Chapter 66
In the headquarters of the Japanese Special Marine Corps, Major General Okawauchi Denshichi sat on a chair with a gloomy face, and the generals below stood upright with their heads down.

The Benimaru was finally confirmed to have sunk, and with it the millions of oceans on board.The person in charge of ITOCHU Corporation in Shanghai has already called Japan and asked the Shanghai Garrison Command to give an explanation. For a while, Japan was furious, and the emperor also sent a message that the truth must be investigated.

The Navy Special Marine Corps can fight and sacrifice. Isn't it embarrassing for them to investigate the case?The special marine corps has an intelligence department, but they mainly focus on collecting intelligence on the Chinese army and protecting the safety of Japanese warships in Shanghai. They are not good at robbing cargo ships.

The Japanese intelligence agencies in Shanghai, such as the Iwai Mansion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Intelligence Department of the Naval Military Attaché Office, and the Army Mei Agency, including the later established Army Inoue Mansion, each have their own combat areas. robbery.

If you insist that there is a relationship, it is only the intelligence department under the command of the Navy's special marine corps.

Okawa Uchichichi knew in his heart that the energy of the intelligence department was devoted to the special police stationed in China's navy, so how could he care about going to the outer sea?No one expected that someone would dare to attack a Japanese merchant ship in the open sea, and the ship was loaded with Japanese hard-earned silver dollars, which are all steel that the navy desperately needs.

Japan's supreme commander in Shanghai, Lieutenant General Hasegawa Kiyoshi, commander of the Japanese Navy's 3rd Fleet, was furious when he heard about it, and ordered Rear Admiral Okawachichi to solve the case as soon as possible, and must give an explanation to His Majesty the Emperor.

Not surprisingly, the officers of the intelligence department were helpless and could only bow their heads and be reprimanded by Okawachi Denshichi, not daring to be dissatisfied in the slightest.

I have had enough scolding, and I am tired of scolding, but things have to be done, and scolding cannot solve the problem.

"My lords, there are people who are challenging the might of our navy and are fighting against the Great Japanese Empire. I order you now, no matter what method you use, you must find these people for me."


The officers stood at attention and saluted, but they were all groaning inwardly.It's true that they are spies, but they are not policemen. There are similarities between solving crimes and spies, and there are more differences. Besides, their main task is to spy on the intelligence of the Chinese military and police, and they have nothing to do with pirates in the outer seas.

When all the officers left the office, Okawauchi found a lieutenant standing still, so he knew that this guy had something to say, so he asked in a calm tone: "Takahiko Yamabori, what suggestion do you have?" Is it?"

"Ha Yi. General, the work of the intelligence department is aimed at the intelligence of the Chinese military and police. The robbery of the Hongwan should be Chinese sea bandits. Therefore, I suggest sending someone to contact the Shanghai Youth Gang and ask them to inquire about the news for us. In addition , you can make a big publicity in the newspapers and offer a high reward, and if you do both, you may get something."

Okawachi Denshichi is a typical Japanese soldier, who has come step by step from a low-level soldier to today.Maybe he is good at fighting, but he is really not good at these sneaky things.After listening to Takahiko Yamabori's words, he suddenly felt that it made sense, and his mood suddenly cleared up.

"Then I would like to ask Yamabori Takahiko-kun, you contacted the Green Gang in the name of the Japanese headquarters in Shanghai, the newspaper... offered a reward of [-] yen."

"Hi!" Takahiko Yamabori lowered his head and stood at attention, but his eyes were full of joy.In his opinion, the sea robbers must have come from Shanghai.The Chinese army dare not do this, and only the Green Gang is capable of doing this.As long as you represent the Japanese army to put pressure on the Green Gang, you are not afraid that they will not cooperate.Even if you don't cooperate, you can always know some information, which is also helpful to solve the case.

Takahiko Yamabori comes from a rural family in Aichi Prefecture. His parents worked hard to bring up their four siblings.He is the eldest, and he joined the army after graduating from high school. He just wanted to save some money for the family, earn some military pay himself, and be able to subsidize his family.

With his desperate efforts, he finally became a lieutenant intelligence officer.The salary of the navy is much better than that of the army. His monthly salary plus subsidy is nearly [-] now.The family situation has also improved a little bit because of him. My eldest brother will join the army next year. I don’t know if he can join the navy. The army is garbage, making little money and being arrogant.

Back in the dormitory, he changed into casual clothes, hailed a rickshaw, and headed towards the French Concession. The person he wanted to meet was Zhang Xiaolin, a newly rising force in the Green Gang.

Why not go to Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng?This is the cleverness of Takahiko Yamabori.Now China is anti-Japanese all over the place, and the respectable people avoid the Japanese when they see them, for fear of being involved by the Japanese.

Zhang Xiaolin was different, he had ambitions.If he wants to surpass Huang and Du, the Japanese are his best backing.The British and the French and Huang Jinrong were wearing panties, the Americans and the Germans were flirting with Du Yuesheng, but Zhang Xiaolin was friendly with him, but kept a distance from him.Therefore, Zhang Xiaolin wanted to monopolize one side in Shanghai Bund, and the partners really had little choice.

Zhang Xiaolin's home was next to Du Yuesheng's. Originally, Zhang Xiaolin and Du Yuesheng were iron-headed brothers, and they were each other's life-saving benefactors.After Du Yuesheng became Huang Jinrong's deputy, he also led Zhang Xiaolin to sell opium together. The two gradually became more powerful, and finally became the three tycoons in Shanghai.

Ordinarily, the relationship between the two is really good, but Zhang Xiaolin always wants to annex Huang Jinrong's part, but Du Yuesheng knows that this can't be done, Jin Rong is kind to them.If you rebelled against Huang Jinrong today, if others follow suit in the future, they will rebel against them sooner or later.

It was also because of this contradiction that Zhang Xiaolin and Du Yuesheng had a estrangement, and their relationship was not as good as before.

The arrival of Takahiko Yamabori made Zhang Xiaolin a little confused.They are in the world, and the most taboo thing is to be entangled with the court. Black and white have been incompatible since ancient times.

Huang Jinrong is the master of the head of state. Of course, Huang Jinrong is also a person who knows clearly. He never mentioned this past.Smart people have mastered the black history of the head of state, and the best choice is to shut up, otherwise they don't know how to write dead words.Because Huang Jinrong had helped him before, the head of state reciprocated and ignored him, but the relationship was relatively distant, and there was a difference between black and white.

However, Du Yuesheng held on to the head of state's thigh and did a lot of great things for the head of state. He was favored by the head of state and gave Du Yuesheng a lot of help in private. The purpose was not to let Huang Jinrong's family dominate. This is the so-called balance technique. .

Zhang Xiaolin didn't have any backstage, he relied on his own daring to fight, and he came to this day under the cover of Du Yuesheng.At this level, he naturally knows the importance of the backstage. Without powerful support, one day he might die on the street. This is why he is eager to replace Huang Jinrong.With the support of the foreigners, even the head of state probably would have to think twice before acting.

But for the Japanese, he is a bit resistant.why?The Japanese are now like rats crossing the street, the role everyone shouts and beats.But the Japanese are the best backers, and the head of state is most afraid of the Japanese.Have you not seen the three eastern provinces? The 40 troops fled back to the pass with their tails between their legs before firing a single shot.

An apprentice next to him saw the master's hesitation, so he said aloud: "Master, isn't it just a little Japanese? Let him in and listen to what he has to say! If you are not happy, just get out."

When Zhang Xiaolin heard it, um, that's the reason, if you don't seek refuge with the Japanese, at least you shouldn't offend the Japanese.

Takahiko Yamabori walked into the living room, and there was a white-haired old man in his 60s sitting in Dama Jindao. Apart from his gorgeous clothes, he couldn't tell at all that this person was Zhang Xiaolin with a bad reputation.

"Your Excellency must be Mr. Zhang Xiaolin, right? I am Takahiko Yamabori of the Japanese Navy's Shanghai Special Marine Corps."

Although Takahiko Yamabori's attitude was respectful, there was a hint of arrogance inside and outside the words, which made Zhang Xiaolin a little unhappy.However, not many years have passed between Huang Jinrong and Lu Xiaojia. Huang Jinrong was detained by Lu Xiaojia's warlord father Lu Yongxiang, and Zhang Xiaolin and Du Yuesheng went to rescue him.This incident also taught Zhang Xiaolin a lesson. No matter how arrogant the Youth Gang is, it cannot fight against the state apparatus.

Restraining his anger, Zhang Xiaolin forced a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to grab it, "Mr. Shanjue, please sit down, come, let's have some tea."

Zhang Xiaolin spoke politely, but sat still, this was an attitude.No matter how powerful you Japanese are, you can't control my one-third of an acre of land.

Takahiko Yamabori didn't care about it, and sat down upright, with his hands on his knees and his back straight, looking like a soldier.

Zhang Xiaolin felt a chill in his heart, and his mind suddenly cleared up.You can't show off with anyone, and you can't show off with the soldiers. These people don't care about your moral rules. If you don't agree with them, they will kill you.

(End of this chapter)

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