Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 22 The Uchiha Ji Project

Chapter 22 The Uchiha Ji Project
In a remote open space in the Uchiha tribe, a little girl was practicing throwing kunai. Although the hit rate was not high, it didn't affect the little girl's enthusiasm for training at all.

And on the side of the open space, there are three sneaky little figures, they are the Uchiha trio who have already discussed the attack strategy, and the little girl who is practicing throwing is the target they want to attack, Tobi!
Looking at the still bad throwing skills, Takuya also thought for a while, seeing her poor throwing skills, she probably didn't open Sharingan!
Just when he was wondering if this kite had opened Sharingan, suddenly a hand pushed him hard from behind him, making Takuya take a few steps forward and out of the small forest!
Just when Takuya was about to turn around and ask who pushed him, Tobi, who heard the noise, had realized that someone was coming, and immediately turned her head to look at Takuya!

And behind Takuya, Itachi withdrew the hand that had just been stretched out to push Takuya, and watched Takuya's performance with Izumi!

Seeing that he could no longer avoid it, Takuya could only bite the bullet and recruit Kite to join the team!

Takuya greeted Tobi who was looking at him and said, "Hello! I was one of Izumi and the others who came to you last time. I came this time to tell you something!"

And Yuan still asked in that ethereal and slightly hoarse voice: "What is it?"

Hearing this voice, Takuya felt very pleasant, and couldn't help sighing: "I appreciate your voice, I hope you can join our team, our good voice of Uchiha needs talents like you!"

Takuya's words not only stunned Tobi, but also made Itachi and Izumi who was hiding behind almost want to jump out and ask what nonsense this is!
Seeing that the other party was stunned, Takuya sorted out his words a little and said, "It's actually like this. We have a plan that requires someone with a special voice to join, and after many days of investigation, we found that you are the most suitable candidate."

Before Takuya finished speaking, Tobi quickly packed her things, and went home immediately without listening to this person's nonsense.

Seeing Tobi's movements, Taku put away a lot of nonsense that he was going to say, and shouted: "You must hate it very much! Hate the war! Hate your weak self!"

Hearing Takuya's words, Tobi stopped all movements of her hands, and looked at Takuya who was shouting loudly, at this moment, Izumi and Itachi were also shocked by Takuya's words!

Takuya saw that Tobi stopped moving and looked at him, her eyes had already started to sparkle!

Takuya continued to shout: "That's why you keep training, but it's useless at all, you can't do anything at all, you can only continue to hate yourself for being weak!"

Takuya's words broke Yuan's defenses, the tears in her eyes couldn't hold back, they kept flowing down, and she shouted desperately: "You don't understand anything at all!"

But Takuya laughed at Tobi's words, and said, "No, you are not a special existence. The war also took away my parents, and also took away the relatives of many people in Konoha!"

After a pause, he continued: "So I can understand your pain. I also hate war and my own weakness, but I hope you can join us! Let us eliminate war together!"

Takuya is drawing big cakes, saying that it is possible to eliminate wars, this is what Takuya thinks in his heart!
Hearing Takuya's words, Tobi was obviously moved and asked, "If I join you, what do I need to do!"

Takuya didn't answer Tobi's words, but just cleared his throat, and began to sing Mika Nakashima's classic song "I once thought about it too"!
Even though it was sung in a deep and melancholy voice, this song brought people a longing for life and hit the hearts of everyone present.

After the song was over, there were only three shocked people left, especially Yuan, who was already in tears and knelt on the ground powerlessly!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and after a while, Kite finally came back to her senses, with a rare gentle smile on her face, and Itachi and Izumi had already walked out.

Quan walked up to Yuan's side, stretched out his hand and pulled Yuan up, and said sincerely to her, "Yuan, it's all right! We will be companions from now on!"

Hearing Quan's words, Yuan also hugged back and said: "That's right, Quan, please give me more advice in the future, and you!"

Seeing that Kite agreed to join his plan, Itachi also smiled and introduced: "My name is Itachi, and he is Takuya!"

Hearing Itachi's introduction, Kite bowed slightly and said, "Hello Itachi-kun, Takuya-kun! My name is Kite! Also, thank you Takuya-kun!"

Seeing Yuan salute to him, Takuya waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, we will be companions from now on, don't be so restrained!"

Seeing that the acquaintance is almost there, Itachi told Kite about her plan, hoping to heal those traumatized people after the war through her singing, and to reverse the relationship between the village and the Uchiha clan through her!
After hearing this plan, Takuya couldn't help interjecting: "I will name this plan the Uchiha Project! Since the Senju Clan has Tsunade Hime, there is no reason for the Uchiha Clan to be the same as the two big families that built the village. No Ji!"

Speaking of this, Takuya raised his thumb seriously and said to Tobi: "We will help you become Uchiha Ji!"

I don't know if it was Takuya's words or Takuya's idiot action, which made the three of them feel that there were a lot of troubles, and they didn't know where to start!
Tobi was the first to react, she looked at Takuya and said, "I can't do it, Tsunade-sama can reach such heights only by relying on his strength and prestige!"

"Believe in us, believe in yourself, you can achieve this title!" Tuoya continued to bewitch, it is true that he had such a plan, he just said what was in his heart, why can Qianshou have the title of Ji, I also want Uchiha to produce a Ji!

Ignoring the topic of Takuya, Itachi directly changed the topic and said: "Next, we will let Takuya train your singing skills, so that you can sing beautiful songs proficiently as soon as possible!"

After a pause, Itachi continued: "And Quan will be in charge of the accompaniment, and I will be in charge of training your strength!"

When Itachi assigned work, when he said that he would train Kite to improve his strength, Quan became angry. Why, it was obvious that he came first, why didn't Itachi not coach his training!
Takuya at the side saw that Izumi was about to get angry, and thought Itachi, how can you do this to Izumi, then immediately interrupted Itachi's arrangement, saying: "As for training, let's train together!"

Itachi thought for a while, now that everyone is in a group, if they want to train, they must be together, so he nodded and said: "Takuya, you are right, let's train together starting tomorrow!"

 Thank you very much for the recommendation ticket from the boss of Dragon War Xuanhuang!Happy weekend, three more!

(End of this chapter)

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