low-key is king

Chapter 1213 You deserve to be single!

Chapter 1213 You deserve to be single!
"No, no, why are you so excited?"

A strange look appeared on Lu Xun's face, thinking that Zhou Yunmu today was a little different from usual, and this reaction was a little too strong.

"Where am I excited?"

Zhou Yunmu was startled, and after asking a question, the expression on his face finally returned to normal, as if he was trying to cover up his gaffe just now.

However, he didn't know that some things were all seen by Lu Xun's eyes of reincarnation.

"All right!"

Lu Xun spread his hands, and then suddenly said seriously: "But Senior Sister Zhou, I think that Jiang Yulan has deep thoughts and is not a good match for you, you have to think about it carefully!"

"Junior Brother Lu Xun, speaking ill of people behind their backs is not the work of a gentleman!"

Zhou Yunmu stared at Lu Xun, with dissatisfaction on his face. After all, apart from certain things, Jiang Yulan had a pretty good impression in her heart.

At least Jiang Yulan didn't show any disqualification in front of Zhou Yunmu, and she was also loyal to Zhou's royal family. Of course, Zhou Yunmu didn't know about the nasty things he did in secret.

"I'll just say that, it's fine if Senior Sister Zhou doesn't believe it!"

Lu Xun just reminded out of the morality between friends, he also knows that the two of them grew up together, and their friendship must be much better than his own.

Without real evidence, how could Zhou Yunmu believe it?
"I said, Lu Xun, you're trying to belittle Jiang Yulan so much, don't you have some unreasonable thoughts about me?"

Seeing Lu Xun's appearance, Zhou Yunmu thought of something, and asked such a sentence out of nowhere.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she regretted a little. She is a reserved big beauty.

But although Zhou Yunmu regretted it, he also wanted to get an answer from the other party.

Maybe she didn't know it herself, if the other party said yes, how would she respond?
"Irrational thinking? Senior sister Zhou, you think too much!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Xun shook his head slightly, his face was a little weird, but there was a strange calmness.

Such an answer made Zhou Yunmu heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was somewhat disappointed.

"What? Am I not pretty?"

As a beautiful woman and the number one genius of the Zhou Wu Dynasty, Zhou Yunmu suddenly wanted to get to the bottom of it. She was extremely confident in her appearance and talent.

In the Zhou Wu Dynasty, the young men who admired her, Zhou Yunmu, could go around King Daxuan several times, and there were many peerless geniuses like Jiang Yulan among them.

However, the boy in black in front of him seemed to be dismissive of such a beauty. Looking at his expression, he didn't even have the slightest heartbeat, which shocked Zhou Yunmu even more.

"Pretty is beautiful, but a bit older!"

Lu Xun nodded first, and then he said something that almost made Zhou Yunmu run away on the spot.

She never thought that the other party disliked her because of her age.

In fact, monks like them are all good-looking. Some female monks in the upper five realms, even if they live for hundreds of years, still look like women in their 40s and [-]s.

"I'm not yet thirty, how old is she?"

There are two taboos for beautiful women. One is not to call her ugly in person, and the other is not to mention her age after she is over twenty.

At this time, Zhou Yunmu was undoubtedly like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately exploded.

"They all call themselves old ladies, aren't they old?"

Naturally, Lu Xun would not be intimidated by Zhou Yunmu's aura, and even made a joke at this time.

He felt that he was telling the truth. Compared to himself, isn't a woman in her 20s old?
"A dog can't spit out ivory, you deserve to be single!"

Zhou Yunmu's chest kept rising and falling, and he managed to calm down his anger.

She knew that she might not be the boy's opponent in terms of eloquence, so she mocked him from another aspect.

"Yeah, it's better to be single, don't hurt others!"

When Zhou Yunmu thought that this guy was going to say something weird again to anger her, unexpectedly, Lu Xun sighed suddenly, and what he said immediately made her slightly stunned.

"Is it because of Luo Youshan?"

Zhou Yunmu once went to learn about Lu Xun's past, and not long ago, he also saw Luo Youshan's hidden guard killer with his own eyes.

If it weren't for Lu Xun's many means, he might have died.

So Zhou Yunmu asked directly, with a hint of distress in his tone.

In fact, even though she said "he deserves to be single" just now, is there any reason why such a dazzling and enchanting young man would not be liked by women?

At least among Zhou Yunmu's information, there are several talented girls from Daxuan Wenshi Academy who have an unusual relationship with Lu Xun.

Leaving aside those women, she, Zhou Yunmu herself, didn't she also have a hint of appreciation for Lu Xun?
Otherwise, with her temperament, how could she allow Lu Xun to joke like this?

"That's right, I swore that before I avenge my Lu family, or kill Liu Qinghan, I will never fall in love, because that will only harm others and myself!"

Lu Xun nodded slightly, his words were quite heroic and touching, and Zhou Yunmu didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

It seems that Lu Xun never responded directly to those girls' wishes, but was actually protecting others.

What a gigantic monster Luo Youshan was, it would be light to say that he had narrowly escaped death.

"What are you doing, just kidding, why are you so sad all of a sudden?"

After a while, Zhou Yunmu couldn't stand the atmosphere, suppressed the mist rising from his eyes, took a sip, and then gently pushed Lu Xun's arm.

Even though she was still making some embarrassing jokes just now, the sudden change to such a gloomy atmosphere really made Zhou Yunmu a little uncomfortable, and even couldn't change it for a while.

It seems that the black-clothed boy in front of him has two dispositions.

The optimism that has been shown all the time is actually pretending. The real pain and melancholy are buried deep in my heart and never show in front of others.

Such a guy undoubtedly makes people feel distressed, and he bears everything silently, and he doesn't want to hurt others in the slightest.

How can such a responsible man not be loved?

Zhou Yunmu knew clearly that if Lu Xun had the heart, like Kong Xinyue and the others, they would probably go on with Lu Xun without hesitation, even if their bodies were broken.

But it was precisely because Lu Xun had considered this point that he did not respond. When the time comes, he will die alone, or the Xuanyang Lu family, and no one else will be implicated.

These things, as clever as Zhou Yunmu, thought a lot in a flash.

She suddenly discovered that between this state of mind, she was happy and sad, and her thoughts about this Daxuan boy had subtly changed.

"So, Senior Sister Zhou, it's very dangerous to follow me, maybe I will be killed by Luo Youshan's killer at any time!"

Lu Xun said so much, but he only had one purpose. He really didn't want to hurt others. Since he has already regarded Zhou Yunmu as a friend, it's better for the other party not to follow him.

Luo Youshan has already sent secret guards into the middle-level sea field, Lu Xun is not sure that there is only Huijiu alone, if the other party has Nascent Soul Killer, Lao Bai alone may not be able to protect himself.

"Hehe, you are worrying too much. Even if there is a ten-level killer, during the trial period of the sea of ​​reincarnation, I dare not take it lightly!"

Zhou Yunmu didn't seem to care about Lu Xun's so-called danger, and she heard her say: "We are just two eighth realms, it's a good deal to exchange two eighth realms for a tenth realm Nascent Soul!"

I don't know what Zhou Yunmu was thinking, but at this moment, he also made a joke like Lu Xun. Although it was a joke, it was also true.

It is indeed much more difficult to cultivate one Nascent Soul Realm than two Eight Realms.

Even in Luoyou Mountain, the hidden guards of the Nascent Soul in the ten realms are probably not the cabbages that can be seen everywhere.

As long as the ten-level powerhouse dares to attack the genius who participated in the trial, in order to maintain the majesty of the rules of both sides, it is absolutely impossible for the reincarnation sea side to let it go easily, and the Nascent Soul powerhouse must also be difficult to fly.

In other words, if Luo Youshan wanted to take the risk, he was exchanging the life of the strong Nascent Soul for the lives of Lu Xun and the others.

In terms of cultivation alone, it is true that Luo Youshan suffers more.

"It seems that you are determined to follow me!"

Lu Xun was also a little helpless, obviously he couldn't drive Zhou Yunmu away, so he could only say: "You can follow me, but you have to obey my arrangement in everything, and you can't act without authorization!"

"That's natural!"

Zhou Yunmu was kind, he agreed first, and then said with a smile: "I still expect you to get rid of that guy Shang Guyang!"

"Don't worry, he will definitely die!"

Lu Xun nodded, which made Zhou Yunmu feel quite emotional. It seemed that killing the first genius of the Shang Ding Dynasty was just a trivial matter to the guy in front of him.

But when he thought of what Lu Xun had done, Zhou Yunmu felt relieved.

Strictly speaking, Shang Guyang is only perfect in the eight realms, and his strength may not be much stronger than Fang Que Jinzhong and the others.

Lu Xun even took care of several of the Hai Clan geniuses, so how could he not be able to take care of Shang Guyang?

What's more, now not only is her Zhou Yunmu's strength improved, but Lu Xun has also broken through to the martial artist realm of the eighth realm.

Coupled with the white snake that had refined its keel, what kind of waves can a Shang Guyang afford?


And just when Zhou Yunmu's thoughts were turning, she suddenly noticed that Lu Xun's face changed slightly, and then he turned his gaze to the western sky, as if he had sensed something.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yunmu asked subconsciously, although she is a perfect cultivation base of the Eighth Realm, if she asks about her sensory ability, she may not be as good as this young man who has just broken through to the Eighth Realm.

"I'm really afraid that something will come, we may be in trouble!"

Lu Xun's face was a bit dignified. While he was speaking, he stroked the white bracelet on his wrist with his fingers. He secretly thought that Lao Bai had just recovered to the peak with his keel. Could it be that he was going to run out of strength again?

Hearing Lu Xun's words in his ears, Zhou Yunmu's heart sank.

When she looked far into the distance again, she finally found that a small black spot had already appeared in the sky there.

(End of this chapter)

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