Code Name: Flame

Chapter 95 Brother-in-law

Chapter 95 Brother-in-law
The conversation between Dai Li and Chen Jia was serious. For the intelligence department, Chen Jia's existence allowed them to obtain a lot of important information, which was a great contribution, but Chen Jia's current situation also gave them a headache.

These factories in Chongqing are extremely important to China at present, and their importance even far exceeds the value of Chen Jia in Fujiwara Trading Company.But in the long run, as Chen Jia interacted with the high-level Japanese army, his ability to obtain information would increase exponentially, and he would definitely not be willing to give up hastily.The connection between him and the upper class in the United States is also very important.

So Chen Jia became an intelligence officer who was not doing his job properly, or he became a relatively complicated intelligence officer.You say he is engaged in intelligence, he is engaged in industry.You say he is engaged in business, he is making money for himself.You say he is a businessman, he got you a lot of information.

So after careful consideration, the head of state and Dai Li decided not to restrict him, meaning to let him grow wildly, but they wanted to see what kind of monster this guy could grow into.In order to help him, even an important intelligence team such as Shanghai Kunpeng in Japan was given to him.In fact, he wanted to use Chen Jia's energy to take Kunpeng to the next level. After all, the level of intelligence that the clerks came into contact with was much lower.

Dai Li's act of beating Chen Jia was really not ordered by the head of state, but out of Dai Li's selfishness.Not to mention Chen Jia's today, he spent so much effort to complete it.In other words, Chen Jia's ability to obtain information now is already the top existence of the intelligence department, and it is the only one.He will definitely not let Chen Jia become a businessman relying on the strength of the United States in the end. This is a pity for his contribution, and even a pity for the future of the Intelligence Department.

Fortunately, Chen Jia didn't hide anything from him. The reason why he did this was to prepare for the future war with Japan.And because he did this, it also laid the foundation for him to obtain more important, even strategic-level intelligence in the future.

It is inaccurate to say that Chen Jiaji is not trained, but it may be more appropriate to describe it as a powerful and unconstrained style.Including the contact and cooperation between him and Morgan, it is very likely that this line can influence the US policy towards China.With this alone, Chen Jia has risen to the level of a strategic intelligence officer.He couldn't be treated like an ordinary intelligence agent, so he could only be treated softly and secretly monitored and controlled.

Chen Jia also knew his own value, but he would never show even a trace of pride in front of Dai Li, because he knew Dai Li's methods.

In the middle of the night, Dai Li took Chen Jia to the camp in Sichuan, and met the long-lost Chief Gu. At this time, Chen Jia did not put on makeup, but appeared in front of Chief Gu with his true colors.

The old rules, don't talk too much nonsense when you meet, give gifts first.Colt's customized pistol and a famous watch, together with the gifts that Gu Minghua gave to his sister-in-law, nephew and niece, almost couldn't fit on the table.

Chief Gu didn't say a word, but quietly looked at this brother-in-law whom he hadn't seen in three years, who was busy unwrapping presents and presenting treasures.Before coming, the head of state had already entrusted Dai Li to tell him everything about Chen Jia, and now only four people knew Chen Jia's true identity, the head of state, Chief Gu, Dai Li and Gu Minghua.

When Chen Jia took out the design drawings of those weapons, Chief Gu's eyes changed. After listening to Chen Jia's introduction very carefully, he felt relieved, "As long as you can produce these weapons, I will definitely do my best to produce them." I support you. Chen Jia, we are also our own family now. In front of Director Dai today, I can solemnly assure you that as long as you can produce and equip the troops as soon as possible, you are in Chongqing, no, within the jurisdiction of the Sichuan camp. , no matter what you want to do, I will cooperate with you."

For an old soldier, his enthusiasm for these weapons is beyond the comprehension of Dai Li.A good weapon is a powerful combat force, the life guarantee of soldiers, the basis for winning battles, and the solid guarantee for his glorious future.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, the equipment has arrived, and the materials for the Hanyang Iron Works have already been bought. As long as the power plant starts to generate electricity and other equipment is debugged, within three months, I will get out rifles, light machine guns and grenades. As for rockets It is more difficult to play, mainly because it takes a long time to import materials from the United States, but I also promise to get them out for you within one year."

In fact, Chen Jia lied. The difficulty of producing rockets is no higher than that of rifles. The main reason is that he does not want to take them out too early.Why take it out?Let you deal with the Red Army?I miss you too much.

It will take at least half a year for the new gun to be finalized after trial, and another year for the rocket. In his memory, the Red Army should have completed the Long March.When the troops are equipped in large quantities, it is time for the Battle of Songhu.

Of course Chief Gu didn’t know about this. He understood the development process of the new weapon, so he said indifferently: “Think of a way to make it earlier. Now the equipment of the German armorers is not going well. The German artillery is seriously delayed. The Hanyang Iron Works The rifle is also under development, so the head of state is very anxious. You must know that we plan to equip [-] German weapon divisions, and now half of the ten divisions have been equipped, and it has been almost three years."

"Brother-in-law, please tell the head of state that in fact, buy heavy weapons such as cannons first, and when our factory starts normal production, plus the production capacity of other arsenals, it is completely possible to equip [-] divisions with light weapons a year, at least Our factory works overtime to catch up, and twenty divisions a year is not a problem."

Chief Gu looked at Dai Li, who was smiling and silent beside him, and narrowed his eyes slightly, meaning don't talk big, this is not a child's play, it won't be finished by then, the head of state is going to shoot people, should you be shot again?
Chen Jia doesn't care about his winking, his mind is to prepare to promote the improved Springfield as soon as possible, so that the Songhu battle will suffer less losses, and whether the Nanjing Massacre later can be avoided.To be honest, it is more than enough for him to manufacture [-] divisions a year. One of the important reasons is that he can improve the process.

You ask the world, how many people know the assembly line, what is quality control, and what is process control.If he doesn't know how to make components, he can also fiddle with simple single-chip microcomputers for you.

Since he visited the Colt factory, he knew what he was ahead of the world, which was his specialty and vision.

"Brother-in-law, I'm not talking big. Give me a year, and I promise to honor what I said today."

Seeing that he was so sure, Chief Gu hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said: "You go all out, and I will talk to the head of state about this in a few days."

Dai Li left, taking with him the one hundred thousand dollars given to him by Chen Jia.Although he is not greedy for money... Forget it, don't lie to yourself, he is just not greedy for petty money.

Chen Jia and the engineers began to devote themselves fully to the installation of equipment.

The first thing is to install the equipment of the power plant. The equipment of other plants will be installed and landed separately first. After the power plant generates electricity, it can directly enter the equipment debugging stage.

All the equipment is disassembled into parts and numbered for transport. As long as it is not messy, it can be easily transported to the factory.What Chen Jia bought was the most advanced thermal power generation equipment in the world at that time. It was a 20-kilowatt generator set manufactured by Westinghouse Company in the United States. There were a total of twelve units installed in six caves, and each unit correspondingly supplied power to a factory. , Corresponding to other factories, there are also backup power supply lines. In this way, no matter which unit has a problem, other units can be used to support it, which fully guarantees the safety of power consumption in the factory.

The smoke exhaust system of the boiler is also concealed, with dozens of flues and countless smoke outlets.The exhaust smoke will be blown all over the mountains and plains by the mountain wind, like a thin mist, permeating the forest.

Under the command of American engineers, working day and night without sleep, the power plant was successfully commissioned and connected to the grid for power generation in just twelve days.After the power was turned on, the lights in the entire factory area were turned on. The originally dark neighborhoods and residential areas were illuminated like daylight, and even the small town of Chenjiaguan in the distance was also lit up. Since then, Jiangbei has also been powered on.

Three days later, other factories also began to enter the stage of debugging equipment.Simple equipment such as lathes and milling machines can be used on the same day.

The reason why it went so smoothly is entirely due to the meticulous and sufficient preparatory work.Chen Jia left sufficient leeway in almost all details. During the installation process, there were indeed many problems such as size mismatch, height, and shallowness.Fortunately, the margin is large enough, so only a little adjustment is needed to solve the problem.

The problem is not that there is no problem, that is, the caves dug before are obviously not enough, some are not deep enough, the ventilation is not enough, etc., so a large number of farmers were brought back to continue digging.

The Chongqing Water Company also built a waterworks in Jiangbei.Chen Jia felt that these tall water towers were the landmarks of other people's air raids, so he thought of a bad move, and built several leaning towers on the mountain, isn't it just the pressure difference?As long as there is enough height, what shape do you care about the water tower?Who stipulated that the appearance of the cement tower would remain the same?The leaning tower is under the cover of the woods, and the plane is difficult to spot.

When the Japanese planes bombed Chongqing in the future, this place was also taken care of. The result was a lot of damage. Many houses were blown up, but none of the equipment and water towers were blown up.

The workers recruited from Hanyang and the technicians and engineers recruited from the United States finally had their uses, and the Colt factory was the first to start trial production.

(End of this chapter)

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