Elf Grass Master

Chapter 73 "68, Wake Up"

Chapter 73 "68, Wake Up"

Seeing the last skill in Sakura's skill slot, An Ye was dumbfounded, and immediately rushed back to the hut, pulling Giratina over.

[What's the matter, what's the matter, I haven't finished my snacks yet! 】

"Forget about those so-called snacks, Sakura, you just awakened a skill when you absorbed flowers, right, use it to see!"

Hearing An Ye's order, Sakura walked to the side of the lake, then closed her eyes, the next moment, the green light enveloped Sakura, and then, Sakura opened her eyes...


The emerald green light spread around with the cherry blossoms as the center, causing considerable damage to the surrounding land, while the cherry blossoms jumped into Tell Anye's arms excitedly, begging for praise.

The other elves all looked like they had seen a ghost, obviously they also absorbed that little flower, why only Sakura awakened such a powerful skill?
At this time, Giratina on the side spoke
[This is actually Xie Mi's exclusive skill Seed Flash.I didn't expect this little guy to be able to comprehend this trick. It seems that the energy Xie Mi left in the flower reacted with the elements in the little girl's body, leading the child to learn Xie Mi's exclusive skills. 】

"Is that so... If that's the case, let's do it this way, but this time, I really owe the Yuan family a big favor. I really don't know how to return it to them later."

[This is your business, I'll go back to watch TV first, bye. 】

After speaking, Giratina turned and returned to the room, continuing to eat snacks and watch TV.

"Oh, this divine beast has completely degenerated."

After thinking about this in his heart, An Ye began to check the bodies of the elves. After everything was over, Ye entered the bedroom on the second floor of the room and fell asleep.

At the same time, Xuandu slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed in the Spirit Center, and then saw the two spirits sitting beside his bed meditating, and slowly straightened up without disturbing them.

Then, after receiving the memory transmitted from the dark night side, he confirmed how the current situation is.

Not long after, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the ward.

So Xuandu shifted his gaze to the door, and then he saw a somewhat sloppy Dawu walking in.

But at this moment, seeing Xuandu waking up, Dawu said, "Are you... all right?"

"I'm fine, but this time it's a blessing in disguise. Now I'm an advanced superpower."

"That's good... that's good... you..."

"Dare to ask Mr. Dawu" Hearing Xuandu's solemn opening, Dawu looked over, and then Xuandu continued to say, "What is your identity to greet me? Is it an employer, a friend, or... a half-brother?" ?”

Hearing the last word, Dawu's eyes trembled, and he said, "You know everything..."

"When I was in a coma, I could still perceive my surroundings through my mental power. In addition, since I advanced to a high-level superpower, I have sensed a bloodline similar to mine from your body, so... what else can I say? Is it?"

"Xuandu...I...is indeed your elder brother. What happened back then was my father's mistake. I wanted to make up for your mother, but my father didn't find her, and my father only recently found out about your existence..."

"... Phew... When did you know that we are related by blood?"

"About the first time we met, I felt that you were very similar to my father. Later, I collected a little bit of your blood and got the DNA test results when we were in Shenhe Town..."

"...Can I have a word with Mr. Zvoki?"

"Yes! Of course! Just wait for me! I'll get the computer!" After finishing speaking, he didn't care about keeping quiet in the corridor, and ran to the room to get the laptop, and then dialed the video of Zvuch Hibiscus Telephone.

Soon, Zifuqi Mujin got through the phone and learned that it was the youngest son who wanted to chat with him, so he asked Dawu to put the computer on the table, and then asked Dawu to leave, and he and Xuandu had a good chat.

The two of them stared across the screen for a long while before Xuandu said, "...This should be the first time we have met formally, Mr. Zvoki."

"Yeah, kid..."

"Do you have any questions?"

"...your mother she..."

"My mother died from overwork for me, but she died peacefully."

"...I'm sorry for her..."

"You don't need to blame yourself. My mother never blamed you. She always thought that I was a gift from Arceus, and she always loved me. Even before she died, she hoped that I could live a good life. And I think She also knew of your existence. Before she died, she told me not to investigate her own life experience, otherwise she would cause many unnecessary troubles. Moreover, I believe you don't want a sloppy illegitimate child to bear the burden of hereby The name of the Fu Qi family..."

"No! Not at all!" Before Xuandu finished speaking, Zifuqi Mujin immediately retorted, "I never thought you were a burden, you are my son! You are my son just like Dawu! If it weren't for me The reason, you should be born in a complete family! I am sorry for you and your mother!"

Looking at Zifuqi Mujin in front of him, Xuandu felt that the appearance of Zifuqi Mujin he had seen on TV had changed a bit, from a business emperor with an iron-blooded wrist to a fragile man who wanted to make up for his mistakes.


Seeing the appearance of Zifuqi Mujin, Xuandu was silent for a while, and then said, "I can agree that Dawu is my elder brother, but I don't want the surname Zifuqi for the time being. In addition, I am also a shareholder now, so I hope to have a part of it." Are the company's resources available, Mr. President?"

"Yes! Yes! Absolutely! You can make a list of what you need later, and I'll send someone to deliver it to you right away!"

"...Then thank you..."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and then Zifuqi Mujin reluctantly hung up the call.

(End of this chapter)

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