Elf Grass Master

Chapter 19 "18, Ancient Ruins and Suspected Super Evolution"

Chapter 19 "18, Ancient Ruins and Suspected Super Evolution"

After arranging the cherry blossoms to take care of the blue orange fruit trees, Xuandu began to walk in the back mountain again, and found that the iron-faced ninja found a big tree to build a nest on it, and the shelling ninja found a place with more shade. The place lay down quietly, while the little wood spirit flew around in the woods.

Then Xuandu left the woods and came to the nearby sand dunes. Here, Xuandu saw Naia in the desert using a needle-leaf hidden weapon against a huge rock over and over again. Seeing this scene, Xuandu hurried forward and called a stop he.

After careful questioning, I found out that Desert Naia thought that his strength was too weak, and he could not even compare with the two newly added big bugs. After all, they lived longer than him, but now he even struggled to fight against the little wood spirit So I am very unwilling and want to become stronger.

Hearing this, Xuandu patted his head, and told him not to act too hastily, because the little wood spirit is close to evolution, so it needs to concentrate its energy, and its strength will naturally improve a little faster, but he just needs to take it slowly.

After listening to what Xuandu said, Desert Naia nodded, and then expressed to Xuandu that he also wanted to protect Xuandu outside and fight to improve his strength. After getting Xuandu's permission, he followed Xuandu up and down They all left the desert area.

After walking around, Xuandu returned to the grassland area, and found that Miaowazi actually walked up to Sakura with a bunch of wreaths and handed it to her.

"This kid... dare to touch my daughter!... No, what am I thinking?" Xuandu was immediately startled by his own thoughts, calmed down a little, and then left the space with the two elves, returning to the Baidai Forest.

After coming out of the space, Xuandu looked at his watch and found that the flow rate of time on both sides was the same, so he continued to walk forward.

after a while

"Desert Naia, use the missile needle to kill him!"

"Desert Nai!"

boom! boom! boom!
A large number of white attacks shot out from Desert Naia's fists, and hit a stinky flower head-on, making her lose her ability to fight.

Seeing Naia in the desert who had been upgraded to another level, Xuandu sighed: Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve experience.

Elf Name: Desert Naia

Sex: male

property: grass

Rating: 38
Features: water storage
Intimacy: 200
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Skills learned: poisonous needle, absorption, growth, splashing sand, staring, needle leaf hidden weapon, rooting, parasitic seed, surprise blow, missile needle, watering, seed bomb, blocking the way, deadly needle, surprise attack, wave of evil

"Desert Naia, your current situation is basically stable, and you only need to work harder to prepare for breaking through the gymnasium level."

"Desert Nai! Desert Nai!" Desert Nai shouted excitedly.

Then Xuandu walked up to the fainted Smelly Flower, sprayed her with some ointment, and then gave her a few energy cubes, and Smelly Flower almost recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Xuandu asked Smelly Flower, "Smelly Flower, do you know where there is a rock covered with moss?"

Hearing Xuandu's request, Smelly Flower pondered for a while, then nodded and led Xuandu to move in one direction. It didn't take long before he found a cylindrical stone with countless moss on the surface, so he handed it to Smelly. After expressing his gratitude with a bag of elf food, Smelly Flower began to examine the rock in front of him.

And the smelly flower on the side disappeared into the bushes not far after getting the energy cube.

At this time, Xuandu began to check the rock in front of him, "The result of the appraisal is that the moss rock is not wrong, but is there something wrong with the shape of this rock, and is the energy too strong?"

Xuandu was a little puzzled, so he continued to use identification to scan the rock, and after peeling away a little moss, he saw the pattern on the stone, and then Xuandu realized that this stone was originally a load-bearing temple dedicated to Arceus. Column fragments!
"I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing. No wonder the energy inside the rock is stronger than ordinary moss rocks. Since I found it, I'm not welcome." I entered the system space, and then found that the sky was almost dark, so I rested in the house in the system space for a night, and planned to go to see if I could find the ruins of the temple the next day.

So early the next morning, Xuandu came out of the system space, and took two elves to search for possible places where the ruins might be, taking yesterday's mossy rock as the center.

The first thing they were eyeing was some high mountains, but after investigation, they found that there was nothing on the mountains, so they had to give up the mountains.

Then Xuandu asked Desert Naia to use Root to explore the ground, but the Root was very deep and did not find any stones related to the ruins.

Afterwards, Xuandu also sent out iron-faced ninjas to carry out aerial investigations, but they still found nothing.

Just when Xuandu was about to give up, he suddenly thought of something, "Why do I think the stone rolled down from a nearby hill? It might have been blown up by a skill!"

So I went back to the place where I found the mossy rocks, and found that there were traces of different forces under the ground, and then "I remember the formula of the parabola that the math teacher said is... Then calculate the skill according to the force calculation formula that the physics teacher said The impact caused by the power... Finally, the specific location of the ruins can be determined." Looking at the formula written all over the place, Xuandu sighed again why I returned all the things I learned in school to the teacher!

"Fuck, if I had known that I would have to study science that I hate when I came to this world, I might as well just let me rest in peace..." After spending 2 hours reviewing his high school knowledge and calculating the answer, Xuandu shouted loudly to the sky , Then cheered up and started heading southwest.

After walking for about 5 kilometers, Xuandu finally stopped, and then began to look around, "It should be around here, let's search again."

This time, we still searched from the mountain first, but the difference is that this time we got results very quickly. According to Miaomiao’s detection, we found that the mountain was empty, so Xuandu asked Miaomiao to find a relative. The weak wall, and then Naia in the desert made a big hole for normal people to pass through, and then drilled directly in.

Not long after, Xuandu successfully entered the mountain. Unexpectedly, he just arrived at the gate of the temple. After observing the gate of the temple carefully, Xuandu found that a part of a pillar at the gate was missing. Comparing the mossy rock with the gap, it was found that it was indeed the case, and then released the shell ninja and the iron ninja to guard the surroundings together, and then entered the temple.

Through the reliefs and murals around the temple, Xuandu learned that the original sacrifice of this temple was the family who inherited the use of Miao Frog Flower, and then it was some boring daily life, until a mural shocked Xuandu, because this mural The form of the Frog Flower on the screen has changed, combined with the game experience in the previous life, Xuandu concluded that this is a super evolution.

Thinking of this, Xuandu became excited. After all, in this era when super-evolution has not yet developed, if one more super-evolution stone can be mastered, there will be an extra guarantee in the future. Thinking of this, Xuandu accelerated the speed of advancement.

(End of this chapter)

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