low-key is king

Chapter 1022 Fire Lotus Beastmaster

Chapter 1022 Fire Lotus Beastmaster
"Zhou Yunfan, I think we had a tacit understanding with the outside world before, why don't we join forces first and clean up that Liu Gushan?"

When Liu Gushan, a genius of the Hanbang Dynasty, put forward the idea of ​​joining forces, Yan Sui and Zhou Yunfan hadn't made a statement yet, but the leader of the killing alliance over there rushed to speak.

What he said made the faces of the three geniuses of the human race look different.

"Yan Sui, I think this Liu Gushan looks down on you a bit. Your Longxia dynasty is recognized as the number one dynasty in Qingxuan, and he wants to order you. His heart is damning!"

Without waiting for Liu Gushan to speak, Lu Xun's voice came again, immediately causing the former's expression to change again.

This is really not killing people but only punishing hearts, he knew that these words would definitely make Yan Sui dissatisfied with him.

"Brother Kuangyan, I don't think Liu Gushan has taken you seriously, so you have no objection to killing him first?"

Lu Xunyu was not surprised and kept dying. After speaking to the two geniuses of the human race, he didn't even let Kuangyan go, which made Liu Gushan over there look gloomy.

Being stared at by the two geniuses of the human race and the strange gazes of the two sea clansmen, Liu Gushan felt uncomfortable all over. Why did he suddenly become aimed at himself?
"You two, don't listen to the nonsense of the leader of the murderous alliance. I think this guy has been sowing discord. Let's kill him first and see if he can speak eloquently?"

Liu Gushan's eloquence is quite good, seeing him raising his hand and pointing at the figure in black, there was a touch of extreme anger in his eyes.

To be honest, Liu Gushan's words are not wrong, no matter whether he was outside or here, the leader of the killing alliance is always provoking and cooperating, like a shit stick.

If that guy hadn't arrived suddenly before, Daxuan Wenshi Academy might have been wiped out, and their Hanbang Dynasty would not have lost a powerful ally.

Liu Gushan has already seen the upheaval of the leader of the Killing Alliance. Even if that guy is the lowest in the field, he still feels that he needs to get rid of this guy first.

"I said Liu Gushan, are you stupid? Do you think you, the genius of the eighth-level human race, are more threatening, or I, the sea clan with only seven-level masters, are more threatening?"

There was a hint of a smile in Lu Xun's tone. When his words came out, the two geniuses of the human race and Kuangyan were thoughtful, secretly thinking that this was the truth.

They actually think that only those who have reached the eighth level are their real opponents.

Especially Yansui and Kuangyan would not pay attention to the leader of the murder alliance who was a small success in the seventh realm.

Therefore, between cleaning up Lu Ming first and cleaning up Liu Gushan first, they actually have a good choice. When the time comes, will a leader of the murder alliance with a small success in the seven realms be able to make waves?

"If you lose one of the eight realms, you will lose one of the most powerful competitors!"

Lu Xun's words kept coming, so that Liu Gushan didn't know how to defend himself for a while, and when he saw the fire attribute aura gushing from Kuang Yan, he suddenly panicked.

Because even if Yansui and Zhou Yunfan didn't make a move, he alone would not be the combined enemy of the other two sea clans.

Especially the oppression of the wild flame breath made him feel great pressure.


Fortunately, at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, a series of sounds of water breaking came out, and immediately behind the magma wall, there were many figures, and few people in the field would feel that they were too unfamiliar.


When Lu Xun saw the geniuses of Kong Xinyue and the Daxuan Dynasty over there, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, wondering if the distance between the magma there had become shorter after he came out?
The many geniuses coming out of the magma wall at this moment are almost all seven-level geniuses, including geniuses from the major dynasties, as well as Shi Dangchenwu from the Daxuan Dynasty and others.

In Lu Xun's impression, if the magma wall is still as thick as before, it is absolutely impossible for monks who have completed the seven realms to enter, and the biggest possibility is that they will be burned to death.

However, at this moment, not only did Kong Xinyue and the others pass through the magma wall, but even the breath on their bodies was not too disordered, obviously not consuming much.

Then the only explanation for this is that the magma wall is different from when Lu Xun came here. What kind of connection is there between them, Lu Xun couldn't figure it out for a while.

Another voice came out, and next to Kong Xinyue, there was a familiar figure. It was the real No.1 of the younger generation of Daxuan Teachers College: Liu Sanqing!
"I told you not to follow me, but you are playing tricks on me again, aren't you?"

Seeing Liu Sanqing for the first time, Kong Xinyue subconsciously looked at the leader of the Killing Alliance over there, then turned back quickly, with an ugly expression on her face, she couldn't help but say something.

"Coincidence, it's just a coincidence!"

Liu Sanqing naturally wouldn't admit it, but everyone around him knew what he was thinking, and all of them curled their lips at the moment, this place really has 300 taels of silver.

The genius of the Daxuan Dynasty who appeared here, besides Kong Xinyue Shidang who had completed the seventh realm, also had a figure who was a little out of place, and that was Lu Xue who had just broken through to the minor completion of the seventh realm.

She was able to get here, in addition to the support of several seven-level consummation, but also benefited from her own attributes.

Xue Jian and Bing Yu's two natal flying swords allowed her to persist in the magma for a longer period of time.

But this has certain risks. If she can't hold on in the end and is overwhelmed by the power of magma, it will have a greater impact on her than ordinary practitioners. After all, they are two diametrically opposed forces.

At this time, everyone in the Daxuan Dynasty naturally would not meet Lu Xun, after all there were so many outsiders present.

"My lord, we are here!"

A loud shout of excitement came out, and then many sea clansmen of the Seventh Realm Perfection of the Killing League swarmed towards Lu Xun, which suddenly made his side's momentum soar.

In terms of cultivation base alone, Lu Xun's cultivation base is undoubtedly the lowest among the top geniuses, but when the many Assassin Alliance Seventh Realm Consummation Sea Clan arrived, they were not weak compared to their numbers.

"What's the use of a group of rabble?"

Kuang Yan looked at all parties with helpers, and at himself alone, and couldn't help but snort coldly.

With his strength, a cultivator who has completed the seven realms can fight ten.

But it is undeniable that when the powerhouses of the eight realms are restrained by all parties, the effect of the consummation of the seven realms will also be manifested.

At that time, Kuang Yan, who is alone, will undoubtedly have a lot of inconvenience.

"Is everyone... all here?"

Just when the atmosphere in the arena was a bit strange and a balance was maintained, a sudden voice came from the position behind Dashan, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, because on the mountainside, a huge monster was slowly descending downwards, it looked like a huge bull-shaped monster.

"Then... is that also a fire lotus beast?"

No one is unfamiliar with the appearance of that behemoth, after all, it has fought many battles with countless fire lotus beasts before.

It's just that those fire lotus beasts don't seem to be able to speak human words, let alone have such a terrifying aura.

"Eight Realms... Dacheng!"

Zhou Yunfan of the Zhou Wu Dynasty shouted in a low voice, causing everyone to sense the true cultivation of the Fire Lotus Beast, so he might be called the Fire Lotus Beast King.

"I see!"

When Lu Xun sensed some obscure connection, he finally understood something. It seems that there is a reason why the magma wall at the back becomes thinner and weaker.

Obviously, the magma power in those magma walls was transferred to the body of the fire lotus beast king who had reached the eighth level, which made him have such a powerful strength.

Lu Xun turned his head and took a look, and found that the magma wall had become extremely thin, and it would probably disappear after a while. His previous narrow escape seemed so ridiculous now.

But Lu Xun also had a dark thought, that is, if there was no outsider who first broke into this space, this hidden change might not be activated.

The fire lotus beast king who has reached the eight realms will not appear either.

"It seems that this should be the last layer of protection for the colorful fire lotus!"

Lu Xun caressed the white bracelet on his wrist, secretly thinking that the colorful fire lotus protected him layer after layer.

If there are really only a few guys who have just entered the eighth realm, I am afraid that it is impossible to get the colorful fire lotus at all.

In this space, it can be said that it is the home field of the Fire Lotus Beast King, plus he has absorbed the power of magma, and even the power of countless Fire Lotus Beasts, it is unprecedentedly powerful at this moment.

"Only by defeating me will you be eligible to obtain the colorful fire lotus, otherwise... you will die!"

The fire lotus beast king held a bull's head on his head, and his voice was like a bell, echoing in this special space, making the faces of all the people and the sea people extremely ugly.

Including the arrogant Kuang Yan just now, this time his face is also full of guard.

He clearly knew that, fighting alone, he could never be the opponent of the Fire Lotus Beast King.

What's more, the opponent's fire attribute seems to be more pure and rich than him, the flame lord, so I'm afraid he should really be called the flame lord, not the half-baked guy like him.

"Everyone, this beast is powerful. If it fights on its own, it will be defeated by him one by one. At that time, there will really be no chance of getting the colorful fire lotus!"

Just when everyone was deep in thought, a loud shout suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention to a certain black-clothed figure, who was the leader of the killing alliance.

Hearing Lu Xun's words, Yansui and Kuangyan didn't speak this time, they could understand the meaning of the leader of the killing alliance, but it was not a short time to make this decision.

Among them, the Human Race and the Sea Race have been enemies for countless years. Leaving aside this layer, even between the Human Race and the Human Race, and between the Sea Race and the Sea Race, are not monolithic.

If someone stabbed a knife from the back during the alliance, it would be hard to guard against.

In this way, wouldn't the so-called union become a joke?
(End of this chapter)

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