Elf Grass Master

Chapter 20 "19, Super Evolution Stone and Origin Refinement"

Chapter 20 "19, Super Evolution Stone and Origin Refinement"

The further you went into the ruins, the more dilapidated the surrounding walls became, and even the murals seemed a little blurry, so Xuandu took his eyes off the walls, and then proceeded to the center of the temple at the fastest speed.

After a while, Xuandu noticed that there seemed to be a little light ahead, so he quickened his pace, and after experiencing the baptism of a beam of light, he finally walked out of the long corridor.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Xuandu knew that this was an altar. Judging from the utensils placed around and the pattern in the center of the altar, Arceus was enshrined here. From the entire sacrificial space, it can be seen that this is an altar. The momentum of the sacrificial ceremony is so great that people know that a lot of effort has been put into it...

'As long as you don't look at the pile of corpses on the ground. Xuandu thought secretly in his heart.

That's right, there are dead human and elf corpses everywhere in this room. Looking at the remains, Xuandu is sure that many elves have reached the level of heavenly kings before they were alive, which is really a pity.

At this time, the shelling ninja on the side used will-o'-the-wisps on an elf corpse on the ground. Seeing this, Xuandu immediately stepped forward to check, and found that the corpse was gradually shrunk after being burned by the purple will-o'-the-wisp, and then turned into a yellow-gray So Xuan Du put on his gloves, and then picked up the small ball to examine it carefully.

Item name: Spirit Origin (Bug)
Introduction: It is taken from a big needle bee in the middle stage of the king, which can make the insect-type quasi-king spirits gain a lot of experience, and the effect is even more effective for the spirits with dual attributes of insects and poison.

Seeing the results of the appraisal, Xuandu looked at the corpses of the elves on the ground with even more intense eyes, so he bought a bunch of empty bottles from the system mall, put the essence of the elves in it, and wrote on the outside of the bottles [worm/ Poison] words, and then

"Shedding Ninja, use the will-o'-the-wisp to burn as I said, do you understand?"

The shelling ninja leaned forward slightly to express his understanding, and then Xuandu began to search for the corpses of those heavenly king-level elves.

"First burn this, then that, then the 5 over there..."

The shucking ninja obediently used the will-o'-the-wisp to burn, but after a while, the skill of the will-o'-the-wisp had reached its limit, so Xuandu handed him a tree fruit that restored the PP value and asked him to rest, and then called out the little wood spirit continue working.

Just kept working alternately like this, after about half a day, more than half of the space in Xuandu’s backpack was filled, and there were still a lot, so Xuandu let Super Miaomiao continue to direct the two elves to work, and he returned first. When he arrived at the system home, he directly spent another [-] alliance coins to open a large basement, and began to put the collected original power on the cabinet in the basement little by little.

When Xuandu returned to the ruins, Super Miaomiao had commanded the two elves to refine a batch of original power, so Xuandu happily put away the pile of original power.

After a while, the corpses of the heavenly king-level elves near the altar had all disappeared, and Xuandu shifted his sight to the throne next to the altar. The existence of the champion level is expected to take more time, so Xuandu specially saved the elves here until the end.

The little wood spirit and the shucking ninja skillfully used the will-o'-the-wisp to slowly burn the corpse of the champion elf here. Because it was estimated that it would take some time, Xuandu shifted his gaze to the corpse on the throne.

I saw that this corpse was dressed very luxuriously, with a crown made of gold and silver on its head, and a golden scepter in its hand, on which the huge green gemstone was still shining.

Suddenly, Xuandu saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the crown, so he asked the super-powerful Miaomiao to take the crown over and examine it carefully, only to find that the gemstone on the top of the crown seemed to be an evolutionary keystone, so regardless of 21, just take it With a knife, he dug out the gemstone on the top, and threw the crown on the ground casually.

Then he took a good look at the emerald green stone in his hand, and found that it was indeed an evolutionary keystone, so he immediately took out a delicate box and put the keystone away.

At this time, the two elves also replied, the task was completed, and there were unexpected gains, so Xuandu began to check the so-called gains of the few elves.

Item name: Blood Wing Dragon Super Evolution Stone

Item name: Lizard King Super Evolution Stone
Item name: Charizard Super Evolution Stone Y
Item name: Miao Frog Flower Super Evolution Stone
Item name: Hu Di Super Evolution Stone

Item name: Biting Land Shark Super Evolution Stone

Item name: Xanadu Super Evolution Stone
Item name: Boss Cordora Super Evolution Stone
There are a total of eight super evolutionary stones and the matching evolutionary key stones. Xuandu felt that tears of disappointment had flowed from his mouth. After wiping away the non-existent 'tears', Xuandu quickly removed the eight super evolutionary stones. Put it away, and plan to polish it later when I have time.

Then I saw the original power extracted by these elves, and found that it was no different from the others except that it could only be eaten by elves above the king of heaven, so I put them away.

Then hand over the source of Hu Di to the super-powered Miaomiao. You must know that Miaomiao has been coveting this piece of source power from the very beginning. If Xuandu was still there, she would have snatched it long ago. The origin of the earth, the next moment, the energy in Super Miaomiao’s body is rising, and it took a while to calm down, but judging by the momentum, it is estimated that there is still a lot of improvement. For safety, Xuandu brought all the elves back to the system home.

Super Miaomiao has been in a coma since swallowing the source of Hu Di, but his aura is only improving. Xuandu fed him a little jelly made of advanced energy cubes, and then put him on the bed, Looking at him quietly, all the elves in the homeland came to the bed and looked worriedly at the big brother Super Neng Miaomiao. Although Xuan Du said that nothing would happen, everyone was still very worried.

Looking at the group of elves at home, Xuandu felt very relieved, so he sat in place and waited with everyone for the super-powered Miaomiao to wake up.

When the sun was setting and the moon was rising, the super-powerful Miaomiao finally made a movement, his body was slightly tilted towards the moonlight, Xuandu saw this, and brought Miaomiao outside the house, and then let him go On the ground where the moonlight is most abundant, I watched quietly.

After a while, under the light of the moonlight, Super Miaomiao's aura increased again, and finally...


With a long cry, Super Miaomiao finally successfully absorbed this original power. Under the action of this champion-level original power, Super Miaomiao became an elf in the early stage of the championship.

Elf Name: Super Miaomiao

Sex: male

Attribute: super power
Rating: 72
Ability: Heart of Mischief

Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying Items: Curved Spoon
Skills learned: black eyes, grabbing, helping, staring, longing, fast defense, mind power, light wall, reflective wall, high-five surprise attack, charming voice, miracle eye, spiritual impact, future prediction, spiritual force, seal, meditation , Mysterious Guardian, Shadow Clone, Electromagnetic Wave, Trick Space, Gravity, Trick, Feature Swap, Swap Field, Acting, Assault, Self-motivation, Shadow Ball, Evil Wave, Magic Reflection, Telekinesis

(End of this chapter)

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