low-key is king

Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212
Intermediate sea field, a deserted island lined with boulders!

In the stone forest deep in the deserted island, there are two figures, a man and a woman. Among them, the boy in black is Lu Xun, and the woman in white is Zhou Yunmu.

However, the states of the two are somewhat different. Zhou Yunmu's breath is much stronger than a few days ago. It seems that with the help of the treasure in the mustard bracelet of the genius of the sea tribe, her cultivation base has been improved again.

Although he has not yet reached the most perfect state of the Eight Realms, he is almost at the level of Shang Guyang, which is undoubtedly a great gain for Zhou Yunmu.

At this moment, Zhou Yunmu's beautiful eyes were staring in another direction, where besides a boy in black, there was also a small white snake.

Zhou Yunmu clearly knew that it was not an ordinary little snake, but a big monster that had reached the ninth realm, with extremely powerful combat power, and it was Lu Xun's biggest trump card.

Lu Xun didn't pay too much attention to this. Anyway, Lao Bai had already appeared in front of Zhou Yunmu. Now that he wanted to refine the keel, he needed to transform his body, which was impossible to omit.

What's worth mentioning is that not only Lao Bai is refining the keel of the upper five-level sea dragon expert, but Lu Xun is also refining one of the keel bones, exuding a special aura.

According to Lu Xun, that keel was left by a strong member of the upper five realms of the sea dragon clan. It is too powerful. With Lao Bai's current strength, if he refines the entire keel, there may be accidents.

In fact, there will be no accidents, Lao Bai is the last real dragon in Qingxuan world. In his heyday, he might be able to kill the upper five realms of the sea dragon clan with one claw.

Now, although he is reborn from a broken body, his physical strength cannot be compared with that in his heyday, but it is only a keel, and it is not enough to explode Lao Bai.

In fact, Lao Bai knew in his heart that this was all a nonsense made up by Lu Xun because he wanted a keel to refine.

He didn't reveal it either. Two-thirds of the keel could be refined, and he was already very satisfied.

This time getting the keel all depended on Lu Xun's luck and strength. Lao Bai was powerless and did not dare to take action against those geniuses of the Sea Clan, which would expose his existence.

Since Lu Xun's strength came from Lu Xun, Lao Bai didn't argue with reason, and he also knew that the keel had a very strong effect on Lu Xun's physical strength.

Therefore, in the past few days, both Lao Bai and Lu Xun have been refining the keel. Of course, the effect of the keel on the two is still somewhat different.

As the body of a real dragon, Lao Bai can rely on this part of the keel to make his body of a real dragon more cohesive, laying a solid foundation for his return to the peak in the future.

As for Lu Xun's refining of the keel, he purely absorbed the power of the keel to strengthen his own bones, which might improve his body training.

Nearly ten days passed quickly. During these ten days, Zhou Yunmu digested his skyrocketing cultivation while observing the man and the snake, his eyes flickering constantly.

When a certain moment came, a wave of energy burst out from the body of the little white snake, and then it was restrained, as if nothing had happened.

But under Zhou Yunmu's sense, the little white snake seemed to be a little different from before, but she couldn't sense the difference, which really drove her a little crazy.

However, Zhou Yunmu knew clearly in his heart that this little white snake, which originally had nine-level combat power, must be stronger than before, and it was the keel of two-thirds of the upper five-level powerhouse.

After a while, it seemed that under the influence of Lao Bai, a violent power also emerged from the boy in black beside him, but this power was different from Lao Bai, and it lasted for a long time.

"This is... another breakthrough?"

Sensing the aura rising from Lu Xun's body, Zhou Yunmu couldn't help but feel emotional, because the young man who had just entered the eighth realm was already a martial artist with a small accomplishment in the eighth realm.

I have to say that the effect of the keel is quite good. One-third of the keel is refined, which makes Lu Xun go a step further.

His combat effectiveness must also rise accordingly.

"Junior Brother Lu Xun, congratulations!"

Sensing the restraint of Lu Xun's breath, a smile appeared on Zhou Yunmu's face, and then she saw Lu Xun's eyes looking over, as if she also sensed her difference.

"Senior Sister Zhou, let's rejoice!"

With such a sensing ability on the land, he immediately sensed that Zhou Yunmu should have gained a lot, and at that moment, he also smiled and cupped his fists towards Zhou Yunmu.

The old white dragon moved and turned into a white bracelet again, wrapping around Lu Xun's wrist.

For those who don't know the truth, it is impossible for anyone to see that this is actually a strong man of the nine realms.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yunmu couldn't help feeling envious, secretly wondering how this young man from the Daxuan Dynasty managed to do this. Wasn't Lu Xun born in a small king's mansion?

Whether it was Lu Xun's talent or the means of external force, Zhou Yunmu was amazed. She, a princess of the Zhou royal family, was a little surprised.

"Senior Sister Zhou, what are your plans for the future?"

Lu Xun didn't care about Zhou Yunmu's scrutiny. He asked the hidden meaning of this sentence, saying that it is best for everyone to act alone.

"What about you, what are your plans?"

But Zhou Yunmu didn't seem to understand the meaning of Lu Xun's words, but asked directly, without any intention of leaving directly, which made Lu Xun feel a little helpless.

"Shang Guyang should be the only high-end genius left in the Zhou Wu Dynasty?"

Lu Xun didn't hide this either. After all, the Zhou Wu Dynasty and the Shang Ding Dynasty were sworn enemies, and his dealing with the Shang Ding Dynasty's genius was no secret to him.

"Are you going to find Shang Guyang?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yunmu's eyes brightened. As Zhou Wu's number one genius, her greatest enemy in life was naturally Shang Guyang, who was of the same generation. She had always wanted to find a chance to fight with him.

"You said that if I collect Shang Guyang's points, will I be ranked higher than that Xia Zhaixing in the personal test list?"

Lu Xun didn't answer Zhou Yunmu's words directly, but the meaning in his words has been expressed very clearly. If he wants to collect Shang Guyang's points, what needs to be done?

"It should be about the same?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yunmu couldn't help but feel a little emotional. In the previous trials of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, did the genius of the Daxuan Dynasty squeeze into the top 31 trials?

But now the black-clothed boy in front of him not only squeezed into the top five or even the top three, but now he is even interested in the top position of the trial list.

This is a ranking that even Zhou Yunmu didn't dare to think about. Who is Xia Jiexing Shang Guyang? Even if his cultivation level is similar to hers, his combat power is definitely stronger than hers, not a little bit.

There is also a huge gap in combat effectiveness between the same realm and the same stage.

Although Zhou Yunmu has always regarded Shang Guyang as a potential opponent, she knows that if she fights with the opponent, the probability of losing is definitely more than [-]%.

However, when he thought that there were three of the eight perfect sea tribes who died in the hands of Lu Xun, Zhou Yunmu felt that such a statement was not groundless.

Shang Guyang is indeed evil, but Lu Xun seems to be even more evil than that guy. If the two really match up, it is still unclear who will win.

"If you want to deal with Shang Guyang, can you take me with you?"

After turning these thoughts in his mind, Zhou Yunmu suddenly spoke, which made Lu Xun quite helpless, but he might have guessed the other party's plan a long time ago, so he wasn't too surprised.

"I said Senior Sister Zhou, you have been following me like this, that Senior Brother Jiang Yulan, isn't he jealous?"

Lu Xun made a small joke. He has insight into people's hearts. Although he has only met Jiang Yulan once, certain thoughts in the other party's heart can never escape his eyes.

At that time on Suiyuan Street, Lu Xun just walked with Zhou Yunmu for a while, and after saying a few words, that guy showed some unnaturalness.

The anger and jealousy that the other party thought they had hidden so well were captured by Lu Xun.

It's not that Lu Xun is really afraid of Jiang Yulan, who is a master of eight realms, but he has now regarded Zhou Yunmu as a friend, and if the two sides have conflicts at that time, it will not look good on Zhou Yunmu's face.

"I'm just friends with him, so why bother?"

Zhou Yunmu curled her lips. Although she has a good impression of Jiang Yulan, she has always been undecided whether to form a Taoist couple with him, and now this idea is even more obvious.

Perhaps what Zhou Yunmu didn't even know was that as she got in touch with Lu Xun for a long time, a certain temperament or charm of the other party became more and more intense, which affected her state of mind.

This is why Zhou Yunmu subconsciously wanted to clarify when he heard Lu Xun mentioning Jiang Yulan.

It seems that the young man of the Daxuan Dynasty in front of him is more dazzling than the second genius of the Zhouwu Dynasty.

"Is it really just a friendship?"

Lu Xun asked back with a half-smile, and then said: "I've heard people say that the two of you are the golden boy and jade girl recognized by the Zhou Wu Dynasty, a match made in heaven!"

"Nonsense, I didn't!"

A few words made Zhou Yunmu's face blush, but she didn't know how to refute, so she could only speak angrily. In fact, she didn't know that this was the mainstream of public opinion in the Zhou Wu Dynasty.

In the past, Zhou Yunmu let this kind of thing go his own way, and anyway, he couldn't hurt a single hair of her hair.

She even intentionally allowed this kind of rumors to spread, after all, she is the princess of the Zhou royal family.

The Jiang family is the largest family of the Zhou Wu Dynasty, and Jiang Yulan is the first son, who is likely to take over as the head of the Jiang family in the future. This is also a rising star that the Zhou Wu royal family will try their best to win over.

Although this way of doing things was a bit unsightly, Zhou Yunmu asked himself that he hadn't given a definite answer, everything was just Jiang Yulan's self-indulgent sentimentality, and she wouldn't feel too much guilt.

However, at this moment, Zhou Yunmu regretted the spread of those rumors.

Obviously, the guy in front of him misunderstood his relationship with Jiang Yulan. How should he explain it to convince him?

(End of this chapter)

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