Code Name: Flame

Chapter 96 Returning to the Forest

Chapter 96 Returning to the Forest
1936 was destined to be a turbulent era, and many major events took place in this year.

The famous [-] incident occurred in Japan. After the Emperor's faction was purged and Nagata Tieshan was killed, his followers Tojo Hideki, Okamura Ningji, Itagaki Seishiro, Doihara Kenji, Ishihara Kanji, Iso Gu Lianjie and others began to board the Army Power Center.

As the emperor's staff, Fujiwara's parents adopted a neutral wait-and-see attitude during this incident. Although Matsui Iwane was implicated and quit the military, he was not punished for it. This is the operation of Fujiwara's parents behind the scenes.

Nagano Slim returned to Japan under the operation of Fujiwara's parents, was appointed as the Minister of the Navy, and became the number one powerful figure in the Japanese Navy.The return to Fujiwara's parents is also generous. One-third of the navy's supplies are provided by Fujiwara Trading, and all the supplies of the Japanese Navy stationed in Shanghai are guaranteed by Fujiwara Shanghai Trading Co.

Matsui Nami waited in Shanghai for several months, and finally returned disappointed.I don't know if this incident will affect the friendship between the Fujiwara family and Matsui Iwane. Fujiwara's parents only sent a letter of reprimand lightly, but there is no intention in the letter to force him to marry the Matsui family.

One hundred M1903A1 improved rifles have been revised several times and finally passed the verification of the national army.The new gun was named Zhongzheng II by the head of state, and Zhongzheng I was an imitation gun produced by the Gongxian Arsenal.Because the Zhongzheng Type [-] used the latest high-temperature-resistant alloy as the barrel, its quality and durability far exceeded the Zhongzheng Type [-], and it was selected as the standard gun for German armorers.

Zhongzheng [-] was selected as the replacement rifle for the preparation division.In order to improve the quality of Zhongzheng Type [-], except that the barrel is made of carbon steel, everything else is the same as Type [-], and the quality control system compiled by Chen Jia is strictly implemented, and the testing and measuring tools are also used in the series of measuring tools sold by the Colt factory.

The same is true for the ZB26 light machine gun. The improved version was named Zhonghua Type [-], and the Gongxian Arsenal was named Zhonghua Type [-].

The grenade finally adopted the German 24 type, which is our common wooden handle grenade.The reason is that this kind of grenade can be manufactured in many arsenals across the country, and the performance of various indicators is also good, suitable for large-scale equipment troops.

The Colt factory retained a gunpowder factory, which was responsible for making bullets and grenades for its own use.All the outfits for German mechanic divisions are supplied by Hanyang, Gongxian, Jinan, Shanxi, Nanjing and other arsenals.The exchange condition is that the firearms manufacturing equipment of these factories will be shipped to Chongqing, and the Colt Second Factory will be established under the leadership of the Military Commission. The address is Zhazidong under Gele Mountain.

Li Boyan was the one who chose the site. He searched for it according to the terrain of the scene, and finally found Zhazidong.Surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing a ditch on one side, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is very concealed and can defend against air attacks.

When Chen Jia heard this name, he felt bad.Isn't this the China-US Cooperative?Come to think of it, there is no difference between an arsenal and a prison.The second factory of Colt produces all parts except the barrel, not for anything else, just for the technology not to be leaked.

What technology?Processing technology of heat-resistant steel.In fact, heat-resistant steel has been invented long ago, but this material has poor machinability and low yield, so it has been difficult to be widely used.

And Chen Jia just knew what method to use to solve it, that is, tungsten carbide sintered carbide, and tungsten ore, at this time, was only available in China, in the former Red Capital of the Soviet Area.At this time, the United States and Germany are using welded blade technology for processing, but Chen Jia directly uses the blade type.At this time, it is impossible to manufacture coating equipment, and the service life is still not high, but it is already much more advanced than foreign countries.

It can be said that the Colt factory barrels are the longest lasting and of the best quality in the world.

Was the cost much higher for using these high-end technologies and materials at the time?No!The reason is that the so-called high-tech is just that people did not think of it, and the implementation cost is not high.In addition, a large number of stamping parts are used, which greatly reduces the cost.There are many trees in Sichuan, and the cost of gun stocks has also been reduced.In order to continue to reduce costs, Chen Jia outsourced most of the gun handles, belt buckles, canvas bags, bullet chains, pistol holsters, belts and other accessories to other factories, so many private workshops surrounded the factory, forming a crude version of the industry chain.

After the M60 mortar produced by the Artillery Factory passed the verification, the light weapons of the Chinese German Mechanic Division have been fully localized.

Under the leadership of Wu Jian and Yan Enfu, the output of the steel mill has increased significantly, and the quality has become more and more stable.

After Yang Zhuo established the Institute of Geology, he organized three geological survey teams to travel among the mountains and rivers of Sichuan to find better resources for the steel mills.

Huang Jintao also resigned from the Hanyang Iron Works and formally took over the Colt Weapons Factory.

The deepest part of the mountain is a pharmaceutical factory.Johnson is in charge of the pharmaceutical factory, and a team of fifty Americans is guarding the factory.The Stillman family established the Stillman Pharmacy in Chongqing, selling penicillin and artemisinin throughout China.

Most of the people engaged in construction were absorbed by the factory, and the rest formed the Colt Construction Company, which bought a large amount of land near Chongqing, and then built new houses and sold them.How cheap is the land price in Chongqing at this time?It's too cheap to believe.Ten yuan per mu, if it is a mountain, 100 yuan can buy a mountain.So the construction team built new houses on the hillside, and transformed the valley into farmland.The farmland is contracted out, and there is no tax for the first three years.The only condition is that the food produced must be sold to the Colt Construction Company

The Sichuan camp gave great support, and a mountain area with a radius of tens of kilometers was designated in the mountainous area far away from Chongqing and handed over to the construction team.After the construction team remodeled the land, they contracted the farmland to the farmers. Pigs, chickens and sheep were raised in places where the farmland could not be used. As a result, a new market town gradually appeared, which later became the station of the inland arsenal.

The Governance Board of Directors was set up in the Colt factory area. Chairman Li Guohua, Johnson, Wu Jian, Xie Keqiang, Song Keqin, Huang Jintao, and Guo Shuyi formed the Governance Board of Directors of the factory area.The board of directors has finance, general affairs, personnel, technology, procurement and other departments, and most of the department heads and members are Americans.Affiliated steel factories, pharmaceutical factories, power plants, construction companies, weapons factories, gunpowder factories, garment factories, agricultural machinery factories, coal companies, artillery factories, automobile transportation companies, water transportation companies, security regiments, internal guards, geological research Most of the managers of the units are Americans.

The reason why Chen Jia did this was that, apart from the fact that Americans are generally educated, it was to prevent the forces in the country from easily interfering in the affairs of the factory.

When the autumn is red and the mountains are full, the factory area has completely stabilized.A large number of guns and ammunition were shipped to Nanjing, and the strong productivity accelerated the reloading speed of the German armorers.Penicillin and artemisinin quickly opened up in the Chinese market and were welcomed by major hospitals.Orders came in like a snowflake, making Stillman Chongqing Medicine a dog.The Military Commission preemptively ordered 1000 million yuan of medicines, directly delaying the production and supply plan of the pharmaceutical factory until the next year.

The materials shipped from the United States have also arrived one after another, and the canvas factory has also been established.Chen Jia made jeans out of canvas and wore them all day long to show off.The dirt-resistant and wear-resistant properties of jeans have been welcomed by the people in the factory area, which has also affected the clothing trend in Chongqing.

Gu Minghua followed Chen Jia's wishes and recruited another group of people in the United States. The most important of these people were the doctors of medicine. Their arrival enriched the product line of the pharmaceutical factory, and more new products came out, such as disinfection. Powder and the like have provided the Chongqing Waterworks with disinfection methods, and the quality of tap water provided is also better.

With the prosperity of the Colt factory, the Jiangbei area has gradually become a location comparable to the urban area of ​​CQ.Cinemas, theaters, bars, cafes, cake shops, flower shops, teahouses, and department stores have all opened.This department store is very interesting. It was funded and built by Americans, and because of the popularity of the department store, these Americans became rich quickly.Coupled with their high salaries, luxury brands have also become popular here.Except for a few people, the vast majority of Americans are completely in love with this place, and no one complains, unless they want to go back to the United States to live that kind of hard life.

In short, everything is improving rapidly, and a large number of products are shipped from here to the whole country.Liu Xiang was also grinning from ear to ear because the taxes paid by the factory made Chongqing the richest city in western China.

Thousands of Red Army prisoners captured by the national army were taken by Chen Jia to mine, and the security team was responsible for guarding them.At the same time, tens of thousands of inmates in Chongqing Prison were also sent there. There was no other way. Mining is a hard and dangerous job. Landslides and water leakage often occur. Ordinary people are rarely willing to do this kind of work.

Of course, it is not in vain. A prisoner is exchanged for one rifle, and a prisoner is exchanged for a hundred light machine guns.

Chen Jia knew that the biggest event of the year would take place in Xi'an, and that China would enter the era of national resistance, and he should return to the place where he should go, Shanghai!
(End of this chapter)

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