Code Name: Flame

Chapter 67 Flaws

Chapter 67 Flaws
After Takahiko Yamabori waited for his subordinates to retreat, he said directly, "I am here under the order of General Okawachi to seek Mr. Zhang's help."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaolin felt slightly relaxed, and then became nervous again.If he guessed correctly, the purpose of the Japanese looking for him should be related to the fact that the Benimaru was robbed and sunk off the coast.

Early in the morning, the newspapers had already reported this matter, and the overwhelming news was all analyzing who committed the case, and many people directly pointed the finger at the Green Gang.Because the only people in Shanghai who have the ability to do this are the Qing Gang.

It is impossible for the Chinese army. Although the relationship between China and Japan is tense, the Chinese head of state has always maintained an attitude of not rubbing against the Japanese.

There is no possibility of the Japanese acting as a play, because at that time, not one or two ships received the message of the Benimaru calling for help. From the initial call for help to the final farewell, this kind of thing cannot be faked, and it is unnecessary.The Japanese want to go to war, and losing a dog can be an excuse.

Moreover, just two years after the May [-]th Incident in Tokyo, the entire Japanese political arena is still in turmoil, so Japan has no will to fight China decisively. It is more about supporting Manchukuo in the Northeast and completely digesting the three eastern provinces.

So this case has become the focus of discussion in the streets and alleys of SH citizens, and everyone is guessing who is responsible for such a shocking case.Subsequently, the news of the robbery of the American cargo ship Orleans was also disclosed, and there was a public outcry for a while, which pushed the sinking of the Benimaru to a climax.

Takahiko Yamabori said the matter again, which was basically the same as what was disclosed in the newspaper. The only difference was that he brought the attitude of the Japanese military.

Zhang Xiaolin is also a treacherous and cunning character, don't think he knows how to fight and kill, he must have some thinking.The Japanese Navy actually controlled most of the management rights of the Yangtze River and the outer seas of Shanghai, and the warships of the United States, Britain, France and other countries could only compete with it.

If he can get the support of the Japanese, then the way to transport opium by sea will be smooth in the future. Maybe he will take this opportunity to surpass Huang and Du in one fell swoop and monopolize the Shanghai drug market.

"The general hopes that Mr. Zhang can mobilize his subordinates to help us find out the news. Great Japan will not forget Mr. Zhang's friendship and lay the foundation for more cooperation in the future."

The walnut in Zhang Xiaolin's hand turned sharply. After thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind and said, "Okay. I'll send someone to inquire. No matter if there is any news, I will give you a confirmation letter."

Yamabori Takahiko was very satisfied. With Zhang Xiaolin's help, he believed that those lawless guys would soon show their true colors.Huh, who would they be?Green Gang?Or the pirates in Ningbo, or someone else?

The fact that Zhang Xiaolin promised the Japanese to inquire about the news soon reached Du Yuesheng's ears, and he felt a little uncomfortable.Du Yuesheng is a man of loyalty, he enshrines Guan Gong, and he grew up listening to Yue Fei's stories.Although he has little knowledge, the word loyalty is extremely important to him.

It happened that Zhu Xuefan came to visit him, so Du Yuesheng told him about it, and finally sighed: "The Japanese are so easy to get along with? They are a group of wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones. Xiao Lin is confused. Xue Fan, You send someone to keep an eye on Xiao Lin's subordinates, and if they have any news, let me know immediately. No matter who owns the Shenhongmaru, anyone who is against the Japanese is our friend."

Zhu Xuefan didn't know about it until he read the newspaper in the morning. He didn't expect the Japanese to move so fast and started to put pressure on the Green Gang. What he didn't expect was that Zhang Xiaolin was so spineless that he agreed to help the Japanese find out the news.

The Qing Gang has 50 million people in Shanghai. To put it bluntly, if a couple wants to know how many times a night, how long the time is, how the girls cry, as long as the Qing Gang wants to know, there is nothing they can't find out.

The Benimaru case, if the Japanese investigate it themselves, it may not be possible to find the ugly Yinmao in 100 years.But if the Green Gang makes a move, it is estimated that they will be doomed.

Zhu Xuefan returned to the Post Office, summoned his men, and spread out to keep an eye on Zhang Xiaolin's men. As long as they got information, they would immediately report back to him.

Lu Jingshi is also the head of the post and telecommunications union, and also Du Yuesheng's apprentice.Du Yuesheng's evaluation of him is that he is brave and resourceful, bold and careful.

When Zhu Xuefan was arranging tasks, he was silent by the side. He waited for the crowd to disperse before he walked up to Zhu Xuefan and asked: "Brother, Zhang Xiaolin found out that we did this well, and he was drifting away from his master. , maybe in the future there will be even more suspicion."

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Mobilize all trade unions, Allah gets the news first, and rushes to protect Ning, or tell Iraq to run away quickly."

When Zhu Xuefan heard this, he thought it made sense, so he quickly called the heads of other unions and asked them to mobilize labor to investigate and inform him if there was any news.

As a result, more than [-] workers in Shanghai were notified and they searched for news everywhere. As various news came, doubts began to focus on the Chaoyang.There was an engineer on the Chaoyang, and the information he provided was extremely suspicious.

The Chaoyang ship went to sea one night earlier, but stayed at the mouth of the Yangtze River for more than ten hours, then drove out for a day, stayed for a long time, and then drove back to Shanghai all night.

What was suspicious during this period was that all the engineers were locked in the engine room for a day and two nights and were not allowed to go out. They didn't know what happened on the ship.

The names of Captain Liu Ge and his three assistants were reported, and then Li Guohua, Guo Shuyi and the US-owned Nelson Transportation Company behind them surfaced.

When the company was registered, Quinn from Citibank provided a guarantee, so Zhu Xuefan and the others gasped when they got the news.Could it be that Quinn did it?If he made the move, it would be the U.S. Marine Corps.

According to the truth, the US Marine Corps took action, and the Benimaru should never have been sunk, or the Americans grabbed the money to sink the ship and destroy the corpses.But judging from the call for help on the public channel of the Benimaru, their silver dollars should not have been robbed, so the Americans are retaliating against the Japanese.

This logical analysis makes sense here.

Americans and Japanese actually have deep conflicts.The Americans sold scrap steel and scrap iron to Japan, but the export of finished products has been restricted just now. The Japanese Navy is extremely dissatisfied with this.The two sides also have constant disputes over China's interests, including market disputes and military friction.

Fortunately, both sides are unwilling to have a big rift at the national level, so they have been suppressing the scale of the conflict below. Whenever there are actual problems, high-ranking officials will immediately come out to put out the fire.

Zhu Xuefan notified Du Yuesheng immediately, and Du Yuesheng notified Quinn and Guo Shuyi immediately.

Quinn was so angry when he heard the news.Going to grab silver dollars again?Is this old bandit heirloom?With penicillin, you still want to grab a der?It is said that I haven't seen this kid for many days, and I don't know where he died.

Guo Shuyi knows where he is, he is at home.I ran to Chen Jia's safe house, and as expected, Mr. Li was reading a book at home with all his seriousness.

"Mr. Li, oh no, no, Chairman Li, what should we do now that the situation is like this?"

Guo Shuyi panicked. Although he wasn't sure what Chen Jia was doing with the Chaoyang, but now that the news came, he was clearly suspicious of him.The so-called no wronged soul under the three trees, even if you didn't do it, if you are arrested and tortured, it's not you, it's you.

"What are you panicking about? You go to hold a press conference. Firstly, to congratulate our Nelson Transportation Company on its successful opening. Secondly, to refute the rumors with reporters. Just say that our company's Chaoyang ship has successfully tested and will be put into use immediately. Other things needless to say Well, let them guess by themselves. In addition, you and those four guys should make it clear that it is a test voyage in the East China Sea, where to go, and how the caliber of the route should be unified. If you are killed, you must follow this statement, and if you say one word, The family will be destroyed."

Chen Jia's words make Guo Shuyi pour cold water, is it really this master who co-authored it?It's too courageous to rob a cargo ship under armed escort.

Guo Shuyi's complexion was very bad, and Chen Jia knew that he might have been frightened, so he smiled and comforted him: "Go to Quinn, if something happens to our employees, he is also responsible. Colonel Charles Price, Commander of the 4th Marine Regiment, Clarence Goss, US Consul General in Shanghai, and Major General Smollett, Commander-in-Chief of the British Garrison in Shanghai were all invited to try to win the business of the British and American Garrison at the press conference. come down."

When Quinn received a call from Guo Shuyi, his face turned pale. How could this bastard still want to do military business?
(End of this chapter)

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