had a very strong feeling that Chen Jia should have a very strong background. If Chen Jia is willing to bring the red team by his side, maybe he can have a deeper cooperation with Chen Jia in the future. indefinite.At least $100 million is an irresistible temptation.

But it seems a bit too much to take the red team together.

"Aren't five of them enough?"

"Not enough. Don't be stingy. With them, I can help you set up a transportation channel. What I said will definitely be fulfilled. Think about it."

Xie Keqiang was really tempted this time. A mature transportation channel cannot be built overnight, nor can it be built with a lot of money.With mature transportation channels, the central government can obtain continuous support. Otherwise, no matter how much material, money and food Shanghai can get here, it will be useless if they cannot be transported to the Soviet area.

Seeing that Xie Keqiang was still silent, Chen Jia felt upset.Good soldiers are rare, so it doesn't cost so much, right?

"Old Xie, I didn't say that you use them to carry out assassinations and punish traitors. It's a waste of talent. Traitors, you just need to keep a few people. The target is small, the possibility of exposure is low, and the efficiency is not bad at all. .Think about it carefully. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. Before I change my mind, you should make a decision earlier.”

"It's not up to me to decide whether they will stay or not. I'm afraid this matter will be reported to the central government."

Chen Jia slapped the table, "If the central government knows that you are so stubborn, they will definitely criticize you. What kind of work is not a revolution? With 100 million US dollars, how many soldiers can be saved and how many troops can be expanded? You ask for instructions early and report late. Yes, are you still doing things? Also, the news I got is that the Red Army is about to leave the Soviet area and move to the Southwest, and you can’t get in touch even if you want to, right now?”

Xie Keqiang was taken aback, "Where did you get the news?"

Chen Jia was right, because the two high-power radio stations in Shanghai were cracked, and the Shanghai Red Party has not been able to contact the Soviet area for nearly a month.But how did Chen Jia know?Does he have a source at the Kuomintang secret service headquarters?You must know that this case is the biggest achievement of the Secret Service Headquarters recently. In order to put a long line and catch big fish, they have concealed this case to the death.Chen Jian's ability to know this news shows that his intelligence source is of a high level.

Secret Service Headquarters is the predecessor of Zhongtong, and the current leader is Xu Enzeng.This person has uncovered countless underground organizations of the Red Party, and his hands are filled with the blood of the Red Party members. He is an out-and-out executioner.

The reason why Chen Jia knew this was because when he was studying history class, the teacher said some things that were not in the textbook.For example, the Red Party’s high-power radio station in Shanghai was cracked, causing the Red Party International to lose contact with the central government, objectively allowing the Red Army to break away from the control of the Red Party International, and finally leading the Chinese people to victory.

He read the news from the newspaper that the Red Army in the Soviet area had begun to move, that is to say, the Long March had begun, so he judged that the Shanghai Red Party Radio Station had been cracked.

"Don't ask useless, I naturally have my sources. Ask you now, will you agree to my conditions? I will give you three days, and I will come to hear the news in the evening after three days. These rooms are my If you find someone to rent, you can let them hide temporarily."

Chen Jia took out a document bag from his pocket, which contained the address and door keys of the house.He took out another handful of dollars, "Here is the address and the door key. I rented it for three months. The three thousand dollars is for their settlement. I'm going on a long trip to take Song Keqin and the others away. , from now on, you and Song Keqin are determined not to have any contact with each other, let me know that he is in contact with you, don't blame me for not giving you the money later."

Xie Keqiang heard it. This guy was very dissatisfied with Song Keqin reporting the situation of the Hongwan to them. When he entered the door and asked how the injury was, he had already exposed the matter.

"I can't decide this matter, I have to report to the organization. Also, don't throw dollars at me..."

"I didn't ask you to report. You tell your organization, think more about the soldiers who fought bloody battles on the front line, think more about the transportation line, and think more about the matter that I will be the God of Wealth of your organization in the future. It's really hard to talk to you , The God of Wealth stands in front of you and throws money at you, and you are still talking about it, without the awareness of the poor at all."

Xie Keqiang smiled wryly, is Chen Jia the God of Wealth?Of course, the amount of money he contributed alone was jaw-dropping.In fact, at this time, the local Communist Party also began to prepare profitable companies, and one company made a great contribution, but it was not enough compared to Chen Jia.

"Okay, you go back and recuperate well, and I will reply you as soon as possible after I report to the organization."

"Okay, I'll go out to make money for you. You have to be clear about it. There are a lot of dollars and transportation channels on the one hand, and a few people on the other. Think about it carefully."

Xie Keqiang is a little bit disgusted with Chen Jia's nagging at the moment. He is usually a straightforward person, why is he so grumpy today?annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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