low-key is king

Chapter 1023 Courageous!

Chapter 1023 Courageous!

"I allow you to join forces, you can't kill me, you have no chance!"

Just when everyone was thinking, the Fire Lotus Beast King spoke first.

He didn't do it immediately, he seemed to be waiting for the alliance of all parties. I don't know if this is a special setting procedure?

The powerful aura of the Fire Lotus Beast King filled the entire Fire Lotus space, and it was like a special mountain, pressing on the hearts of many Human Races and Sea Races, making people breathless.

It looked like there was a high mountain ahead, but in fact the fire lotus beast king blocked the only way, and it must be impossible to go up the mountain from other places.

"Everyone, what are you still hesitating about?"

Lu Xun's voice came again, even full of sarcasm, and he said: "If anyone is sure that he can beat him alone, then please do it first!"

Hearing such words in everyone's ears made their faces even more ugly. If they had such strength, why would they bother here?
The fire lotus beast king of the Eight Realms, the aura emanating from his body, makes people feel extremely palpitating.

Even if it is Yansui and Kuangyan, if they fight alone, the probability of losing is more than [-]%.

The remaining [-]% did not turn defeat into victory, but relied on some unique moves to escape, but if you want to defeat the fire lotus beast king and get the colorful fire lotus, no one can do it alone.

"Hmph, even if we want to join forces, what qualifications do you have for being a mere Seven Realm Master?"

For some reason, Kuang Yan, who is also a member of the Sea Clan, has always been displeased with the leader of the murderous alliance, and now he snorted coldly, he didn't think a guy who was a master of seven realms could help him.

"That's right, the Killing League doesn't even have an Eighth Realm, so let's get out of here!"

Liu Gushan of the Hanbang Dynasty also had a sneer on his face. In the face of absolute strength, any calculations and plans are futile, such as the leader of the killing alliance.

Zhu Qinghu of the Pearl Dynasty frowned slightly, feeling as if he would be shot even while lying down. After all, the entire Pearl Dynasty did not have eight-level geniuses.

As the number one genius of the Pearl Dynasty, Zhu Qinghu is only half a step away from breaking through to the eighth realm. This time, the Sea of ​​Reincarnation Trial is her greatest opportunity, but it is a pity that she is not yet.

Zhou Yunfan of the Zhou Wu Dynasty was in a somewhat complicated mood. According to his heart, he didn't want to cooperate with the Sea Clan, but in the current situation, it was impossible to compete against the Fire Lotus Beast King without cooperation. He had no choice.

As for Yansui, he didn't say a word. He had no opinion on this kind of alliance. Anyway, after defeating the Fire Lotus Beast King, the top powerhouse on the human side would have the upper hand.

A killing alliance is not enough to worry about, only a wild flame is enough. Yan Sui believes that as long as he can defeat the fire lotus beast king, the colorful fire lotus will definitely be in his pocket.

"Hehe, if you want me to watch the show, then I have no objection!"

Lu Xun is as good as good, and when he let out a chuckle, Kuang Yan was startled for a while, and then there was a look on his face that he would never let you succeed.

"Hmph, how can it be so easy to watch a show?"

Kuang Yan uttered another cold snort, which made many human geniuses ridicule in their hearts, secretly thinking that these sea people really spoke without thinking, and were inconsistent.

"I said Kuangyan...Lord, do you want me to make a move, or do you not want me to make a move?"

There was a smile in Lu Xun's tone, as if he was teasing Kuang Yan, which made the latter feel worse, but he had undoubtedly made up his mind.

"Since you proposed this proposal, then you should take the lead!"

Kuangyan rolled his eyes, and didn't care too much about his embarrassment. He thought of an excellent solution in a blink of an eye, and what he said made some sense.

Hearing Kuangyan's words, many people fell into deep thought, secretly thinking that if such a Sea Clan who had reached the seventh realm to take the lead, wouldn't he be slapped to death by the Fire Lotus Beast King?

But this proposal was indeed made by the leader of the Killing League. If you don't go first, who will go first?

Many geniuses of the human race did not speak, including those of the sea clan, all eyes were on the figure in black, wondering if he would be the first to go to die?

This is a road of ten deaths and no life. If Kuangyanyansui and the others move slowly, the leader of the killing alliance may not be able to stick to one move.

Kuangyan is using a knife to kill people, who said that the Sea Clan has no brains?
Most people thought that the leader of the killing alliance would not agree, anyway, the seven-colored fire lotus would probably not fall into his hands, so what's the point of taking the lead?
"Okay, I can go first!"

However, at the next moment, from the mouth of the black-clothed figure under the mask, these words came out, making them all thoughtful, secretly thinking that this guy is too presumptuous, right?
"However... within three breaths, all eight realms must be attacked!"

Naturally, Lu Xun is not without conditions. Now he doesn't want to expose some of his methods too early, so he added an additional condition, which makes everyone take it for granted.

It's just that the time of these three breaths is not long or short, it is enough for the fire lotus beast king to launch two or even three strikes.

Can a Sea Clan with a great achievement of the seventh realm survive the three moves of a master of the eighth realm?
Therefore, when everyone saw the black-clothed figure stepping forward a few steps and approaching the Fire Lotus Beast King, they felt a burst of emotion in their hearts, and they couldn't tell what kind of mood they were in.

Leaving aside his cultivation and combat effectiveness, at least the courage of the leader of the Killing League is admired by many people.

Anyway, those human races or sea races who have completed the seven realms don't dare to confront the Fire Lotus Beast King at all.

That was the ending that could be blown to pieces by the Fire Lotus Beast King with one move.

Although treasures are good, they also need life to enjoy them.

What's more, even after three breaths, the colorful fire lotus may not be his own.

"You're not too brave!"

Seeing that a Sea Clan with only seven realms of great success wants to fight alone, even though it is only for three breaths, the Fire Lotus Beastmaster also feels that his majesty has been challenged.

However, just as the fire lotus beast king let out a cold snort, and the aura burst out from his body, the leader of the killing alliance on the opposite side moved first, and the speed was indeed amazing.

I saw Lu Xun's figure trembling slightly, leaving a phantom in place, and his real body was already gliding towards the side and rear of the Fire Lotus Beast King at a strange angle, and it seemed that he wanted to hit him caught off guard.

It has to be said that Lu Xun's speed is extremely fast, and the angles are chosen extremely precisely.

This time, the Fire Lotus Beast King couldn't avoid it, and was directly hit on his right shoulder with a powerful attack, making a loud noise.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, they did not expect such a result.

The Sea Clan, who was only a small success in the seventh realm, actually defeated a Fire Lotus Beastmaster who was a great accomplishment in the eighth realm.

"Could it be that the aura of the Fire Lotus Beastmaster's Eight Realms is a disguise?"

Thinking of a possibility, many people, including Yansui and Zhou Yunfan, felt a little burning in their hearts.

If this is the case, then their chances of getting the colorful fire lotus will undoubtedly increase greatly.

"Little guy, are you tickling me?"

However, at the next moment, the Fire Lotus Beast King was already talking.

The taunting words finally made everyone understand that the blow just now was not because the Fire Lotus Beastmaster had no time to dodge, but just because he didn't bother to dodge it.

The word tickle is full of irony, that is to say, although Lu Xun's blow just now was extremely fast and the angle was quite clever, it would not cause the slightest damage to the Fire Lotus Beast King at all.

Even the Fire Lotus Beastmaster seems to be playing tricks, waiting for the opponent to get close, and when the opponent thinks he has succeeded, he will deliver a powerful blow without giving the opponent the slightest chance.

Therefore, when the Fire Lotus Beast King's voice just fell, his movements did not hesitate at all. He was holding a bull's head, but his body was human. The right fist that was clenched into a fist directly hit the heart of the murderer leader.


Seeing the bombardment position of the Fire Lotus Beast King's fist, and sensing the powerful fire attribute contained in it, everyone silently mourned for the leader of the murderous alliance.

Sure enough, there was a whole weight difference in the realm, and there was no comparison between the two at all. It was ridiculous that the leader of the Killing Alliance dared to fight alone with the Fire Lotus Beast King because he was overthinking his abilities.

There was a sneer on the corner of Kuang Yan's mouth, and he was very satisfied with this trick of killing people with a knife.

A leader of the murder alliance who is a master of seven realms, dies as soon as he dies, which has no effect on the overall situation.

Who made that guy dare to fight against him?
Now that I have tried a trick and killed that guy, who would dare to say that the Hai Clan is simple-minded and well-developed in the future?
"Hey, hey, the three breaths are here, do you still want to watch the show?"

However, just when Kuangyan and everyone felt that the leader of the killing alliance would not be able to live again, a loud shout suddenly came from another direction, attracting their attention.

Looking at it this way, everyone was a little dazed, because the place where the voice came from turned out to be the place where the leader of the killing alliance was before he made a move just now.

"Could it be?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the yelling leader of the killing alliance.

They all thought of a possibility, and at the same time looked at the fire lotus beast king with strange eyes.

"Could it be that the attack Lu Ming sent out just now was actually just a fake image made by a fake body? Even the Fire Lotus Beast King who has reached the eighth stage has been fooled?"

Although everyone didn't want to admit this fact, there was a voice roaring deep in their hearts. This was the truth. The Fire Lotus Beast King was played by Lu Ming, the leader of the Killing League.

But how did all this work?Everyone is puzzled!
Everyone knows how sensitive a fire lotus beast king with eight realms is.

If the one just now wasn't Lu Ming's real body, how could he have said such things, and how could he have had such a good time beating against a fake body?
If this is the truth, it means that Lu Ming's method of creating a fake body is really shocking, and it has never even existed in anyone's idea.

(End of this chapter)

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