Elf Grass Master

Chapter 72 "67, Xie Mi's Flower"

Chapter 72 "67, Xie Mi's Flower"

Immediately afterwards, An Ye hung up the communication directly, then opened the door, called the person in charge in, then took back his authentication card, points and alliance coins for selling elves, and finally left the Hunter Association directly.

Afterwards, An Ye began to wander around the street stalls in the black market, and happened to find an interesting shop, so he walked in, only to find that the shop sold materials made from the remains of elves.

For example, the red heart on Xanadu’s chest, the core of the gemstone starfish, the leaves of the walking grass, the horns of the sun coral, the magnet on the three-in-one magneton, etc., you can find it in this store anyway.

After seeing these products, Ye didn't plan to find out how they came from. After all, everyone has their own way of life. At this time, the flower pot in the corner attracted Ye's attention.

This flower pot is filled with cotton wadding from shuttlecock cotton, and only a few flowers are added to decorate the periphery, but looking at the decorated flowers, the nightclub feels very familiar.

So I took a direct appraisal and found that these flowers actually fell from the grass-type phantom beast Xie Mi, which contained a lot of grass-type origins.

Logically speaking, since so many spirit materials can be collected, it should be impossible not to recognize the flowers on Xie Mi's body, but just placing them like this gives people a feeling that the shopkeeper really doesn't care about them.

"Is it possible that the Yuan family is guarding themselves, after all, they are a family that worships Xie Mi..." An Ye stood aside and muttered for a while, but finally decided to jump into it regardless of whether it was a trap or not.

So I immediately told the boss that I bought a pot of cotton wool and left with a few flowers.

After leaving the shop, An Ye didn't feel that anyone was following her, but just in case, An Ye entered the system home at a corner and left the black market.

But what Ye didn't know was that not long after he left, an old man appeared at the corner and muttered, "Could it be a superpower who can use teleportation? But it's not right, the coconut tree didn't feel it." Seems like mental fluctuations... Forget it, it seems that we have to make a new plan in the future." After finishing speaking, the whole person disappeared in place.

At this time, An Ye came directly to the courtyard, and after letting the Dead Wood Demon, Shelling Ninja, and Iron Masked Ninja go to rest, he found Giratina, and then took out a few small flowers that he had obtained before.

Giratina recognized it at a glance, this is Jiemi's flowers, and then asked An Ye how these came from, and fell silent after hearing An Ye's explanation.

"I think this may be the Yuan family showing their favor to me."

[This possibility cannot be ruled out, after all, only they can get so many Xie Mi's flowers]

"So...do I still need it?"

【use!Of course you have to use it. After all, they gave it to you, so how could it be wasted?Am I right】

After listening to Giratina's words, An Ye directly made up his mind. Anyway, if something goes wrong, he has a big boss behind him to take care of it, so he took these 5 small flowers to the courtyard with peace of mind, and then put Sakura, Meng Ge Nai Ya, Miao Frog Flower, Forest Turtle, and Leaf Fairy called over, and then gave them a fairy and a small flower.

The elves believed in An Ye's words, and swallowed the flowers directly. The next moment, they felt a lot of original power gathering in their bodies, so they closed their eyes and felt it.

After a long time, the wood turtle opened its eyes first, and then white light appeared on its body, and then its size doubled, and a big tree appeared on its back, and then the white light dissipated, and the wood turtle Evolved into a platform turtle.

Elf name: Tutai Turtle
Sex: male

Attributes: Grass, Ground

Rating: 48
Features: hard shell armor
Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: Crushing, Shell Shrinking, Ultimate Absorption, Stealth Rock, Flying Blade, Wide Area Defense, Instant Amnesia, Parasitic Seeds, Growth, Photosynthesis, Sunny Sky, Sun Beam, Energy Ball, Force of Nature, Grass Oath, Power of the Earth, Mount Tai, Instant Amnesia, Green Grass Field, Crazy Plants, Earthquake, Flying Leaf Storm

After Tutaigui opened his eyes, Ye Fairy and Miao Frog Flower opened their eyes, and at this moment, An Ye felt that their aura was stronger now.

Elf Name: Miao Frog Flower
Sex: male

Attributes: Grass, Poison
Rating: 55
Features: Chlorophyll

Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: energy ball, ultimate absorption, growth, vine whip, flying leaf blade, parasitic seed, sleep powder, poison powder, paralysis powder, rooting, seed bomb, grass field, photosynthesis, sludge bomb, poisonous, hit Grass Knot, Force of Nature, Force of Earth, Strong Whip, Leafstorm, Oath of Grass, Sacrificial Impact, Earthquake, Venom Impact, Crazy Plants

Elf name: Yeeb
Sex: male

property: grass

Rating: 57
Features: Chlorophyll

Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: Lightning Flash, Longing, Tail Waggle, Lunge, Bite, High Speed ​​Star, Renewed, Iron Tail, Burrowing, Leaf Blade, Flying Leaf Blade, Magic Leaf, Grass Flute Magic Sound, Self-motivation, Sun Beam, Shadow Clone, Cross Shear, Grass Knot, Seed Bomb, Photosynthesis, Yawn, Grace of Nature, Auxiliary Power

The leaf elf is worthy of being a pure grass-type elf, absorbing Xie Mi's treasure of a single-grass attribute, and the improvement is not just a little bit, which makes Anye look forward to the growth of cherry blossoms even more.

Then, Mengge Naia also opened his eyes, and the aura on his body told An Ye that now he had broken through to the existence of the Heavenly King.

Elf name: Mengge Naia

Sex: male

Attributes: grass, evil
Rating: 61
Features: water storage
Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: poisonous needle, absorption, growth, splashing sand, staring, needle leaf hidden weapon, rooting, parasitic seed, strange blow, missile needle, watering, seed bomb, blocking the way, deadly needle, surprise attack, wave of evil , Absorption, Enhanced Qin, Grass Flute Magic Sound, Spike Defense, Retaliation, Sand Hail, Cotton Spores, Energy Ball, Sun Beam, Splitting Tile, Sword Dance, Poison Attack, Kick Down, Photosynthesis

Finally, it was Sakura's turn. To be honest, Ye looked forward to Sakura the most. After all, Sakura is a healing existence like Xie Mi, so there must be more things that can be understood.

Not long after, Sakura finally opened her eyes, and her aura also broke through to the level of a king!
Elf Name: Cherry Blossom
gender: female

property: grass

Rating: 65
Ability: Gift of Flowers

Intimacy: 225
Qualification: Legend

Items to carry: Miracle Seed

Skills learned: Bash, Growth, Morning Light, Parasitic Seed, Grass Field, Cold Healing Wave, Help, Magic Leaf, Healing Bell, Aroma Healing, Troubled Seed, Sunny Day, Charming, Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Flower Defense, Healing Wish, Force of Nature, Grace of Nature, Seed Bomb, Sweet Aroma, Photosynthesis, Knotting, Sun Beam, Falling Flowers, Seed Flash

(End of this chapter)

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