Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 21 The Attacking Uchiha Trio

Chapter 21 The Attacking Uchiha Trio

After eating a big meal at Ichiraku Ramen, Takuya waved goodbye to the hand-slapping uncle with a satisfied face, and walked towards the Uchiha tribe in a leisurely manner. Looking at the smiling villagers on the street, Takuya couldn't help but sigh with emotion The prosperity of Konoha.

But thinking that in the near future, Obito will come to make troubles and release Kyuubi to destroy this prosperous place, Takuo also feels the urgency of time. There are less than 10 months before Kyuubi's appearance, and he should be able to live here. Become stronger over time and gain the power to protect yourself!
If possible, Takuya really wanted to change the fate of the Namikaze Minato couple, but his little butterfly couldn't fan a hurricane at all, unless he could quickly unlock a more advanced armed evolution.

At least 75% must be achieved before I have the ability to change, but this unlocking is really difficult, why doesn’t the system father send a task so that I can unlock it quickly!

Just when Takuya was thinking wildly, he didn't even notice that standing in front of his house were two people he was familiar with but didn't want to see, Itachi and Izumi!
Itachi saw Takuya walking with his head down at a glance, and saw that he and Izumi hadn't been spotted by the other party, so he shouted: "Good morning, Takuya!"

Takuya was yelled by Itachi, and suddenly he woke up from his thoughts. He realized that it was Itachi's voice, and felt in his heart that it must be troublesome for Itachi to come to him this time.

He looked up, and sure enough, there were Itachi and Izumi standing in front of him. Seeing that he had missed the chance to run away, Takuya had no choice but to warmly greet him and said, "So it's Itachi and Izumi! Good morning! I just came back from morning exercise." !"

Itachi knew about Takuya's morning exercise. Seeing Takuya's dirty appearance, Izumi frowned and said, "Takuya, how did you train, and how did you get yourself into such a mess!"

Takuya just raised his thumb and said, "It's nothing, I'm super invincible youth special training!"

After a pause, he said to Itachi again, "What's the reason you came to find me so early?"

Hearing Takuya's question about something serious, Itachi nodded and said, "That's right Takuya, we've already found out information about the kite!"

When Takuya heard this was the problem, thinking of the uneasiness in the morning, he suddenly felt that this matter was very troublesome, but Itachi had come to the door, and he couldn't refuse, so he could only signal the two of them to go to his house to sit and discuss in detail !

After the three of them entered the living room of Tuoya's house, after Tuoya said that he was going to change clothes to let them go, he walked towards the bathroom by himself, and he wanted to change his clothes.

After a while, Takuya changed his clothes and returned to the living room again. After seeing everyone, Itachi began to talk about the things he found out about the kite.

I only heard Itachi say: "After I went back, I looked through the records of Uchiha Tobi's family in the clan, and found that her parents were both Chunin, with ordinary abilities. During the third Ninja World War, she followed The Uchiha troops have gone to the battlefield with Kirigakure Village."

After a pause, he looked at Takuya who was listening to him, and Itachi continued slowly: "But during a mission to deliver information, he was discovered and killed by the hostile ninja of Kirigakure Village!"

After speaking, Itachi paid attention to Takuya's expression, because Takuya's parents also lost their lives on the Fog Shadow Battlefield, and Itachi was afraid that Takuya would be emotional when he heard about it.

But after Takuya heard about Itachi's information, his demeanor was calm, as if he had no special mood swings, which made Itachi have to sigh that Takuya is really rough.

However, what Itachi doesn't know is that Takuya is relatively unfamiliar with his parents at all. After all, the memories of so many years in the previous life have been mixed together, and his impression of his parents has become weak.

Seeing that Taku didn't respond, Itachi indicated to Quan that he could talk about what he had discovered. After receiving Itachi's signal, Quan followed Itachi's words and said, "I asked about Kite's recent performance through the clansmen near her home, and found that she has been since the clansman on the battlefield. After returning, she changed from a cheerful little girl to a taciturn one, leaving early and returning late every day, and often getting herself covered in scars!"

Hearing this, Takuya had a general understanding of the kite in his heart, and couldn't help but wonder if the death of his parents would make this cheerful little girl open Sharingan. After all, this stimulation is great for the little girl!

Just as Takuya was praying to Takuya whether it was her parents, and her magic power was boundless, Itachi spoke again, and said to Takuya: "According to what Izumi and I have observed in the past few days, she does train very hard every day, but the training The effect is very poor, there is no actual improvement!"

Hearing what Itachi said, Takuya immediately rolled his eyes, and said to Itachi, "Not everyone is a genius like you, and she has no one to guide her!"

Izumi nodded when he heard Takuya's words and said, "That's right, Tobi has worked very hard!"

Seeing that both of them said this, Itachi could only sigh helplessly, and asked, "Na Takuya, have you thought of how to get Kite to join us?"

Izumi next to Itachi never knew what plan Takuya and Itachi were talking about, so taking this opportunity, she immediately asked, "Itachi, what plan are you talking about?"

Hearing Izumi's question, Takuya glanced at Itachi and asked, "Itachi, didn't you tell Izumi our plan?"

"Uh, it seems not!" Hearing Izumi's question, Itachi remembered that he had never told Izumi his plan with Takuya Shisui. After thinking about it, Itachi still explained the plan to Izumi.

Hearing Itachi said that he hoped to ease the tension between the village and the Uchiha clan by making Uchiha girls the idols of the whole village, Izumi became excited and asked, "It's such a big deal, I can also participate in this project." !"

Seeing Izumi's serious look, Takuya said, "Forget about Izumi, you are not suitable!"

Hearing that Takuya denied himself so quickly, Izumi immediately looked at Takuya angrily, his eyes looked as if he was about to beat him up, and Takuya was frightened for a while, and quickly said: "This, your voice is just ordinary. Cute, lacking character, so no way!"

Takuya's explanation only calmed down Quan, at this time Itachi asked again: "Takuya, how do you get her into the gang?"

This question stumped Takuya, he never thought about how to trick a little girl into debuting as a star!

But since Itachi asked, you can't say no, or let Itachi know about your laziness!

So Takuya continued to perform the same signature action of Matt Kay and said: "I will impress her with my youthful sincerity and let her join our plan!"

When the two people next to me heard what Takuya said, they couldn't help being speechless for a while, aren't they afraid that people will think you are a pervert?Surely it will!

 Thank you very much for the recommendation ticket from the boss of Dragon War Xuanhuang!Happy weekend, three more!

(End of this chapter)

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