low-key is king

Chapter 718 Divided into 19

Chapter 718

"The two deans, are you satisfied with this treatment?"

Seeing Huang Mengting limping and disappearing at the corner of the street, Xuan Tiangao finally turned his gaze around. He didn't look at the boy in black, but asked the two strong men from the Academy of Letters and Teachers.

As for Wan Mingli over there, Xuan Tiangao knew that the other party was here to stand up for Lu Xun, but he was not considered to be Lu Xun's true self. After all, it was up to the Liberal Arts Academy to make a decision.

To be honest, Xuan Tiangao was full of anger, the majestic Emperor of the Xuan Dynasty, but today he was held down by his head to drink water, this was also a kind of shame and humiliation for him.

Xuan Tiangao himself can kill Xuan Zhengzhao, close the door, he can do anything, but now, he is forced to do so under pressure, the difference between the two is huge.

"Hehe, Your Majesty is asking the wrong person. We are not the parties involved, so what does it matter if you are satisfied or not?"

Even if Gao Yuansheng guessed that Xuan Tiangao was dissatisfied, he was not in a good mood. He seemed to be smiling, but in fact there was sarcasm in his tone.

The head of the Chess Academy values ​​Lu Xun very much. You Xuan Tiangao deliberately ignored Lu Xun, but I will not let you do so. In fact, what he said is also true.

Today's incident was caused by Xuan Zhengzhao, and strictly speaking, the shopkeeper Long of Xinyue Restaurant is Lu Xun's person.

The three strong men of the Arts and Teachers College, including Wan Mingli over there, are all here to help Lu find out.

Therefore, whether this matter can be resolved in this way depends on Lu Xun's attitude, but these powerful men all know that with Lu Xun's temperament, there will be no further problems.

"Lu Xun?"

Xuan Tiangao's gloomy gaze turned to look at Lu Xun for a moment, but the two words that came out of his mouth contained countless different meanings.

"Your Majesty's selfless indignation and swift and resolute actions are admirable!"

Lu Xun didn't seem to see what was in Xuan Tiangao's eyes, and he sighed a few words there, but these words were extremely uncomfortable in the ears of Emperor Daxuan.

"It's all gone!"

Xuan Tiangao got the answer he wanted, and always felt that if he stayed here again, he would be laughed at by others, even if no one dared to show it to the public, he didn't want to see that boy in black again.

"Lu Xun, Wan Mou came here today, besides being entrusted by others, there is one thing to ask for!"

However, just when Xuantian and the others were about to leave this place, they heard the leader of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Business Alliance over there say such a sentence, and then saw him striding towards Lu Xun.

Everyone pricked up their ears, looked at the old and the young over there, and wanted to know what the leader of the All-National Business Alliance would ask a kid from the six realms to do?

"Hehe, Master Wan was joking, as long as the kid can do it, he will definitely not refuse!"

A big fat man weighing more than 300 catties flashed in Lu Xun's mind. He still has a good impression of Wan Mingli now. The other party did him such a big favor just now, so he naturally wanted to reciprocate.

"Lu Xun, you should also know that my business alliance started as a merchant, and I am very interested in all the strange things in the world, especially some things that have great functions, such as... the water moon mirror you just took out! "

Wan Mingli didn't procrastinate too much, he first explained a few sentences, and after the last sentence was spoken, a scene appeared in everyone's mind.

That was the special water-moon mirror that Lu Xun took out to prove that it was Qin Yunling, a powerhouse in the upper five realms of the royal family, who made the move. Even Emperor Daxuan and the three powerhouses of the academy were shocked.

"Let me tell you the truth, even in my business alliance of all nations, there is only a water moon mirror that slows down three times, so I am very interested in your water moon mirror that can slow down ten times!"

Wan Mingli finally expressed his appeal, and the people who heard his words felt a burst of emotion again, secretly thinking that the boy named Lu Xun might make a fortune this time.

Just kidding, what is the Wan Guo Business League? It is the most wealthy organization in the Qingxuan world.

There is no organization that can make more money than the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, which may be an important reason why Xuan Tiangao dare not offend the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance.

But at this moment, Wan Mingli, the leader of the headquarters of the Daxuan Dynasty's Ten Thousand Kingdoms Business Alliance, spoke in person, saying that he was interested in Lu Xun's Shuiyue Mirror, which can slow down images by ten times.

Moreover, in front of so many people and in public, Wan Mingli acted so urgently. Isn't that telling Lu Xun that you can open your mouth to the Lion of the Ten Thousand Nations Business League?
Generally speaking, when doing business, even if they encountered extremely rare treasures, they would not show such urgency.

Most of them will get what they are interested in at the least cost, which is what a businessman should do.

Wan Mingli, as the leader of the Daxuan King's headquarters, would not even understand this, so many people were thoughtful, this leader Wan, might be trying to sell another favor.

And only some people with very high status knew that Wan Mingli was really interested in the Shuiyue mirror that could be slowed down ten times.

No matter what the price is, he must let the Chamber of Commerce of the World have something to sell.

It can be said that in the Qingxuan Tianxia Dynasty, there is only one side of the water moon mirror that can slow down ten times, and it is in Lu Xun's hands. This is something he obtained through his own improvement.

As Wan Mingli said just now, even in the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, there are only water moon mirrors that can slow down three times at most, which is already a very precious treasure.

Wan Mingli had watched a big show before, so as a businessman, he naturally paid more attention to potential business opportunities.

And Lu Xun's Shuiyue mirror, which can be slowed down ten times, may be another treasure of the alliance of all nations.

"Hehe, Master Wan has done me such a big favor today, just take this water moon mirror!"

A smile appeared on Lu Xun's face, seeing him turn his right hand, a crystal clear mirror appeared in his palm out of thin air, and he threw it directly to Wan Mingli.

Seeing this, Wan Mingli quickly reached out to catch it, but his brows were slightly frowned. His gaze first swept across the Shuiyue mirror, and then turned back to Lu Xun after all.

"Little friend Lu Xun, do you really not understand what I mean, or are you pretending not to understand?"

Wan Mingli deliberately changed his address, perhaps because he knew that even if he had done a great favor today, it was actually not too much of a favor to Lu Xun, so he said something meaningful.

The appearance of Wan Mingli just now is at most just icing on the cake for Lu Xun. After all, with the three strong men of the academy here, Lu Xun will not have to worry about his life.

As for whether Xuan Zhengzhao is still the crown prince, whether there will be more punishments after the tribunal, or even Huang Mengting being expelled from the capital, for Lu Xun, it is dispensable.

At this moment, Lu Xun couldn't understand Wan Mingli's meaning, but he deliberately pretended not to understand. Since the other party is a businessman, he can only talk in the way of doing business.

"Lu Xun, let me just ask, can you mass-produce your water-moon mirror that slows down ten times?"

Seeing that Lu Xun was always on the ground and didn't speak, Wan Mingli didn't hesitate too much, and then asked again. He had to figure this out before he could make a plan for the next step.


This word from Lu Xun's mouth made Wan Mingli's eyes light up, and at the same time, he was also a little moved. A student of the Liberal Arts Academy with only six realms, this method is not ordinary.

"Okay, then I want to cooperate with you in this business, what do you think?"

Wan Mingli finally revealed his purpose, and when he heard this, many people were envious, and they secretly thought that they would cooperate with the Wan Guo Business League to do business, maybe a pig can make a lot of money, right?
"[-] points!"

Under the thoughtful eyes of everyone, Lu Xun did not lose his mind, and said directly to Wan Mingli, "You one and I nine!"

At this moment, what Lu Xun was talking about was the ratio of his share with the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, and everyone who heard this ratio became a bit weird again, secretly thinking that this guy really dared to say it.

In fact, King Daxuan has quite a few families or casual cultivators, and even the royal family of Daxuan. In fact, they have all done business with the Wan Guo Business Alliance, but most of them are bought with a hammer. If anyone gets it If you buy a treasure that does not match your own attributes, you may entrust the International Chamber of Commerce to sell or auction it on your behalf, cash it out, and buy what you need.

And in this process, the Universal Chamber of Commerce will naturally draw commissions.

The ratio of this commission has always been fixed, that is, the International Chamber of Commerce accounts for [-]% of the transaction price, that is, [-]% to [-]%.

As Lu Xun is well-informed, it is natural that he does not understand this truth, but he is different from those ordinary people, and his cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce is also different.

The reason is that the Shuiyue mirror, which can slow down ten times, is the only one, and there is no semicolon.

Doing business with other people, the International Chamber of Commerce is not in a hurry. Entrusting the International Chamber of Commerce to sell or auction will definitely maximize the benefits, and the final benefit can be said to be a win-win situation.

For example, if you sell a treasure by yourself, you can get 20 top-grade gold beads, but if you give it to the International Chamber of Commerce, you may be able to sell [-] top-grade gold beads.

According to the ratio of 16%, it can earn [-] high-grade gold beads, so even if the commission of the International Chamber of Commerce is extremely strict, many people are still willing to entrust the International Chamber of Commerce to sell things.

Firstly, it can save a lot of trouble in finding the right customers, and secondly, it can earn more gold beads, so why not do it?

"Little friend Lu Xun, you really know how to do business. Are you interested in doing business in my business alliance?"

Wan Mingli did not answer Lu Xun's words directly, but when he uttered the last sentence, the three masters of the Liberal Arts Academy over there subconsciously frowned.

This Wan Ming ceremony is too ignorant of the rules, right?

(End of this chapter)

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